Boboiboy X Reader Season 1 [D...

By NicoleAlcantara760

44.3K 1.6K 877

Y/n Yoshida once live in Japan but then move to Pulau Rintis then met Ying,Yaya and Gopal but what happened i... More

Y/n's Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Y/n's Power info
Y/n's Weapon
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not a chapter just Drawing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Important please read!!
Chapter 21
Book remake!!

Chapter 17

1K 48 17
By NicoleAlcantara760


All of them screamed as Adudu laughed "You can be a Mrs all you want if your this good!" Once the smoke was clear everyone was in the ground in pain while Boboiboy was still standing, glaring at Adudu but suddenly

"Wow! Your so cool!" "Of course i am! With this super Mrs-!" Adudu cut himself off once he realise something "Wait! Why are you complimenting me!? What kind of trick is this Eh!?"Adudu said while the others was now standing

"Hey! He just last his memory!"Gopal bluntly answered without thingking "Lost his memory?"Adudu ask not sure if he heard it right "Yeah,yeah if he uses his elemental split for too long" Gopal added

'If he doesn't stop blabbering i will yeet him away from here!' Y/n's left eye begins to twitch annoyed at Gopal's blunt answers "He'll start forgetting things"

"Nice work Gopal why does he have to open his mouth!"Tok Aba spoke also annoyed at Gopal's straight forward answer making Adudu laugh "Excellent! Now i know your weakness Boboiboy!"

"But we have to be really sure Mr.Boss!" Probe joined "Your right! Capture Gopal!" Adudu ordered Probe as the pink giant robot captured Gopal who was now screaming "AHH!! Ying, Yaya, Y/n! Help!!

"Realise Gopal! Super Punch!"Yaya leap forward attempting to punch Probe but "Sparkling Compact Mirror!"Probe pulled out a big Compact Mirror before opening it as the ray of the sun shined towards the mirror making Yaya cover her eyes from the brightness "It's so bright!"

"Kitchen knife blast!" Probe then send dozens of knife towards Yaya who gasp in shock not having enough time to dodge all of it "Yaya!" Both Ying and Y/n yelled as Yaya got stuck on a tree because of the knife impaled on her clothes while Yaya begins to struggle to get free

Ying ran towards Adudu then snatch the book from him "Hey! I got the book back!"Ying started to run faster "Stop her Probe!" Probe begin to scan and predict to where Ying is about to run "Blocking Spatula!" Probe released a big spatula while the little girl racer didn't expect that she will ran on the spatula

When Ying was about to ran over the spatula Probe took this opportunity to toss the girl up high and accidentaly letting go of the book "Ying!" "Hahaha! A futile attempt!" Adudu spoke once he have the book back in his hand "Spicky dough roller"

Probe realease a dough roller full of spikes which made Y/n, Boboiboy and Gopal gasp, Y/n immediatly grab her stick giving the stick a little spin which made the stick turned into a scythe before leaping towards Probe "Take this! Hya!" the lavender haired girl let out a battle cry then successfully cutting the spicky dough roller

"Telekenesis lift! "the girl then used her telekenesis so Ying can land on the ground safely "Phew, thanks N/n (Nickname)" Ying thanked Y/n once she was on the ground safely then letting out a breath that she was unconsciously holding making Y/n nod

"How dare you!" Adudu yelled while Y/n yelled back "Let go of Gopal right now!!" Y/n swung her scythe to cut Probe's hand where Gopal was held captive making Gopal roughly lands on the ground "Gopal! Are you okay!?" Y/n ask full concerb about her friend

"Take this!"Probe pointed his rocket gun towards Gopal who gasp in fear "Gopal get out of the way!"Y/n manage to push Gopal away so he won't get hurt but as a result Y/n got blasted "AHH!"

