Till Dawn and Beyond | Until...

By Mads5616

10.9K 310 38

Why us? After watching the video Josh sent to everyone, with little to no hesitation, you told him you'd be t... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Catfight / Part 1:
Chapter 2: Catfight / Part 2:
Chapter 3: Letting Go
Chapter 4: Bathing Bird
Chapter 5: Maniac
Chapter 6: The Tape
Chapter 7: Sicko
Chapter 8: Monster / Part 1:
Chapter 8: Monster Part 2:
Chapter 9: Trust Issues
Chapter 10: Sanatorium Part 1:
Chapter 10: Sanatorium Part 2:
Chapter 10: Sanatorium Part 3:
Chapter 11: Josh
Chapter 13: Dawn
Chapter 14: Hospital / Part 1
Chapter 14: Hospital / Part 2
Chapter 15: Police Tapes / Part 1
Chapter 15: Police Tapes / Part 2
Chapter 16: Trauma
Chapter 17: Remembrance

Chapter 12: Nevermore

414 14 2
By Mads5616

Josh's screams faded away what feels like hours ago. We've both so shocked to talk. We came so close. Josh could have been Mike. Or me if Mike didn't grab me.

"How the hell did you know?" I ask, turning back to him.

"I saw the wendigo sticking its head out of the water and coming towards us. I made it seem like it got me, but I could only save you. It was too close to get Josh without the three of us being noticed." Mike says.

I shake my head in disbelief and look around at the different areas of land. I spot one that looks like it has a bundle of things, in a pile almost.

"Mike, there's something over there." I say pointing to a small area of land not connected to the area with the metal door.

We slowly and wearily walk over, the cold water shocking us again as not moving prior made it a bit warmer. It's also at such an awkward height. Not enough to swim in, but feeling a bit too deep walk through. We reach the landing and pull ourselves up and out of the water. Mike gives me his flashlight and I shine it around. I see something metal and pick it up. It looks like a necklace. A locket. I open it and recognize that its Hannah's. The one she always used to wear.

"I found something." Mike says.

I put her locket into the safety of my pocket and go over to him. I give him the light and he shines it on what he found.

"Is that a book?" I ask, picking it up.

I open it, guided by Mike's light, and notice it's a journal. A diary. I recognize the writing almost immediately.

"Mike, this is Hannah's writing."

"How do you know?" Mike asks.

"Don't call me cheesy, but when Hannah and I were little, about 9 or 10, we would write each other letters. We loved the thrill of opening the letter to read what the other was saying. She had the neatest and bubbliest writing I've ever seen. I could recognize it anywhere."

I flip to the first page and read the top.

"This was four days after last year. She really was down here."

I flip the pages and see changes. Her writing gets messier and more scribbly. Her sentences get simpler, less words. The dates get longer. I flip to the last dated day.

'Day 30' is the date. It's hard to make out because it was scribbled. The page has only one word on it. Scribbled, scratched over and over again. 'Hungry' A shiver goes up my spine.

"Mike, you don't think she..."

"Em said Beth's grave was dug up.."

"She was starving... One of the pages. She said 'Beth I have no choice. If anyone finds this... im sorry.' Mike..." I say.


"Mike, Hannah... dug up Beth!"

Mike moves the light away and stands up. He looks in a state of shock.

"Come on, we gotta go." Mike says getting back into the water quickly.

I put the journal back down and get into the water after Mike and follow his lead towards the ledge by the door. As I walk, it gets deeper. At first, I don't say anything, thinking it will get shallower, but it doesn't. I try moving more to the right to see if it's just a dip, but it's too deep there too. I get to the point of having to swim, but the water is strangely thick. Ugh. Who knows what's making it this thick. God I don't even wanna think about that. It almost weighs me down more trying to swim, rising up higher than I would have liked. It's more of a risk to go a longer way, another one of those things possibly being down here. It would take longer anyway, Mike's already ahead since I stopped. I stop trying to swim and go back to where I can stand.

"Mike?" I ask.

"Yeah?" he asks as he continues walking.

"It's uh.. getting too deep for me."

Mike looks back and sees me a bit back with the water almost to my collarbone, my neck clearly wet from me going deeper beforehand. Due to our height difference, the water only comes almost to his chest, but covers his stomach.

He walks back towards me with a small chuckle.

"Just hold onto me." He says, reaching his hand out.

I do just that, feeling like an absolute child, and I take his hand and kinda grab onto his shoulder. As me make movements to shift to position better, he ends up picking me up while keeping me still in the water. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his chest, putting my head on his shoulder to take a small moment to rest. Mike walks in the direction of the ledge, getting a little lower, but then gets higher. Even with the water being cold, I feel so warm against him.

"I... Were across." Mike says.

