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act one
โ•ธone : the rules
โ•ธtwo : the game
โ•ธthree : the threshold
โ•ธfour : the banished
โ•ธfive : the decision
โ•ธsix : blowing smoke
โ•ธseven : the winter solsitce
โ•ธeight : the pirates and the peasants
โ•ธnine : the calm and the storm
โ•ธten : the party pooper
โ•ธeleven : mother dearest
โ•ธtwelve : the strong survive
โ•ธthirteen : the home stretch
โ•ธfourteen : nari's promise
โ•ธfifteen : the lifeline
act two
โ•ธseventeen : the trigger
โ•ธeighteen : the givers and takers
โ•ธnineteen : the leader
โ•ธtwenty : the challenged
โ•ธtwenty one : its a shame
โ•ธtwenty two : if you love something
โ•ธtwenty three : let it go
โ•ธtwenty four : finding peace

โ•ธsixteen : the princess

373 12 158

the princess

· • -- ٠ ♛ ٠ -- • ·

          Nari loves the placid view ahead of her. Beautiful hues of pink around her blossom from shorter trees, somehow sprouting from the water underneath the resort they were fortunate to find. She has found a hot spring just outside the main building of the lovely pink and red resort, built over a waterfall with docks and such for support. Soft cherry blossoms frame the sky from any viewpoint, whether it be the hot spring she's in or the resort itself.

That earth-bending twin, Hoji, had taken a toll on her muscles; they're fight caused a stabbing and chronic ache in her back to this day. But the resort is helping to heal that.

Oh, they are fortunate are to have found this.

More realistically, what Iroh has found. He has a strange talent for finagling his way in and out of things, one of the many things Nari will never understand about him.

That's not to say she isn't grateful for it, though— much to the contrary, actually. If it weren't for Iroh's aptitude, Nari wouldn't have her injuries properly cared for. Her leg is near to completely healed, and though the pain from her back remains, the scratches and gashes among it have reduced so much she needs no bandages. All of this is very much needed, including her hot spring.

Zuko passed on any massages or spoiling— Nari knows just why, yet if she brings it up she might gather a slashing growl from him. Best not bother herself with his irritability, especially after promising herself she'd be more self-concerned.

Besides, Nari and Zuko haven't been on the most... solid... of grounds since the North Pole. The path they walk on is light ice ready to crack if any weight should fall incorrectly. Mentioning the anniversary of his banishment might just skip the scale poorly, might just cause an irreparable chasm between them.

Zuko has to be somewhere within this resort, and Nari finds herself itching to see how he's doing— usually, anniversaries are celebrated, but as far as these things go, the more years that add up, the harder it gets to manage the day.

Nari can remember the anniversary of killing Akio, of leaving, well; she didn't steal anything on the day. She didn't do anything bad. That day already has enough ashes on it, she needs not to burn it further.

But Zuko? How could he forget the day his father burned him? The day he was hurt inside and out? How could anyone?

Nari rubs her hands down her face with a sigh, warm water brushing over her skin which surely does not help her motivation towards getting out of the pool. Still, she musters herself with enough will to find Zuko and check upon him. Sure, it's unspoken she'll receive a shout, but she'd tested waters regarding being rude to Zuko.

The crueler her words, the more it shot back in her face. There's an investment Zuko made over the many years she knew him, and while she can spit at everyone else, she finds it harder to do neglect the prince.

After redressing in something more covering than the bathing suit-like attire she was wearing— now, a pink wrap dress of soft silken materials—, Nari walks near Zuko's room. She could hear Iroh's enthusiasm— which has surely grown permanent by now— from outside. Something about seashells, Nari figures while sliding the doors open, it's his most recent collector's item.

As the entrance to the room is cleared, Nari gets a cold gush of air to her lungs. It's a sight which she takes many moments to process-- Zuko, as always, is yelling at a smiling Iroh, and much to everyone's stunning surprise, Azula sits in a corner. Plotting. Planning. Calmly.

She's older now, that much is sure— her face has matured and she's perfected a meticulous and merciless smile, not to mention Azula is taller in her stature, and would probably be more of a battling opponent to Nari. But that's not to think about, though around Azula anyone must be careful. She smiled during Zuko's Agni Kai...

Nari's gasp steals the air from the room, though for a brief second she swears there's no air in her lungs, either. "Azula?" The older girl steps forward, face contorted into a pinched countenance as confusion etches her features-- her dark and sharp brows furrow against each other, brought down to such an extent that her lashes brisk them. She hasn't seen Azula in three years (it was a curse to go back to the royal palace whenever Zuko left), and it's just now evident to Nari how long three years really is. Time is an astounding wonder, truly, and it changes people.

The princess offers Nari the slightest lift against the corners of her lips before folding her hands over her lap in quite a formal manner. "Hello, brother. Nari. Uncle." Azula greets, a saccharine sting to her voice.

