Contract Agreement With My Be...

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My life used to be simple. I got normal problems like everyone else. I got everything planned out. After grad... Més

Chapter 1: Not so bad coming back home
Chapter 2: My stolen first kiss
Chapter 3: Contract?
Chapter 4: College Party
Chapter 5: Making it Official
Chapter 6: Back to School?
Chapter 7: Can I really do it?
Chapter 8: Festival
Chapter 9: Spin the bottle
Chapter 10: Miss being Me
Chapter 11: Weekend with Tyler
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter: 13 Preparing the Party
Chapter 14: Lacey's Party
Chapter 15: Back to LA
Chapter 16: Burnt Turkey
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: The Deal
Chapter 19: New Year
Chapter 20: Four of us
Chapter 21: Date with Tori
Chapter 22: Paint
Chapter 23: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 24: Weekend with Sarah
Chapter 25: Amusement Park
Chapter 26: Make A Wish
Chapter 27: No Luck
Chapter 28: Wade
Chapter 29: Hate The Rain
Chapter 30: What About Now?
Chapter 31: Hot Spring
Chapter 32: Little Miss Temptress
Chapter 33: Summer Break
Chapter 34: This is Peaceful
Chapter 35: Not Worth It
Chapter 36: Hotel Party
Chapter 37: Favor
Chapter 38: Lunch
Chapter 39: Dance
Chapter 40: Celebrity Crush
Chapter 41: It Was Us
Chapter 42: Mr. Wilter
Chapter 43: Thailand
Chapter 44: Nothing Happen
Chapter 45: Miss You
Chapter 46: I Can't
Chapter 47: It's Just A Kiss
Chapter 48: Take Me Now
Chapter 49: Still Want Her
Chapter 50: Ivan Greyson
Chapter 51: It's A Date
Chapter 52: Tyler's Birthday
Chapter 54: All Ever Wanted
Chapter 55: Breakfast
Chapter 56: Not A Dream?
Chapter 57: As Friends
Chapter 58: In The Past
Chapter 59: Promise Me
Chapter 60: That Simple
Chapter 61: Sister I Wish I Had
Chapter 62: Wedding
Marriage Contract

Chapter 53: Photos

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Per reader_010

"Hello Love.."

I frowned feeling surprise and confuse at the same time.

"Ivan?" I said while I close the door and drop my things. "What are you doing in my house?" I asked seriously.

He shrugged and continue walking to my living room.

I followed him.

"I still got your spare key. We have a lot of things to talk about." He said casually.

"It's already late. You should go. I have nothing else to say. I'm sorry Ivan but you know that we've already broken up. Please leave the key in my house." I said.

He sat on my couch while ignoring what I just said.

"No, I have no intention of breaking up. You made that decision but we're just taking a break. We are not over yet." He said confidently.

Something about the way he speak and act feels strange.

"I'm serious Ivan.. We are done. Let's not make this any harder. Please.." I said.

He shook his head.

"Why don't we start talking about this first." He said while bringing an envelope closer to my reach.

I glance at the envelop for a few seconds then return my attention to him.

"What are you doing? This isn't like you Ivan. It's already late. Just go home." I said softly.

"Just open it." He challenged.

I took it on the table and did what he wanted just to finally get over whatever he wanted to talk about.

Much to my dismay, when I open the envelop.. there were a lot of photos.

They were pictures of me and Sarah kissing and being questionably intimate with each other. I drop the envelop on the table.

"What the hell Ivan! What is this?!" I demand an explanation from him.

He gave me a smug smile.

"Isn't it obvious love? You're liplocking your bestfriend." he said with a great emphasis on the word bestfriend.

I could feel the bitterness and sarcasm on his voice.

"I was hoping it wasn't true.." he added while looking at me disappointingly.

"So what now? You're having me followed or stalking me?!" I accused while shaking in a state of panic.

"You know I wish you would at least try to deny it. Like say they were just edited or photoshop." He said sadly.

I felt bad but mostly I feel terrified.

This Ivan right in front of me isn't the same.

I couldn't believe that he was doing this at all.

"Relax, my PI would never leak those photos. They do have their own code of confidentiality." He mentioned.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"The last time we spoke. You mention that there is someone else and I just couldn't let that go. I had to know who it was. Even when I got this report.." he said while pointing at the photos. "I still couldn't believe it. But then I caught you. I knew you wouldn't miss Tyler's birthday so I came but there you go again making out with her." He said while clenching his fist.