He helps me onto the ledge and the coldness of the breeze against our wet clothes comes back. Mike gets out of the water and I stand up with him. We walk over to the metal door and see another small dark tunnel branching to the side.

"Should we look there first?" I ask.

"Mind as well." Mike says.

We walk down the tunnel for a few minutes in a focused silence before Mike breaks it.

"Uh Y/n?..." he asks.



He shines his light on the ground and there's a lot of blood leading down the tunnel, seeming to start here.

"Do we look? Could it be Matt?"

"If he's there hurting, we probably should."

We walk forward for a bit longer and reach an almost cliff like ground, into a clearing. It's created this room of metal and fire. I can't tell what it is. I see glass everywhere. It looks like a deep hole, above and below. It goes much further down than up.

"The tower..." Mike says, confirming what it is.

"Matt!" I yell, causing an echo.

"Shh, one of those things could be here." Mike says.

I look around and see it fell farther down. The trail didn't start back there, it ended there.

"If he's here, this is where he came from. Could he have gone through the metal door? It's shut." I ask.

"He could have shut it behind him. Let's go back."

I nod and we make our way back, having hope of seeing Matt somewhere on the other side.

"Be prepared for anything." Mike says. "There could be fifty of them, or none."

I nod as he pulls the lock down. He opens the door and water like what we walked through gushes out. Its worse, more grey and smells like death. Like something rotting. Along with the water comes a severed head of the guy we met earlier. I scream, but hold my mouth, looking away in disgust and trying not to throw up.

"I wasn't prepared for that one." He says.

Mike and I walk into the room, stepping through the grossly damp floor, and hear the rattling of chains. We look up and see the sky illuminating chains. Then we see the man's headless body dangling from a hook.

"Jesus..." I start.

"Fuck.." Mike finishes.

I walk around it and step on something soft.

"Mike, can you shine your flashlight on this?" I ask.

He shines it on it. It's Matt's jacket.

"It's Matt's." I say confusedly, picking it up.

I dust it off and observe it. Somehow it's not wet. It has rips and tears and what looks like a blood stain. Oh no. That was his blood. A lot of it. It covers the lower part of the front of his jacket.

"Mike that was his blood." I say, showing him the stains.

"There's no other blood in here Y/n, where else could he have gone?"

There's so many twists and turns to these mines, but if he was here and so close to the exit- he couldn't have been here, the door had water behind it. That had to have been there before. Where the hell did he go?

This place seems to be where these things bring there food. Matt wouldn't have just abandoned his jacket here. I think of how abruptly the blood trail ended and my heart stops for a moment.


"No, don't think that okay?"

"Well where else could he be Mike?! We would have seen him if he came our way! And he sure as hell didn't come this way!" I snap.

All the worry, fear, stress, all of it just comes out. Mike stands there shocked at my sudden anger. I didn't even know I was angry. I exhale and rub my face with my hands.


"Mike it doesn't make sense how he could have gotten from there to here. The blood there and the jacket here. He's dead Mike." I say, tearing at the last part.

"He's not dead."

"Then where is he Mike?! Where is he? Where is he.."

My anger starts melting into more worry and my composure crumbles under the monstrosity that is today. This night. Jess is dead, Josh is probably dead, Matt is probably dead, we're all scarred and traumatized surely. We could all die here, it's almost too good to be true that most of us are. Almost half have if Josh and Matt are dead. We came face to face with a fucking wendigo. Beth and Hannah aren't actually missing, but dead. This is all too much. Way to much.

"Hey.. c'mon." He says, opening his arm out to me.

I exhale and walk to him, calming into the embrace of his hug. I could totally break down right now, and honestly, it would feel great to, but me having a crying fit isn't going to help anyone. Isn't going to get us off of this mountain any faster or any better. I take a few moments to just breathe it out and tell myself we'll be okay, that Matt's okay.

"I'm sorry Mike this is just.. This is just too much. I can't take this much longer." I apologize.

"I know.." He chuckles a little as we pull away. "I'm getting near my end too."

"I know Matt. Maybe not as well as you do but he's strong and he's smart. I'm sure he's okay." Mike reassures.

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome. Now let's get out of here huh?"

I nod, somehow with a smile, and head to the one door ahead of us.

I open it to find a winding staircase around an elevator. We choose the stairs, knowing the elevator is either nonoperational, or would only bring more attention to us. I open the final door and get met by light. Lot's of it. We made it to the ground.

I again remember that I don't have my coat by the cold snowy breeze and put on Matt's. It smells familiar but distant. The smell of charcoal and smoke, mixed with his usual cologne. His cologne always smelled warm, a warm graham cracker like scent but also has that overall smell of cologne. It's never been overpowering.

We look around and see the lodge nearby. We run the whole way there.

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