The Titan Apocalypse

By Fully_Chaos

712 28 25

After the Gigantomachy, demigods find out that Kronos had created a virus that turns people to man eating gol... More

Part 2 : The Secret

Part 1 : The Plan

236 8 9
By Fully_Chaos

Nico was bored. He was at the underworld, near the entrance to Tartarus, looking out for monsters, under the orders of Hades. He had just finished the last monster left in the underworld and was heading back to the palace, to report to Hades, when he heard murmurs about Percy from the ghost. He recognized many of the ghosts as they were from Camp Half Blood. He walked up to Clarisse, hurriedly. Seeing him, Clarisse turned to face him. He asked, "Why are you and all the campers dead Clarisse? What happened? Where's Percy?" The way Clarisse glared at the mention of Percy, gave Nico shivers.

Then he saw the ghost of someone that made him fall to his knees, eyes filled with tears. His sister, Hazel. His only family left. Now gone. Hazel saw him and ran towards him, and hugged him. Behind her, the rest of the seven followed. Frank, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Piper and Annabeth. Everyone seemed to want to stay away from her. And behind them, was Will Solace. The man he loved. He lost everything in one single day. He wiped his eyes, clenched his fists and asked, "Where is Percy and what the fuck happened at the camps?" 

Hazel started, shooting a nasty glance at Annabeth. "He ran away from camp, when Annabeth broke up with him. He hasn't been seen since that." Now, him too glaring at Annabeth, asked "What happened to the camps and how did you die?" "Kronos did it. When Percy turned Kronos to dust, it triggered Kronos's backup plan. It took about an year to activate, and after the Giant War, it finally did. Every single human, without godly blood, were turned to humanoid monsters, that had a thirst for human blood. We died fighting these monsters. They are huge. Their height range from 5-15 m. They are technically immortal. Every time one of us cut them, the wounds instantly heal. It was a hopeless battle."

"So why is Clarisse angry at Percy?", asked Nico. Will replied, "Well, Percy could have saved us all if he was there. According to Annabeth, Percy can not only control water but anything liquid, like poison and blood. He could have willed the Titans into going away." "Dammit." Then, before he knew what was happening, he was in front of Thalia and Percy. Beside him, a powerful being was standing. Nico ignored him and went to hug Thalia and Percy. After Percy explained everything that happened, Percy was crying. Nico felt bad for the guy. He always blames himself for every death in the world.

 The dude being ignored, cleared his throat. Percy asked, "And who the hell may you be?" "I'm Chaos, the creator of the universe." Nico and Thalia bowed while Percy raised a brow and said, "Okay.", before climbing a tree. Nico and Thalia resisted the urge to facepalm and Chaos looked amused. Percy yelled from the top of the tree, "Multiple Titans approaching. Two 8m's and one 15m's." Thalia asked, "Percy, how did you kill those things last time? It was impossible for me, the campers and the hunters." Percy replied, "I don't know Thalia. There was a voice in my head telling me to cut deep into the nape of their neck."

Chaos said, "That would be me. The regenerative system of these monsters are located in the nape of their neck. If you cut deep enough, the titan will die due to the damage in the organ." The demigods took out their weapons and climbed the trees. When the Titan's were below them, they jumped down to their napes and killed them in seconds, the new knowledge helping them greatly.Chaos summoned a picnic and Percy dived in, roaring, "Cookies!". Thalia smiled at his antics and nibbled on a slice of pizza. Nico was still thinking about Will and Hazel, when Percy asked, "So why are you here, oh creator of the universe?"

Chaos replied, "Well, I have a quest for you all to save humanity. There is another planet where these monsters exist, and most of humanity was wiped out. The survivors of the planet, built 50m walls around them, to be safe from the Titans. You have to get their trust and together, find a cure for the virus. I will give you a quick summary of what happened." He started explaining the Titans' the world around them, the Eldian-Marleyan rivalry, Shifters and the main subject, Eren Yeager. Eren Yeager was just like Percy. Loyal, Determined and even looks like him.

Then came the cool part. Chaos said, "If you accept, I will give Nico and Percy, the ability of two shifters. Thalia will gain knowledge on the ODM gear and can use it like a master, and can rival Mikasa Ackerman herself. I will remove Thalia's fear of heights so she can use it too." Percy said jokingly, "Aww, but that won't be fun. I was gonna push Thalia from the top of Wall Rose." Thalia glared and he shut up. Percy immediately said yes, along with Thalia. Nico hesitated but said yes in the end. Chaos closed his eyes and chanted some freaky spell, next thing they knew, Thalia's eyes glowed blue and she clutched her head, at the pain of so much knowledge and experience entering her mind.

Then, Percy glowed green and Nico glowed black. Chaos smiled and said, "Go on, harm yourself in any manner and focus on becoming a Titan. Percy bit his hand and electricity crackled.  The next thing he know, he was a 15m Titan, with tanned skin and glowing green eyes. He looked wicked. 

Chaos said, "Your titan can control water, swim and breathe in water and control pure titans. You can run as fast as a jaw titan and the spikes on the nape of your neck will protect your weak spot. You can also create earthquakes." Then he turned to Nico, "Now, you turn Nico." Nico bit his hand and he was suddenly as tall as Percy's titan. He looked at his reflection in a nearby river and was at awe.