"You were there?" I asked in disbelief.

How long was he doing this? It was creeping me out now.

"Ballsy to do that out in the public when anyone can see you. Luckily there wasn't anyone present in that garden.. well except us." He replied.

"Look Ivan.. I don't know what you're planning and frankly speaking, this.. whatever this is. It's weird. Please just go." I said while trying to make him leave.

"Now I'm weird? You're the one caught making out and with her!" He said louder.

He's already pissed at me. He didn't even attempt to hide it.

"I'm sorry Ivan.. I don't need to explain anything. We've already broken up. Please just leave. You're starting to scare me." I said.

He shook his head.

"Now that you're back. We can finally fix everything. I know you're just confuse. I was gone for months and she was always with you and that's the only reason why you did this. You're not gay." He said calmly.

I shook my head in disapproval.

"No, Ivan... It's not like that." I replied.

"So what? You're telling me that you're gay?? Then our relationship, what does it mean? Were you just using me. Am I like a beard?!" He asked yelling.

I flinch at his outburst.

"No! Of course not... I loved you." I reasoned.

He stood up and stare at me seriously.

"But I'm not in love with you anymore. I hope you can believe me.. I never meant to hurt you." I said sadly.

He sighed.

He walk slowly and stop in front of me. He held my shoulders firmly.

"I'm not giving up on you. I know this is just a phase. You still love me." He said more calmly.

I looked away from him.

"I'm sorry Ivan.. you're mistaken. I'm sure about my feelings. This isn't a phase." I replied honestly.

He slightly press my shoulder.

"How can you be so sure? Via... I still love you even after everything that happen. Even though you hurt me. I still do. Let's start over again." He said softly.

I close my eyes feeling guilty and sad for having to turn him down again.

"Please Ivan.. I don't want to keep hurting you. You're amazing guy and you deserve better. Stop chasing me. I don't feel the same way anymore." I replied.

"Don't.." he barely made an effort on his voice..

"What?" I asked confused.

"Don't say that." I look back at him and for a few seconds we were just staring at each other.

I broke the silence first.

"I'm serious about Sarah. I would only be lying to you if we keep this going. I have strong feelings for her." I reasoned.

I step away and he drop his hands on his side.

"Do you love her?" He asked.

I turn around, my back facing him.

He suddenly wrap his arms around my stomach desperately.

"It doesn't matter.. I will make you love me again." He said while tightening his hold on me.

I try to move away.

"Just leave me alone Ivan. I don't know why you haven't told people yet about our break up. Even Rachel doesn't know it yet but we need to stop fooling everyone. Doing this won't change anything." I replied while I break free from his embrace.

"Fine.. I tried to do it the nice way but if you keep this attitude then I guess I have no other choice." He said looking displease.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you think will happen to her if I leak this to press? Sure LGBT community can be accepting and all but how about the rest of the world? You cheated on me with her. People will only see her as a person guilty of wrecking our relationship. Do you think she wouldn't suffer from bad media press. It will affect not only her business but I'm sure our fans will harass her to no end." He said with a smug face.

I can't believe what he was saying. He wants to blackmail me right now?

"Leave her out of these Ivan. She has nothing to do with our relationship." I argued.

He laughed hysterically.

"She's the reason why we are in this situation right now. She is breaking us apart. I should have never left you with her!" He start yelling again.

I start moving far away to give us more distance.

This new behaviour he was showing to me is strange and foreign to me. It was making me very uncomfortable.

"I know you're angry so be angry at me. Leave her alone." I argued.

"Only if you cooperate with me. I'm going to give you some time to reflect on this tonight. But we're not done yet." He said before he turn to leave.

I held his wrist to stop him.

"I'm begging you please.. Stop this. This will not bring us back together." I said in a low voice.

He remove my hand and smirk at me.

"We'll meet again soon love.. take some rest." He pat my shoulder a few times before he start to walk to my front door.

I watch him as he leave my house.

My whole body shaken as I glance at the photos again on my table.

This whole thing feels like a big nightmare.


I haven't heard from Ivan for the last two days,

I don't know what he's really planning right now. I just have a terrible feeling about it.

I was also scared to tell on anyone because I was afraid of what Ivan might do. He is very unpredictable. I never thought he will blackmail me with those photos in the first place.

Now I'm on my way to meet the film executives for my next potential movie project.

The staff in the building greeted me and led me to our meeting room.

But to my surprise, Ivan was also present.