Zuko steps forward, his pique tangible in curled up fists and a scrunched face, and for this Nari's quick to hold him back with a hand on his shoulder. Much to her surprise, the following shout of his voice is not directed at Nari, rather Zuko's sister. "What are you doing here?" He snarls, teeth pressed together while his jawline hardens sharply.

Azula holds a shell in her hand now, examining it with attentive golden eyes which are almost identically shared with her brother, if not quite similar. A pout tugs at her lips, some false pity on the girl's face— Nari still adjusts to it. Azula appears undeniably older since the last time they talked, and surely the same applies both ways. "In my country," She goads, egging Zuko on with a primal tone of indifference, "we exchange a pleasant 'hello' before asking questions. Have you become uncivilized so soon, Zuzu?"

Nari senses the tightening of Zuko's muscles under her hand, shoulder raised as Azula stands with a manipulative stalk. Nari pulls him back from his sister, keeping him from the edge of wrath. "Don't call me that!" The prince spits at his sister, a sharp and sudden slap to the face though it renders no emotion from his sister or anyone in the room.

Iroh is visibly upset. "To what do we owe this honor?" He asks, voice jaded yet respectful to his niece.

Azula carefully examines the delicate shell at her fingertips. "Hmm... must be a family trait," the princess hums, a warmth in her tone which is only backed by some hidden knowledge. "Both of you so quick to get to the point." The shell within Azula's grasp shatters with the slightest of pressure from her strikingly long nails, leaving Iroh even more enraged than when she made her presence known. "I've come with a message from home. Father's changed his mind. Family is suddenly very important to him. He's heard rumors of plans to overthrow him; treacherous plots. Family are the only ones you can really trust," Azula pauses briefly to take in everyone's expression, and Nari is sure not to make a face. "Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home." She addresses Zuko.

Though Azula's words apply strictly to Zuko, Nari finds her heart and core tighter— if Zuko goes back home, then.... it doesn't matter. She can get along on her own, perfectly fine. But then again, her option is going home...

She'd rather not think of it. Either abandonment or return is waiting at her end of the river, and Nari would sooner jump down a waterfall than meet those two endings.

There's astounding silence over the room, nothing is heard aside from the soft scraping of branches against wooden walls or shutters. And just as Azula broke the shell, she breaks the soundless ambiance. "Did you hear me? You should be happy. Excited. Grateful. I just gave you great news." Her voice is sweet again... almost too sweet.

As much as Nari wants to believe her, she was... is.. the princess's friend, after all, there's something she can't trust about Fire Lord Ozai's sudden change of heart. That man is nothing like his brother, yet if Azula and Zuko are anything like him, he won't change his mind or take back his words too easily.

Yet Zuko fails to realize this. His stunned speechless, and Nari pulls him back— away from Azula and closer to her— just slightly. Maybe he just needs a moment to think? Soon enough, he'll realize what Nari has already.

Iroh voices a similar concern. "I'm sure your brother simply needs a moment-"

"Don't interrupt, Uncle!" Azula's words snap sharply as her face twitches furiously. Her temper, though edged more towards irritability, manages a quick switch to something calmer and maintained. She's still annoyed, however. That much is unmistakable. "I still haven't heard my thank you. I'm not a messenger. I didn't have to come all this way."

Zuko shrugs Nari's hand from his shoulder, albeit the action is small enough to cause her hand to fall near his side and brisk his hand. She quickly draws it back, though Zuko seems too surprised to do anything about the brushed and brief hold. "Father regrets..." there's a pause, a break in the ring of his voice that strikes a painful chord in both Nari and Iroh's hearts. Pity for the former and sadness regarding the latter. The immense longing that spills from Zuko's tone exposes just how badly he wants his father's approval, acceptance; his love, or whatever Ozai could offer the kid. "He wants me back?"

Nari lowers her head, staring at her feet with her arms crossed tightly at her chest. "Zuko," she starts, but gives nothing else besides the sunken sing of his name. It's more so a word that advises the boy against thinking so irrationally, so impulsive. She's calling him to think on this— something isn't right and though Nari wants this to be true for Zuko (a selfless wish that she loathes) she doesn't want him hurt further.

Azula hums; it's a quick run of her vocal chords which loudly expresses her impatience and unsatisfied mood. Her face seems to have softened for her brother, dark brows less sharp, golden eyes less stabbing, lips less snarled. "I can see you need time to take this in. I'll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening." With this, Azula takes her leave, gifting Nari a parting glance which isn't returned.

She's left Zuko to ponder an important decision; Nari doesn't want to know what's running through his head. It's surely not good— mislead by manipulation.

Nari sits on the edge of the docks for the resort, her toes skimming the water that rushes bellow her. There's not much thought on her mind aside from two things: if Zuko chooses to return home, what will she do, and what could be behind Azula's intentions?

Had Nari known of the girl's presence behind her, she would've asked. Instead, Nari jumps with the sudden clearing of Azula's throat. The older girl doesn't fall from her spot, she doesn't turn her head back or make a shocked face save for the quick startle from sound. Nari knows it's Azula behind her— she's not dumb. "I don't suppose you're here to catch up," she mutters to the princess, eyes locked to the passing water that skims the bottom of her feet.

