Open up (kda x male reader)

By I-Try-everyday69

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[ON hold] Alright this is the new story I've been thinking for a while and well it's [Y/N] but he has powers... More

Just a little bit about this story
Chapter 1 (How??)
Chapter 2 (The concert)
Chapter 3 (day with kda)
Chapter 4 (The offer)
Chapter 5 (The protection)
Chapter 6 (WHY JASON!)
Chapter 7 (Not bad jason)
Chapter 8 (Oh great)
Chapter 9 (Who?)
Chapter 10 (What the fuck)
Chapter 11 (Wow love problems)
Chapter 12 (The party)
Chapter 13 (What are these....feelings)
Chapter 14 (BINGO!)
Chapter 15 (I got you)
Chapter 16 (I support you)
Chapter 17 (The sunset looks nice)
Chapter 18 (What the hell)
Chapter 19 (Get outsmarted)
Chapter 20 (Now i see you)
Chapter 21 (Im here)
Chapter 22 (Just this one favor)
A good announcement
Chapter 23 (Whats his name)
Chapter 24 (All is in plan)
Chapter 25 (Fuck it ill join)
Chapter 26 (Ill be your third)
Chapter 27 (THIS IS SO STUPID)
Chapter 28 (Nolat is WHAT!)
Chapter 29 (Thats gonna leave a mark)
Chapter 30 (just old stories)
Chapter 31 (To bandle city it is)
Chpater 32 (BOW BEFORE ME!)
Chapter 34 (Im sorry but LETS DO THIS)
Chapter 35 (OH SHIT...I....JUST HAD SEX)
Chapter 36 (Back to that city it is)
Chapter 37 (ASSERT DOMINANCE...........Nevermind)
Chapter 38 (And you didnt catch him why?)
Chapter 39 (Ok.....My turn)
Chapter 40 (Wait Extra friends?)

Chapter 33 (Shut up and do it)

942 19 24
By I-Try-everyday69

*[Y/N] POV*

[Y/N]: Huh....control the world you say 

Heimerdinger: Yup........find these gems and destroy them...ill take this one to experiment with 

Zed: Now hold can we trust you with this mind control crap

Heimerdinger: Do i look like the type of person to do mind control?


Zed: fair

Heimerdinger: Thank contact me zed whenever you find the other pieces ill shall remain here experimenting to see what other benefits i can give to the world 

[Y/N]: Which reminds me..........I heard your creating a machine to create water....into solid food yes?

Heimerdinger: yes i am...why do you ask?


Jason: Jesus [Y/N] calm isn't gonna be fast you know 

Heimerdinger: Well unfortunately you cannot help...this is top secret and cannot be no one can see it 

[Y/N]: awwwww

Heimerdinger: However your good friend zed can help me considering he searches for artifacts....i can perhaps give him a list of what i need.....considering im pretty weak to go alone since our....*ahem*...incident

[Y/N]: ZED....please do this for me it would mean the WORLD to me

Zed: Jesus [Y/N] calm not your ice cream clerk what.....

[Y/N]: Please...ill.......

Come on think think think......

ill hook you up with a girl...

That seemed to catch zed by surprise

Kayn: You....girls...*laughter*....since when did you know girls [Y/N]

[Y/N]: Ill find one don't worry i will if you promise me that you help heimerdinger with the project 

Zed: drive a hard bargain.....but it is a deal then....make sure the girl is to my liking 

[Y/N]: Don't worry im pretty sure one of the girls knows someone as deadly as you 

Zed: Hmph....hopefully...but fine ill accept.....

Dear terrible with girls......let alone how am i going to find one for zed.....Perhaps evelynn knows.......dammit this is going to be hard 

Heimerdinger: *ahem*....well then now that you boys have settled a deal....heres the list bye bye now and come to me if you happen to find the other pieces.....bye

Kayn: Well...shall we get going 

[Y/N]: Yea lets go.....talon you carry the artifact 

Talon: I don't doesn't bother me 

Jason: Well time to go back home right

Zed: Yup after this we split ways for now......we still have to find the others.....and im sure talon has some leads to them

*Click* *closing doors*

Talon: I do....just that you might not like it 

Zed: Hmph thats what makes it fun

Kayn: That's right we live for danger hahah-



Ziggs: *laughs*

[Y/N]: Hmmm one day you will blow yourself up....and once you do thats one less pest in the world 

Jason: Now don't start thinking negatively........