"Hi love, you're a bit late." He mention while giving me some space to sit next to him.

What the heck is this?

Is he part of the movie project too?

"Hello good morning Via. Please take a seat." Martin, the director of the movie said.

I was force to sit next to Ivan.

He suddenly place his hand on my back.

"Good morning.." he said with his sweet voice.

I felt uncomfortable with his touch.

I tried to move a bit away.

"So I'm not sure if you guys already read the novel but just to put it on the table.. it is very sexy. We think you and Ivan are perfect for the roles. Doing intimate scenes together will not be as awkward as doing it with other actors right? Since you guys are dating and we think it is an advantage. Social media is already going gaga on you two ever since you guys announced your romantic relationship." He explained gushing and a bit more casual.

Ivan lean closer to me.

"We are so honored for this project right love?" He said.

I can feel my stomach getting sick.

"So you guys are down for this project right? We will start shooting very soon." Martin mention estatically.

"I- I.." I wanted to refuse but Ivan interrupted me.

"Of course.. we will do our best to give justice to this amazing story." He said cheerfully.

Ivan and I were left briefly to ourselves.

I immediately push him because he was getting too close.

"What the hell Ivan! Stop acting like we are still together. I can't do this project with you." I said.

He frowned at me.

"You sure about that? Fine.. then I'll tell everyone the reason why we broke up. I'll destroy her life too." He challenged.

He look so annoyed at me.

This is a new side that I've never seen before.

"What?! I told you to leave her out of this!" I argued.

He smirk at me.

"Do you really want them to hear you? You should tone down your voice. Unless you want to expose yourself." He said while he motion for me to be quiet.

I close my mouth feeling frustrated.

"I never thought you are this type of guy. Why can't you just accept the fact that we're over?" I asked sadly.

"You are the one who betray me by getting involve with that girl. I'm sorry Via but I can't let you do this. I know I'm better than her. There's a lot more things I can give you. She's just a girl.." he said while trying to caress my cheeks.

I shove his hands.

"She's not just a girl.. she's a lot more than that. I don't care about what she can or can't give me. She's all I ever wanted." I said without much thought.

He step away while trying to process what I just said.

"What did you say again??" He demanded.

"I've always had feelings for her. I'm sorry but you're wrong. This thing isn't just a phase. So please just accept the truth. I'm not getting back with you."

His whole face changed and now I can feel him fuming in anger.

We heard a knock on the door so we both gather ourselves and try to look professional.

I sighed and open the door.

"I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting." He said.

We had another half an hour while he discuss some details about the movie.

I am no longer interested in doing the movie. I don't think Ivan and I can work professionally together.

"I guess we can just wait for the contract in about a week?" He said before ending our meeting.

"Martin.. this project is so big. But.." Ivan held my hand tightly under the table.

"Love.. remember about the photos?" He force a smile while trying to blackmail me again.

I frowned at him.

"Martin, don't worry.. we are doing this project no matter what." He said while bringing his attention back to our director.

"Awesome.. see you guys in a week then." He said while giving us a friendly handshake.

When Martin left, I immediately confronted Ivan.

"The hell is this Ivan.. You know how bad it is to work together right now. You and I are just too unstable. You keep trying to blackmail me with my photos with Sarah. Clearly angry at me. We can't make this work " I tried to be as calm as possible.

"You're right I'm angry. I'm so angry but I'm still in love with you." He said hopelessly.

I look at him sadly.

"I'm sorry Ivan." I said truthfully.

"I don't need your sorry. What I need is you." He said while trying to pull me closer.

I push him off.

"Ivan please.." I pleaded.

He became angry again.

"Do this project with me. We both know you don't really have a choice unless you don't care about what could happen to Sarah." He said before he walk away from me.

What else am I suppose to do?

I know he is serious and I don't want Sarah to be a target of media. It can get really messy.

I went back home feeling exhausted.

I got a call from Sarah.

I sighed.

Now I have to tell her about this movie.

"Hi Sarah!" I said trying to sound more cheerful.

"I saw the headline. Please tell me it's not true." She said panicking.

"What headline?" I asked confused.

"They said you're doing a movie with Ivan and on top of it all.. it's going to be some matured sensual romantic film?" She beat me to it.

She already knows.

"Um Sarah.." I couldn't even explain because she already start talking again.

"Oh no.. it's true! Why? Please don't do it with him." Sarah said.

I really want to but he's pressuring me.

