Identity (Published sample)

Por LexiWexi18

9.2M 14.4K 34.1K

(PREVIEW) *Identity is published on Amazon* Secrets define you, love will break you. Trinity used to be the l... Más

Chapter 1- Sample

Chapter 2- Sample

186K 4.6K 8.7K
Por LexiWexi18

New neighbors. I don't know how I feel about this. My head's a mess, filled with mixed thoughts. Should I jump in joy or drown my sorrows in junk food? I'm leaning more toward the unhealthy option even though I know I'll regret it later, but you do only live once.

Junk food it is.

"Nope," Mom says, rushing into my room when I walk back toward my bed. "We're going to go meet them after they settle in."

"Mom," I groan and drop my face in my pillow, hiding from her view.

Please, just leave me alone.

I'm not in the mood today to meet new people and put on my fake smile that wears me down. I have my bad days and good days. Today is bad.

"They look like a big family. It's a great opportunity for you to make friends."

"I have friends, for your information," I grunt against my pillow.

A second later, it's yanked from my face and thrown across the room. I gasp as the pillow flies and lands on Simba's face, making him fall to the floor on his stomach in shock.

Poor baby.

He looks confused and heartbroken.

"Mom, how could you?!" I whisper-yell before running over to my poor dog. "Look what you did to my son." Cradling him in my arms, I gesture him toward Mom. "It's okay, baby. Mommy's got you." I rush out as he nuzzles his head in the bend of my arm.

Hands on her hips, she rolls her eyes at me. "You're eighteen."

I snuggle my face into his fur. "You're forty-five. What's your point?"

Her mouth drops open in shock as she shakes her head. She tries to hide the smile that's lifting her mouth, but she fails miserably.

"I see that smile, girl," I joke. "Let it shine, let it shine," I say right before she pushes my shoulder playfully.

"Get ready," she says from over her shoulder as she walks to my bedroom door.

"Do I have to?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

She plainly says, "Yes."

"I'll buy you dinner for an entire week if you let me skip."

Pointing at me from the doorway of my room, she demands, "Hard pass. Get ready, miss."

She disappears from my sight, and I open my mouth to argue, but she interrupts like she can see me, which is freaky.

"Don't argue with me," she calls from the hallway. "And wear something appropriate—no booty shorts or anything like that. We have to make a good impression!"

Damn, is that what she thinks of me? I wasn't planning on wearing my "booty shorts."

"I'll wear my bikini then," I call back and let out a laugh when I hear her gasp. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" I exclaim with a wide smile as she rushes back into the room with a scowl.

I love pushing her buttons, and deep down, I know she kinda loves it too. It keeps things interesting when things are anything but that.

Mom stands in the doorway for a couple of seconds before finally leaving me to get dressed. Making sure to lock my bedroom door, I open my two closet doors and peer at all my clothes hanging neatly.

Going comfy is the best route. It's not like I'm meeting the Queen of England. It's probably just another old couple. What other young people would want to move here?

People my age like parties, blaring music—basically everything loud. Here has everything but that.

Gathering the clothes that I've chosen in my arms, I undress. A pair of light-blue mom jeans with holes at the knees cover my long legs, and a black crop top covers my toned stomach. Not having the energy to style my hair, I just throw it up in a messy bun with some short pieces of hair defining my face.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I nod. It's the best they're going to get from me today.

"At least you're not showing your ass," Mom grumbles from where she stands at the front door, waiting for me as I walk down the steps.

Her eyes stay glued to my stomach.

"I'm not showing anything," I say, looking down at myself.

She snorts and nods.

"Whatever," I mutter back, getting annoyed. "It's not like I want to welcome our stupid new neighbours."

I walk through the open door, immediately getting hit by the fresh summer air, and she closes the front door as I make my way down the steps.

"It's not the 1970s, you know. We don't have to greet our neighbors," I continue.

I really don't feel like socializing with people today. I hate having to plaster a fake smile on my face and pretend to be someone I'm not. It wasn't tiring at first; however, now, it gets harder to do every time.

She sighs and stops walking abruptly. "I'm trying here, Trinity. This is the nice thing to do. You would want people to welcome you if you were new. Wouldn't you?"

No. "Yes."

"Good. There's a bit of sense still in that brain of yours," she mutters.

Rude. Little does she know, I was lying just to make her feel better.

As we walk closer to the house, I notice how rich they seem. Expensive cars that I'm afraid to touch, Louis Vuitton bags and suitcases lying all over the driveway. Just looking at their luggage, I can tell they have some serious money.

Did a Mafia family move out here? Oh God, I'm going to have to move. If I witness a crime, I'll be a target, and I'll die miserably.

"Mafia?" I sneer lowly at Mom.

