Camera Shy

By Melswritingmadness

3.2K 473 249

Jamie is just an ordinary girl, stumbling through life with her best friend Amy by her side. Nick, TJ, Stu a... More

C-1 - I prefer being invisible.
C-2 - When opportunity knocks, pretend you're not in.
C-3 - Blurred lines.
C-4 The average dark side has four exits; you just need to want to use them.
C-5 - I did not ask for wings because I would prefer not to fly.
C-6 - Fire exits located
C-7 - The choices you make daily, change the worlds' view...
C-8 The camera doesn't lie
C- 9 - And the bubble bursts....
C-11 Webs of lies.
C-12 - The past stays hidden for a reason.
C-13 - The battle between the heart and mind.
C-14 She blinds him with a fake reflection.
C-15- Do you see what I see....
C-16 - Three hundred seconds of crowd pleasing.
C- 17 Crash- Boom- BANG
C- 18 There's no smoke without fire.
C-19 - Knocking down the wall and knowing nothing changes
C-20 The secrets we keep
C-21 Some things you just don't see coming.
C-22 The morning after the night before.
C- 23 Life behind the lens isn't always so pretty.
C- 24 His smile is all it takes to bring down my walls. One brick at a time.
C- 25 - Once you see into their soul, both hearts shine brighter.
C- 26 - Something worth fighting for.
C- 27 - Bye, bye, bitc....
C- 28 - I spy with my little eye.
C-29 The wicked games she plays.
C-30 - lets play hide and seek.
C- 31 - When you're gone....
C- 32 - The secret thoughts we keep.
C - 33 - The complications of a beating heart.
C- 34 - The more I know, the more I love you.
C- 35- speaking the wrong language.
C- 36 - Fresh off the press....
C- 37- 5..4..3..2..1..Welcome back Deadly sins.
C-38 - Pulled from the darkness.....
C- 39- Jamie crazy fan-girl Fuller
C-40 - over exposure.

C-10 - Sealed with a kiss

72 12 3
By Melswritingmadness

The dread of whatever game she has planned next makes my anti-social personality cry inside. Reece suddenly breaks out into a huge grin and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen and heading to the front of the house then turning and dragging me upstairs, "Hurry up, follow me."

I stare at him, extremely confused at what the hell is happening, until I get pulled into the loft room. It takes me a few seconds to realise that I have been dragged into his room and I look at him unamused and a little shocked, "You've got to be kidding me!"

He sits on his bed and smiles, "Relax, I just wanted to escape Chloe for a minute. Although, If you're up for it...."

I shake my head and turn to leave.

"Hey! Wait, I was just joking. Believe it or not, I don't sleep around. Well not anymore."

I turn back around to face him, "Ok, I'll stay for a bit."

I start to wander around his room looking at the random décor he has scattered around. "You have a rather large jar of guitar picks..."

Reece walks over and opens the jar. "Mostly they are one's fans have sent me and the ones in covers are the ones I found when on tour."

He starts digging through the jar and pulls out a few, "This one is my favourite. We went on tour to Ireland, travelled all over and it was amazing, so I wanted a shamrock shaped one. This one is the first set of merchandise picks the band ever had made and promoted. And this one, this one is awesome it's the ..."

I smile, "The Delorean, yeah, I know. It's a great film." 

Reece puts the jar back, "Well if you're a fan of that film you will love these." He pulls out a box and as he takes of the lid, I see it's full of merchandise from the films.

"Oh my god! These are awesome."

Reece lets me raid through the box and we laugh and chat about the film, trying to outdo each other on movie quotes and trivia about the film. It is a side of him I have never seen before and I'd be massively lying to myself If I did not admit that he is hot, funny and smells heavenly.

I feel his gaze move from my eyes to my lips and I awkwardly jump up and start stuttering, "There's a lot of giggling going on out there....... I wonder what they are playing now." I walk over to the window and look down.

"Well, since Chloe is choosing the games, something that involves sex or bodies touching." He says as he stands up and comes up behind me. "Knew it, it's that stupid balloon game. Moving the balloon from body to body."

I keep my back to him and watch below. "So, I don't get it. The way you are talking about her right now sounds, dare I suggest, resentful? But the way the guys explained it basically suggested that you are a lovesick puppy......and she is like your kryptonite."

"Yeah, I have really put them through a lot. I've been a real dick at times. I half expected them to just boot me out of the band at some points, but they know me, and they know the person I turn into around her is not the real me. She has, in the past, had a way of consuming me and I have spent a while in the gutter trying to avoid her. She is not a bad person; she is just bad for me." He sighs.

"Do you miss her?" I ask, wanting to punch myself in the stomach instantly.

"Weirdly, no. I used to. Her and I would get into difficult situations, the papers would find out, at first it made us the talk of the town but then the papers turned it into bad headlines and she'd disappear for a while. I'll be honest her being here is difficult; not because I want her, but because I know she is here to create a shit storm and my friends do not deserve it. Not again."

"I am sure the guys are already aware of her motives. Just please try not to get sucked in, you are really hard work and I just ..."

Reece steps closer and I feel his warm, tingling breath on my neck, "Yeah, I haven't exactly been welcoming, have I?"

I close my eyes and try to ignore the feelings stirring in my body. "A crocodile ripping my leg off with rotten teeth whist listening to your band's music would be considered a warmer welcome."

"Ok," he chuckles, "I'll definitely try harder." His warm, wet lips graze my neck and teasingly moves around to my mouth.

I pull back and grin, "What are you doing?"