"It's just a movie. We're both actors. It doesn't mean anything." I reasoned.

"Ivan is your ex-boyfriend which by the way, still is acting like your boyfriend. I don't even think anyone is aware that you two have broken up." She reminded me.

"We can't announce it yet. It's just for promotions. The movie has more chances of success by having fans think that we are still together." I replied.

She sound more upset now.

"Are you kidding me? Why can't you just turn down the movie? You know how I feel about Ivan. C'mon.. please!" She said a bit louder.

I really don't want to do this project myself.

"I don't have a choice Sarah.. I'm an actress.This is nothing but work for me. I just wish that you trust me enough to not make this a big deal." I reasoned.

"I know.. but put yourself on my shoe. You have history with him. You will kiss and do romantic stuff and play a role like that. You get why I'll be upset about this. I don't want to be this jealous girlfriend but I'm scared." She said honestly.

"I get that.. but Ivan is just my past. You're the only one I want to be with. I actually really miss you right now." I said softly.

She made a sound on the other line.

"I really miss you too." She said.

I smile.

"Then can I at least see your beautiful face?" I asked.

"No.. I look terrible. Trust me." She replied.

"Sarah.. that's impossible. Please, your voice is really nice to hear but it will be better if I can actually see you right now." I said sweetly.

"Another time then. I don't want to show you a nightmare. Seriously, my whole eyes is red and puffy." She explained.

"Sarah.." I call her name softly.

"Yeah.. I can't help it. I'm really upset about this news. Of course I trust you. I just don't like the fact that he'll be kissing and touching you.." she explained.

She suddenly lower her voice and sounded a little shy after claiming "You're mine.."

I blush when I heard her say that.

I cleared my throat.

"Okay.. okay.. Now I'm embarrassed. You didn't hear anything from me." She said retracting from her words.

"But I heard you already.." I teased.

"Yeah? What did I say?" She asked regaining the confidence in her voice.

"You're mine.." I paused for a second then "You're mine Sarah." I elaborated.

"I'm all yours.." she said proudly.

We both giggle softly.

"That is so nice to hear.. I will do anything to hear that everyday." I said.

"Well that makes two of us." She said.

"Yes.. definitely. I hope to see you soon beautiful." I said sweetly.

Talking to Sarah made me forget all my troubles.

We've talk for a few more hours.

After we ended the phone call, I try to think of ways to convince Ivan to stop whatever he was planning to do. We really need to sort things out. I know it's my fault for hurting him but he doesn't have to go this far to get back at me.

I suddenly got another call from Tyler this time.

"Girl! How was the meeting? Why is everyone in media saying that you will be doing this movie with Ivan??" He asked confused.

"Yes, he was also in the meeting. We were both offer to be lead on the movie." I answered.

He started screaming.

"What?? That must have been awkward!" He couldn't believe it either.

"I know.." I said weakly.

"There's no way, you could have said yes. I can't imagine you doing love scenes with him." He said.

I mentally cringe with the thought of it.

I would have been okay if he wasn't pressuring and blackmailing me.

"Actually, I think I might.." I force the words out of me.

"Seriously? But wouldn't that be too awkward? " he asked concerned.

"Yes, but I can't turn down the project." I said.

"What does Ivan said? I know this is one of the most anticipated upcoming movie and everyone is excited. Did he turn it down?" He replied asking.

I sighed defeatedly.

"I don't think he will either. He wants to do it." I replied.

"How about Sarah? Is she okay with it?" He asked.

"I already told her. She's upset but there's nothing I can do right now. She said she trust me so I think that's a good sign. I'm just happy that she didn't make this a big deal."

"Wow.. that's a real progress. Old Sarah would probably handle it badly. We know how territorial she can be." He said amused.

"Yeah.. I'm more worried about Ivan." I said honestly.

"Worried that you might start catching feelings?" He asked more clearly.

"No.. not that. I just don't know how to handle him." I said.

"Right.. because it's going to be awkward. You guys haven't announced the break up yet right? Will you keep it a secret for now?" He asked curiously.

"I think that might be the only good option I have." I replied.

"You sure?" He asked.

The way he sounded doesn't seem like he agrees.

"You don't have to do this if it's too hard you know.." he said.

If only he knew why..

I thought about telling him but it may only make things worst if I provoke Ivan.

"By the way, when am I going to see you? Aren't you going to see me in New york?" I asked changing the topic.

"I'll be there before you start shooting so you're not going to miss me too much.. haha" he said jokingly.

