Born a Rogers and fell in lov...

By SebStanxo

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So your Steve's don't know who your mum is...Your powers are teleportation,,super strength and... More

Paying a visit to the compound!
Lets partyyy!!
Sam's birthday ruined..
4 weeks later...
Meeting sharon..
Dinner out again?
Day in the compound...
2 weeks later
3 months later
6 days later...
Gradution 🎓
Where did you go?
You could come with us?...
1 year later...
Home time...
We thinks its time to say goodbye...
He has actually left..
The babys here...
Home time...
8 years later...
Saying goodbye...
Slowly moving on...
The surprise...
Please dont be mad...
A couple days later...
Have you made any friends?...
The maldives...
The maldives part 2!
The game..
2 months later...
1 week later...
3 weeks later..
Appointment finished..
8 months later...
Settling in..
First day back at work...
Family day out..
Harrison hurts someone..
Sneaking about!
Back at the compound..
3rd day at the compound...
Back at home...
After halloween...
Nats sister...
Another surprise...
The anniversary..
A notice!
1 year and some months later..
Harrisons girlfriend..
the talk!
a couple days later
the argument!
the next day
slowly progressing!
a couple werid days later...
Harrison runs away with Avery!
the twins birthday..
3 years later...
the goodbye...
peters sleeps over!
long boring night...
a job offer...
flying to Romania..
back where u belong...
the morning after...
Hes back for now..
The last chapter...


79 0 0
By SebStanxo

You smile at him...
"So your going to be going to the city of wakanda to help t'challa out"-tony
"How long for?"-y/n
"Until he gets what he gets"-Steve
"So what exactly am I doing"-y/n
"So my father t'chaka died in a bombing...and he was the leader/king of wakanda and he left something behind and I need you to ask him stuff...because I heard you can speak to the dead?"-t'challa
"Yeah it's true...if you want me too I could make it look real so your both having a face to face conversation and you can say stuff that you didn't get the chance to say but you need to be quick?"-y/n
"Okay thank you y/n"-t'challa
"Y/n say your goodbyes and pack a bag"-tony
You go upstairs and a pack a bag
You say your goodbyes and leave

At the city of wakanda...
You've arrived and your preparing...
Now your ready
"Okay you ready?"-y/n
"Yeah let's start"-t'challa
You have shuri in the back watching us...
You close your eyes and start whispering stuff under your breath
"T'chaka I'm calling upon you...give me sign that your here"-y/n
You see a shadow walk past you
You start chanting more and he appears so t'challa can see him
"Alright boys make it quick this is kinda a bit much for me"-y/n
You carry on chanting...
You don't listen to the conversation...
5 minutes later you can't do it your struggling
"I'm sorry I can't hold it any longer"-y/n
"It's okay I'm done now...stop it"-t'challa
You stop chanting and then it leaves you out of Breath...
"Are you okay?"-t'challa
"Yeah I will was that it? Can I go back home?"-y/n
"No y/'ve also been sent here for another reason..."-t'challa
You look at him in confusion
"What do you mean..."-y/n
"They need some time away from the young ones...they've sent peter back to queens...and you had nowhere to go so we took you in..."-t'challa
"And your also here to help us win"-Shuri
"I could of stayed with peter...there's literally like nobody to talk too...and my boyfriend doesn't even know I left..I don't have anything to contact him with"-y/n
"Who is your boyfriend"-t'challa
"Ahh the white wolf"-t'challa
"Yeah...white wolf"-y/n
Shuri smiles
"So when can I go home?"-y/n
"I'm not sure"-t'challa
You sigh
"Fine whatever they all never liked me in the first place"-y/n
You storm out while throwing things on the floor...
"Crazy lady"-Shuri
"I heard that"-y/n
Shuri And t'challa laugh
"Let me call Steve"-t'challa
He rings Steve and he picks up
"Okay so she didn't exactly take it well about the news of sending peter back to queens and she coming here"-t'challa
"Well she has to understand that we are going on really important missions here and she can't just screw them up"-Steve
"Yes yes I know...In the process of her being here she will learn how to control her powers"-t'challa
"Thank you very much t'challa I'll get back to you when she can come home"-Steve
"Okay goodbye captain"-t'challa
He ends the phone...
You walk outside not knowing where to go...
"Where am I even going.."-y/n...

Meanwhile in queens with peter and aunt may
"May i love being here with you but why did I have to get separated from y/n and the rest of the team"-peter
"I don't know peter all I know is tony said your staying at home for abit"-May
"Buts it's y/n means no fun she's brightens up the whole compound"-peter laughs
"She Sounds nice"-May
"May I don't like her like that she's kinda my best friend"-peter
"All right spidey enough talking and get in the shower you smell"-May
He gets up and goes for a shower...

