Alicia's Gamble

By IDreamOfFiction

25 0 0

Alicia has a problem, no money , however the money may end up getting her killed but she does not care. More

Untitled Part 1

25 0 0
By IDreamOfFiction

Someone would pay, no they would all pay. Before that she would need money, were to get that? Jabba the Hutt was hiring for a job. She had not lived on Alderaan, but knew people who had. They had almost done it again to a planet named Yavin 4. Thankfully there had been a group of snub-fighters that had stopped them. She would have loved to see the look on the Emperor's face when that happened.

So what was a spacer like her to do against the Empire? Make a nascence of herself of course. The problem was were to get help, well the Outer-Rim seemed like a perfect place to start. Jabba would unknowingly aid in the Empires downfall. What Jabba wanted, however was not stated. All the instructions said was to fly to Tatooine and go to some cantina in a spaceport named Mos Eisley. At least she would not have to worry about Tusken Raiders taking pop shots at her like last time. 

Touching down it was just as hot as she remembered. The Stormtroopers appeared to be relaxed. After showing her papers she set off. 

Walking in she looked around. Then she heard someone call her name in Basic. "Alicia over here."

The guy looked to be young just like her. His white skin juxta exposed with the color of the seat. He introduced himself as Alex. The glint in his eye made her worry that she looked like a easy mark for some type of scheme. 

Here for Jabba's offer? What do you know?

Just to come here to Chalmun's Cantina.

Jabba's lost something, are you handy with a blaster?

I can look after myself. Exchanged fire with some Tusken Raiders last time I was here.

The Java's have stolen something of his, you will be rewarded for getting it back.

What is this thing and where is it?

It was last seen on a Java's belt at the edge of Town.

So a small object, was this a test? why wait; it could disappear. This object is what, what am I looking for?

It is a blade. Here is where you can find it.

Walking toward the edge of Town, she heard a blaster discharge. The Storm Troopers did not react.

Reaching the location she noticed the door was open. Not going in that way. She climbed on a crate to get to the roof of a building next door. She felt a blast of air move over her right shoulder. Looking in the distance as she ducked behind a create to put it between her and her attacker, next she scanned the horizon until she saw him. Great a Tusken. Well can't reach him but maybe I will be able to make him duck. Garbing her blaster from her quick draw belt she took a breath and launched herself over the gap between the two buildings and through a skylight while firing in the direction of the Tusken.

Inside she scanned the room with her blaster drawn. It had been a trap. Not the Tusken shooting at her, but there was a motion sensor covering the door. Who knew what happened when it was tripped. She did not intend to find out. She reached for the Gold handled Knife made out of Dura-Steel. The Knife locked like a dime a dozen. There had to be something special about this Knife. Turning it over revealed a small compartment in the handle. Inside was a engraved name, her own!

She could hear footsteps coming closer to the building. Sucking up against the wall with the open door, but far enough away not to trigger the sensor. She waited.

Going up was not a option, she did not want to be shot at again and now also draw the attention of whoever was outside. If they walked in, she could slip out the door or jump them. She tied her brown hair in a quick bun to prevent it from getting in the way.

The figure walked in. he then blabbed something and rushed to where the knife had been. She decided this was her moment to slip out. A loud siren sounded as she exited. So that was what was triggered. 

Darting toward the cantina she passed a Jawa heading in the opposite direction. His little statue covered by his rob.

 At the cantina she found Alex in the back corner. Got the Knife, what was this about and why is my name encoded on it?

What exactly did you do last time you were here? He leaned forward and ran his hand though his jet black hair.

I was picking up cargo from a moisture farm.

And what? The Tusken's decided to raid that farm at the same time?


You know you should not lie to a Imperial Officer?

Why yes, what would a upstanding citizen of the Empire have to hide?

He just laughed and handed her a note and then excused himself.

That was close, it looked like he had bought it. What was he; ISB?

This stunk, she decided to leave and head back to her ship. 

At her ship was a Imperial Officer and some Troopers, the question was what did they know? Before she could come up with a plan the officer noticed her and then motioned for the Troopers not to follow.

The officer when he got closer, replied "Jabba sends his thanks, we will be in touch." He handed her a envelope and told her she could keep the knife. 

Siting down in her pilot seat, she wondered whether it was Jabba or the Imperials that would be in touch. The envelope contained some credits and a string of numbers.

The note from Alex, said for Alderaan...

She lifted off, and entered the numbers in her navigation system. Now to see where this takes me. 

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