Azula remains standing, hands solidly folded at her hips, though she comes into Nari's view. A power move, surely. Nari thinks to stand above her, but siting does her well right now.

The princess sighs, a lack of veracity within her breath though it's tiresome all the same. "Sadly, I'm not," she admits. "Though I'd love to talk about you and Zuko— I did notice that whole hand touch thing back there, I'm not surprised you two-"

"It's not like that." Nari interjects the unspoken assumption Azula holds at bay, her gaze still down with a low and serious draw to her tone. Evidently, through her pitch and her unfriendly ring, Nari is not pleased— her eyes are narrowed to darts, brows pulled down to where her eyelashes brush them, features hard enough to flatten iron.

"Oh, I'm sure it's not," Azula spins the pulled out strand from her royally-styled bun methodically. "Protectively holding someone back with a studious glare to the person addressing them is only done out of hate, after all. I'm truly shocked you'd think I'd hurt poor Zuzu,"

Nari rolls her eyes before glaring strongly at her friend, nearly ready to take her up on the whole 'standing-intimidation' front. "I wasn't protecting him, Azula." She drones, lips twisted into an uncomfortable frown. "Now say what you have to say, or leave."

Azula presses her fingertips against her heart, faking offense as a pretend countenance of pain washes over her face. "Ouch, Nari. Is this how you address a long lost friend of three years? It's a pity you never showed after little Zuko's banishment, we could've worked on your manners more."

Nari grumbles as she hastily snaps to her feet with a step closer to Azula. "My manners need no help, and why I never showed my face around you is none of your business." Nari looks down to Azula, jaw hardened into a sharp line which could cut through metal. Her mouth has become her stomach, unwieldy and acidic, biting and sour— filed with bile words and stinging lashes of twisted thoughts. Azula is urging on a pitted emotion which Nari has yet to dwell on; she hasn't given Azula, or anything of her concerning for that matter, any thought. Nothing has brushed her brain aside from Zuko potentially leaving her.


And it makes her furious.

Azula has to look up to Nari— compared to the princess, Nari is colossal. Her muscles are much more defined than Azula's, the Fire Nation's royal attire doing more harm than good compared to some pink dress. Additionally, Nari is now a near head taller than Azula, who smiles. "You're a lot taller now, you know?" She mocks, "besides, since I'm your friend it's obviously my business. Plus it pertains to a certain proposition I have for you, Ri."

Nari sighs bitterly, breath turning hot until it almost spirals into flames. Her teeth grit together, gashes pressed into the inside of her lips with a boiling anger. "You don't get to call me that," she says, her voice guttural as she works a tightened jaw. Her nickname, Ri, is only reserved for Tayiko. And it will remain that way for as long as Nari can help it.

Azula, much to Nari's aggravation, doesn't step back. She just... laughs and points to the taller girl's chest. "Oh, see now you sound like Zuko, too. Maybe you're spending too much time with him." Upon flicking her finger upwards, striking Nari's chin (which causes Nari to shove Azula's arm away after quickly grabbing it in a solid hold), Azula walks away, head turned over her shoulder. "Anyways, I have an offer for you."

"I don't want it."

"Of course you don't." Azula's face quickly falls alike to her voice. Irritated, annoyed— this is all vividly pictured within the pressed brows, tedious eyes, and frowning painted lips, along with the dry and assuming tone she uses. "Well, I figure I'd just tell you, and you can let me know if you've changed your mind later."

Nari crosses her arms. "I won't."

Azula mimics Nari's reaction, but with a smoothly arched brow. "You will."

Azula has thought Nari a threat ever since Nari killed Akio through white fire and lightning bending. The news of has been concealed to the best of it's abilities, but of course members of the royal family would know this. It's only an additional page in Nari's book, for the princess— but if the girl can kill someone using lightning bending and such, Azula would rather have Nari on her side.

"If I'm not wrong you have no where to go, right now."

Nari tries to hold her anger at bay. "Azula, stop talking."

"See, now your just being rude." The princess falsely pouts.

"I'm being blunt— there's a difference." Nari now pinches the bridge of her nose; dealing with Azula can be a pain, in certain instances. "You'd be better off that way, too. I'd rather that than have to listen to you jumping around the point."

Azula scoffs, but Nari's attitude and sharp words are something she's grown accustomed to since childhood. "Fine. I'll be blunt: you're a strong bender and I'd rather have you on my side. You should be, anyways," Azula holds a tight pause between her words. "You are my friend, right Nari?"

Azula's brows raise with her inquire. A suspecting state befalls the princesses pale face, and Nari nods regrettably.

The younger girl then smiles, a bright flash of pearly teeth. "Good. Then it's settled." Azula holds her hands together behind her back, and though she bounces up to her tip toes, she still doesn't measure up to Nari, who pinches her brows together.

