Truly, Madly, Deeply

By valastsacrifice

83.5K 4.2K 996

Mpreg Au: Eight months from the events of the Guanyin Temple, things have gone back to normal. Almost. Wei Wu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11


6.9K 391 96
By valastsacrifice

Lan Qi Ren and Jiang Cheng sat on the steps of the Jingshi in awkward silence, watching the children run around, chasing the rabbits on the porch. Jiang Cheng was just waiting for the Lan master to start reciting his rules but was shocked when the latter remained silent. After seeing how happy they were and hearing their joyful laughter, Lan Qi Ren could not bring himself to recite the rules and stop them from running. So he glued himself to the steps and with a smile, continued to silently baby sit for his nephews. He watched his granddaughter roughly grab a rabbit only for the latter to squirm in her hold and then eventually jump out and run away. It was only when Lan Shuo tripped on his wobbling legs and face planted the floor with a loud cry, did Qi Ren spring to his feet and pick the little toddler in his arms.

"A-Shuo," he said softly after noticing the minor blood stained scratches on his arms. "Are you okay?"

The child continued to cry softly and A-Qing and A-Yan appeared by their side.

"A-Shuo, don't cry," A-Yan whispered with a frown.

"Yes, A-Shuo. Grow up!" exclaimed A-Qing causing A-Shuo to wail louder. A-Yan winced and glared at his sister while Lan Qi Ren sighed tiredly. Jiang Cheng snickered. His brother had again managed to disrupt the entire Cloud Recesses. But this time, it was forever.

At five years old, the twins had grown beautifully. They were a perfect combination of their parents. Both the kids had Wang Ji's golden eyes and A-Yan had inherited Wei Ying's devilish smile. He loved spending his time reading and learning to play the Guqin from his A-Die and BoBo. His character did justice to his name. He was kind, fair and just. Just like Lan Wang Ji. He was always capable of finding loopholes in the rules, thereby successfully getting around the rules. In short, he was Wei Wuxian under the façade of Lan Wang Ji.

Lan Qing on the other hand, was Lan Qi Ren's very own nightmare. A nightmare that he loved with all of his living breath. She was a spitting image of her grandmother, Cangse. And she very much behaved like her too. Bold and brash, hated the rules. She was a free spirit who refused to be tied down by any rules. Rules meant nothing to her. She was an extreme version of Wei Ying. Oh! She was also a master manipulator. A-Yan rarely got into trouble but A-Qing always managed to convince her brother into doing things that he would otherwise never do. And whenever they ended up in trouble, A-Qing would just pout and stare at her elders with quivering lips and tear filled eyes (A-Yan was very much aware about his sister's dramatics), successfully melting their hearts and glares and thus avoiding punishment. Contrary to her bold behaviour, she also had a kind heart and was very protective of her family.

The latest addition to their group was little Lan Shuo Xiao Yi, Lan Xi Chen's and Yan Li's three year old son. He had his father's eyes and pleasant smile and looked like a delicate flower, just like his mother. The twins loved having a younger sibling to play with and protect. They took their job as an older sibling very seriously (Especially A-Yan).

The three siblings had formed a tight knit group, always joined in the hips and had successfully inherited the title of "The Three Jades of Lan".

"A-Qing," began Jiang Cheng, lifting her up in his arms. "You can't say that. He is your baby brother."

"But ShuShu, he's three," she replied, holding up three fingers. "Three is not a baby."

Jiang Cheng had become an unofficial member of the Lan Sect with his constant visits whenever his siblings were not in Lotus Pier. They had come to a compromise that they would alternate every two months between Cloud Recesses and Lotus Pier. It was tiring but for family they would do anything.

Jiang Cheng had been waiting for his brother and sister and getting into an argument with a five year old (Wei Wuxian's smart and reckless five year old) was the last thing he wanted. Thankfully, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, holding hands, followed by Yan Li and Xi Chen waltzed into the porch with bright smiles.

There was a mixture of A-Dies and A-Niangs, as the kids rushed towards their parents. Wei Ying lifted A-Qing and threw her up in the air, smiling happily at her squeals of laughter. The first time Wei Ying had done that, Yan Li and Wang Ji had almost had a heart attack and had screamed in response (Yan Li had screamed and shouted. Wang Ji had turned into a statue, his heart in his mouth). Wei Ying had merely brushed them off with his laughter. He was not going to drop his child and A-Qing was used to her father's roughhousing (she loved every minute of it).

Wang Ji carefully lifted his son in his arms and softly asked him about his day. A-Shuo, who was in Lan Xi Chen's arms, was showing his parents his injuries and was giving them a detailed explanation as to how he received it. They patiently listened to him with occasional 'Oh no's and dramatic gasps.

"Shufu," began Wei Ying, "You look tired. Did the kids give you a lot of trouble?"

Lan Qi Ren glared at the fading hickey on Wei Ying's neck and sighed exasperatedly, choosing to ignore it. He was too tired to think about his nephew's lack of restraint. "It is tiring to keep watch over three children. Now that you are here, I am going to go and meditate," and after placing soft kisses on his grandchildren's forehead, he left.