"W/n!!" The lavender haired girl roughly landed near Yaya making Ying ran towards her friends to check on them "Y/n! Are you okay!?" The said girl was now fully standing but stumbling a bit "H-hai, i'm okay don't worry" while Adudu just laugh at them

"He really lost his memory Mr.Boss!" "Well then let us end this right now!" Adudu yelled while pointing at Boboiboy "But....." Boboiboy started to talk but a little unsure "What? What is it!?"

"Can i ask you something?" This just made Adudu laugh "It seems you have a 1 last request before i destroy you! Go on Boboiboy!"

"Which one of you is Adudu? You?" Boboiboy pointed at Probe "Or him?" then Adudu who fell on his back in disbelief "Hey! Are you for real!? I am Adudu!"Adudu made Probe get closer to Boboiboy "Oh! So your Adudu.....umm.......from where again?" the dino cap boy ask once again while scratching his (chubby) cheeks

"His memory has gotten worse! Oh my Irene, what are we gonna do!?"Y/n exclaimed while physically face palm at Boboiboy's question while Ochobot just sigh "He's hopeless..."

"What are you talking about!? What's that have to do with-" Adudu got annoyed with Boboiboy before ordering Probe to destroy him but once they look at where Boboiboy is only to find no one which made Probe and Adudu shock

"Where did he go!?"Probe exclaimed, looking for the dino cap boy "Right here" Adudu heard his voice from behind making him look back and saw Boboiboy before letting out a gasp

"Hehe..... I got you Agogo! I may have lost my memory but i will never forget that i'm the super hero!"Boboiboy stated while his friends watch him in awe "Wow!"

"Boboiboy elemental-" "No Boboiboy don't!"Ochobot yelled but only to get ignored "Split!" "There he goes he'll forget even more....."Ochobot added while they watch Boboiboy split into 3 "Lightning bolt!"Lightning then summoned a.......... Lightning hoe?....

"A lightning hoe?! Are you trying to plant potatoes?"Adudu mocked while laughing this made lightning scoff "Your the potato!" Lightning stick the lightning hoe on Probe making the robot get electricuted before exploding along with Adudu

"Land slide!" Earth punch the ground making it shake while Adudu closed his eyes waiting for the pain only to feel nothing so he opened his eyes slowly before looking behind and saw a big hole on the ground

"Hahaha, you missed!"

"Heh, cool gentle breeze"Wind let out a gentle wind blow towards Probe making the big robot take a few steps back before falling on the hole along with Adudu "AHHH!!" the hole then closed making the two trapped inside

"Yay! Way to go Boboiboy!"Yaya praised "Hehe... Thanks Mimi!" This made the said girl frown "Mimi!?" "Hay, that's not her name!"Gopal whispered at lightning  "Eh!? Umm.... Margarete?"

"What's wrong with you!? You keep forgetting my name!"Yaya stated before looking away "Oh don't get upset Yaya" Ying reassured while Y/n started walking towards them "Yeah! Aming's right!" "Eh!?! Aming's a boy's name!!"

"What should we do!? His condition is getting worse and worse!" Ochobot exclaimed then started to panick while Tok Aba stands beside the said boy

"It's ok, we'll all help Boboiboy gained his memory back together"Tok Aba reassured "That's right! We'll help Boboiboy right away for sure!" Y/n declaired before punching the air with a determined expression making the 3 element blush a bit before chuckling at her declaration

All of a sudden the ground started to shake "W-what's happening!?" the 3 element put on their fighting stand while all of them was trying to find the source of it and saw the ground was beginning to crack the saw Adudu and Probe emerge from the ground

"You think it's that easy to defeat me!?" Adudu exclaimed while laughing evilly "Super sparkling compact mirror!! "Probe took out his compact mirror then opening it which made the others close their eyes from the brightness, Probe took this opportunity to capture Lightning

"Hahaha! Now i have the recipe book, Tok Aba's cocoa...... And Lightning Boboiboy!" Adudu stated "Boboiboy!"Y/n yelled about to punch Probe but it was too late. Probe escaped along with Adudu and Lightning Boboiboy leaving a big pink heart shape smoke

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