Rosario+Vampire The Fallen An...

By JaeZInsane

11.5K 148 108

2 new students arrive to Yokai Academy one is a Human and The other is a Fallen Angel More

Kagari the Fallen Angel
The Family of Fallen Angels
Moka the Vampire
Kurumu the Succubus
What is your opinion of Kagari?
Why does Akeno love Kagari so much?
Who do you like Kagari with?
Another Fallen Angel

S-Class Vampire

1.2K 20 26
By JaeZInsane

Inside of the school, Kagari  was currently walking through the hall looking for his homeroom class. "Let's see, room 1-3. Room 1-3...Aha, here we are." He slid the door open and stepped inside. He was treated with the appearance of a certain black haired human.

Kagari:Hey Tsukune, you're in this class too?"

Tsukune:Yeah and it looks like you are too Kagari. Lucky us, huh?"

Kagari:Alright! this is going to a fun year

Teacher:Alright everyone please take your seats."

A new voice came into the room and everyone followed it's instruction. Tsukune remained at the desk he was at while Kagari took the seat in front of a girl with blue hair. With everyone seated, the students got a look at where the voice came from. It was a woman who stood at about 5'8" and had a bombshell figure. She had sandy blonde hair with what appeared to be cat ears on the top of her head. The most notable thing about her is the long cat tail coming from under her skirt.

Miss Nekonome:Well good morning students if you're new here welcome to Yokai Academy. My name is Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your teacher.

Tsukune:(Wow the teacher seems really nice too I really lucked out!)

Kagari:(I think I'm gonna like it here)

Miss Nekonome:Well, I'm sure that everybody already knows this fact but Yokai is an incredibly unique school one that's exclusively for monsters! Nya

Tsukune:(Sure Sure monsters,...wait)

Kagari:(Oh Crap Tsukune!)

Miss Nekonome:(Currently this planet's is well under the control of humans so in order for monsters like you and I to survive class, The only option that we have is to learn how to co-exist with them

Tsukune:(Teacher what!)

Miss Nekonome:And that brings us to our First rule:
Except in special circumstances, as long as you're on campus you must always remain in your human form everybody got that
Rule number 2:Never ever reveal your monster identity to another student I'm sure you can see why, everyone will follow these rules right?

???:Buncha stupid rules

Shizuka:And you are, Oh Saizo Komiya

Saizo:If we do manage to spot a human, why not just eat him, that's what I would do anyway

Tsukune:(He's gotta be joking!)

Shizuka:Well now, there's no chance of that happening because at this school all the students and teachers are monsters. So no exceptions got it. You see this school's enclosed in a giant secret barrier but even if a human got through it somehow and wandered in here...

Shizuka:They would be killed immediately!!

Tsukune starts shaking uncontrollably

Saizo:Say what you want, but I swear I've been smelling a human this whole time.

The door opens

???:I'm so sorry I'm late

Shizuka:Oh don't worry it's alright go ahead and introduce yourself

Moka:Hi I'm Moka Akashiya!

 She introduced herself with a smile on her face. Immediately, all the boys in the class became enamored with her. Moka then looked to the back of the room and noticed Tsukune and Kagari Her smile grew even wider as she flew across the room and tackled Tsukune and Kagari nearly out of their seats.

Moka:Tsukune! I can't believe were in the same class. And Kagari too! This is so great!"


Kagari:Wow.....So much for keeping a low profile.

Later in the hallway Moka, Tsukune and Kagari were walking together, Moka with one of her arms around Tsukune's arm and the other around Kagari's.Both boys then noticed that the boys in the class were literally giving them death glares. The saying goes if looks could kill. Well if that were true Tsukune and Kagari would be dead a thousand times over.

Kagari:Yup, no low profile for me

They then stopped at a vending machine to grab something to drink. All the while the male population looked on in jealousy at the two boys who had somehow managed to befriend the beautiful girl. Moka got a can of tomato juice while Tsukune got a coffee drink and Kagari got a water. They got their drinks and sat down on a bench to enjoy them. While they were enjoying themselves, an all too familiar voice interrupted their peace and quiet.

Saizo:Hey there sexy. You're Moka Akashiya right?

