Our Own Demons // Raven x Mal...

By RandomWriteTypes

68.3K 1.4K 270

He's an anti hero sent to join the Titans by Batman. She's a young adult finding her place in the Teen Titans... More

The One Who Came Back
The Half Demon
First Run
Old Habits Die Hard
New Face
Chaos Before The Storm
New Beginnings ( epilogue )

Sins of The Father

2.6K 74 11
By RandomWriteTypes

[ Y/N ]

John teleported us into the basement of the church as we carefully made our way upstairs, not wanting to alert any of the demons but to none of our surprises they were waiting for us. An handful of demons licked their teeth as they stared at us with their red glowing eyes, ready to strike but awaiting orders as it would seem. Ahead of us the place where the preacher would stand, giving sermons was now occupied by a throne crafted out of organic materials as flames surround it. A being sat there but not for long as he stood up, turning to face us. This is it. This was what I saw in that flashback. This is what she was hiding.

"I was preparing for this. . . But I didn't however, expected you Constantine. "

"Hey there you ugly mug. . . Long time hasn't it?"

" So it would seem, but never long enough."

As he stood across from us, a smaller figure floated above his shoulder. It was a hard pill to swallow as I saw Raven levitating in the air, her hair all white, her skin no longer pale white and her eyes now four, all red. She looked down at us with a different glint in her eye. Not the same one of hope and gratitude but of evil and malicious intent. Trigon lifted his hand and his demon army began to swarm us but only me and Constantine weren't being attacked. I'd usually be ecstatic but I know what was coming next. It was just the matter of who was going to take their shot at me. Constantine immediately conjured a protection spell for me  as Raven swooped down, knocking him back before grabbing him and flying upwards where they had their battle. Trigon and I began to circle around slowly. Everything was surprisingly going to plan besides the fact that everyone had to hold their own against demons, everything was going perfectly.

" I wondered what intrigued me about you the first time we met. But now? Now I know exactly what it is."

"That I saw right through the little act you tried to pull? Pretending to be her?"

"Oh no. . . No it's much better than that. See you, you've cheated Death against your own will, which means you no longer fear death or anything for that matter. A being with nothing to fear is a being that's truly free."

" You're going to fight me properly?! Or are you just going to stand there, talking about your ideals and fight me like a coward?"

Trigon chuckled in his demonic voice before reducing his size to match mine but still taller than me by a margin.

" Be careful what you wish for. . ." He said as he leaped into battle, throwing his right hand. I barely dodged it before unsheathing my Jian. This time however, it did something different. It glowed a luminous green that only shone brighter as light bounced off the surface. I got into a fighting stance, ready for his attack. Trigon stepped back as his eyes landed on the blade. A slight look of impressed crept across his face before disappearing as quick as lightning

" The Blade of The Demon. A worthy blade to meet mine."

I didn't know what was the blade called so I just kept my mouth shut and prepared for his move. He walked closer to me. Flames shot out of his hand as it revealed a sword of his own.

" All this. . . . for a girl you just met months ago."

" Well I kinda like living in this world as it is without a demon overlord trying to rule it." I said as I lunged at him, swinging my sword. He seemingly parried it with little to no effort, like he could sense my attacks before I even did it. Some of the demons tried to intervene but Trigon swatted them away.

" No!! This one's. . . This one's mine."

We both stood there as we got into our respective fighting stance, waiting for the other to attack when Constantine and Raven came crashing into the building, through the stained glass shattering it into a million shards. Noticing I was up against a hell of an opponent, he threw a spell at Trigon before turning his focus back to Raven. Trigon was stunned by the surprise attack which gave me an opening. I closed the distance on him as I aimed for what would usually be the vital parts of a human. Trigon immediately regained himself and started to return a few strikes of his own.

[ Nightwing ]

These demons definitely don't know the meaning of staying down. No matter how many hits they take, they never seem fazed. As a matter of fact we were only keeping them occupied when the actual mission was to keep them down. I looked around to find Cyborg being ganged up by a demon and a human wearing a very bizarre costume.

" That must be Blood." I muttered to myself as I ran towards Cyborg, taking the demon down so he could face Blood one on one. Luckily for me, these demons weren't really that bright. I was able to trick it into running into a wall before sticking an explosive on its back. For a second I thought I had the advantage as the explosion took off one of its wings but then it regenerated it's limbs before turning around to face me.