"Settled?" Nari doesn't move despite the etched confusion to her features. Her shoulders remain tightened, hands tucked under her biceps, legs dug into the ground. "I don't know who you think you're talking to, Azula-"

"I'm talking to you, Nari." Azula is quick to interject, her words just as demanding as the older girls when she steps back and crosses her arms. "Unless, that is, there's another Nari somewhere. Another killer on the run, hiding out in some resort." Azula's hands switch to her hips while a look of malicious planning switches to some trivial head tilt. Her voice coats thickly with disdain. "I'm giving you a good opportunity— it's me, or the assassins ready to collect the tax that's on your name."

Nari forgot how Akio's parents had sent assassins for revenge, a hefty sum for the girl wanted dead, not alive. Now, if Nari is to step into the Fire Nation, it's likely she'll have ten knifes at her throat in one second.

Nari's teeth grit together enough to crush metal, jaw a sharp line anew as dangerous brows cast cavernous shadows and wrinkles into her face. "Never say that to me again, Princess." Nari spits, her hand shooting to Azula's collar with a tight grip and yellow eyes stabbing down to her's. From such, Nari reads how unmoved Azula remains, but nonetheless she is interested; it's so bold of Nari to place her hands on royalty, especially when one is offering safety. However, Nari is unaware of that. She still treats Azula like helpless prey to sink hungry teeth into. "You ain't got half a clue what that damn boy did to me. Spirits bless your soul if you even mutter another word about shit you don't know." Azula is now a mere inch from Nari's heated breath, ridged and cracking like a thrashed whip as Nari's rage paints quite the vivid picture.

And after Azula takes it all in, she steps back from Nari, adjusting her slightly ruffled collar— the rather prestigious Fire Nation attire falling royally against her shoulders once again— while suppressing a bitter laugh. "That wrap on your arm?" Her sharpened eyes dart to Nari's covered wrist before jumping back up to the tall girl. "You've kept it out of reach, and it just so happens to be the exact spot someone would grab in a quick fit of rage. Except you." Azula smiles, well knowledgeable of her words and how they'll fall onto Nari like a heavy gate. "Because your scarred. I'm assuming that Akio grabbed you by that wrist and burned you."

After many moments of a heavy silence, gaps filled by Nari's steaming breath, heat drifting up from her shoulders like a mirage in summer heat, Azula finds it fit to speak.

"I could be wrong, of course."

Nari pulls her bottom lip between her lips after looking straight, directly above the shorter Azula. Her eyes bounce around that horizon. "Your not." She simply says. "He did burn me, among other things. But no one seems to care for that."

Azula's shoulders release of any tension as she glances up to to Nari, face blank and pale like a canvas. "So, will you hear me out, now?"

Nari nods, defeated.

She loathes talking about Akio any further.

Azula now sits on the dock, feet hanging over the edge like Nari had a while ago, and through cued moments of indifference and placid soundlessness, Nari takes a spot next to her. Both of their gazes have been placed out to the scene ahead of them, enjoying the colorful hues of pinks and reds, blues and greens. Cherry blossom trees shaking within a slow breeze, crystalline blue waters racing to a waters edge, grass sprouted in perfect places to accentuate it all— even the clear azure of a mid day sky. Had it not been for Azula, this day would be perfect. Yet, through a maintained tone that's low and still like the Fire Nation ships very far in the distance, Azula continues her plan for Nari. "I can tell you and little Zuzu are close, that you don't want him to leave, and I know for a fact you dread heading back home, and the Fire Nation won't welcome you kindly. If you let me, I can fix all of those problems."

Nari breathes in deep, taking each tranquil detail of the resort in before slowly letting it slip from her mind. "How?" Her anger for the girl begins to subside from a screeching boil to a soft simmer, small now that Azula shows more compassion than normal.

Neither of them pay much attention to how Azula addressed Nari's friendship with the prince, or how it's grown stronger than any other friendship Nari has maintained within the past year. "Join me on a mission, Nari. Both your bending and stealth are commendable, and with you on my side, you'll never have to worry about an assassin or your past again. Plus, Zuko's my brother. It's not like he'll leave the palace once he goes back."

Nari tugs at the neckline of her wrapped dress, her lips twisting with thought. "If he goes back."

Azula's diligent smile falls flat. "What do you mean? Of course he'll want to go back, Zuko has been waiting three years for this."

Nari pulls one of her knees up, allowing one leg to still rest a mere inch away from swimming water. "There are... reasons." Nari now bites her thumbnail, keeping a steady eye on the water below her.

Her thoughts run like the river: would Zuko rather return to his home than stay with her; would he really kick her to the side like a rock in his path? It's selfish to think, but Nari finds it upsetting that Zuko could cut her off with a mere mention of his home life.

This is why you need to be more heartless, Nari...

And of Zuko's home life, as a friendly reminder, he lacks very kind memories of.

