
By EchoJayy

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Sometimes it is hard to read old fairy tales, right? They can be boring or just confusing. Not to worry, I ha... More

Little Red Riding Hood

The Frog Prince

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By EchoJayy

Originated: This is one of the oldest stories the Grimm Brothers ever copied down. It may or may not have originated in Rome during the times of Emperor Nero.

Fun Fact: I already mentioned that this story may or may not have originated during the times of Nero. Well this story may or may not be about Nero! (Not in a good way though) Back in the day Emperor Nero was compared to a frog a lot I am not sure why but probably because he had a frog like face. He could have also been slimy?

Now for the story:

Once upon a time there was a King who had many beautiful daughters, because in fairy tails all king's have beautiful children apparently. Anyway the youngest daughter was the most beautiful in fact she was so beautiful even the sun would look down on her and say " Damn, she's hot," (and no I did not make that up the original story says that).

The King's Castle was near to a well and that is where Princess liked to play. Apparently this king had more money that all the Kardashians because Princess's favorite thing to play with was a solid gold ball, and not even a bouncy ball or one you could kick it was like a rock, a gold rock.

One day Princess was playing with her rock when she dropped it down the well. Obviously the girl's only option here was to to start crying very loud so that is exactly what she did, until she heard a voice.

"What is wrong Princess?" said the voice " You are crying so loud you are even making the rocks sad."

Princess finally looked up from her crying to see who was speaking, and man was she upset when she saw who it was. "Oh gross a frog!" exclaimed the princess. The frog just stood there and stared at her. I suppose she had no doubt that the frog was the one talking to her because she continued to talk to him. " I am crying because my solid gold ball fell into the well."

" Well stop crying, I can get your toy but you have to give me something in return," replied the smart enough to talk albeit kind of creepy frog.

" Whatever you want!" replied Princess. " I will give you my expensive clothes, or my fancy jewelry, I will even give you my golden crown." See what I mean this girl was so rich.

The frog did not even need to think about this offer and quickly responded.

" I do not want your clothes, or jewels, or even your crown. All I ask for is love and a friend! (and to sleep in bed with you) If you will allow me those things I will go into the well to get you gold ball."

Princess quickly agreed although she had no intent of following through with her promise, she was still pretty grossed out by the whole amphibian thing. Although if I were her I would have been more concerned about the frog trying to sleep with me thing, but hey maybe in that day it was super normal for frogs to ask to sleep in your bed, I don't know I wasn't there.

Once the frog received the promise from the princess he quickly dove down into the well and retrieved the golden ball. As soon as the princess got her hands on her toy she ran away as fast as she could leaving the lonely frog behind, yelling and pleading for her to come back. Poor frog all he wanted was a friend, (and to sleep in her bed?).

Fast forward to the next day the princess and her father were sitting at the table eating their lunch from a golden plates, because you know she was rich and apparently everything she owns is gold. While they were eating they heard a knock at the door and a little voice yelling "Princess please let me in."

The princess ran to the door she was hoping would be a hot prince or maybe even a hot huntsman. Instead when the princess opened the door she was greeted by a frog, well not really greeted. Really what happened was the princess opened the door saw the frog and slammed it right on his little frog face. The king was startled by the action, apparently the princess didn't often open and slam doors so he had to ask,

"Princess what is it? Is it a giant that wants to kidnap you?"

" No," replied the princess " it is just an ugly frog."

The king was justifiably confused and asked, "Why is a frog asking for you? That is very strange why can he even talk?"

The princess then explained to her father about the ball falling into the water and the frog asking her to be her friend. She also explained that she broke her promise to the frog. When the king heard this he was very upset, he did not think the princess should have broken her promise so he told her to let the frog in. She reluctantly did and she allowed him the to eat from her plate and even drink from her cup, but then the frog got tired and asked her to carry him up to the bed. The princess was of course disgusted not because he wanted to sleep in the bed oddly but because she had to touch him to carry him there, but the king demanded she carry him up so she did.

Once in her bedroom the princess dropped the frog on the ground and headed straight to the bed. The frog was very upset and told the princess " If you don't put me on the bed I am going to tell your dad." Extra fun fact this may or may not be the first instance of tattle tailing ever written down, but that's not important. What is important was that this tattling made the princess quite mad, so mad that she picked up the frog and threw him up against the wall.

This was in fact luck for the princess and the frog. When the frog hit the wall a spell was broken and the frog turned into a prince. Now I don't know what kind of weird curse this was that like you get smacked really hard against a wall and the curse is broken I just don't get it. The book suggests that the spell was broken because the princess became a friend to the frog but you and I both know that's not true. In any event now that the frog was hot prince him and the princess were married, side note apparently they were married as soon as he turned into a prince again so this was some kind of weird throwing, marriage, curse again I just don't get it.

The next day after they "slept" they decided to live in the prince's father's kingdom, so they packed up their bags and got into a carriage. To be more specific this was Faithful Henry's carriage. Who is Faithful Henry you ask? Well Faithful Henry was a trusted servant and a great friend of the prince. In fact Faithful Henry was such a good friend that when the prince was turned into a frog his heart almost burst from sadness he almost died poor Henry, so to fix that he but a cage around his heart. How? I don't know, this seems very medically advanced from this time period but maybe he had magic. Now after Faithful Henry picked up the princess and prince from the castle his heart did burst, but this time from joy and I guess it was a Grinch scenario because he didn't die and everyone lived happily ever after.

Moral: I would say don't make promises you don't intend to keep but things actually ended well for everyone in this story to I'm going to say the moral is if you get cursed make sure it is an easy curse to break.

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