Midnight Scars

By sarahhMaarie

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"Her hair floated in the air as she spun and danced across the floor, with the boy she despises the most. At... More

⚠️✨Characters & TW ✨⚠️
✨Introducing Devon's parents✨


32 3 117
By sarahhMaarie

It's Saturday morning, Devon decided to get up earlier then usual to go out on a run.

She got up from her bed trying not to wake up Enzo who was peacefully asleep next to her.

She walked over to her closet throwing on a pair of gym leggings and a cropped pullover. She threw her hair up in a high ponytail threw on her running shoes heading over to the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror while she brushed her teeth making sure she fixed any flyaway hairs.

She came back out of the bathroom going over to the side of her bed leaning over to give Enzo a kiss goodbye.

She walked down the small hallway heading downstairs to the common room.

There was no other students in site, it's way to early in the morning especially on a Saturday all the students are trying to sleep in.

Devon couldn't though even if she pleaded her mind to ease back to sleep, she just couldn't fall back asleep so she decided to make this extra time useful and go for a morning run.

She walked out of the common room, she headed down the dim corridor into the big halls.

Once she got outside the chill of the fall weather hit her like a brick.

"Holy shit." She whispered to herself.

She started stretching out her back, bending forward and side to side making sure to warm every muscle in her body careful not to strain it during her run.

After she fully stretched out her body she started to slowly jog.  She headed passed Hagrid's hut seeing the smoke leaving his chimney as she jogged passed.

She ran around the perimeter of the forbidden forest her body still tenses whenever she's near remembering that night the dark lord called for her.

Her lungs were beginning to burn from the cardio she's getting.

"I need to cut down the smoking." She spoke between deep breath's.

She kept running she made it to the quidditch field she ran five laps around it.

She came to a slow stop, she was sweating and panting like an old dog.

"Lord help my lungs." She gasped out.

"Who are you talking to you?" A voice from behind her spoke, she knew exactly who it was.

"Mattheo, why are you up so early?" She turned on her heel to face the dark haired boy.

"I could ask you the same thing Sykes." He looked her up and down then looked away.

Devon noticed and rolled her eyes in disgust.

"I'm out on a morning run. So what the hell are you doing?" She looked at him.

"I was just taking a morning walk planning out more of our investigation. Speaking of which how's your side going along?" He looked at her with narrow eyes.

"It's going well I figured out his daily routine but the weekend routine will be difficult this weekend since I have a game later." She sat down on a nearby rock.

"Game? You play quidditch? Like actually play?" He looked back at her.

"Yes I play what the hell would I be there for?" She hissed.

"Well I didn't know they let the team whore actually play. I guess you learn something new everyday." He chuckled as he looked down at his hands.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a whore?" She stood up now strolling over to meet him face to face.

"I called you a-." Before he could finish Devon slapped him across his face hard.

At first he didn't move keeping his head to the side, he reached up a hand to touch the now pink area on his cheek.

Before Devon realized what was happening he grabbed her by the throat.

"Did you just slap me?" He clenched his hand around her throat crushing her windpipe slightly making it hard for her to answer.

"Answer me you slut, did you just slap me?" He spit into her face as he spoke, death in his voice.

"Yes I did, what are you gonna do about it?" She smirked.

By Devon's surprise he chuckled at that licking his lips as he took in her facial features. He dragged his thumb across her bottom lip pulling it down slightly.

Before she knew it he slapped her across the face causing her whiplash. She stumbled backwards almost falling onto her ass.

She lifted a hand to her left cheek feeling the warmth of the pink area.

"You didn't like that very much did you Sykes?" He smirked looking at her.

She was in utter shock she didn't know what to do.

After finally realizing what happened she gathered herself together stood taller she began to walk back to the castle pushing past Mattheo.

He grabbed onto her bicep, gripping her hard making sure she met his gaze he brought her closer to him.

"Don't you dare try and push by me who the hell do you think you are?" He sneered at her.

She looked over at him meeting his eyes a bored look on her face.

"I'm a Sykes who the fuck are you?" She shoulder checked him as she walked by not giving him another chance to speak.

After she left the field gates she started running back to the castle not wanting him to catch up with her. She didn't know what he was cable of she didn't want to risk it either.