" Shit." Was all I could say as I whipped out my Escrima sticks.

[ Batman ]

The team outside had their hands full with the demons that swarmed the place. Lucky for me, I've dealt with worse. It wasn't really a gruesome fight as I expected, more so long and time-consuming but all of it was for a purpose. I glanced over to check on the rest of the team, Barbara and Cass were helping each other and Tim was fighting a bunch of smaller demons. Talia on the other hand wasn't fighting a demon but rather a lady in a green outfit. It must be Cheshire. The one Dick told me about. I have to say she does seem like a formidable opponent for Talia.

"Traitor!" Talia screamed as she launched herself towards Cheshire. They must have had a history together, probably a former member of the League. I turned my focus back at the demon that was charging at me. I put my fists up, ready to counter-attack when it was suddenly pushed back by a magic blast. Constantine was supposed to get Raven back so it couldn't be him. An ominous sound could be heard as I turned towards it's direction to see an old friend revealing herself.

" Zatanna."

" Hello Bruce. I see you still haven't changed one bit."

Our focus were immediately caught by a swarm of demons headed towards us. I grabbed Zatanna and grappled upwards to the roof of a building before planning our next attack.

[ Y/N ]

I landed hard against the concrete beams of the church. I groaned in pain as I pushed myself back up.

" Fuck! The guy does have a pretty mean back hand." I cursed under my breath but before I had a chance to regain myself, Trigon lunged forward at me, driving his knee into my chest. Taking advantage, he then lifted me up by the throat, choking me before slamming me on the ground. I was physically beat but still I pushed myself back up to face him. He threw me against the wall before landing punches across my helmet. He went blow after blow repeatedly that I didn't think he'd stop. Suddenly he was pushed back and restrained by chains that shot up from the ground as Constantine flew in, carrying Raven in his arms. He started to teleport the Titans one by one but he was noticeably worn out, waiting for me.

" She's free! Let's go."

I nodded at him prepared to leave but then I heard the chains starting to lose their grip on Trigon. I looked back at Constantine.

" How long can you get her back?"

" It'll take me a few minutes but we have to go now!" He said as he sliced the very fabric of existence to create a portal.

" Then go!! I'll buy you time!"

" Y/N no!! You can't d-" He said before I pushed him into the slit that was just about to close and focused myself back to Trigon.

" Noble move for a dead man." Trigon sneered as he broke the chains that bounded him. He picked up his sword as he slowly made his way to me. I screamed in anger as I jumped forward for one last push, to save Raven. One last push for the team.

[ Batman ]

Everyone was slowly getting tired, even Zatanna who just joined the fight. Suddenly we were all teleported expect for her. I readjusted my eyes to see that we were back at the tower but the landing wasn't as smooth as I though it'd be. I looked around the room to find Constantine, against the wall out of breath as he exhaled heavily, on the table was a hooded girl that was out of it. Raven. I looked around the building to find Dick and the rest of the team, surprised at where they were. But someone wasn't here. Y/N.

" Where's Y/N?" I asked Dick. He shook his head in confusion. I was starting to worry so I confronted Constantine who was inside the medical room.

" Where's Y/N?" I asked with my voice slightly raised.

" Hey! Your kid pushed me into the portal just as it was about to close. I didn't have time to stick my hand out and grab him nor do I have the power to do it now."

" He's still in there?!" I shouted at him, turning around to head back to the church to save him. I couldn't lose him, not again. I was then stopped by Zatanna.

" Bruce wait. If you go now, you're going to be overwhelmed. Wait until the team has gotten back on their feet."

"Zatanna?" Constantine asked in shock.

" John. What happened to Raven?" She said as she walked over to the table to examine the feminine figure.

" She was under mind-control. I need to bring her back."

" Your energy, it might not be enough. . ." She said with slight worry.

" I have to try. For Y/N." He said as he started to conjure a spell. It took toll on him as his body began to waiver. Zatanna noticing this, immediately transferred her energy to Constantine, empowering him all the while I looked them with the thought of Y/N in my head. After a few attempts, Raven's body shot up with life as Constantine and Zatanna stumbled back in shock. Her eyes that were once four, now back to a pair as they turned white. An aura of purple surrounded her like something finally broke free inside her. Something good. Zatanna helped her stand up as I extended my hand to John. The team looked on from the doorway while some of them entered.