Saizo then grabbed Tsukune by the collar of his shirt and raised him off the ground.

Saizo:So tell me, what's a smoking hot chick like you doing with a couple of weaklings like them?

Kagari:Let Tsukune go you jerk!

Saizo then threw Tsukune at the vending machine, causing some of the students to watch as the events unfolded. Kagari ran to help his friend and Moka was about to follow suit, but then Saizo grabbed her arm

Saizo:Hey, forget about that punk ass and hang out with me babe

Moka:No way! I prefer to hang out with nice guys thank you!

Kagari could hear Saizo chuckling rather arrogantly. He looked towards the bully with anger in his eyes.

Kagari:You think this is funny Saizo?!Well if you thought that was funny, here, let me show you what I think is funny!

Kagari grabbed the vending machine with one hand and threw it towards Saizo. Saizo saw it coming and knocked it out of the way. Suddenly, Kagari appeared in front of him and punched him in the face, sending Saizo flying through the door behind him and crashing into a wall.

Kagari:Now listen to me you creep! Moka, or Tsukune again, you're gonna end up with a hell of a lot worse than getting hit to the wall! Understand!

Kagari walked to where Moka and Tsukune were and proceeded to help the poor boy up and away form the area. As they were walking away, Saizo got back on his feet and looked towards the three with an furious look in his eyes directed at the dark haired teen.

Saizo:Nobody makes a fool out me and gets away with it. Mark my words you little worm, you will pay for this!


Moka:Wow, that was pretty scary. Are you alright Tsukune?"

Tsukune:I'm fine Moka, don't worry about me.

Moka:Well I'm glad you're alright Tsukune. "And Kagari, I thought it was amazing how you handled that creep back there."

Tsukune:Yeah, that was pretty awesome what you did."

Kagari:Hehehe Thanks guys but it's fine I've dealt with people like him before so it's not a problem.

Moka:Tsukune, Kagari, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of monsters are you?...oh wait we're not supposed to reveal that to each other are we sorry never mind you don't have to tell me

Tsukune:But we already know what you are Moka since you told us you're a vampire

Moka:Yeah I know, but when I told you I had no idea that was a rule here

Kagari:You know Moka, you don't look much like a vampire

Moka:Well, not right now but....

Moka opens the top of her shirt revealing a good amount of cleavage in the process. Tsukune quickly became red and averted his gaze while Kagari stood speechless.

Moka:If I were to take this Rosary off I would change is turn into my real form a powerful and terrifying Vampire


Tsukune:A real vampire

Moka:That's why I wear it as a charm to seal my powers away I can't even take it off myself

Tsukune:Well, that's okay. Even if you get a little scary sometimes, I sure you're still the same Moka.

Kagari:Yeah, even if you become terrifying, I bet you are still the kind sweet Moka we both come to know.

Moka:I knew you both would understand. You two are my first friends here

Moka hugs her two friends and then smells Tsukune

Moka:Tsukune...I'm sorry, you just smell so good. I-I-I just can't resist anymore.

Tsukune:I-I'm sorry. I...have to go. See you guys later.

Kagari:Tsukune, hey what's wrong?

Moka:What do you think that was about?

Kagari:I may have an idea, but I really hope I'm wrong.

Tsukune then found himself in the front of the school with his luggage.

Tsukune:I don't think this school is for me.

Moka and Kagari:Tsukune!!

Tsukune:Moka, Kagari.

Moka:You were acting kinda weird back there, are you alright.

Tsukune:I'm sorry guys, but I think I should just go to a human school

Moka:A human school, but why?

Tsukune:Look, Moka, Kagari, I really like you both but I just can't stay here.

Moka runs and grabs Tsukune's bag

Moka:Tsukune you can't go to the human world. Humans, they can be cruel and mean. I know because I went to a human school all the up to junior high. The humans, they ignored me, made fun of me because I was different. I was so lonely, they made me feel like it would be better if I just disappeared. I hate humans greatly.But then...I met you and Kagari. And you both said you didn't care that I was a vampire and were more than willing to be my friend. And for the first time in my life, I didn't feel so alone."

Tsukune:But still, what if I turned out to be one of those humans you hate so much, would you feel the same way then?