[Y/N]: just telling the truth 

Lulu: Leaving so soon?

Zed: Yes....we have came what we looked we are going home 

Lulu: Alright then...bye bye....Don't let Veigar get the jump on you again when you come back 

[Y/N]: Oh trust me.....we won't *smile*

Jason: *sigh* day [Y/N] you will do something your going to regret....[EPIC FORESHADOWING]

[Y/N]: Please i regret alot of things yet do i i live on to accept it 

Zed: Glad to see you have changed [Y/N]

Kayn: Yea especially living with the top hottest girls in the world.....yea....their changing you alright 

Talon: ha....i mean i did sense a love triangle deep within....just that they didn't show it 

jason: Trust me they like him....and sooner or later they will reveal it....for now...we can only tease him....and [Y/N] are you alright??

[Y/N]: perfectly....Fine *smile*

kayn: Oh boy....well Zed better create that portal fast

Zed: Don't worry were close to the entrance.....lets hope that annoying pest doesn't bother us



Veigar: Back so soon...have you come to feel the wrath of my EVIL

Zed: No we are going home.......

Veigar: Awwwww....and here i was hoping i can play with you some more 

Talon: Go play with the other yordles 

Veigar: Good idea....why didn't i think of it before....

[Y/N]: *whisper*....because your dumb....

Veigar: Im going to blow up the whole town with Ziggs and swallow their souls...thanks....*laughs*......

Jason: I swear that yordle kinda gives me the creeps 

Kayn: Pretty crazy how hes crazy.....and how they are allowing him to live in bandle city 

Zed: Well we might have doomed the city but well it is what it is.....anyways 

*Portal sounds*

Ready to go home?

[Y/N]: bet 

Jason: Lets hope the girls don't give you the sass [Y/N] *giggles*

[Y/N]: shut it jason.....

*Timeskip 5 minutes later*

Talon: So im guessing this is the part where we split ways

Zed: Yes....your lucky talon we have extra beds....otherwise we would have to send you to that old hideout...and who knows if thats still alive 

Talon: Most likely not.....but boy are you in for a tale 

Kayn: Can't wait to hear sure the others can't wait to hear the news as well

Jason: Well then gentlemen we are us if anything has happened.....

Zed: Will do....bye 

Talon: Bye guys

Kayn: Bye and oh [Y/N] before you go 

[Y/N]: Yea?

Kayn: Can you ask the girls if they can grant me a ticket *smile*


Kayn: Worth a shot

Zed: Ugh...what is it with you and your obsession with the infamous kda

Kayn: Im not obsessed I just love there music....can't wait for there new music video that they have been teasing about

Oh yea......MORE.....i wonder how thats going.....i i have a chance with they like me?.........i guess ill find out once i reach home 

Kayn: Well bye guys 

[Y/N] & Jason: Bye!

Jason: Hmmmm something troubles you [Y/N]....anything wrong

[Y/N]: huh....oh nothing just.......lost in thought thats all

Jason: Hmmm...well alright then 

Well....lets hope nothing goes wrong when we get home...

*Timeskip 30 minutes later* *Ding*

Jason: So...whats the plan?

[Y/N]: lay low for a few...and see what happens later on.....remember hes still out there...and who knows when hes going to stri-

*Shuffling noises**Tape noises**box movements*

[Y/N]: Hey......whats going on....

There was boxes in the floor and on the table...and it looked like it had there....stuff??....but why do they look depressed? WHAT happened?

Ahri: Its......over

[Y/N]: What do you mean its over.....WHAT HAPPENED!

Mundo: [Y/N] its best that you....leave it be


God im acting so aggressive...but yet im showing care.....i don't know why but it feels sort of good 

Evelynn: Its best we tell him Mundo....the truth will come out eventually 

[Y/N]: What truth?

Evelynn: *sigh*.......a few hours ago accounts.....have gotten hacked....

[Y/N]: OK and....surely you have backups?

Akali: We did....but they also got stolen as well....the bank is currently investigating but however it turns out....someone leaked our old disasters and linked it towards us

Ahri: Right now the city of ionia demands that we pay up....and the pay....was worth the entire budget.......the penthouse....our bank accounts.......Everything

Kai'sa: I hope your happy [Y/N] kinda got what you are all going to seperate.....