She finally slowed down her pace once she got into the castle not even stopping when she got to the courtyard.

She quickly walked to the dungeons not wanting to somehow run into Mattheo.

He really hit her, she doesn't know why she's surprised though he seems like the toxic type to hit a girl. Sad to say, his looks can definitely be deceiving, as well as his actions.

She finally got into the common room she rushed up the stairs.

Devon turned the corner to where her dorm is when she crashed into something or actually someone.

"Woah Dev are you ok?" It was Theo.

"Yeah sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." She looked up at him.

He smiled at her, he met her eyes, his wandering over her face. His smile disappeared once he saw the pink hand print on her cheek.

"Devon what happened? Who the fuck did that to you?" He cupped her face in one hand to examine the puffiness forming on her cheek.

"Uhh-." She was about to come up with a lie when she heard someone come down the hall.

"What's going on here?" It was Blaise.

"Blaise look at her cheek." Theo moved Devon's head to face Blaise.

Blaise looked from Theo to Devon. He looked to where Theo was pointing.

"Devon who did this to you? Was it Enzo?" Concern dawned on their faces.

"No no! It wasn't Enzo, he wouldn't hit me." She looked up at them again.

"Then who was it?" Blaise asked again.

Both boys where standing opposite of her their arms crossed over their chests.

"I can't tell you, but it won't happen again ok? It's ok I'll be ok it was my fault anyways." She smiled at the two boys.

"Devon-." Blaise began but got cut off by Theo.

"If she doesn't want to tell us who did it or what happened then we have to respect that Blaise." Theo looked at her meeting her gaze.

"Please don't tell Enzo I don't want him to flip his shit over this ok?" She looked between the two boys waiting for one of them to confirm their understanding.

"Ok but if it happens again Devon we will beat your ass" Theo huffed

"And whoever did this to your face." Blaise finished.

"Ok deal." She smiled at the boys giving them both hugs.

"Damn Dev you need to shower you stink." Theo scrunched his nose up in disgust.

"Oh shut it Nott I bet I can run circles around you now." She smiled as she turned to walk away.

"I bet you can I need to cut down on my smoking." He called after her.

She chuckled at that as she left the two Slytherin boys in the hall.

Wait. Why were they coming from the girls dorms in the first place? Devon thought to herself until she realized she didn't want to wonder or know why.

She walked into her room realizing the water was running in her bathroom. Enzo was probably taking a shower.

She walked into the room stripping her clothes as she entered her bathroom.

She walked over to the shower door. She pulled it open, revealing a very steamy and naked Enzo.

"Lord have mercy. I'm about to bust." She smirked at his bare muscly back.

He turned around to face her hearing her voice behind him.

"Hey beautiful there you are. Where'd you go?" He pulled her into the shower with him.

"I went on a really well needed run." She smiled at him.

"Let me guess it kicked your ass huh?" He smirked down at her as he grabbed the shampoo from behind her pouring it over her head so he could rub it into her scalp.

"Oh hell yeah it did." She laughed remembering when she almost fell over.

"Well I'm glad you had a nice and challenging morning." He chuckled guiding her backwards to the shower head so he could rinse out the shampoo suds.

"Yeah it was very needed I'm very out of shape cardio wise, I'm good muscle wise I think I like where my health is at." She looked down at her little chubs she has at the bottom of her abdomen.

"If it means anything to you even though I know it doesn't because you're a badass who doesn't need a mans opinion. I think you're body is beautiful just the way it is." He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"You're right I don't need your opinion, but I do appreciate it." She smiled.

He smiled down at her leaning down to kiss her. He cupped a hand around her cheek he brought her face close to his but before he even fully met her lips he took a moment to look into her eyes the ones he falls for every time.

He finally brings his lips to hers meeting together perfectly and dancing gracefully in perfect sync.

"Devon...." He whispered between their kiss.

"Yes?" She pulled away form him to look into his eyes.

"You ready to beat Gryffindor's ass today?" He smiled down at her.

"You interrupted our hot make out session in the shower so you can ask if I'm ready to kick ass?" She smiled shaking her head at the boy in front of her.

"Yeah I'm regretting that now." He grimaced thinking about the many things they could be doing but now were interrupted by his dumb boy brain.