It's almost baffling to Nari, as she'd never truly wish to return to her home-- Zuko has far less happy memories than she, rest assured.

Azula swings her feet over the edge of the dock the two girls sit on. "What reasons, Nari?" Her voice, while softened, still attempts to push Nari from where she rests.

The older girl remains shock-still, mind entangling all her created thoughts and emotions to one that is quiet, hushed, yet painful all the same. The reason is me... I'm his friend, or I thought I was... But I could be wrong, which would place my name to blame... he wouldn't abandon me, right? Nari can't risk saying this to Azula, so instead she muffles a hushed huff, turning her head from Azula.

It seems that Nari has yet to grasp Azula's proposition; if only Nari joins her side, she can remain in contact with Zuko while straying far from her home, as well. It's a win win, but Nari is far too deep within her mind to acknowledge that.

Azula stands with a sigh of indifference, dusting off her hands and attire of dried blood and honeyed hues. "I'll give you time to consider, Nari. Until then," As Azula gifts Nari with a parting smile and a wave-- rather informal, truthfully-- she waits for the older girl to return such a farewell.

And Nari does. It's a simple raise of the head and lock of equally yellow eyes, but it is sufficient enough.

Time flows less like the river and more like sticky syrup, currently.

Nari waits for Zuko to make a decision regarding Azula's offer, face down on her bed— despite all the amenities the resort offers, back pain still takes a toll on her. This, and the creeping suspicion that her only true friend might leave her, is antagonizing.

It's grown quiet in her room, to no surprise, just as the day has sunk into dark and silky night. Any soft ambience, whether it be the gentle stream below the resort, or the trees that paint against the canvas walls with their branches, has grown to become background noise. Silvery slants burst through the window, breaking the absent lighting like a ray of sun in summer.

Only it's a bit more haunting.

Because Nari should be heading to sleep. She should be resting or trying to for that— but she can't. And the lights wiring through slightly dusty air is all a reminder of that.

Maybe I should get an answer from Zuko. If he's not leaving I have nothing to fret over... and if he is... well Azula's deal still stands... but I don't want to be some pitied weapon...

Nari quickly sits up, hands smacking against the pink covers over her bed, which is nothing but half a foot off the ground. When her torso twisted uncomfortably it shot a pain up her spine, yet her mind hooked onto something and she pays it not attention.

She should get answers from Zuko.

And just as she slides her door open, she's greeted face to face with the very soul she searched for.

Nari's breath catches in her throat, some sticky web trapping any mutter, any word, even air, from escaping her lips at the first sight of Zuko; it's obvious he's been equally as troubled as her. His eyes are more tired, and the one without a burn across it has been tugged by bags of sleeplessness. Though he now displays a vivid countenance of shock and surprise, he's been nailed to the ground by some heavyweight emotion. Nari tries to place it as she steps back, taking in each feature of his, but in avail, she can't find anything useful.

"I was going to check on you," Nari announces after having cleared her throat— after breaking silence like a knife to ice. "I wanted to know if you're going to take Azula up on her offer."

Zuko snakes past her, through the doorway, with his hands flying to his face in a frustrating manner. Granted his irritated demeanor, Zuko keeps a low voice and a solemn tone. "I am. I think,"

Nari stays by the door, crossing her arms while leaning against the wall. "This isn't something to be unsure of," she advises, pinching her bicep in desperate attempts to keep emotion out of her voice.

Zuko is burdened with a frown, lips pulling downwards before releasing a strained huff. "You think I don't know that, Nari?" As he turns sharply to Nari, his features soften with a forced realization. She'd flinched when he yelled. Zuko tries to calm his voice as to not startle her again. "I want to return home, my father wants me home!"

Nari picks up on the hesitation in his tone— an easy skill rivaling that of breathing. She quirks a brow upwards, face otherwise a void of emotion. "But?" She asks, rolling back her shoulders when she takes in Zuko's estranged demeanor.

The boy begins to pace his steps in a line, back and forth with a stuttered stalk. "But... it's not important!" He rushes, each turn in the opposite direction more hesitant than the last. "I'm finally getting the chance to return after three years! You know how much this means to me, right?"

Nari tries to press her back against the wooden walls of her room. Maybe if she can sink into them, she won't have to face a departing Zuko. Maybe then her eyes won't be stabbed by millions of micro-needles. "I do." She speaks in muffled tones, shoulder blades splintering against the wood as it aches against her spine.

"Then why are you acting like that?" Zuko smacks a palm to his face before throwing down his hands, a vivid statue dedicated to anger. Though his normally pointed features have softened and shifted to something seemingly gentle, Nari still senses his distant displeasure.

She lowers her head. "Like what?"

"Your acting like you know something!" Zuko's words become a lashing slap to the face, a snake bite sting leaving a prickling red hand mark to her cheek. "Your acting like I'm stupid! Like I can't make decisions on my own! And stop answering with two words!" the prince demands, a finger jabbed at Nari, which in turn shoots her back in a flinch.

