Truly, Madly, Deeply

By valastsacrifice

83.4K 4.2K 996

Mpreg Au: Eight months from the events of the Guanyin Temple, things have gone back to normal. Almost. Wei Wu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

7.5K 359 144
By valastsacrifice

'Too bright,' Wei Ying thought, as he tried to use his hand to cover his eyes. But he couldn't move them. He slightly lifted his head from the bed and stared at the two figures holding onto each of his hands and realized that he was in the clinic. He remembered running out of the Conference and holding Lan Zhan's hand while he was throwing up but after that, everything was hazy.

He stared at his sister and Lan Zhan, both looking really peaceful and innocent as they slept. He tried to free his hands as slowly as possible without waking either of them.

Wang Ji was startled awake as he felt movement under his cheek which was placed on Wei Ying's hand. He looked up to see Wei Ying trying to pull his arm away from his sister's hold, not realizing that Wang Ji was now wide awake.

"Wei Ying."

Wei Ying's eyes snapped to Wang Ji like a rabbit caught in headlights. "Oh Lan Zhan! You're up. I'm so sorry for waking you."

"No sorry. I don't mind. Are you feeling better now?" he whispered, keeping in mind that Yan Li was still sleeping.

"Oh I am fine. Don't worry about me. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the Conference?" he frowned.

"The conference ended yesterday. Almost everybody left by this afternoon. Except for us," Wang Ji replied.

"I have been sleeping for two days?!" he exclaimed, causing Yan Li to stir and look up with half lidded eyes.

"Oh A-Xian! You're up!" smiled Yan Li, now wide awake.

"I have been sleeping for two days?!" he yelled again, but this time to his sister.

"Yes. Healer Wang told us to let you sleep. Are you feeling better?" she asked.

Wei Ying nodded and then the entire room was engulfed in an awkward silence. The three stared at each other wondering what to say, when Yan Li stood up.

"You two should talk. I'll be right outside if you need me," she said softly.

Wei Ying stared at her with wide, panicked eyes and gave her a look that said, 'Don't leave me alone, Shijie!'

She just gave him a smile and after picking up the various purple and blue cotton fabrics she was using for the babies' clothes, she walked out.

Wei Ying continued to stare at the door, completely avoiding Lan Zhan's gaze. He knew that this talk was inevitable.

"Wei Ying," started Wang Ji. "Look at me."

Wei Ying finally made eye contact with Wang Ji.

Wang Ji was not one to beat around the bush. So he directly dived into the topic. "Wei Ying, I didn't leave you that morning in Yi City."

"Then where did you go?" he asked, almost accusingly.

"You were fast asleep and I thought that you wouldn't be waking up for another hour or two. So I thought I could surprise you with breakfast," he paused to stare at Wei Ying, who still looked dubious. "I know how hungry you get when you wake up and I knew of a really good restaurant nearby. A part of me didn't want to leave, scared that you would wake up in my absence but it was still too early for you to wake up. Too early. So I thought, if I hurried, I could be back in about half an hour."

Wei Ying stared with wide eyes, feeling guilty for being stupid about the whole thing. "So that's why the inn keeper said that you ran like you had committed a crime."

"Well, I did not run away like I had committed a crime. But I was in a hurry," he said with a twitch of his lips.

"This is all my fault then, Lan Zhan," said Wei Ying.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have left you alone that morning," replied Wang Ji, shaking his head.

"No, you don't get it," began Wei Ying, eyes blurring with tears. "I have been in love with you since forever. But I had no idea if you felt the same for me. And that morning, my insecurities got the best of me. A part of me knew that you wouldn't leave me all alone, after the night we had spent, but I was insecure. I thought you didn't like me that way."

"We were both stupid, Wei Ying," said Wang Ji, wiping away the tears streaming down Wei Ying's face, "We were in a very sensitive relationship and both of us had insecurities. And the fact that we were both under the influence of alcohol did not help. A part of me assumed that you had left me because you thought that night was a mistake."

"No! Never!" cried out Wei Ying. "That night was the best night of my life!"

"It was the best night of my life too, Wei Ying," said Wang Ji, the tips of his ears burning red with embarrassment. "I'll be honest. I don't remember that night very clearly. But what I do remember is that I was happy. Really happy. I had you exactly where I wanted you. I should have sent you a letter at least but I really didn't know what to write. So when I got the invite for the Conference, I made up my mind and decided to try my very best to woo you."