Dear i sheding a small tear......dammit.......

Seraphine: It isn't his fault......but.......well i guess this is over....the one time i find all ruined 

Evelynn: *sigh*...i guess it marks as the end of kda....without a budget we surely can't Afford to make the music video now 

Budget.....wait.....i remember....i got paid 2 million a while ago...before the whole dance incident


Ahri: Oh i almost you go 

[Y/N]: Whats this-......dear god what the hell

Ahri: surprised *giggles*....

[Y/N]: But why?

Ahri: your our bodyguard silly....and i also tossed in a little bonus for keeping up to your promise 

[Y/N]: Well.....thank you i guess

Ahri: No...thank you [Y/N]....

[Y/N]:hmph.......alright then

*Flashback ends*

I think i may have a chance with them...after all...i am getting to be a part of their life's.....but will they accept me to be their partner??....No...shut up [Y/N] don'

Mundo: Mundo will give you all plane tickets to get you back to your original homes...its the least that i can do...

Evelynn: Thanks mundo......well was fun while it lasted...

Ahri: We had a good run....but kda will live on in peoples hearts and minds 

Seraphine: *sigh*....and i was so close to being a popstar

Akali: Hmph you will always be a popstar in our book 

Seraphine: Thanks akali

kai'sa: Well......i guess this is the end........Farewel-

i pushed kai'sa back down to her chair....everyone was shocked

[Y/N]: Shut up.....all of you.....shut up

Ahri: [Y/N] what are you-

[Y/N]: NO....what are all of YOU doing......

Akali: What do you mean?

[Y/N]: Your giving that it....this is how you want your careers to giving some douchebag that stole your money......come on now....the kda i know before wouldn't have given up this easily 

This seems to spark the girls a sort of giving them life a little 

[Y/N]: Don't you remember what you said......

Ahri: what did we say?

[Y/N]: *groans*...*breath*..."Aint nobody bringing us down down down down down down, They can try but we're gonna wear the crown"....

Now this is a real shocker....because i basically sang there lyrics....but seraphine was the most shocked 

Seraphine: What the.......[Y/N]....have you been listening the music privately?

[Y/N]: *sigh* was stuck in my head whenever you played that whenever you and me and jason use to talk....

Seraphine: were listening the whole time...


Jason: Wow.....

Seraphine: Wow....all this sort of makes me happy 

Akali: But how can you be so sure that we can do this?

[Y/N]: Listen......i hear what all of you are saying...but yet....i don't believe it.....YOUR can do anything in this world.....we're the crown like all of you were destined too.....and Conquer the music industry......the world........the world wouldn't be completed without the music kda...and how long have you been working on this project for?

Ahri: 6 months....trying to find a 5 member......

[Y/N]: And yet you did.....Now...finish this project.......

Akali: But-

[Y/N]: Shut up.....and do it......i know all of you can do overcome this disaster that someone has put on you 

Ahri:.......hes right.........hes right 

Akali: Yea.....we can do this 

kai'sa: After all....we have to wear the crown yes

Seraphine: Yea....LETS DO THIS 

Evelynn: Well im glad that [Y/N] helped us keep our spirits are we going to do it without any budget?

[Y/N]: Don't worry........i got you covered......the hackers may have stolen your bank accounts....but luckily......

I showed them my phone with the 2 million that ahri gave to me

I still have my bank account 

Mundo: That can work....that can work 

Evelynn: Hmph...*smile*...well girls....i guess we are back in business thanks to our bodyguard...

Akali: Hell yea......

kai'sa: woo hoo

Ahri: But wait....what are you going to do in the meantime [Y/N]....we have to perform today if we are going to get our money back 

[Y/N]: Ill sit and wait........

Seraphine: And do what?

[Y/N]: im going to wait....And watch you blow up like you did before with girls

All: Yea?

[Y/N]: *Smile*.......

Give them the best performance you can....pour out everything and wear the crown in the end.

Oof well when I wrote this chapter I felt pretty bad knowing the kda was gonna disband but thx to MC It ain't gonna happen so gg lol.........anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and cya

P.S....maybe it's the next chapter the true romance starts...or the one after it....... :)

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