"Okay.. thanks for calling. Take care. I'll see you soon." I said lastly.

"Okay. Bye girl.." he said casually before ending the call.

I heard someone knocking on my front door.

I reluctantly check. I just hope Ivan will leave me alone. It's bad enough that we will be working together soon.

I sighed in relief when it wasn't him.

"Hi Ms. Ford, flower delivery for you." A delivery personnel greeted me.

I already knew who it came from even without reading the card.

"Thank you.." I said forcing myself to smile.

I took the flowers with me as I go inside and open the card.

"Love.. hopefully this can brighten your day. I know I kinda snap again earlier but I'm serious. I want you back. You know I'm only doing this to get closer to you. Even if you want nothing to do with me. I will still take this opportunity to make you remember what we have. You will take me back soon. I just know it. So let's do this movie."

I crumpled the card.

Why can't he just leave me alone?

Doing these things will not make me come back to him.

This behavior kept going for a whole week. He kept sending me flowers every morning and some other stuff too.

He didn't listen to me when I told him to stop doing it.

The day of signing contract, we met each other again.

"Ivan.. I told you to stop sending me flowers." I whisper to him.

"You used to like it when I have them deliver to you all the time." He said smiling.

"You're just wasting your time and money. Why won't you just listen to me?" I replied feeling a bit annoyed.

"Keep your act together love.. we can't have people thinking that we are having problems right now." He said while stroking my hair and trying to act sweet in front of everyone as we walk on the hall way.

I force a smile and let him hold me closer.

"Just because we're doing this.. it doesn't mean I'm okay with it." I said while pressing his arm.

He chuckle loudly and just kiss my cheeks.

I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face.

"Well this is nothing compare to what we'll be doing for the next few months." He said grinning.

"What are you really doing Ivan? You can't just blackmail me forever. I am already agreeing to doing this movie with you but after this.. You have to let me go." I said.

"Do you really think I can't win you back?" He said while gently caressing my hand.

"Ivan.. I don't know how else to say it." I said while trying to reject his advances.

He let go of my hand.

"Well, we'll have to wait then. We still have a lot of time. You know I'm good at it. Waiting.."He said softly.

I look into his eyes.

"I'm with Sarah now." I reminded him.

He crinckle his eyebrows for a second and force a smile.

"I can steal you back from her." He said more confidently.

I look down knowing that whatever I say will not make him change his mind.

We walk inside the meeting room. All the media were ready to take photos of us while we sign our contract for the movie.

The news about the movie became number one topic after the first official announcement.

We had to stay a few hours to have some photos and answer a few questions.

Some even have to ask about personal questions regarding my relationship with Ivan which totally had nothing to do with our movie.

I mostly tried to play it safe but Ivan was enjoying all the media attention and was joking and flirting openly. He share some stuff about us and mostly trying to remind me mostly of our good times together.

I felt like I was suffocating.

After we were done. I went straight to my house.

Now I'm starting to regret ever going back to my work.


The following weeks, I've been getting none stop interview request, callls and messages from different networks trying to invite me for media exposure.

Tyler gave me a constant update regarding my social media accounts.

I have to see Ivan all the time in the next few months. I don't think there's anything worse than this.

He never left me alone too.

He constantly comes to my place while trying to act like we are a couple and once I try to make him leave.. he threaten me with my photos with Sarah.

He starts to get on my nerves.

Right now he is in my kitchen.

"I only agree to do the movie with you and pretend that we are a couple in front of our fans but this is too much. You're invading my space. Why don't you listen to me?" I am really irritated now.

"I'm courting you." He said sweetly.

"Ivan, how many times do I have to tell you that you can't. I'm already with someone. Why can't you respect that?" I reasoned out.

"She's not even here. Your feelings for her will eventually stop. You just have to accept me." He said while walking closer to me.

"Seriously.. this is creeping me out. Do I need to find a new house?" I said while trying to move away from him.

"Fine.. I won't bother you too much. But I can't promise that I'll leave you alone. Enjoy the meal that I cook for you." He said while getting his things and ready to go.

"I love you Via.." he said again.

I didn't answer.

He close the door when he left.

I shook my head.

"Please just stop Ivan.." I mumble to myself.

So we start having some guest interviews and some I couldn't really decline.

"Hi guys! Thank you for letting us have this interview with you.

Ivan was sitting next to me while holding my hand.

"Yes Liz, thanks for having us." Ivan said.

