The SS mental hospital (Sansc...

By Chipper_Ship

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Cross is taken in by a new Mental Hospital. A better one. But is it really a mental hospital? Or is it a sanc... More

SS new guy
Cross is new
A little bit of Nightmare
I want to meet him
Another day with Chara
To long for the discovery
Not hostile but not docile
So its Shattered and Corrupted
Choices each day
Just ONE half day
This is bad
Happy Birthday
A question to ask the gone
W. D. Gaster
And XGaster arrives
If we found out
Then we would have more doubt
If we kept the secret
First snow
Christmas/Christmas eve
New year, new feelings
Getting closer, but differently
Valentines Day
Rejected for the date, but we will wait
Attacks in the garden
Secret deal
Its hard to express, but i'll say yes
Accepting the betrayal
Funeral mourning until good morning
Windows Pc and Oreo boi
It seems promises never stay
But thats pretty gay
And while we stay away
Will we have that special day?
Blue clones in strings
We're all friends, but why again?
Glitchy feelings with new revealings
Battles and death
Aftermath and after that
Bonus! The epilogue of a lifetime

How long could we keep it?

793 41 24
By Chipper_Ship

He was alone. the dust of the ones that he loved surrounding him. It looked like his whole world was falling apart. Yet there was still one missing. Killer. Corrupted had him suspended in the air, with one of his many tentacles.

"Stop!" He screamed, pleading for him to let go.

Corrupted smiled sadistically. "Ohh Outer, don't you ever learn. Never get close to people if you don't want them to die." He sliced Killer's neck making him immediately start to dust.


Outer awoke in a cold sweat. He had been sleeping in Killer's room for the past few days, since he had gotten over his fear a bit more. His original bed was in Killer's room, before he had decided to permanently stay in the white room after all. It seemed that Corrupted had decided to pick on him again though.

"Outer?" Asked Killer sleepily. He was laying on the bed next to Outer's. Dust and Horror's bed's being in front of their's.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Outer nodded, yet he had light tears going down his cheeks. Killer sighed and went to sit next to Outer on his bed.

"What did you dream about?" He asked wearily.

"C-corrupted w-was- h-he killed- Y-you were." He couldn't form comprehendible sentences, but Killer understood what he was trying to say. He laid Outer so that they were facing each other, as he cuddled with him.

"I promise I won't let him do that. I'll protect you." He said softly.

It seemed to calm Outer down a bit, as he snuggled closer into Killer. Though he was still very scared.

The waves of fear and sadness that were radiating off of Outer were absolutely delicious to Corrupted.

Nightmare was scowling at him. 'Can't you give him a break for a little while?'

"No." Corrupted said simply. Nightmare rolled his eyes.
"Ahh!" Screamed Cross.


"Uhhh Chara why am I under...... a bed?" He asked, as he tried to figure out if it was a bed.

'Ummm I may have possessed your body last night to go do something.' He said embarrassedly.

Cross glared at him. "You didn't do anything bad right?" He asked.

'No of course not.' He said frantically. Cross looked at him skeptically, but decided to believe him, for now. He carefully got out from under the bed and dusted himself off.

"Are you okay?" Asked Nightmare. Cross nodded. They walked out of the room as they waited for Geno. Reaper had gotten his group back after begging Geno for hours.

Cross remembered what Classic had said or rather written to him. 'You should ask Nightmare for more information'. It seemed that Nightmare wasn't going to give him any more information unless he pushed him. That probably wasn't a good idea.

Though maybe Dream and Ink knew something about him. They seemed to be some of the first ones here so he thought he could at least try.

He waited until Nightmare left to go to the bathroom. "Hey Dream?" He asked.

"Yes?" Dream asked.

"Do you know anything about.......Error?" He asked.

Dream, Ink, Lust and Blue froze. "Error?" Asked Blue with amazement.

"Who told you about him?" Asked Lust.

Cross got worried. "Umm Classic." He said. Classic also looked worried. They all turned to look at him.

"Did you ask him to?" Asked Dream. Cross nodded. Dream sighed. "Did you ask Nightmare?" Cross nodded again. "What did he say?"

"He said that they were best friends and that he is not dead, but he is gone?" Said Cross confusedly. Dream sighed and started walking towards one of the cabinets in the art room. He opened it slowly.

It looked old, as if it hadn't been open in years. Dream took out a small box and a painting?