"Woo me?" laughed Wei Ying, pushing back tears.

Wang Ji smiled at Wei Ying's laugh. He had missed Wei Ying's contagious laugh the most. "Yes. I received Luo Tian's letter a little too late! I all but dumped my duties on the disciples and immediately flew to Yi City. I was desperate to meet you. I was just about ready to do anything to make you mine."

Wei Ying remembered looking at Lan Zhan's tired face and messy clothes at Luo Tian's house. The thought of Wang Ji rushing to meet him made him smile with glee.

"Oh Lan Zhan! I have always been yours."

"Now that I know, I promise that I will never let you go again, Wei Ying. You are mine as I am yours," whispered Lan Zhan, leaning close to Wei Ying's face.

Wei Ying felt his face heat up as he stared at Lan Zhan's lips, remembering the sensual way he had bit into it, about four months back. And then it struck him. "Oh Lan Zhan! There's something that you should know!"


"We made a Little Rabbit that night," he whispered, gauging Wang Ji's expression.

"Two Little Rabbits," replied Wang Ji and seeing the confusion on Wei Ying's face, he continued. "Shijie already told me, Wei Ying. And Healer Wang confirmed that we are having twins."


"Mn." He recounted the events that had taken place two days ago, including Healer Wang's findings.

"Oh, that is such wonderful news. You and me and our two little rabbits," clapped Wei Ying and leaned in to capture Wang Ji's lips.

The seemingly innocent kiss, turned frenzied when Wang Ji climbed into the bed and placed a hand behind Wei Ying's neck, drawing him close. Oh, how he had missed this!

Wei Ying forced himself to pull away and placed his forehead on Wang Ji's as he tried to catch his breath. "I don't think Healer Wang will appreciate us contaminating her clinic," he said with a chuckle.

"I don't think she will," agreed Wang Ji, as he leaned in to join their lips again.

<<< >>>

It was Lan Xi Chen's turn to transfer energy to his soon-to-be brother-in-law. He walked towards the clinic and found Jiang Yan Li sitting on the steps outside, busy with her latest obsession: Stitching. He stood next to her and gave her a questioning look. "Madam Jiang, what are you doing out here?"

She peered up at him and with a soft smile replied, "A-Xian woke up. I decided to give the two of them some privacy to sort their misunderstandings out. It has been long overdue."

Lan Xi Chen sat next to Yan Li, maintaining an appropriate distance between them. He stared at her as she bit her lip in concentration, trying to embroider beautiful lotuses and even clouds on the purple robes.

"You are very excited, aren't you?" he asked glancing at her occupied hands.

"Very," she replied looking at him. "It's really good to have children around. It's been so long since I last held a child. I really miss Jin Ling as a baby. They just grow up so fast!"

"They do. And I am pretty sure Jin Ling was an adorable baby," Xi Chen added.

"Oh he was the best," she smiled fondly. "I used to always feel like my heart would burst with joy whenever I saw him. I mean, I still do. But then he had to grow up so fast and I miss seeing the child in him," she said sadly, putting down the fabrics in her hand.

"Wang Ji was like a child to me, you know. When our mother passed away, it affected him the most. He was inconsolable. He used to climb into my bed in the middle of the night and just cry. And then one day, it was like somebody turned off a switch. He retreated into a self-made shell and my innocent, little brother was nowhere to be seen again. Until he met Wei Gongzi," he finished with a smile.

"Love like that is very difficult to find, indeed," said Yan Li causing Xi Chen to nod. She continued to stare at the ever smiling First Jade of Lan. She knew that people like him were used to hiding their sorrows and pain behind a smile. "I know it's not any of my business, Zewujun, but how are you?" Xi Chen opened his mouth to say that he was fine but Yan Li interrupted him. "No. Seriously, Zewujun. How ARE you?" she asked again. After living for almost thirty-five years, if she had learnt one thing that was to read people's faces and she knew that Lan Xi Chen was nowhere near fine.