As Zuko bears a face of apologies, Nari takes in his words— instead of replying with two words, she replies with one. "Okay."

Her witty response returns the irritation to Zuko's blood like a flipped switch. "Nari! This is serious!"

Nari retreats to her bed, flopping face down on the plush and silken surface which now muffles her words. She's well aware of how serious this whole thing is, because Zuko isn't the only one it affects. To think that he'd leave without second thought, which surely is not the case and never will be, it builds up an achey, scratchy, shaky grip in Nari's stifled tone. "I know." She states. "Trust me, I know."

Zuko steps back as confusion etches an essay onto his face. "What? Why... why are you saying it like that?" His hand is reluctant to reach for Nari, yet being so far from her (in more than just a physical way), they remain still at his sides. There's this pain, this tangible buildup of overwhelming emotion that leaks from the smallest crack in Nari's tone— hurt. And Zuko knows it. And he knows how seldom it is she shows it, too. "What do you mean?"

Nari's voice runs as cold as a northern blizzard— one alike to that which Zuko was trapped in during his attempt to capture Aang. One alike to the blizzard where Nari jeopardized the mission because the avatar's team gave her an ultimatum. She didn't comply. She let him leave. She forced him to-- but not this time. This time she's caught in webs of spider-snakes, sticky and venomous. Nari gave way to him, she chose his future over hers (stupid and weak actions, granted), but she doubts Zuko holds the same energy towards her. Whether or not he'll chose her... though she doesn't need him to.

Nari was never adored or such, Tayiko typically towering over her in terms of their parents choosing. And she knows Zuko won't, either. "I can never return home." Nari stares to the ceiling with dry and solid eyes. "You can, but I can't. My parents will never allow it."

Zuko sits on the floor next to her, and though Nari doesn't spare him a glance, much less allowing him her line of sight, he's aware that she's listening. "You don't know that," the prince reasons, hands folding together firmly in his lap.

Nari suppresses a bitter laugh. Unintended. "But I do," she scoffs, turning her head slightly to him. "They looked at me differently after the Agni Kai. Everyone did. Just like your father did to you— just like he probably still does."

"You're just thinking that,"

Nari rolls her eyes at Zuko's obliviousness. There's enough twisted up, grey, murky water flooding her mind that it causes her to say something brash, something harsh. "No one looks at a murderer the same. You sure didn't." Her eyes narrow to Zuko upon the claim.

Zuko's eyes turn wide, yellow swirls crashing against the white that surrounds them, even with his burn. His lips part slightly, held back words thought out carefully— he is walking on thin ice, now. One thing wrong, and everything is shattered. Everything plunges into sharp and freezing waters. "I didn't mean it like that," he attempts to correct her. "It's just in your head."

"It's not!" Nari almost jumps when her voice snaps out louder than she intended. When her breath eases down, and her face falls flat, she sits up with the intent of staring Zuko down for a response.

"It is, my father wants me back," he simply says, voice still and unmoved. It's more spoken with a high-strung persuasion, like he's wishing for someone to tell him that— a definite answer from someone who's not Azula. He stares down at hands which tightly grip over each other, lips twisting into a pursed manner before looking back to Nari. "And your family has to miss you, too."

Nari shuffles in her bed, crossing her feet under her while turning away from Zuko. She knows the latter of his words are the truest lie— nothing more could be farther from veracity. However, his prior cry is false as well; Fire Lord Ozai is cruel, and if he can burn his regretful son, he can send his diligent daughter to snake her way into bringing him back. "If your dad wanted you back so much, why didn't he tell you, himself?" Nari cringes internally once she glances over her shoulder; Zuko spares her not a thing aside from a turned away glower.

Nothing follows that, either, save for the haunting silence. A heavy gate. A ticking clock that reminds Nari of each passing second— only the bothersome object isn't time, it's more of what she said and what it did to Zuko. She wants him to stay with her, but it's not in her intentions to stomp on every bit of faith and trust he has left.

Sadly, she fears that's the case.

A safe mutter from Zuko corrects that, however— or at least it seems so. "Why are you so against me going?"

Nari huffs, flopping against the bed— yet another spike of pain soaring up and down her spine— with her arms out at her sides. "I'm looking out for you." She partially lies.

"If you were looking out for me, you'd let me go." Zuko's voice turns to nails on a chalk board, scratching sharply against Nari's ears. Nothing she'd ever wish to hear. "What's the real reason?"

Nari can't let Zuko go knowing his father doesn't want him back. Knowing there's some cruel twist. Even if she may be wrong, how can she risk his safety like that? He'd do the same thing for her, after all... right?

Nari bites her lip, rolling them between her teeth as she contributes to a long-drawn silence.

It's creates a mass pause, which slowly ends all thanks to Zuko's impatience. "What's the real reason, Nari?" He pressed further, lips firm and tight as they're strung into a thin line. "What do you know?" Zuko's voice, through each passing sentence, grows in its intensity— both volume and sharpness, slashing against Nari's ears. She curls in her fists as her teeth crush new, fresh gashes into her bit lips, arms pulled to her chest as she tries to block out Zuko's aggression. "Tell me—!"