Kagari:Tsukune what are you doing saying that to her?!

Tsukune:I'm a human. I'm sorry Moka, but that's what I am and the only reason why I'm even here at is because of a major mix-up."

Moka:You're lying, you have to be. No human could get in here."Kagari, please tell me it isn't true.

Kagari looks away from them both in shame that he knew the truth about Tsukune

Tsukune:I should have known you two would look at me that way."

Kagari:Tsukune, everything is going to be fine. Let's just go to the-

Tsukune:JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME! You said you hate humans, right Moka? What about you Kagari, do you hate them too?"

Moka:Tsukune just listen-"

Tsukune:Well that's OK. I don't need either of you. I DON'T NEED MONSTERS FOR FRIENDS ANYWAY

With that, Tsukune took off into a sprint to the bus stop.

Moka:Tsukune wait!

Kagari grabs her shoulder

Kagari:Moka,go back to the dorm and wait for us, I'll go get him and set him straight

Kagari took off after Tsukune. Once he was out of sight, Moka took off after the two, hoping maybe she could help in convincing Tsukune to come back.

Tsukune was still running to the bus stop, the words he said to Kagari and Moka still fresh in his mind

Tsukune:Where's the bus stop? Is it this way?"


Kagari appears and decks Tsukune in the stomach

Kagari:Okay, I really hope that managed to knock some sense into you jerk!

Tsukune:Rin, look don't try and convince me to go back, cause I'm not going-" 

Kagari decks Tsukune in the shnozz

A/N:Let me know if you get the reference

Tsukune:Will you stop punching me!!

Kagari:No, look here's what's gonna happe, you and I are going back to the dorms, you're going to apologize to Moka, and then we are going to sit down and figure this out.

Tsukune:Kagari, weren't you listening to me. I'm a hum-"

Kagari:Tsukune...I don't care if you're a human! You're still my friend! And you're Moka's friend too! She needs you! More than you can ever believe!

Tsukune:You're-you're right Kagari. What I said back there, it wasn't right. I need to find Moka and apologize."

Kagari:Come on let's go


Tsukune:That's Moka's voice come on Kagari, let's go!

Kagari:Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go save our friend!

Moka ran into the forest to try and catch up with Tsukune and Kagari, only to end up running into Saizo Komiya. She now found herself with her back against a tree, her body covered in cuts and bruises as well as saliva, compliments of Komiya, who had transformed into his monster form. He was almost double his original size and bony ridges were forming along his shoulders, chest and elbows. His skin also took a light brown color and also sporting claws, making him an orc.

Komiya then grabbed her wrists with his tongue and proceeded to lift her in the air and slam her into a tree.

Kagari and Tsukune:Leave Moka alone!

Kagari then ran straight towards Saizo, jumped towards him with his legs extended, and kicked him straight in the face, sending him flying towards the nearby graveyard. Tsukune then went towards Moka and extended his hand to offer her help.

Tsukune:Are you alright Moka?

Moka:I am now...But...I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. You said you didn't care that I was a vampire. Well, I don't care if you were a human, monster, or anywhere in between. You are still my friend, you both are. My precious friends, and that is all I ever truly wanted in this world.

Kagari:That's what you wanted and that's what you'll have Moka.

Saizo:What's with all this Lovey Dovey shit?!!

Saizo notices Kagari and was surprised by his arrival.

Kagari:I thought I warned you what would happen if you ever came near us again Saizo. Well, time your punishment!!

Kagari then delivered a swift punch to Saizo's chest, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to stagger. Kagari then took the opportunity to perform a round house kick to the orc's face, knocking him to the ground

Kagari:Moka, Tsukune, get somewhere safe, I'll handle this scumbag

Moka:We can't leave you here!

Just go, I'll be- ACK"

Before Kagari could finish, Saizo regained his bearings and sucker punched Kagari, causing him to fly into the adjacent forest.The Kagari came running out of the forest, jumped onto Saizo and wrapped his arms around his neck, choking him.

Kagari:Go Now!!

Tsukune picks up Moka and runs. Then Saizo managed to get a hold of Kagari and was now holding the half blood in front of him.