"I can't say that I am fine but I am getting better," he replied with a smile. "Jin Guangyao, he was supposed to be my sworn brother. But to find out that he had committed such heinous crimes, it wasn't easy for me to accept. Dage (Nie Ming Jue) always warned me against him. I just feel that if I had heeded to his warnings back then, maybe Dage would be alive today. So many people would have been alive today," he said, finding himself spilling the deepest, darkest secrets of his heart.

"You can't blame yourself for that. His past turned him into a monster," she replied kindly. "I am not defending Jin Guangyao's actions. Not when he has taken so much from me. He was good at manipulating people and you were not his only victim, Zewujun. But it's all over now. If you and I keep hanging onto our pasts, then we will miss our present and that, Zewujun, will be another regret on our list of regrets. When I found out about Jin Guangyao, I was furious. I wanted to kill the man myself. But that wouldn't bring back Zixuan or A-Xian's lost thirteen years. It's not going to reduce anybody's pain. And so I decided to forgive him and move on with my life. My brothers are back together, happy and fighting," she laughed, "and my son turned out to be an amazing Sect Leader and now, I am going to become a Gugu! What more can I ask for?"

"You know, I wasn't planning on coming out of my seclusion anytime soon," he began with a fond smile. "Wang Ji used to visit me every day and play the Guqin. And then one day, he suddenly barged in and begged me to come and resume my duties as a Sect Leader and Chief Cultivator. So out of character! And when I asked him what had happened, he said and I quote, 'I can't lose Wei Ying again. I need to get him back before I lose him forever and for me to do that, you need to come out. I need your help, Gege. I can't do this alone.' He has always been selfless and I had never seen him in such a panicked state and it was only when he called me Gege, that I saw my lost brother who used to crawl into my bed in the middle of the night. It was the first time that he wanted to do something for himself. And I knew that I had to leave my seclusion. For him," he finished.

"The things that we do for our brothers, eh?" she laughed.

Lan Xi Chen laughed. A real laugh. It had been a very long time since he had enjoyed somebody's company so much. For some reason, this conversation made him feel lighter. Happier. And he had only one beautiful woman to thank.

'Zewujun has a beautiful smile,' Yan Li thought only to realize that she had said it out loud. She blushed and tried to cover her face with her hands hoping that the ground would open and swallow her up.

Xi Chen tried his best to control the redness spreading through his cheeks and ears but some things are just beyond control. He smiled shyly in return. This woman was making him feel things that he had never felt before. "I've always meant to ask you this, Madam Jiang. I hope I don't reopen any old wounds."

"Oh. Please go ahead," she replied, smiling encouragingly, still very much blushing.

"Back when Young master Jin was murdered, Wei Gongzi was blamed for it. All evidences pointed to him. Did you hate him for it?" he asked nervously.

"Never," she replied confidently. "I think it's safe to say that I raised A-Xian. And I know my brother more than anyone else. He never liked Zixuan but he never hated him either. And he would do nothing that would hurt me until and unless the situation was not in his control. Back then, even though everyone believed that he was responsible for Zixun and Zixuan's death, I didn't care. I had just lost a husband. I didn't want to lose my brother too."

Xi Chen nodded in understanding.

"I have to ask you something too, Zewujun. Do you blame A-Xian, for everything that happened?" she asked, fidgeting.

"I did blame him for the pain he put my brother through. Wang Ji had gone almost crazy after Wei Gongzi's death. He started breaking rules. Got drunk and branded himself in the chest with a Wen iron." Yan Li stared at him in shock. "But he snapped himself out of it. For Sizhui. A-Yuan was the only thing that kept him going. And I should really thank Wei Gongzi for bringing A-Yuan into his life. If it wasn't for A-Yuan, I really don't know what would have happened to my brother," he replied.

"They have both been through a lot. Two kids who had to suffer due to the injustice of the world. They deserve to be together. They deserve all the happiness in the world," she said, with a sad smile.

"They do. And so do you," he added with a skittish smile. He knew that he could not pursue Yan Li like any other woman. She had a son and her own priorities. But he wasn't going down without a try.

Yan Li stared at him for a minute before she forced herself to look away.

Unbeknownst to them, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling stood a few metres away from them, silently observing the pair. They couldn't hear a word of what was being spoken but the uncle and nephew duo stared at the pair, growing uncomfortable every second.