"I have no where to go, okay?" A forsaken moment follows Nari's break. She'd not wanted to say this— not one bit— but something poured out of her. A mouth turning to an upset stomach, forcing out whatever had displeased it in the first place. "I'm a criminal in every nation, and I'm a murder in my home. The only person who has yet to see me this way is you..." Her once clamped-shut eyes open to Zuko, taking in a stunned and studying appearance.

There's not a peep from the boy-- no movement or cough or mutter apart from the fall of his eyes. Nari's words aren't true. Her words aren't true. The night Zhao took away all their crew, the night Nari was nearly sent to a cell to rot, the night Zuko learned the whole truth, he did see her as a murderer. A cold blooded, vicious girl who is nothing like who he grew up with. That's what he saw.

Until Zuko realized what Nari went through, what Akio did, along with the underlying pressures sent her way.

Then, things shifted, a little. Like a pebble road after being stepped on, his sight of her ceased to be the same-- instead of the vindictive and savage Nari who used to hide in bushes and scare people, Nari became a grown up form of some twisted tree. One that had to grow around the objects set in it's path to reach something similar to sunlight. And the only way to do that was to kill Akio.

But he still saw her as a murderer. He can't lie about that.

Zuko's hands fold within his lap, and Nari's brows crease cavernously together. "Zuko?" She asks, pulling an answer from him.

Once again, nothing follows.


He simply turns his head from Nari.

Nari now knows his answer. A pang in her chest, a heat that rises to her neck and ears and cheeks, the involuntary curl of her fists against the mattress below her-- it all reasons up to the anger which yanks down on her lips, or narrows her eyes into thin, knife-like slits. She stands and points to her slid open door. "Go." She spits, voice walking the blade of a sword. "Go back home, then." With no mind paid to the shifted expression of Zuko's features, Nari continues her venomous words to expose the boiling swirl growing in the base of her throat. "I'll be better off on my own, anyways."

Zuko watches puzzled as Nari does everything within her power to equally maintain her vocal level and keep her eyes glued to anything in the room other than him. "Nari, I didn't mean-"

"Leave." Nari interjects sharply, loosing her grip on a bit of the pinned-down anger she held so well. Her hands meet behind her back, a proper stance ruined by the edged countenance on her face and her untrimmed nails digging crescents against her skin. "Go. It's what you want, right? It's what your father wants." She finally insists.

Zuko stands to meet Nari's height, though he still lacks a few inches compared to her, with a softened expression that the girl couldn't care less for. "No," he starts, lips tripping in a worded gait. "No, I-"

Nari looks Zuko dead in his eyes, fire battling fire in a yellow war which can never be won. "Leave." She demands, dragging her words slowly as if pulling her weapon onto a field.

Each passing second is a step closer to a dangerous finish line, and for Nari, the trophy has become an unhinged output of rage. Yet Zuko continues to assist her to each line, pushing a tension between her shoulder blades as her feet grind against the track.

"Nari, that's not what I meant!" He attempts to explain further as to why he took such a silent break seconds prior, but only digs his grave deeper despite a truthfully sympathetic voice and appearance. "I'm s-"

Nari rears her chin back as her eyes snap open, aghast. A bitter laugh slips pasted gaped lips, and Nari falls back on some falsely joking tone. "Zuko," She snaps, "Do you not understand basic vocabulary? Go!" She shouts, pointing her arm to the door. "Leave! Get out! Shoo!" With each bicker, Nari urges Zuko closer and closer to the door. Her first yank had captured Zuko in surprise, allowing her to easily push him until it just became second nature.

He stops abruptly at the doorway, however, planting his palms against the frame as he resists Nari's shoves. "No!" Zuko manages his disposition well, snapping around quickly to face Nari. "I'm not leaving until you hear me out."

Nari steps back as she ponders Zuko's audacity. "What's there to hear? I already know you're just some judgmental, selfish ass-hole like everyone else!" Truthfully, she wants desperately to jab a finger in his face and rip him apart for thinking her a murderer. She executed a job which had to be done, and he of all people should understand that. He of all people should understand her.

But Zuko doesn't. And he certainly doesn't understand how she can stand back, all pretty and rested with her arms crossed over her chest, and act like she didn't just place such a fowl title to him. "You're calling me selfish?" He raises, face displaying a questionable lack of understanding as he grows irritated.

Nari simply mirrors his sudden outburst. "I just did!"

"I'm not the one stopping someone from going home because they have no where to go!"

"I'm not stopping you!"

"Yes, you are!"

Their shouts have pilled on top of each other, each exclamation louder than it's prior. When Nari throws her fist back in anger, Zuko jabs a finger at her in vexation. When Nari's throat rips from misused vocal chords, Zuko pulls a scream from his lungs.