"You two are so lovely together. Just a few months ago, you two annouce your relationship on live conference. Remember that? It was one of the sweetest declaration of love we've capture on camera. I still remember clearly how Via went on and correct all the dating rumors circling around about her." She said.

Ivan chuckle lighty.

I feel a bit embarrassed when I remember it.

"Yes.. Via, love.. you were really amazing and full of surprises." He said sweetly to me.

I had to play the sweet couple in front of the camera.

"Yes, Ivan my.. my love" I said while smiling.

"We all fell in love with your last movie together. Everyone immediately saw the chemistry and wow.. this reunion project is everyone's favorite topic today. Everyone is talking about it. Do you guys feel the pressure for your next movie?" She asked enthusiastically.

Ivan flash his charming smile through the camera.

"Working with Via was always such a pleasure. I think there's always gonna be pressure on our part but mostly I think it's going to be fun." He said laughing.

If only I could roll my eyes.

"This movie is going to be a lot more daring and sexy. How do you prepare for the role?" Liz asked curiously.

Her attention was to me so I had to give an answer.

"Yes.. um, we trust our director. Martin Colmante. I've already work with him before and I know he has a lot of plans. Rest assured that we will do our best to give justice to these two passionate characters in the book. We know that their love is very intense and passionate. I think it's going to be a real challenge but intimacy is important for this film." I said.

Ivan was just staring at me while nodding his head.

"I think it will not be too hard to do the role. Via and I can relate to the characters in terms of passion and desire." He teases.

I had to look away from embarrassment when the audience start screaming and squealing in excitement.

"Yes.. I guess we do love." I said covering my true feelings with an awkward laugh.

He unexpectedly peck my lips in front of the camera.

I turn off my television as I cringe on that interview.

I just hope Sarah doesn't watch any of my interviews.

I tried to have videocall on her but she wasn't picking my call. Maybe she was busy so I just left her a text asking how she was doing.

The next day I received her reply when I woke up.

"Hey! Sorry.. I couldn't receive your call last night. I'm doing fine. How are you? Anyway, I think I might see you around this week so get ready. I love you! 😘"

I smile at my phone.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to see you beautiful. ♥️" I replied.

Now I have to get ready to go and meet everyone of the cast.

We're going to have a table reading.

And I'm sure Ivan is going to annoy me again.


Time felt like forever when I got to do the table reading.

We have a decent cast and everything was already set. It's obvious that our producer had been planning this project for years. The script is already made and we will start our shooting soon. All cast were already in and prepared for our shooting schedule.

I wanted to go home as soon as I can. Ivan followed me as I walk.

"Dinner?" He asked smiling.

"Ivan.. how many times do I have to say no?" I whispered as we walked to the parking lot.

"I already gave you some space.. Now can you return the favor? It's just dinner." He said while putting his palms together and smiling.

"If you want to give me the space that I want then you should leave me alone." I said.

"Not going to happen love." He said smirking.

"You're just wasting your time on me. There's a lot of girls out there more worthy of your time and who knows you might move on sooner than you think." I reasoned.

"You're the one Via.. there's no other girl for me. All I have to do is get you back." He said with a smug face.

"Do you really like hurting yourself? If we go to this dinner then you have to promise me that you'll delete all the copy of those photos." I bargain.

"Nope.. I won't delete those until we finished our movie." He said unamused.

"Then I guess you've got my answer." I replied as I walk to my car.

"Via please.. are you scared?" He asked with one of his eyebrow raised at me.

"Actually yes.. I've never seen you like this before and it's quite scary." I admit.

He shook his head and laughed.

"I didn't mean that way.. more like scared of falling for me again. You loved me once and I know you can do it again." He said as he grab my wrist and pulled me closer.

I immediately push him back.

"You're not on your right mind Ivan. The only reason why I'm here is because you threaten to expose my relationship with Sarah. This is all for her. Why can't you see that??" I said louder when we were left alone.

"Don't say her name." He said seriously.

"Whatever.. I should go." I said as I got inside my car.

He knock a few times.

I open my window.

"You sure you don't want to have dinner with me?" He asked again.

"Ivan go home.." I said before closing it back.

He wave at me as I drive away.

I got home and took a nice long bath. This whole thing with Ivan is stressing me a lot.


A few days later,

I was busy cooking my meal when I was disturb by someone knocking on my front door.

I guess it only took a few days for Ivan to restrain himself because now he is ready to bother me again.

"What now??" I asked irritably.