"Well it's time to get ready anyways it's breakfast time." She turned around shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower.

She reached out to the nearby shelf stacked up with towels. She grabbed two wrapping one around her body and handing over the other to Enzo.

He wrapped the towel around his waist while he walked over to the sink to brush out his hair.

Devon walked behind him looking at the mirror to meet his eyes. She pinched his ass as she walked by.

"Oh baby you're making me blush." He pretended to squeal.

"Good." She smiled as she sat down at her vanity.

Devon threw on some mascara and sunscreen not wanting to wear any heavy makeup since the game was later.

"Salazar you make me so horny." He groaned turning to look at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Oh I know." She stood up looking up at him giving him a small wink.

"Stop teasing me and let me fuck you." He smiled walking over to her.

He brought her in by the waist leaning down to kiss her. He reached a hand up to rest behind her head bringing their lips even closer.

He walked backwards guiding her the countertop. He picked her up plopping her down on the counter. He continued to kiss her gently at first but as they went on he went with a deeper force.

He brought her closer undoing the towel around her body.

Devon was fully naked now chills going down her body from the chill air hitting her skin.

They continued to kiss, as they kissed Enzo brought up a hand to cup her breast needing it in his warm hand. He kissed his way down  her jaw trailing wet slow kisses down her throat to her chest where he kissed along her collarbone.

He brought his lips to the one breast in his hand kissing it and sucking on it.

"Oh god Enzo." Devon moaned.

He reached up to grab the other into his hand and he began to suck on both of them taking turns on which to bring his warm lips to.

Devon reached her hands down so her hands were around his towel pulling at it so it completely slipped off his lower body.

Before they could get into anything they heard the bedroom door close, causing them to freeze Devon's breast still between Enzo's lips.

"Dev? It's me Ro I'm back from Draco's!" Aurora called from the room.

Devon pushed Enzo away from her hopping off the counter to throw on her towel again. She wrapped her self up again walking over to the bathroom door closing it behind her.

"Hey Ro! I didn't think you were coming back until after breakfast." Devon smiled at her best friend, who she now realizes she hasn't seen in what feels like forever.

"Yeah I originally wasn't going to but I wanted to wear something more cozy and take a shower in my own room, I miss my coconut shampoo." She giggled looking over at Devon.

"Ahh I understand what you mean." Devon sighs.

"Dev? What's going on you're acting kinda weird?" Aurora met Devon's eye.

"Uh-." Devon began to speak before they both heard a thud in the bathroom behind Devon.

"Who's in the bathroom?" Aurora questioned.

Aurora started walking over to the bathroom Devon stood in front of. Devon got in front of her not letting her pass.

"Dev come on I just wanna see who it is." She tried walking passed again but Devon stepped in front of her.

"It's just Enzo don't worry about it Ro." Devon smiled at her trying to reassure her friend.

"Oh ok." Aurora started to turn around to walk away when she suddenly turned back around tickling Devon so she fell to the floor.

She rushed to open the door. When she opened it there in the bathroom stood a naked Enzo.

"Oh my god Aurora!" Enzo shouted trying to cover himself.

"Oh Enzo you really are packing aren't you?" She tilted her head looking at Enzo.

"Ro!" Devon pulled her best friend from the restroom.

"What? I just wanted to embarrass him a bit." She giggled.

"Oh he's going to be scarred for life." Devon giggled.

"Oh Enzo you do have a way of making a girl blush!" Aurora called out as Devon pushed her away from the closed door.

"We're gonna finish getting dressed and we'll meet you downstairs.

"Or you guys can really finish whatever it was you were really doing and I'll save you guys some food?" Aurora smirked at Devon.

"After that shit show? I don't think we'll be carrying on with anything." Devon giggled.

"Ok I'll catch up with you later Dev. Love you!" Aurora said as she walked through her bathroom door. 

"Love you too!" Devon called back as Aurora shut the door behind her.

The door behind Devon opened a now half-naked and intensely embarrassed Enzo standing in the doorway.

"Is she gone?" He looked around the room from where he stood.

"Yeah she's in the shower." Devon smiled.

"That was the most embarrassing thing I've experienced." He sighed.

"Well at least she said you were packing she could've called you a little shrimp." Devon shrugged her shoulders.