"Are they flirting?" asked Jin Ling, shuddering in disgust.

"I don't know. But what is so special about this Lan Clan that two of my siblings are so enchanted by them?" Jiang Cheng wondered.

"It's normal for me to be uncomfortable, right?" Jin Ling asked his Jiu Jiu, ignoring the latter's question.

"It is," he added and looked at his nephew. "Jin Ling, you know that your mother loves you a lot right? She would do anything for you. Even sacrifice her happiness, if it made you happy," he asked, being brutally honest.

"I know," replied Jin Ling.

"This situation," said Jiang Cheng, pointing at the pair, "it's a decision between you and your mother. But as her brother, I just want her to be happy and if Zewujun makes her happy, then I'd support her with all my heart. But she will never take that step without our support. Your support especially. You should talk to her about this. I am not going to tell you what you should do. You are an adult and I trust you to handle this situation well. If you have any problem with it or any insecurities, talk to her about it. There's a reason why Wei Wu Xian and I hold her in such high regards."

Before Jin Ling could reply, Healer Wang appeared. She was walking towards the clinic and Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling followed her.

Yan Li was saved from facing Lan Xi Chen's statement by the arrival of Healer Wang. They stood up to greet her and noticed the pair following the healer and smiled. Healer Wang turned towards the door but was stopped by Yan Li.

"Oh Healer Wang!" she exclaimed. "I don't think we should interrupt them now," said Yan Li, embarrassed at what she was insinuating.

"Young Lady," began Healer Wang. "This is my clinic. Wei Wu Xian might be shameless but the other one is a Lan. They are known for their self-restraint. I highly doubt they would be doing anything inappropriate. And again, this is MY clinic. They shouldn't be doing anything inappropriate in the first place!"

"I wouldn't bet on it," said Jiang Cheng, shaking his head.

Healer Wang ignored him and pushed the door open only to find Wang Ji sprawled on top of Wei Ying, their limbs tangled, hands in each other's hair, with swollen lips, staring at the door in horror, like a deer caught in headlights. 'At least they are fully dressed,' she thought.

Jiang Cheng peeped in and guffawed. "Told ya!"

The other three preferred to stay outside and wait until the situation inside turned decent.

Wang Ji and Wei Ying immediately straightened up. Wang Ji blushed. Hard. While Wei Ying had the nerve to look annoyed.

Healer Wang was speechless.

"Haven't you heard of the concept of knocking?" asked Wei Ying, annoyed at being interrupted.

"Shameless," gritted out Healer Wang. "This is my clinic! Not an inn for your private rendezvous! And whatsoever happened to a Lan's self-restraint!" she asked staring pointedly at Wang Ji, who was turning an alarming shade of red.

"Healer Wang," began Jiang Cheng, making tsk-tsk noises. "No offence to the Lans but if young master Lan Wang Ji here had any self-restraint, we wouldn't be here in the first place. So it's not their fault that your hope in the Lans is shattered. You should have known better."

Healer Wang glared at Jiang Cheng before she turned to her patient and gave him a once over. "I suppose you are feeling better now?" she asked and before he could answer, she continued. "Well, you must be since you look so thoroughly ravished right now."

Wei Ying and Wang Ji continued to silently burn in embarrassment.

Yan Li giggled staring at the two love birds and Xi Chen was genuinely embarrassed for his brother. Never in his wildest thoughts would he have ever thought that his brother would be in such a situation. But it seems that Wei Wu Xian was capable of bringing out his brother's hidden nature.

"So a Lan, huh?" Healer Wang asked Wei Ying with a teasing smile.

"What is wrong in being a Lan?" asked Wang Ji, with a frown.

"Nothing is wrong in being a Lan. But something must be definitely wrong with you for willingly wanting to be with him," she said pointing a finger at Wei Ying, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"Hey!" Wei Ying shot back, taking offence to that statement.

"What?! You will stand out like a sore thumb in a place as dignified as Cloud Recesses," she added, thoroughly enjoying the emotions flashing on Wei Ying's face.

"Wei Ying is not a sore thumb," growled Wang Ji.

"Ah Lan Zhan! Only you love me!" he said happily and then pointed accusatory fingers at the others. "You are all traitors! Taking this old woman's side and abandoning poor, little me!"