"Surprise!!" Sarah greeted me cheerfully.

"Oh! Hey!!!" I said

my irritation is now gone.

It changes to shock and happiness.

She gave me a huge hug.

"I miss you so much.." she said sweetly.

I pull away from the hug to look at her.

"I didn't know you were coming today. I would have pick you up." I mentioned.

"It's okay. I didn't get lost. Nice house by the way." She said while bringing her stuff inside.

I help her with her stuff.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"I cook.. are you hungry? Gosh, I miss you." I said sweetly.

I held her hand and let her to my dining area.

I serve her food.

I sat across her.

"I'm so glad that you're here." I said smiling.

"I told you I was going to.." she said while taking a bite of the meat.

"I know.. It was hard to get in touch with you lately. I thought you were getting busy." I mentioned.

"I'm sorry.. I did that on purpose. I didn't want a conversation over the phone. We might just end up arguing a lot. I know this is your job but everytime I see those interviews and photos you have with Ivan, I just get jealous." She admit.

"You shouldn't watch them. I also don't like seeing it. I'm just acting. You know those sweet talk and flirty interactions are fake." I replied.

"For you yes.. but for Ivan, I don't think so. I think he's using this opportunity to get closer to you again. I can feel it. He wants you back." She said while looking at me seriously.

"Even if that's true, it doesn't matter because I'm with you. I'm all yours." I said while reaching for her hand.

"Yes.. you are." She said.

Her hand is now resting on top of my own.

"It feels nice hearing that and touching you like this." She said softly as she gently caress my hand.

"I'm not dreaming right now right?" I asked.

She pinch my hand.

"H-hey!" I said louder.

"Does it still feel like a dream?" She asked while she pull my hand closer and place a gentle kiss on it.

"This is so much better.." I said softly.

We both giggle at the same time.

After we finished our meal, we rest on my bedroom.

"How many days are you staying?" I asked curiously.

"Four to five days.." she said while pulling me towards the bed.

"Shouldn't you start unpacking first?" I asked while trying to stand up.

"I just want to cuddle.." she said pouting.

"Tyler will be here soon. So in case I have some unexpected work schedule. You two can hangout." I said smiling.

"Agh.. are you busy now? I was really hoping to spend more time with you while I'm here." She said while nuzzling on my neck.

"They're pushing the schedule of our filming. They want to start as soon as possible. We also already have schedule for photoshoot for our movie poster." I mentioned.

She sighed.

"Work makes everything less fun." She said while pulling me down.

Our face is too close right now.

I close my eyes while my nose touching hers.

"So, are we just going to stay here?" She asked curiously.

Her voice made me open my eyes again.

"Ah.. yeah, no.. we can go anywhere you want." I said smiling as I pull my face a bit.

She rest her head on my chest.

"I don't mind staying like this though." She said softly.

I held her closer.

"Yeah me too." I said warmly before kissing her head.

My phone starts ringing.

I ignore my phone.

"Aren't you going to get that?" She asked.

I reach for my phone and immediately turn it off when I saw Ivan's name on it.

"No, you're my only priority right now." I said.

She held my face closer.

"I think I'm falling more in love with you for saying that." She said before kissing me.


A few hours later,

I didn't realize that I fell asleep while Sarah and I are watching a movie.

"Hey sleepyhead.." she said sweetly.

I rub my eyes and stretch my arms.

"What time is it?" I asked.

I look for my phone and turn it on once I had it on my hand.

It kept making sound notification.

"That's a lot.." Sarah said casually.

I ignore Ivan's messages and check my other messages.

I frown when I got a notification about our movie poster photoshoot for tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" She asked a bit concern.

"They move our photoshoot schedule. They want us to do it tomorrow." I said feeling bad.

"Oh.." she replied.

"Tyler might be here tomorrow. So in case things gets pretty hectic for me, I think you two can spend the time together.." I suggested.

"Yeah, it's okay.." she said trying to hide her disappointment.

"I'm really sorry." I said apologetically.

"I said it's okay.. Don't worry about me." She said before kissing my cheek.

"How about we go out tonight?" I tried to cheer her up

"Yeah? Where are we going?" She asked smiling.

"We could go anywhere.. like amusement park or broadway musical.. or art museum?" I suggested a few places.

"Amusement park sounds fun.." she said nodding.

"Cool.. then we have a date." I said smiling back.

We took a nap for a few hours and later that night we prepare to go out.