He brought them to a table quickly. He pointed at one of the people on the painting. "This is Error."

There where two people in the painting. One of them, Cross recognized to be Nightmare though he looked much younger. He also looked much happier and not so depressed.

The second person was a black boned Skelton. He had blue lines going down his multicolored eyes, and a couple glitches all over his body. He looked annoyed, but also had a light blush on his face, as Nightmare hugged him.

"He WAS one of Nightamare's best friends before he......left." Dream hid the reality of Nightmare's relationship with Error, for Nightmare's sake.

"Where IS he?" Asked Cross.

They all looked like they were thinking for a while, except Dream and Ink. "It's complicated. The point is that he was very close to Nightmare and it might take time for him to actually try to answer your questions." Explained Dream.

"Is he.............coming back?" Asked Cross.

Most of them shook their heads slowly. Dream sighed. "We don't know, but most likely no." He handed Cross the box he took out. "Don't show it to Nightmare, but it has pictures of Error inside." Cross nodded and hid the box under a table so that Nightmare wouldn't see it when he came back.
Cross only had a few more people to ask. Right now he was hoping to ask the question in Reaper's group. They were now in the library, though opposite of Geno's group, who would mostly read to themselves or to another person, Reaper's group was just taking. About whatever they wanted.

Having mini conversation and one big conversation. Cross thought it was a good time to ask. "Do you guys know anything about...... Error?" He asked.

Everything went silent. "Did something bad happen with him?" Asked Cross.

"No. Why do you say that?" Asked Dust nervously.

Cross was about to answer, but Outer interrupted him. "Error!" He had been the only one that was actually reading silently in the corner.

"Who told you about him?" He asked in the same manner as Lust earlier, except he was more excited.

"Uhh, Classic." He responded. "But I asked him to." He reassured. They all nodded.

"Error was one of my best friends. He loved to see the stars just like me and we would play in the snow when it was winter and-" Outer was cut off.

"Snow?" He asked. They all looked at Cross with faces of shock.

"You don't know what snow is?" Asked Outer. Cross shook his head, this seemed to make Outer even more excited. "Snow is like rain, but it's like frozen at the right temperature for it not to be ice." Explained Outer. Cross was very interested.

"Where is it?" Asked Cross.

"It comes out in winter, so it might come soon." Said Outer. Cross nodded. He was very excited. He took out the box that Dream had given him earlier. Everyone seemed to recognize it and scooted closer to Cross.

He opened it. There were many pictures and mini paintings of this Error guy inside. Outer grabbed one. It had him and presumably Error staring at a sky full of stars. Some of them were even close enough for them to hold, though these were most likely Outer's.

"That is maybe 9 years ago." He explained.

"Who took the picture?" He asked. The picture was obviously taken in secret since the photographer was so far away.

Outer thought for a while. "Umm- a skeleton I think. I've only seen him once, he is very multicolored. He is also
very chaotic and most people don't know what he looks like, but sometimes he takes random pictures of people and they just show up on our beds or in our pockets." He explained.

Out of curiosity, he checked if there was anything in his pocket. Indeed there was. A small picture of yesterday when he was fighting with Nightmare. The picture was taken from outside of the hospital, but was zoomed up to show the people.

He looked at the rest of the pictures. A lot of them were taken with Killer, Dust, Horror, Fell, Outer and Reaper, so he assumed that was his group. Mostly though they were taken with Nightmare.

The group explained where the pictures were taken and what they were doing in them. They did the same with the paintings except they would also say who they were painted by. Surprisingly not all of them were painted by Ink, though the best painted ones were.

There was another question to ask. "Do you guys think he will come back?" He asked.

They all stopped once again. This time a wave of thought came over them. Dust sighed. "We all hold on to the thought that maybe one day he will come back, but-" Killer threw a knife at the wall, stopping Dust in his tracks.

"He will come back." He said sternly. They all nodded in agreement. It wasn't the fact that HE missed Error. Of course they were good friends, but he was just looking out for Outer. Outer was actually one of Error's best friends, so hearing the group say that he wasn't coming back was bringing him to tears. Killer didn't like that.

Cross however realized this. With all the information that he had gathered so far, he came to the conclusion that there was a slight possibility of him coming back, but he would most likely not return. All he needed to know now was.....from where. Where was he that no one wanted to tell him. "Do you guys know where he is?" He asked.