"A-Xian, that's enough," laughed Yan Li, putting an end to their playful banter. "Healer Wang was just teasing you."

Healer Wang sobered up and glared at her patient. "You should take better care of yourself! Don't let me see you like that again. And this is my last warning to you, Wei Wu Xian. Do not skip meals!" she sighed. "I guess we can all worry less, now that this young man is here to take care of you."

Wei Ying nodded and turned to Lan Xi Chen. "Zewujun! You're still here!"

"I am, Wei Gongzi. Sizhui and Jing Yi will be returning in three days. I'll be staying here until the baby is born. I hope that's alright," he asked turning to Jiang Cheng. He had five months to completely sweep Madam Jiang off of her feet!

Jiang Cheng nodded staring apprehensively at Lan Xi Chen. Jin Ling finally realized that he whole situation between his mother and Zewujun was real.

There was a knock on the door and Sizhui and Jing Yi peeped in.

"Wei Qianbei!" they exclaimed simultaneously. "You're up!" added Sizhui.

"Ah Sizhui and Jing Yi! Come in!" replied Wei Ying happily.

"We were so worried about you, Wei Qianbei!" said Jing Yi.

"I am fine now, kids. Don't worry so much! Did you enjoy the Discussion conference?" he asked, with a knowing smile.

"Oh God! Don't remind us of that nightmare. I really wish I hadn't come. If it was up to me, I wouldn't ever attend it," replied Sizhui, shuddering.

"Well, as the heir of the Lan Sect, Sizhui, that is such a nice thing to say!" teased Xi Chen, causing Sizhui to look away in embarrassment.

Wei Ying genuinely felt bad for Sizhui and decided to change the topic. "And what about your uncle?" he asked Xi Chen.

"I sent him a letter stating that Wang Ji and I will be staying here for a few months. I haven't mentioned the pregnancy yet," he added.

"Pregnancy? What pregnancy?" asked Jing Yi, confused.

Everyone stared at them, just realizing that the two boys were still in the dark about what had happened.

"Well, kids," began Wei Ying, with a nervous smile, "your Hanguangjun and I are going to be parents."

Sizhui and Jingyi stared in disbelief. "Is this one of your jokes?" asked Jingyi, warily.

"It's not," replied Wang Ji.

Jingyi stared wide eyed because Wang Ji never jokes. It had to be true.

"Um, congratulations," said Sizhui, still staring in disbelief. "Wow, I am going to have a sibling," he added, still sounding dazed.

"Two siblings," corrected Wang Ji.

"Wonderful! Two little siblings that I can totally spoil!" he replied happily.

"Grandmaster Lan is going to be so pissed," laughed Jingyi. "Well done, Wei Qianbei!" he said high fiving Wei Ying.

"You are the most unLan Lan that I have ever met," said Jin Ling, shaking his head and both Xi Chen and Wang Ji nodded in agreement.

"It'd be better if uncle received this news from you, XiongZhang," added Wang Ji.

Lan Xi Chen scowled. "I am not going to be responsible for my uncle's Qi Deviation, Wang Ji. You got Wei Gongzi pregnant. So you do the honours."

"Why don't we just keep this between us for now?" asked Wang Ji. "Let's just show up at Cloud Recesses after the babies are born."

Everyone expected Lan Xi Chen to reprimand his brother for such a fuck all idea. But it came as shock when Lan Xi Chen nodded.

"Are you serious right now?" cried out Yan Li. "That is your master plan? Appearing after a few months with two babies?"

"Well, if we show up at Cloud Recesses with the babies, chances are that uncle would be thrilled at seeing his little grandchildren, that he'll forget his anger. Hopefully. And if he goes into shock, then we'll be there to help him recover. But if I send him a letter stating that Wei Gongzi is pregnant with Wang Ji's babies, he will completely lose it and there is not one person in Cloud Recesses that can handle him. Except us," Xi Chen explained. Sizhui and Jing Yi nodded in agreement.

"It's a stupid idea. But for some reason, it completely made sense," said Jin Ling, staring at Xi Chen.

"Okay," said Healer Wang, startling everyone who had forgotten her presence in the room. "You can take this discussion somewhere else. I have patients to see today," and without another word of argument, ushered everyone out of the room.

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