He steps back, "Well normally, that move works pretty well.... But I guess I forgot myself because you are no ordinary girl, are you?"

I give him a teasing smile as I pass him and head out the door. "No, I'm definitely not. Maybe you should stick with your usual taste in girls."

"Oh, Jamie that's cute, I didn't say you aren't my type. I am merely saying that you're going to be worth the wait."

I pause in the doorway and then leave. I can't help but grin as I run down the steps. Clumsily, I stumble off the bottom step but manage to stop myself from falling.

"I saw that," Reece says as he follows behind.

We both re-join the party and manage to avoid most of the games. The party ends early since the website launches tomorrow and I have big plans for the lads.

================Launch day================

The guys all wake up early and I have a full fry-up delivered for them as a treat. As they make their way into the dining room one by one, they all take in the piled-up boxes on the table and give me an 'Oh god' look and I give them all a huge smile.

"Morning boys, its launch day!"

Stu sits down and grabs some coffee "Please stop being so cheerful, its 6am."

I give him a shrug, "IT'S LAUNCH DAY!! WHOOP" I shout.

TJ walks over to me laughing. removes the coffee from my hand and guides me to a chair, forcing me to sit.

"Morning Jamie, we are all seeing a whole new side to you this morning..." TJ starts to say until Nick cuts him off,

"Yeah, I think I preferred the shy and clumsy Jamie," he sniggers.

"That's not what I'm saying at all, it's cute but...." TJ Hesitates.

"They want you to tone down the little miss cheerful routine, its barely light out, it's annoying," Reece sighs and then leans in for the bacon.

I look at them and begin to question how many coffees I've had. "Ok, I thought about it and no! Eat and change. We have a long day ahead and a fair bit of travel."

"Travel? It's a click on the computer." Stu complains.

"Yeah, well as boring and dull as that sounds, my way is more fan interactive, so you know.... Hurry the hell up." I grab one of the boxes, open it up and show the guys, "We have cakes to design!"

Reece starts to laugh, "I swear you love pushing my buttons."

Once they have filled their bellies and showered, their moods are much friendlier and they happily come into the dining area to the now set up cake decorating table.

"Ok Jamie, what's the plan?" Stu asks.

"First off, we are decorating theses cakes. To avoid them tasting bad, a well-known bakery has made them, so all you need to do is decorate them.... fast. Then we will be launching the website with a personal message from the band. As an extra treat, we have three secured locations and you will leave clues to each one randomly before we get to each venue. Once there, fans can get signed pictures and can win, via the auction, your cupcakes and the money raised will go to charity."

"You set all this up?" TJ asks with a huge smile.

"I sort of pulled Amy in and David but so far everything is on schedule"

Amy comes thudding down the stairs, "What the hell was that awful noise at 5:55am?" She groans.

"That was Jamie, playing the guitar outside OUR rooms," Nick says unimpressed.

"I'm not sure you can call that playing, it was barely one chord," chimes in Reece.

Amy starts to laugh, "OH MY GOD, that was you? I thought for sure it was their first album when my ears starting begging for mercy."

I nod in understanding and hand her some breakfast that I saved for her. "Eat this and shower, we need to leave soon."

She gives me a playfully shocked look, "If you needed me up early, why didn't you just wake me?"

"Amy, go and eat!" I say firmly.

The decorating goes well and the guys decide, since they are seeing fans, they would like to give a small performance, time permitting. I message the idea to David and await his final answer.

The guys all do a video of the website launch countdown and post it as they press launch. After they start enticing fans with some clues of the first destination and once the cars are loaded up, we head to the first spot. The journey is filled with excitement and some nerves. The whole way there they torture us with their songs as they decide which ones to sing. My opinion on this is not wanted nor appreciated apparently.

Along the journey, they take roadside pictures and post them as extra hints for the fans. The page has barely been launched for an hour and its crazy busy, so much so Instagram and Facebook have entertainment posts about it.

It was not hard to work out when we were close to the first venue. There was a huge line covering two streets of people singing, some wearing goth-like clothing and others wearing the bands merchandise.

The guys do their band-bonding ritual handshake and then, as we pull up to the venue, they prepare to jump out, with security, to wow the fans as they enter the building.

I stay in the car and wait as we drive around the back so I can stay behind the scenes. The guys all get ready and I make sure everything is set up.

As a limited number of fans begin to enter the building, David makes a speech and the band appear behind him and jokingly begin to serenade him. The screams are deafening and the band soak it all up, playing even louder. As they head out back to clean up before autographs, we do the cake auction and sell some new merchandise.

The signing goes great and the guys make a lot of effort to ensure nobody is left out. With no time to spare we head to venues two and three and the day just gets better and better. The press works out the clues and end up at the third venue before us and the band agree to some photos and a short interview. By the time we are done, we are all exhausted and the guys pack up and prepare for the long journey home.

TJ grabs my bags as I thank the venue staff for all their amazing work and Reece walks over with a smile, waiting for TJ to leave.

"Why are you being weird?" I ask, as he just stares.

"I'm so tired, this day has been crazy and exhilarating. Thank you, Jamie," he smiles.

"You're welcome Reece. You guys did amazing today."

Reece steps closer and leans down lingering over my lips.

"Reece.... think about what your...."

His lips gently graze mine as his arms wrap around me pulling me close. My brain is yelling 'SHUT THIS DOWN, NOW!' but my body and my heart want the exact opposite thing. After barely a few seconds, I part my lips and the real kiss begins.  

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