They all thought for a moment. "Actually I don't." Said Dust. Horror nodded in agreement. "I wonder where he is."
'Why don't you tell him?' Asked Corrupted.

"None of your business." Responded Nightmare.

'Come on. This is about Error isn't it?' Asked Corrupted.

Nightmare didn't answer. 'We are literally one in the same. I can tell what you are feeling.' He said.

"Then why do you ask?"

Corrupted shrugged. 'Why do you hold onto him so much?' Nightmare was ignoring him at this point. 'I mean it's been 5 years don't you want to move on?'

Nightmare had tears in his eyes. "I don't understand how you can be so fine about this." He muttered . "I thought you loved him too. Guess not."

Corrupted sighed. 'I do love him, it's just I miss that part that he filled.' He said. He had started crying too.

Nightmare was shocked. "Why are you crying?" He screamed. "This is all your fault!"

Corrupted left. Nightmare sighed. This was all his fault..................right?
Cross knocked on the door carefully. It was all the way at the end of the rooms. He saw Epic enter it earlier so he decided to ask him now.

Epic opened the door slowly. After he realized who it was he smiled. "Hey Cross. Did you need something?" He asked.

Cross nodded. "I wanted to ask you about Error." He said. The reaction he got from Epic was not at all what he expected.

"Okay what do you need bruh?" He didn't expect him to be so forward.

"Umm- I just wanted to see what you know about him." He said.

Epic nodded. He sat down on one of the chairs that was inside the storage room they were in, and gestured for Cross to sit on one too. "Error was a very......quiet bruh. I was probably the one that saw him the most since he would only sometimes be in Reaper's group. Most of the time he liked to watch the tv." He explained.

"Tv?" Asked Cross.

"Yeah it's like a screen with moving pictures."

Cross nodded, but he still didn't understand what it was. "He was best friends with Ink, Nightmare, Outer and Geno, so maybe you should ask them more about him, bruh."

"I already did. They seemed like they didn't want to talk about it. Except Outer."

Epic nodded. "Most people miss him, bruh. Some think he is coming back others don't."

"Do you think he is?"

"I'm not sure, bruh. Most people have given up hope, but I just stick with whatever W says. He said that he will, and I believe him." He said in his calm, but happy tone.

"Do you know where he is?"

Epic nodded again. "Only me and a small bit of people know though. It's not something we tell most people."

Cross nodded in disappointment, but smiled. "Thanks Epic. That's all I needed. See you tomorrow." He said as he started leaving the room.

"Wait!" Said Epic. He handed Cross a container of rainbow liquid. "Could you take this to Ink for me, bruh?" He asked.

Cross nodded curiosity as he left. He walked towards the cells where Nightmare used to sleep as well. Ink and Dream were already sitting in one, just talking.

"Hey Cross." Said Dream happily.

Cross gave him a little wave. He handed Ink the container of rainbow liquid. "Epic told me to give it to you." He said.

Ink nodded and started......drinking it? Strange. "Why do you still sleep in the cells?" Asked Cross.

Ink shrugged and looked up at Dream. "Well Shattered can't enter the room without the key, but if he came in then we'd have to let Corrupted in and I don't think Nightmare wants that." Dream explained.

Cross nodded. "Well goodnight guys." He started to walk back to his room.

"Nightmare?" He asked. Nightmare was sitting up on his bed. He had tear marks on his face. "Were you crying?"

Nightmare nodded sadly. "Are you okay?"
Nightmare shook his head slowly. "Are you going to sleep here tonight?" Nightmare nodded. Cross would have been happy if he heard that any other time, but Nightmare looked so sad, and he could do nothing about it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Nightmare said quietly. "I just need to calm down." He said as he sighed and laid down. Cross also laid down looking at Nightmare, from his bed, with a worried look.

"Is it something I said. I'm sorry if I-"

"No it's okay. It's just Corrupted, he said something and he's not here right now. I'm just having mixed emotions." He explained.

"Is he going to come out later?"

"I'm not sure."

Cross nodded. "I hope you feel better." He said softly.

"Yeah, me too."

Corrupted didn't come out that night.
I love Crossmare so much
But I also love Errormare
And ErrorCross
And ErrorCrossmare
Huuuuu the struggles of being a multishipper
(Also happy pride month)
Hahhaha Bye - V

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