"Ahh Devon please!" He shivered thinking back to the scarring moment.

"Haha!" Devon pointed her finger at him giggling.

"I'm getting dressed before Nora decides to make an entrance that I know for sure will stick with me till my dying breathe." He grimaced as he walked over to Devon's closet.

"Yeah you do that I'll change in the closet since I don't know where the hell my uniform went." She sighed turning on her heel to walked into her closet.

After the two got dressed they headed downstairs to the great hall to eat breakfast wanting to make sure they get a decent meal in before the big game.

"Nice shoulder pads Sykes." Devon heard a low voice from one of the out coves in the hall.

It was Mattheo who seemed to be smoking a joint.

"Thanks." She kept walking keeping her pace Enzo walking behind her.

"What's his deal?" Enzo whispered in her ear.

"I don't know he's a creep." She shrugged her shoulders.

They walked into the great hall seeing all the Gryffindors cheering on their team.

"Ready to loose today Weasley?" Devon smirked at the redhead.

"Oh I don't know Sykes the real question is are you?" Ginny smirked at her.

"Whoever looses has to do what the winner says and whoever wins has the looser do something for them anything?" Devon looked at Ginny.

"Deal! I could use some girl on girl action." Ginny smacked Devon's ass.

Devon pretended to moan giving Ginny a wink.

" I need to go sit down." Enzo interrupted.

"I think we gave him a hard on." Ginny whispered.

"Nah I already did, I think we just made it angry." Devon giggled giving Ginny a kiss on the cheek.

Devon walked over to the Slytherin table meeting up with her friends.

She noticed both Astoria Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode where drooling over Enzo. They didn't notice Devon walking up to the table too busy giggling over him.

Devon decided to walked over and sit on his lap, Enzo of course was more then happy about this looking up at her with a smile.

She leaned down cupping his face in her hands and kissing him passionately knowing the two Slytherin girls where watching.

Devon saw from her peripheral vision that earned a side eye from Astoria and a resting face from Millicent.

She didn't care if the two sluttiest girls in school gave her a look of disgust. They were just upset they couldn't get Enzo but Devon did.

She grabbed a bowl of oatmeal grabbing some raspberries and strawberries in another bowl.

She began eating listening to the conversations her friends where having laughing along at the jokes they made.

After she finished her food she became shifting around on Enzo's lap trying to fix her uniform pants.

Enzo clenched his fist that was on the table, his other hand gripped Devon's left hip.

She stilled her movements.

"Dev? If you keep moving like that I'm gonna explode right here." He whispered into her ear.

That's when she felt it the bulge in his uniform next to her ass.

"I'm sorry it was unintentional I swear." She whispered back.

"Sure it was." He scoffed.

That's it she was done being nice now he annoyed her. She began slowly moving her hips so no one would notice what she was doing.

"Dev I thought I told you to stop that?" He gripped her side again.

"I heard you. Doesn't mean I'm gonna listen." She smiled.

Enzo didn't seem in the mood now he grabbed onto both her hips picking her up and placing her onto the bench beside him.

Devon was shocked at what he did. She looked over at him he didn't met her gaze instead he continued his conversation with Blaise.

Devon was done she stood up from the table ready to leave.

"Excuse me." She muttered to the group.

"Where are you going?" He questioned her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She rolled her eyes turning to walk away.

He didn't even call after for her nor did he follow her out of the hall so she kept walking.

She decide to head to the field early to get some air.

She hopped onto her broom shooting into the air. She flew around the field for a bit then decided to fly over and around the castle looking down at the castle grounds she was too high up to make out the faces of the students going and leaving the halls and passing through the courtyards.

She loved it up here breathing the fresh air the cool breeze in her long fiery hair.

After flying around for an hour she realized she needed to get back down to the field to warm up with the team.

When she landed back on the ground the boys where there stretching before they headed into the air.

She decided to stay away from Enzo till he came to apologize for being an ass.

She stood between Blaise and Theo.

"You ready Dev?" Theo looked over at her.

"Ready as I'll ever be Nott." She chuckled.

"Zabini how are your balls doing?" She looked over at Blaise with a smirk.

"Well after Theo massaged them for a bit their pretty good." He chuckled.

"Oh I didn't need to know what you two did behind closed doors." She grimaced.

