
By Partners6In9Crime

15 1 0

After the iconic fight between Kelly and Abby Kalani became the favorite and Maddie was the new Brooke and Ma... More

Kelly Vrs Abby

15 1 0
By Partners6In9Crime

Maddie POV:

                 Today was pyramid, I used to like but now I don't. It's always the same but yet it's so different. It was always the same people on the bottom Brooke, Paige, Nia and Mackenzie it was always the same people in the middle row Kendall and Chloe and I was always on top. But today it felt so different. Ever since Brooke and Paige left I realized how much I missed them and how much I was such a brat to them. It felt different when today. I couldn't hold Paige and Chloe's hand before pyramid. Paige was gone and Chloe was to mad at me to hold my hand, which I deserved. I realized that it didn't matter how I danced or how everyone else danced I would always be at the same spot and everyone else would be at the same spot. I also new that I would never be on the top again and that this new girl Kalani will be Abby's favorite and will be her "#1 girl.

            You might be thinking "Oh Maddie you never know you could still be Abby's #1 girl" or "Come on Maddie everyone knows Abby loves you with all her heart she'll never give you up". But you only know TV Abby. I know the real Abby and I know her games.

            To tell you her games I must go all the way back before the show started. When I first joined the ALDC in 2005 I obviously wasn't the favorite it was this other girl who I don't remember but that's beyond the point. Many people think Abby is nicer off camera or before the show she was a "normal" dance teacher. But that's not true. She still had favorites and hated on the rest. In fact she was meaner off show. Abby has this little favoritism game. Before the show I wasn't Abby's favorite it was Brooke. Your probably like "Oh Maddie that's silly you were obviously the favorite" but that's not how it works in the Abby Lee Dance Company. You have to earn Abby's favoritism. Remember in Season 2 Episode 5 "Brooke's Back", Abby says this line "She is not a little girl anymore, She proved to me that she is a dancer and that she will take dance seriously" (She meaning to Mackenzie). Well that's how it works with Abby she has 3 levels you must get to prove Abby your worth a dancer, dancer, successful dancer and professional dancer. No one has ever made it to Professional Dancer before. Dancer is the 1st one to get to that many people get to it basically means that you won your 1st competition or got your first title or something else big happened. When Mackenzie won with "Your Party Starts Right Now" she viewed her as a dancer not as a little kid going to dance class. That's basically how it works.

         So Abby didn't see me as a dancer until I won my routine Sunshine and Lollipops. But as Abby says "It's one thing to get to the top it's even harder to stay on the top". You can never stop pleasing Abby. So before Abby viewed me as a dancer Brooke was her favorite. But you have to earn her favoritism. It works like this once Abby see's you as a dancer you must prove to her your a successful dancer which isn't as easy. Becoming a successful dancer was fun but then I realized it was just her using you to make her studio #1. To become a successful dancer you have to win right after your "big win" and then win again. So when I preformed Sunshine and Lollipops I also won 2 solos after "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and "USO Show" which made Abby view me as a successful dancer. Brooke proved Abby she was a dancer with her solo Firefly and then proved she was a successful dancer with her solo "Bigger Isn't Better" only 1 solo because she won a national title after running her foot over a golf cart so Abby said that she proved Abby enough there. When someone becomes a successful dancer the person who was a successful dancer before get's thrown away and treated awful and the new successful dancer becomes the favorite. Paige told me the girl that was the favorite before Brooke was so beaten down by Abby's changing favoritism and how much Abby hurt her she got addicted to drugs and died from a drug overdose.

             Now you might be wondering "well Maddie wouldn't Chloe become the favorite she won 3 solos in a row". That's true but there's a long story why Chloe didn't become the favorite. If no drama happened and Abby was a fair person Chloe would've been viewed as a dancer with her solo Princess Chloe. But here's the reason why not. You know when your a dancer and you under 5 there's only 2 type of dancers they are ballerina's and gymnasts. In our group Brooke, Paige, Nia, Mackenzie and I were gymnasts. Chloe was the only ballerina. So Chloe was the standout in the group. Since Abby always looks at the negatives in stuff she viewed Chloe's "stand out" as a negative thing like they couldn't do acro dances because Chloe would mess up and they can't do ballet dances because everyone else would mess up and because of that the only 2 or 3 other dance styles kids under 8 could preform were jazz, musical theater and sometimes tap. Of course Abby took that out on Chloe.

         One day Abby was having it with the fact that they couldn't do acro dances so she gave Chloe an acro solo. No offense to Chloe but that solo was a hot mess. Christi hated the solo it didn't show off Chloe strengths it only showed her weaknesses in this dance. So Christ took Chloe out of school early and took Chloe to a gym to practice and hired a private to teach Chloe. Christi was going to change the acro solo to a ballet solo that showed Chloe's beautiful technique and her flawless emotion then an acro solo that showed off her lack in flexibility. Christi wanted to tribute it and call it Princess Chloe. When Abby found out about this she was furious and Christi and Abby got in a huge fight. This fight was the 2nd biggest fight I've ever seen after the Kelly and Abby fight. There was cursing screaming and even hitting and Abby yanked Chloe's hair. Ever since then Abby who can't let go has always held it against the Lukasiaks. When Chloe proved herself by winning "Ma He's Making Eyes On Me" (as if winning YAGP wasn't enough to prove Abby something she needed to win again) it was the same day I won with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" Abby said this "Chloe you could've been a successful dancer before Maddie and earned my favoritism before Maddie but unfortunately your lack of talent and your mother's actions". It made Christi mad and Chloe cry.

              So yeah then I became the favorite and Brooke was put down. Now Kalani proved herself to be a dancer on AUDC and when she won Swan Solstice and Unless Your Sorry she's seen as a successful dancer and now I'll be the new Brooke and Mackenzie will be the new Paige. Now our team will never be the same again.

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