After the birth of the twins, Lan Qi Ren had become more open about his feelings and did not shy away from expressing them. His grandchildren were his do over babies. He loved spoiling them with toys and gifts and had finally learned the true meaning of breaking rules for the people you love. And his three grandchildren were his pride and joy (Xi Chen and Wang Ji were secretly jealous of their own kids).

"A-Niang!" began A-Shuo. "Qing Jie said that I am not a baby because I am three," he frowned, holding up three fingers.

"Gugu," A-Qing whined, annoyed at being ratted out.

Yan Li folded her arms on her chest and playfully narrowed her eyes at her niece. "Even if A-Shuo turns twenty, he will still be a baby to me." She walked towards her niece and tapped her on the nose with a playful smile. "And you, young lady, will always be my baby too!"

"Me too! Me too!" A-Yan jumped in Wang Ji's arms and she smiled at him happily and gave a soft tap on his nose.

"Me too!" came Jiang Cheng's and Wei Ying's simultaneous outbursts, always wanting their sister's attention, causing everyone to laugh.

<<< >>>

Wei Ying and Wang Ji cuddled on the bed with their Little Rabbits between them as they read another story (The previous one which was a Chinese version of Cinderella, was a major fail as A-Qing and A-Yan kept asking questions after questions and called the characters stupid. Instead of helping them sleep, it had riled them up), to put the Little munchkins to sleep. After making sure that the kids were fast sleep, they pressed a soft kiss onto their foreheads, blew out the candles and closed the door after placing a talisman to let them know if the kids were awake (Very important, after a two year old A-Yan had almost walked in on their bouts of lovemaking. Thanks to Wang Ji's quick reflexes, he had immediately pulled out from his husband who had let out a guttural moan at being denied his release and had quickly pulled the blankets over them, thereby protecting his son's innocent eyes from being scarred by the brutal image of his fathers doing the dirty).

Wei Ying immediately jumped into Wang Ji's open arms and sighed contently.

"We should take a bath first," Wang Ji said, his OCD for cleanliness kicking in.

Wei Ying nodded and after stripping off his robes and untying the ribbon holding his hair, he all but jumped into the tub, groaning at the feel of the hot water against his cold skin.

Wang Ji carefully pulled out his expensive hair pins and after disrobing himself (And neatly arranging them on the table because he is Lan Wang Ji, duh), joined his husband in the tub. He settled behind Wei Ying and together they treasured the silence of the night in each other's arms, lost in their own thoughts.

"We did good, didn't we?" asked Wei Ying softly.

"Mn," Wang Ji hummed in response. "A-Qing is turning Shufu's hair white," he laughed.

"One shaved his beard and the other is turning his hair white. A-Qing is indeed my mother coming back to take revenge," Wei Ying agreed with a laugh. "I wouldn't be shocked if she grows up to be a rogue cultivator."

"Me neither. Unlike you, she doesn't even bother with the rules. It makes me worry," added Wang Ji.

Wei Ying turned around in his husband's arms and sneaked his hand into the latter's hair, massaging his scalp. "There's no point in worrying about it, Lan Zhan. We'll still be here, right by her side. And she is too attached to us to leave, just like that. We'll worry about it when it happens." He leaned closer, until there was only an inch of space left between their faces. "For now, you should worry about rewarding this husband of yours, after how good he has been today. Didn't break a single rule," he whispered with a devilish but seductive smile.

"But you drank alcohol tonight," reminded Wang Ji, sounding completely out of breath. It always surprised him, how one man was capable of always bringing him to this state.

"Aiya Lan Zhan!" he groaned and seeing Wang Ji's pointed look, he added, "Fine! No rewards." He leaned closer, lips almost touching the other's and smirked suggestively, "How about a punishment then, husband?"

Wang Ji was done with Wei Ying's game of cat and mouse and wrapping a hand around the latter's neck, pulled him closer and engulfed his lips in a rough kiss. He swallowed the moans being emitted by the other and tangled his hand in his husband's hair and pulled.

Wei Ying gasped at the sudden prickling pain on his scalp but soon forgot about it as his husband latched his lips on his neck, creating a new hickey over the fading one. "Your uncle has been giving me dirty looks all week, Lan Zhan," he rasped between moans. "Can't you choose a better, secretive place to leave hickeys?"

"He'll get over it," Wang Ji mouthed against his neck and continued to complete his masterpiece. After all his husband had asked for a punishment. And being the doting, loving husband that he is, he was more than happy to oblige.

Wei Ying sighed, knowing that it was pointless trying to convince his husband otherwise. "Lan Zhan," he moaned. "I like you. Or in other words, I fancy you, I love you, I want you, I can't leave you, I whatever you."

Wang Ji pulled away from his husband's neck and stared at him devotedly. "Fancy you," he said and placed a chaste kiss on his husband's lips. "Love you." Kiss. "Want you." Kiss. "Cannot leave you." Kiss. "Do not want anyone but you." Kiss. "It cannot be anyone but you!"

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