So the former settles back, catching a shouted and sprinted breath as she folds her hands against her hips. "How?" She questions, head tipped trivially to the side. "How am I stopping you?" She just told him to leave. To get out of her sight and go home.

Zuko follows her lead, stepping back as an angered face wipes blank, save for the reminiscence of it within his pointed features. "I-" He trips, " just are."

Nari can snuff out a lie whenever it's scent drifts her way. She was able to do so with Azula and her condescending lies, and she is perfectly capable of doing this with Zuko, now. "If you want to go, then go. Go to a pretty palace with petty people. I'm sure servants make great friends." Her voice strings from her voice like honey-coated ice. Thick with disdain and cold with displeasure.

Zuko does not take kindly to this. There are numerous things which Nari is currently up to, numerous things which she knows she's doing to trap him, to argue with him, to prove him wrong. And Zuko knows he's not in the wrong. He should be able to go home. He would be, if it weren't for her. "Stop being so selfish, Nari! Stop being so confusing! Stop it!" His hands fly to his ears as he turns away from Nari, face scrunched up as he hopelessly tries to block her out. "Stop!"

Nari lifts her chin and her brow, a blank look on her face otherwise. "Stop being right?"

"You're not right!" Zuko counters, slamming his fists down to his side as he turns in anger. His scrunched face and balled hands force some differed effect onto Zuko-- he's nearly bursting with irritation, and his generosity and grace within the situation is past tested. Nothing which Nari says makes sense, nothing eases him or helps in anyway-- whether it be dealing with her or picking his future-- and this is pushing Zuko onto unsteady grounds.

Nari continues her deceptive disease. "I'm wrong?" She goads, though everything within her holds anger back. It still, however, hangs in the air after rage-stained words steal from her lips.

Zuko's hands now grasp at an invisible source, clutching the air out in front of him. Currently, the prince clings to his last bit of sanity which Nari runs dry. Carelessly. "Yes!" He forces out a strained hiss.


"Stop it!" Zuko's jaw tightens. "Stop!"

"Are you going home?" Nari presses, brows creasing together as she leans against her back leg. Her voice is steady, maintained, yet just as dangerous as it was when Zuko pealed away at the anger she tried to maintain. "Are you?"

Zuko takes one deep breath before forcing it back out. A heavily burdened, slow sigh. He now steps back from Nari, looking down to the ground with an unreadable expression, though he is sure about his reply. Nari, though it was never intended, brought such a frustration to him-- it bubbled up and when it boiled over, things seemed clearer. She's mad at him, evidently. She wants him gone. "Yes."

But Nari doesn't want him gone-- that's the whole deal. The two teenagers have read each other in vastly different ways, and now that Zuko has admitted this, Nari finds it vital to stray from showing emotion. Not a crack in her face, even if there's a crack in her pride. Zuko's reply hurts. Yet Nari won't let him see that. "Okay." She nods calmly, retreating to the area of her bed before sparing Zuko what she hopes will be one last glance for some time. "Then go."

Once again, her words are cold daggers. Cold enough to send shivers down Zuko's arms, or a punch to his gut. But Nari is irrational, right? This much is held in high veracity-- maybe Zuko should wait and see how this pans out. She's mad at me, he thinks, so why would she leave this conversation so easily?

Within prolonged amount of time, time which stretched like a rubber band until returning with an elastic pop that stings, Zuko breaks the silence. "Fine." He declares, voice stabbing into Nari's turned back.

She curls her fists and fights the urge to turn back and face him, a tension rooted deep in her shoulders. "Fine."

Zuko raises his brow with her words; he never expected her to copy him like that, to reply in such an untruthful way. Nari's tone is a perfect bookmark to show that her story is false. "Nari-"

"Go." Nari finally disobeys herself, a sharp motion whipping her around as her eyes attach to Zuko's like a magnet. And regretfully so-- there's something of a gloss covering over them, a mist that blurs her vision as the moonlight hits her face with enough light for someone to catch it. "Say hi to the Fire Lord, for me... since you think you're in his good graces."

Zuko opens his mouth, yet no words are able to form before Nari cant curtly cut the boy off. "I-..."

Nari bows, leaving Zuko with a proper farewell though no smile matches her lips. Near to a servant, really, who's only use is proved futile after certain circumstances appeared. "Good night, Prince Zuko."

· • -- ٠ ♛ ٠ -- • ·

published in march 2022 | 7,800 | written by peri

welcome back to dear dictator everyone ! i'm so happy that the first chapter of act two ( it's sixteen here ) is up ! i hate how long this break was but it's my first year of uni so i'm learning loads about life and time management rn ! i think this act is off to a great start ! book two will be my favorite to write , there are so many characters to be introduced , conflicts to arise , fun scenes to write ! a part of this act will even play a huge and important roll in the storyline i have set for nari in the future ! ! ! see if you can spot it !

also fuck my computer for autocorrecting nari's name to a hair removal brand tf ?

- thanks for reading my loves , peri out , peace !

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