Whipping her head in my direction, she laughs. "Forget what I said. There's nothing up there," she replies.

I dodge her hand when it comes up to my head to knock on it.

"Whatever. I'm going to say I told you so when I unfortunately witness a crime that leaves me even more traumatized."

"You won't witness a crime, Trinity—"

I interrupt, "Fine. Then, they're a bunch of rich people. Yay!" I keep my tone bored to add to the fuck this vibe.

What are people this rich doing all the way out here anyway? I imagine them being in the city, in a mansion, with butlers and maids, having people drive them all around town. Not here, in a regular-sized house in the middle of nowhere.

Please, someone, get me out of here.

"Maybe they're not bad. Don't judge a book by its cover."

She always sees the good in everything. I always see the negative.

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

My legs feel heavier than they were before as I walk up their front porch steps. Mom's hand rises and knocks on the wooden door three times. My heart rate quickens.

Please let it be an old lady, so I'm not forced to hang out with anyone. Please, please, please.

Here comes the anxiety.

I feel like I'm going to vomit. I hate meeting new people. I always get mini tornadoes in my stomach.

Breathe in and out. You'll be fine.

What catches my breath when the door swings open is not my anxiety. It's the sight of a drop-dead handsome guy.

Holy shit.

I'm finding it severely difficult to keep my mouth from dropping open. He's the most striking guy I've ever seen in my entire life. We don't have guys who look like this in our town. It makes me wonder what he's doing here. He screams sarcastic, freaky, reserved, and somehow soft. He looks like a Greek sculpture, carved into perfection. Well-built curves show through his clothing. He's brawny-looking but boyish at the same time. His jawline is razor-sharp, lips so rosy and plump, making me slightly jealous. Let's not forget the small tattoos that linger on his long fingers.

A few strands of silky brown hair pop out from under a black beanie that lies over his head. If I take off that hat, I'll be met with gorgeous, smooth hair. Black jeans fit his toned legs well. A gray sweatshirt with colorful graphics covers his torso. Under that hoodie, I know there'll be a six-pack. And what makes him even more droolworthy—which I don't know how that's remotely possible—are the rings on his slim fingers.

Someone, catch me. I'm going to faint. He wears rings!

I'm trying to distract myself from the feeling of a thousand butterflies in my stomach, but it's very hard when a literal superstar is standing in front of me, looking very confused.

"Can I help you?" his husky voice asks. He looks over at my mom in question. Even his voice is sexy, deep with a hint of rasp.

Mom extends her hand out to him, gripping his. He gives her a polite smile.

"Hi. We're just stopping by to say hello to our new neighbors," Mom explains, and he nods in understanding.

"So, you're the other family who lives in the middle of nowhere," he jokes, showcasing his beautiful dimples when he smiles.


I know pink coats my cheeks when he glances over at me. His eyes open in shock slightly, but he quickly covers it up with a cough.

Did he just get affected by me? No way. A guy like that can't like a girl like me.

"Would you like to come in?" he asks Mom, recovering from his shock. He pushes the door open wider, allowing Mom and me to see an elegant staircase.

Our house certainly doesn't look like this. They must have had someone renovate it before they moved in.

See, they're rich, rich.

"No, it's okay. We don't want to be a bother. We just wanted to stop by and say hello." Mom waves her hand and takes a step back.

I follow her lead, but I don't take my eyes off the guy.

I wonder what his name is. Is it as sexy as he looks? No, his name is probably Bob.

"You're not a bother at all. My mom was going to drop by your place anyway. She keeps talking about it, so you might as well meet her now that you're already here."

I give my mom a look because I know she's going to accept, but going in was not the plan at all. She ignores me.

"All right." She gives him one last smile and walks through the door, leaving me behind with Mr. Hottie.

Looking me up and down, he clears his throat. "Are you coming in?"

His rich chocolate-brown eyes, full of wisdom, bore into mine. I know if I open my mouth and say anything, my voice will crack, like I'm a frog. So, that's why I shrug my shoulders and hurry past him through the open doorway while secretly freaking out on the inside.

Keep calm, Trinity. You got this, girl.

From the corner of my eye, as we awkwardly walk down the hallway together in silence, I can see him raise an eyebrow in question and maybe surprise.

Why does he look relieved?

Finally glancing at me, he assesses me. "What's your name?" his rough voice asks from beside me.

Mom's voice gets louder each step I take down this long hallway. I'm not sure if I'm grateful for that, seeing that he asked me such a basic question and I'm having trouble forming words.

"Trinity Jones," I say confidently even though I feel like cringing on the inside.

My body warms up when I feel his body heat. He's so close to me. I might just pass out. This guy is hotter than Shawn Mendes—yes, ladies, I said it because it's true. He's so tall that the top of my head reaches just below his chin. His biceps are right in my face, practically begging me to run my finger along them.