I worn a disguise to keep a low profile.

"Wow.. is there anything you couldn't pull off? You look gorgeous even with your fake brunette hair extensions." She said while tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"You think so? I consider dying my hair once.." I said casually.

She shook her head.

"I like your natural hair..." She mentioned.

I smiled and held her hand.

"Let's go girlfriend.." I said sweetly.

She giggle softly.

"Right.. of course girlfriend.." she said as we walk out of my house.

We spend the rest of the night riding fun, exciting and thrilling rides. It reminds me of our old times together.

"I got the feeling that we used to do this a lot..." She said softly.

"What can I say.. you've always had a thrill for adventure." I said.

"Me not so much.. thankfully I didn't puke this time." I added.

She pinch my cheeks playfully.

"Hey there's a photobooth over there! C'mon let's do it." She said while pulling my hand as we get in the line.

"You're cute.. getting excited over little things like this." I said while laughing.

"Well hopefully that's a compliment.." she said while she poke my eyeglasses.

I laughed softly.

"Yes.. it is, now let's get inside." I said as I pull her closer to me.

We got inside the booth.

We made some silly face as the camera kept on clicking.

For our last two shots together,

We face each other ignoring the camera then she move closer and the camera click once.

I lean forward while she held the back of my hair and she pull me for a passionate kiss. The camera click for the last time.

We both giggle after hearing the sound of the camera.

We walk out of the booth and check the result of our photos together.

"They came out nicely." She said while handing me the extra copy.

"Sure did.. specially the last two shots." I said playfully.

She laugh and nodded in agreement.

We tried other activities like toy gun shooting and dart shooting. Luckily for me, I was really good at it so I won some good prizes.

"Here.. you can have it." I said smiling sweetly as I handed the big teddy bear to her.

"Wow! You really have a great aim! Aren't you just full of talent.." She said it proudly.

She kiss my cheek once then thank me for the teddy bear.

"Thank you for this. I should also get you something." She said as she got ready to play the game too.

She misses a few shots.

I tried to help her to get a better aim.

My hands guided her hands as I told her to keep her posture as she aim her target.

I stood closely from her back and lean slightly.

"Now pull the trigger.." I whisper encouragingly.

She hit it swiftly.

"Nice!" I praise her.

"Try it again.." I said while I observe from behind her.

She hit another three of her target.

"Wow! You did well.." I said while giving her a hi five.

She became all jumpy and proud of her own work.

"That was awesome!" She said.

We got a smaller size stuff toy.

"Here.. I think it's not too bad for my first try." She said winking.

I chuckle softly.

"Sure.. hopefully on other things too." I said teasingly.

She looked confused for a second then flicked my forehead when she thought of something sexual.

"Oh pervert.." she whisper a bit embarrassed.

"You're the one getting that idea on your head.. not me." I clarified.

Her face heat up and blush brightly.

I couldn't control my laughter.

She shook her head while trying to walk faster away from me.

"Forget it.." she mumbled.

I followed and walk faster.

"Let's get something to eat then we can go home." I said softly.

She held my hand gently as we enter a food chain.

After a few minutes we went back to my house.

"I had so much fun!" She said cheerfully.

"Same.. we should definitely come back again." I replied matching her tone.

We finish taking a bath.

She was sitting on my bed when I got inside.

She swallow a lump in her throat when we made eye contact.

I can feel how nervous she was.

I walk over to the other side of the bed and pull the blanket below so I can finally lay down.

She clear her throat.

"Via.. what are you doing?" She asked confused.

"Getting ready to sleep.. You?" I answered casually.

"Oh.." she replied shortly.

She turn around and lay next to me.

"Don't you want to.. um.." she look so shy and embarrassed.

I held her closer and kiss her forehead.

"We can be open about anything." I said softly.

"Do it? I mean sex?" She finished blushing.

I gently kiss her lips and she respond quickly.

I pulled away after a few seconds.

"I still have my period.. but maybe another day? Soon.." I replied while resting my forehead against hers.

"Oh okay.." she replied in a low voice.

"Do you want me to? I can still relieve you... If you want." I said while rubbing her arm.

"Actually I want to do that for you. The way you made me feel that night at my house. I want you to experience that feeling. Maybe even more? I want you to feel everything." She replied.

I can feel my own cheeks heating up.

"This is turning me on.." I whispered.

"Then we should sleep.. I'll have my way with you soon." She said in a sultry voice.

She rest her head on my chest.

Continua llegint

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