"I did not!" Theo shouted.

"Yeah he did right after he sucked my dick." Draco came behind them slapping Theo on the back.

"Draco what are you doing down here?" Devon looked over at him realizing he was in his quidditch uniform.

"I'm replacing Flint for this game he's recovering from a broken nose and a bruised rib?" Draco looked at the group.

"Wow after what two years?" Devon smiled at her best friend.

"Yes Sykes it's been two years but I bet I can kick your ass." He looked over at her.

"Uhh I don't know about that mate she's really good." Theo looked over at Draco.

"Yeah she's the fastest player out there." Blaise continued.

"We'll see about that." Draco winked at her.

She wrapped an arm around his waist walking out into the middle of the field.

"So what happened this morning at breakfast?" He
looked down at her his arm around her shoulder.

"Nothing Draco don't worry about it." She smiled.

"What did my cousin do? Do I need to go kick his ass or something?" He earned a smile at that one.

"No you don't we just annoyed each other." She shrugged.

"Ok then, but if he does hurt you just let me know and I'll straighten him out for you." He pulled away from her to stand in front of her face to face  meeting her eyes.

"Yes Draco I will let you know." She smiled at him, god she really missed him.

"I miss you too Dev we need to catch up, I've been so busy with my task and also trying to keep Ro happy and not suspicious." He started.

"No need for apologies Draco I understand, maybe after the game we can go to the prefects bathroom and relax in the huge bath like we used to?" She smiled at him in excitement.

"Sounds like a plan plus I might really need it after this." He chuckled.

The game began Devon weaved in and out of players the ball in her arm going faster then the others she came to one of the hoops shooting a goal instantly with no hesitation. The crowed cheered. She looked behind her as she saw Draco and Harry Potter racing around looking for the snitch.

Ron was playing keeper in this game but Devon didn't let that stop her. She shot goals after goals. He did block a few of them and she could hear the Gryffindor team cheer from the stands shouting, "WEASLEY WEASLEY!"

Slytherin was behind one goal Devon didn't want to loose this game she wanted to win she needed this win. She saw Ginny with the ball racing passed Adrian Pucey and Blaise. She races passed all of them barley missing the flying bludgers coming for her. She raced to Ginny sideswiping her to knock the ball out of her arm. Ginny turned to look at her and smirked realizing who it was. When Devon went to ram into her again Ginny did an up and over above Devon's head causing Devon to fly too far the the left.

She smiled as she looked over at Ginny they were heading towards the Slytherin goal. But before Ginny could send the ball in Devon shoved her body against Ginny's arm knocking the ball out of her arms. Devon dived down following the falling ball.

Before she came close to the hard ground she picked up the ball grazing her elbow on the grass. She came rushing back up knocking Cormac to the side causing him to spin out of control. She zoomed back towards the Gryffindor goal. Ron was there waiting for her. She rushed back but right before she was able to come close to throwing the ball into the goal she felt a hard shove from behind her it was a fourth year boy who was bigger then most his age he knocked her forward off her broom she threw the ball in as she flew forward, as she started free falling she saw the ball go into the hoop and she could hear Lee announce the shot and then shortly after he announced with a booming voice that Draco Malfoy caught the golden Snitch.

That was all she remembered before her body met with the hard ground with a heavy thud everything went black.

Devon woke up what felt like moments later feeling groggy. She tried to sit up but felt sharp pain everywhere especially her back. Her head felt woozy and sore. She looked at her surroundings she was in the hospital wing. Beside her bed was a sleeping Enzo in the cushioned chair.

Then she heard footsteps heading towards her when she looked up she saw Aurora and Nora.

They noticed she was awake a smile coming over both their faces.

"Aww Dev you're awake." Nora whispered not wanting to wake up Enzo.

"We brought you some soup madame Pompfrey told us you should be awake by now." Aurora came to Devon's side with a container full of Devon's favorite soup chicken noodle.

"Hey guys how many hours have I been out?" Devon chuckled slightly.

"Dev you've been out for three days." Aurora looked at her with raised brows.

"Are you serious?" She looked between her best friends.

"Yeah Dev you've been asleep for three days Pompfrey gave you some sleeping drought to keep you asleep so you can heal more." Nora began.