Saizo:As much as I want to squish you like the little bug that you are, nothing will put a bigger smile on my face than messing up that little fanged slut until she begs for more.

He threw him to the adjacent graveyard. With the half blood out of the way he took off after Moka and Tsukune. Kagari looked up to see Saizo take off into a sprint.

Kagari:You're not getting away from me!

Back to Tsukune and Moka, the two were still running through the forest outside the school. 

Moka:I'm really worried about Kagari Tsukune, we shouldn't have left him back there."

Tsukune:Moka, don't worry, I bet Rin already dealt with that jerk."

Saizo:Guess again you little bug.

Tsukune and Moka looked to see Saizo towering over them with a wicked grin on his face and his tongue wiggling out of his mouth

Saizo;You and that worm form earlier caused me a lot of trouble, but I'm feeling generous today. Give me the girl and maybe I'll let you walk away."

Tsukune:If you want Moka, you'll have to go through me first."

Saizo:Outta my way!

Saizo hits Tsukune away from Moka and he falls down a massive hill. Moka jumps down the hill and runs to Tsukune with tears in her eyes

Moka:I'm sorry Tsukune. You and Kagari are in danger because of me. I never wanted any of this to happen. All I ever wanted was friends and now the only two friends I ever made are hurt now. I'm sorry."

Tsukune:Moka I still want to be your friend, even if you are a Vampire and even though I'm a human. Well I still, I still like you Moka

Tsukune pulls on the Rosary on Moka's chest and it falls off as Tsukune hits the ground and a pink aura surrounds Moka

Moka:My Rosary...It came off

Bats began to engulf her being until she was completely covered in them. After a few moments, the bats began to fall off her body until they were all gone. What emerged was Moka Akashiya, but completely changed. She had gained a few inches, her pink hair had become silver, her green eyes became red and slitted like a reptiles, and her feminine features became more curvy and defined. Just then Kagari came running out of the woods and arrives on the scene've changed

Inner Moka:So then, I suppose you're the one who woke me up was you huh?

Saizo:What the hell? What's wrong with me? I mean..she's only staring at me but I can't stop shaking..No this isn't right..Hey pull it together man..cause if you took down a Vampire

Kagari:Hey Jackass!


Inner Moka:Hmm?

Kagari shoots Saizo with a bolt of lightning

Kagari:Well since we're all showing our monster forms...I guess it's time I show you all mine

A black aura surrounds Kagari and 2 big black feathered wings appear on his back

Kagari:I am Kagari Sanashi! I'm a Fallen Angel!!


Saizo:No way! A Fallen Angel and an S-class Vampire!

Inner Moka:*Yawns* It's time for you to know your place

Moka raised her right leg and struck Saizo's face, sending him flying into the steep hill.Thinking it's over, Moka then started walking over to Tsukune, until she heard Saizo get back up and charge at her.

Saizo:No way, this is not how I'm going down, not by a slut like you!!


Kagari unleashes a massive blast of lightning on Saizo and the blast sends him flying back into the hill only much deeper this time


Saizo screamed in agony and then fell backwards on the ground. He was badly shocked, but he was sadly still alive, his pained groans evidence of that.

Kagari:I controlled myself this time, but next time I won't hold back Komiya


Bat:So quick wheeeeeee!!

Saizo falls unconscious

Kagari:Well that takes care of him

Inner Moka:(A Fallen Angel huh? Interesting)

Tsukune:(No way they're so strong)

Inner Moka walks to Tsukune

Tsukune:(I wonder which one of them is the real Moka)

Tsukune falls in Moka's chest

Tsukune:(But her sweet smell..Its the same just like before)

Later Tsukune wakes up in Moka's lap with Kagari standing over them

Moka:Oh thank goodness you're finally awake Tsukune!

Kagari:Morning sleepyhead you're not hurt are you...oh and here's the bus schedule

Tsukune:The doesn't come at different times but..different days!! What am I reading this right the bud only comes once a month!!

Moka:Mmhmm didn't you know..Oh no your bleeding!! let me help you

Meanwhile Kagari looks at his right wrist which is wrap in a bandage which was showing part of a symbol that goes down to his elbow and he clovers his hand with his left hand

Kagari:(They must never know about this or else..everyone will be in danger.)

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