" Rachel. . ." Dick said as he rushed forward to embrace her, followed by the rest of the Titans. My mind immediately went back to the matter at hand. Y/N. I headed out to the living where I was followed by Zatanna.

" Don't try and stop me." I said coldly.

" I'm not trying to stop you. You're gonna need my help as well as John's. Trigon is the most powerful demon, he's not going to go down easily." She said as John stood by her side.

" And you're gonna need us." Dick said as the rest of the group joined us in the living room.

" Are you sure you can contain him once more?" I asked sternly to Raven who nodded with determination to which I nodded back.

" Then we take the fight to them. We'll buy the three of you time to subdue Trigon and no failures. We can't afford it." I said as Zatanna conjured a spell to teleport us into the church.

[ Y/N ]

Punches heavier than anything I've ever lifted landed repeatedly across my face, breaking my helmet with ease. Trigon sneered in glee as he lifted me up to meet his eye level. Distracted I took the opportunity to jam the sword at his wrist causing him to drop me.

"You infuriating little insect!" He snapped at me as his wrist started to heal itself. I smirked at him with my bloodied face.

"Come on! I've died once, death ain't scary to me no more." I said as I motioned for him to continue our fight. I was in no shape to continue fighting but something inside me just kept telling me to push back, to stand back up. I needed to buy John the time he needed. I needed to do for her. Catching my breath, I jumped towards Trigon, letting out a battle cry as he did the same. Our swords clashed with sparks of green fire spit out at the impact.

"So much anger! Hatred! You would've made a fine son of mine!"

I was surprisingly able to fend off his attacks until he stabbed me in the guts with his demonic claws. He smiled with glee as he saw the light slowly fade away in my eyes. With my weight on his claws, he pulled me close.

"Death has come to collect what you stole from her." He whispered in my ears as I slowly grew unconscious.

[ Batman ]

As we stepped out, the chaos bringer stood there with his sword in hand and Y/N beaten to a bloody pulp in the other. He tossed him to us, giving us a good look at the damages he's done. I felt my rage reaching its limit.

" And now, the finale." He sneered with his demonic voice.

" Go!" I shouted as everyone did as they were told. Zatanna teleported Y/N back to the tower, out of harm's way as we took what could possibly be our final stand.


[ Raven ]

After a tiresome battle, Constantine and Zatanna had bound him with their magical chains but it was just holding him down. All I had to do was to reabsorb him the gem and I had to do it quick. I floated in front of him as the gem began to glow a crimson red and his body began to slowly disintegrate into it. As I was doing it, I heard the faint cracking sounds of the chains giving in. I immediately used my own magic to reinforce the chains. The both of them screamed as they pushed themselves to their limit to hold him. It was almost done before a couple of demons tried to intervene. My hands were full.

" No!" I said before the demons were pulled away by grapple lines. Batman, Nightwing and Barbara pulled them away, preventing Trigon from escaping.

" You wretched daughter! I will be free!! And I will enslave this plan-" He said in his last few moments before being sucked in fully. I let out a scream of relief as he was finally contained. The demons realising their master was gone, let out a shriek in agony before being disintegrate by flames. I floated back down to the ground as the Titans waited for me.

" You did it Raven." Dick said to me with a smile as the team embraced me in a hug. This is my family, not by blood. My family, by choice. We pulled away as my attention got taken by a blonde female amongst us.

" Umm. . . Who are you?" I asked her to which Beast Boy laughed.

" You've got a lot to catch up on."

Our triumphant victory however was cut short as we teleported back to the tower where the almost lifeless body of Y/N laid. Without any hesitation whatsoever, tears began to trickle down my cheeks. Dick noticed this and put his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I cried on his chest, unable to bring my gaze back to Y/N.

" He did it for you." Dick softly whispered to me which caught my attention. I looked up to him, wiping my tears in confusion.

" What?" I asked as his gaze on me soften with a sad smile.

" Come on, Victor needs to work. I'll tell you about it. " Dick said as we left Victor and Batman in the medical room.

a/n this is it! the penultimate chapter. anyway lemme know your thoughts.

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