"Yeah and he's been sleeping in that chair every night only leaving during the day to grab his work from the Professors and then he'd come straight back to you and we'd bring him food and sometimes we'd stay here while he went up to shower and grab new clothes." Aurora looked at her best friend.

"He must feel like shit our last interaction we didn't end on the best terms." Devon grimaced at the thought.

Devon grabbed the container from Aurora's hand and began to eat. She sat up a bit to make sure she didn't choke. Her back was hurting her.

"Fuck I'm in so much pain." She grimaced.

"Can one of you please help me put on that hoodie I want to get out of this shirt. Actually can you guys help me shower? Can I get out of here now?" She looked between the two as she shoveled the chunks of chicken into her mouth.

"Yes you can the agreement was three days if you woke up on the third day you were free to leave." Nora smiled.

"So I did and now I wanna leave." She sat up all the way taking in a sharp a breath from the pain in her body.

"Ok slow down Casanova!" Aurora rushed to her side to help her out.

"Thanks Ro." Devon sighed.

"Dev you're awake." Enzo woke up from the commotion.

"Hey, I am." she smiled at him.

"Let me help you up." He stood up walking over to the other side of the bed helping her out.

"Ouch ouch!" Devon grimaced as he pulled her off the bed.

"Ahh Ms. Sykes you're awake so nice to see you got your rest." Madame Pompfrey looked over at the small group.

"Thank you Madame." Devon smiled.

"So Ms.Sykes your whole left side of your back is bruised and your wrist was sprained. Other then that your pretty much unscathed." She smiled at Devon.

"Ok sounds great thank you again." Devon smiled.

Enzo helped her stand up slipping on her sneakers and putting his blanket around  her shoulders.

They made their way back to the Slytherin common room waiting there was the whole group waiting for Devon's arrival.

"Welcome back Dev!" The group announced.

"Hey guys." She smiled at the group.

"Hey Dev you need anything?" Blaise came to kiss her head.

"No I'm ok." She smiled up at Blaise.

"Dev hey are you ok?" Draco was instantly at her side.

"Hey Draco, yeah I'm ok." She wrapped her arms around him he held onto her carefully not wanting to hurt her.

"Pans do you think you can whip up some of the green tea and lavender oil shampoo? I can really use some and the lavender body wash." Devon looked over at Pansy.

"Yeah Dev of course I actually have some already made for when you got back it's in your restroom on the counter." Pansy smiled.

"Oh you're too sweet thank you!" Devon smiled.

"Let's go get you upstairs Dev." Draco looked at Aurora who came up to the other side of Devon.

Enzo decided to go ahead of them to take all of Devon's belongings.

They walked her into the room Draco went and sat on Aurora's bed. Aurora helped walk Devon over the the bathroom.

"Hey you got her from here or do you want me to help her?" Aurora looked up at Enzo.

"I got her if she wants me to." He met Devon's eyes.

"Yeah that's fine with me." She looked at Aurora.

"I'll go get her something warm and comfy." Aurora smiled at the couple.

"Can you get me the hoodie on my bed that's my favorite hoodie." Devon called out or Aurora.

Aurora came back in with some black sweats and Enzo's Slytherin hoodie.

Enzo had the water running already pouring in the oils for her into the tub.

"Let's get you undressed darling." Enzo walked over to the door to shut it and lock it.

He turned to help her pull off her shirt over her head and pulled off her sweats and underwear. He helped her walk over to the tub.

Devon hooked an arm around his neck so he could hold her weight. She picked up her leg over the tub she settled in all the way. The warm water stung her bruised skin.

After her bath Enzo helped her get dressed. They headed out of the bathroom meeting  up with Draco and Aurora who were in their pajamas.

"Hey we wanted to have a nice sleepover with you two we got some snacks and a blunt to help you with the pain Dev." Aurora smiled at the pair.

"Aww how sweet, can you hand over the blunt I need to ease this pain." Devon sighed.

Draco handed over the blunt along with a lighter.

Devon lit the end of the blunt let it burn for a bit then took in a long drag.

The essence of the drug filled  her lungs and actually took some pain away from her body.

"Let's get this movie started." Enzo sighed.

"What movie?" Devon asked.

"Gone with the wind." Draco sighed.




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