Chaos explained, "Nico's titan has the ability to see clearly at night, bury underground, run as fast as Percy's titan and spit fire." Both of them emerged from the titans bodies as Percy yelled, "Sweet!" Chaos smiled and said, "Oh I forgot. Percy's titan name is the Hydro Titan and Nico's is the Lava Titan. The powers of these two Titans were lost during the Eldian Marleyan War. Well, that's about it. Here's the portal to the other planet.", before snapping his fingers and a portal appeared. The three of them looked at their planet one more time, before stepping into the portal.

Eren Yeager was sleeping on Wall Maria, when he woke up panting, from the nightmare he can't seem to get rid of; his mother's death. Mikasa and Armin were at the capital, with Levi, while he was stuck guarding Wall Maria. It has been 2 months since they had regained Wall Maria and the repairs were still going on. A small camp of the garrison regiment and Sasha along with Connie, was near the coast, on the lookout for the return of Reiner and his half brother Zeke. The garrison wasn't needed since the Levi squad wiped out every pure titan on Paradis.

He was watching the birds flying near him, when he saw Connie and Sasha riding a horse, coming hurriedly. He took out his ODM Gear and went down the wall, just as Connie and Sasha stopped to take their ODM Gear and climb. Eren asked, "What happened Connie?" "Zeke, Reiner, the Cart Titan and a new form of Jaw Titan appeared. Garrison is wiped out. We had come back from a walk when we heard them talking about an attack in one month."

"Dammit! We only have 2 shifters and they have four. They probably have hundreds of soldiers coming too. We are screwed now that we wiped out the pure Titans.", said Eren. Suddenly a portal opened beside them and two guys along with a girl appeared. Everyone was gaping at them. Connie rubbed his eyes and pointed to the guy with long black hair and green eyes like Eren's and said, "Woah. Which one of you is Eren?" The guy pointed at Eren and said, "Doppelganger." Sasha pointed at Mini Levi and asked, "What is a younger Levi doing here?" Eren pointed at the Mikasa look alike and said, "What the fuck Mikasa?

The first guy introduced himself, pointing at Eren "I'm Percy and why the fuck do you look like me?" The guy next to Percy said, "I'm Nico and who is Levi?" The Mikasa look alike said, "I'm Thalia and I'm sure the line is Mi Casa Su Casa, not What The Fuck Mikasa." Eren got dizzy. He said, "Say what now? Hey Connie, this is some weird dream right? Or maybe I'm drunk." Percy grinned and said "Nope. It's real. Deal with it."

Eren became more focused and took out his blades. The others copied him and Percy said, "Dude, chill. We come in peace. We are here to help you guys in your fight against Barley. No I think it was Maize. Or was it Wheat?" Thalia smacked his head and said, "Marley, Kelp Head." "Right." Thalia gave him a quick kiss and Nico looked stunned. "When did that happen?" Thalia smiled sheepishly, "After he saved my life." 

Eren was completely confused now. "How can you help us? You don't even have ODM gear." Percy smiled and said, "Well, Thalia is an expert in ODM gear and both of us, are shifters. I'm the Hydro Titan and Nico is the Lava Titan. We both have the powers of two lost Titans. Marley won't be expecting us." "Wait Wait! Hold up!", came the reply. "You are shifters? But Marley had control over every shifter except the Founding and Attack Titan! I can't trust you! You must be a Marley spy!"

The scouts took out their blades, ready for a fight. Percy took out a pen, Thalia grabbed at her Camp Necklace and Nico's hand reached under his jacket, to summon his sword. Sasha scoffed, "What are you going to do with a pen and a piece of jewellery?" Percy uncapped his pen and a sword appeared. Thalia pulled the bead and a bow appeared. Nico took out his sword. "Okay I'm gonna shut up."

Let's just say this. Percy took on Eren, Thalia took on Sasha and Nico took on Connie. In a few seconds, Connie and Sasha were unconscious and Eren was still fighting Percy. Eren had an advantage with his ODM Gear but that advantage was gone when he shifted to the Attack Titan, enraged at seeing his friends unconscious. Nico and Thalia started forward, but Percy motioned them to stay there. Percy bit his hand and in a crackle of lightning, he turned to the Hydro Titan. Eren roared and lunged forward.

Mikasa and Armin, were on their way to Wall Maria, to meet up with Eren, when they heard Eren's roar of fury. They exchanged glances and hurried to the Wall, putting on their ODM gear. When they reached outside the wall, they saw a Mikasa look alike and a cute emo boy (according to Armin), watching the Attack Titan and some unknown Titan fighting. They sood awestruck as the unknown titan summoned water from thin air to heal itself faster, dousing Eren in the process. The Titan strangled Eren and finally, Eren popped out of the Titan body, steam around him. The unknown titan also had his human form pop out, and Mikasa gasped. He looked just like Eren. Eren fell to the ground weakly, and the new guy pulled him up.

A/N: Vote And Share To All AOT Percy Jackson Fans!

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