Shut up, Trinity.

Why am I acting this way? I've never been affected by a guy this much.

Looking over at him, I find him looking down at me while biting his lower lip. When he notices I'm gazing at him, he pops it out of his mouth.


"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" I muster up the courage to tease him.

"You never asked," he replies simply with a shrug of his shoulders.

I give him a sarcastic smile. "Well, now, I am."

Tucking his hands in his hoodie pocket, he looks straight ahead. "My name is Leo Drakos. Leo is short for Leonidas."

Say what now?

When I almost trip over my own feet, he smirks slightly. Leonidas is the hottest name I've ever heard in my entire life. The way his tongue rolled on the L.

Why does that suit him so well? I've never met anyone before with the name Leonidas.

"That's Greek," I point out when I compose myself.

He nods, and a smile lifts his face. "A Greek name for a Greek guy," he says proudly.

Greek ... holy shit. I thought he couldn't get any better a second ago. I'm mistaken.

Now looking at him, I can clearly see his European features. His olive-toned skin, his dark hair. Yep, definitely attractive.

I question why I lose most of my confidence around him. I hate losing my cool and not being able to control myself fully. It's probably because he's so hot—and not to mention, Greek. Leonidas is the first guy to ever walk into this town who looks this droolworthy and expensive.

"Oh, there you are. I was worried you went home," my mom says and breathes out a sigh of relief when I walk through the kitchen door. "This is my daughter, Trinity. Trinity, this is Athena."

A gorgeous lady with medium-brown hair walks over to me with a warm smile. "With a name like Trinity, I knew you were going to be stunning."

Leo stops behind me when she pulls my body into hers. She squeezes the daylights out of me. I say nothing though because I can feel the happiness in her hug.

Pulling away from me, Athena gives me the biggest smile I've ever received. Just like Leo, she looks somehow relieved. Strange but in a good way.

"You're going to love my daughter." She looks over at Leo. "Go call your sister and brother down, please."

Another son and a daughter? How many kids has this lady birthed?

Seeing siblings has always made me sad. I've never had someone to call my brother or sister. I used to beg my parents for one, but they would say one kid in their lives was enough.

"Seeing that you're an only child, love, you can come here anytime you'd like," she states while running a hand through my hair.

I nod at her with a small smile. Her offer means a lot. I don't think I'll be able to be around Leo every single day. I know he's the typical bad boy with a bad attitude, just by looking at him and seeing the way he holds himself. The tattoos that are inked on his fingers prove my point. Just being in his presence for two minutes makes me feel like I'm on fire.

Athena gives off a good vibe. She somehow makes me feel welcome, and I just got here.

I take the glass filled with iced tea she offered me and take a seat at the kitchen table. My mom takes the seat on my left, which leaves the chair to my right available. I pray to God that Leo doesn't sit there.

Not a second later, Leo walks back into the kitchen, but this time, he's with a girl and another guy by his side. The girl is breathtaking with blonde hair falling below her shoulders. She's tall but not as tall as me.

A smile graces her face. Her eyes light up once they land on me. Squealing, she runs over to me, roughly pulling out the chair beside me. She gives me a relieved smile. "Hi. Gosh, you're pretty. I'm so relieved that you live here. I thought I'd be stuck alone here with those two doofuses for months."

Her smile brightens the room. She's exactly like her mom. Just as beautiful, kind, and warm.

"One of you is enough," Leo grumbles and rolls his eyes at his sister.

She rolls them back and gives my shoulder a light punch.

"You're lucky you're an only child," she mentions, looking around the kitchen and only seeing me and Mom.

I want to argue and tell her she's wrong, that it gets very lonely, but I keep my mouth shut once again.

She scolds, "I have to suffer every single day. Do you know how long they take in the bathroom? You would think they were secretly girls. Not to mention how I have to fight for dinner. It's ridiculous!"

I wish I had those problems. Want to trade lives?

"That doesn't seem that bad. It sounds entertaining." I shrug while tracing the tip of my finger on the edge of my glass.

Her mouth drops open.

"What?" I ask, confused by her expression.

"We're triplets," Leo notes to me.

Damn, that must have hurt Athena.

My eyes widen as I take in the three of them. I stop for a slight second on Leo and Amelia's brother. He looks like both of them combined. He must sense my gaze on him.

"Elijah." He introduces himself with a friendly smile.

Smiling back in his direction, I freak out inside.

I'm going to be living beside triplets? I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

My mind screams at me, Everything.

The FULL version is available for purchase on Amazon! Follow my Instagram at alexiamantzouranisauthor to see sneak peeks of new projects and all bookish things! 

*Link to the paperback is in my bio* 

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