2 weeks later t'challa comes in the room you've been staying in and says
"Y/'s time to go home"-t'challa
"Yeah pack your things"-t'challa
You quickly pack your things and start to head home....
Eventually you get back to the compound and you burst through the doors and as usual everyone is sat down in the living room...
"So you really think you can get rid of's not that easy now who missed me?"-y/n
Peter jumps up and hugs you and then loki and then Sam follows and the your dad does...and then everyone does
They all welcome you back...
You drop your bags on the floor
"So about these important missions why couldn't we go on them?"-y/n
"You and peter are too young and your both worthy to us...your powerful and your not ready yet"-Steve
"Pffftttt young? I'm 18 he's 16"-y/n
"We are so ready for missions"-peter
"And t'challa And Shuri helped me with controlling my anger and powers"-y/n
"Good we will like to see the improvements"-tony
"Buckys been missing you"-Nat
"Oh shit Bucky I forget about him...where is he"-y/n
"I think In the shower I'm not sure"-loki
You run upstairs and you go to his room he's sat on his bed with a white towel wrapped around his waist...
"I'm so happy to see you"-y/n
"Omg doll your back"-Bucky
You jump in his arms and you just hug him
"I can tell you've missed me"-bucky
"Very much"-y/n
You pull away and kiss him
"I need to stop going away  for like 2-4 weeks"-y/n
"Cause you miss me too much?"-Bucky
You nod your head....
You get off him so he can changed...
"So what did you do wakanda?"-Bucky
"Oh you how to control myself and my anger and my powers...eating...getting lost...getting to know people it was fun not going to lie"-y/n
"Seems like you've had fun"-bucky
"Yeah I did..."-Y/n
"Well I'm finished getting changed and I've promised Sam I'll help him to build his wardrobe"-Bucky
"Okay well I'm gonna join the others downstairs"-y/n
You open your bedroom door and you both go separate ways...
You come downstairs...and sit on the sofa with everyone else...your going down your instagram page to see all the  gossip you've missed...
Your head your  dad say
"So I think y/n and peter should be coming on the next mission with us"-Steve
You throw your phone and so does peter
"Your kidding right?"-y/n
"Nope we've decided you can come"-tony
"No way I can't believe this is happening"-peter
You and peter are jumping up and down like five year olds....
"Yeah and maybe you should pick up your phones cause we ain't paying for another ones"-tony
You pick up your phone and it's not smashed
"See brand new"-y/n
You can't stop smiling...
You text peter
"Wanna do some shopping...I'll pay"-y/n
He looks at you and says yeah
You get up and you grab ur jackets and you both head to ur car....
Your drive to mall and you and peter are talking on the way there and there's lots of traffic...and you notice there's a black Mercedes behind you and had been following since you left the think get to the mall and you and peter go inside and start then get a call from bucky just as you came out of Victoria secret...
"Hey buck...what's up"-y/n
"Where are you and who are u with"-Bucky
He sounds a bit mad....
You look at peter
"I'm with peter shopping why?"-y/n
"Oh...just thought u had gone somewhere else..."-Bucky
"We me and him are going on a shopping spree with my card..."-y/n
"Oh okay...I'll see you when you get back"-Bucky
"Okay bye love you.."-y/n
"I love you more doll"-Bucky
He hangs up
"Everything Okay?"-peter
"Yeah just seeing where I was"-y/n
You too start walking and you notice two people in black suits following you around the tell peter to walk look back to peter and he's stood still...
"Come on they're following us"-y/n
He looks at you and doesn't speak
He falls on the floor...and you see blood
You start screaming....
" no no no"-y/n
You fall onto the floor not knowing what to see more people in black suits run towards start creating a barrier spells around you both
So the guards can't get in....
"Talk me peter"-y/n
You get your phone out and try to all your can't see clear because your crying
" me"-Y/n
"Honey what's wrong"-Steve
"Peters been shot and I don't know what to do"-y/n
Your phone dies
You turn invisible with peter and you manage to get to a hospital...they rush him into surgery...and you still can't see properly you've been crying too ask the nurse at the front desk if you could call someone on her text your dad
To come to the hospital...
You sit in the waiting room still hear some doors slam open and someone saying
"Where is he?"
You see it's tony..Steve..Nat...loki and Thor
You run up to your dad
And hug him...
"I tried my best...I did everything I could"-y/n
He keeps you close to him...
"Don't worry you did what you could"-Steve
Your crying in your dads pull away and look at the others
"Y/n...please can you tell me what happened"-tony
You take a second
"So...I asked him does he want to come shopping with me...and I'll pay..and we left from the compound to the mall"-your voice trembles
"Take your time"-Nat
"And I notice on the way there there's was a black Mercedes following us.."-y/n
You stop again trying not to make it worse
"And...we ignored it...and in the mall after we went in a couple of shops...Bucky called me...asking where I was...then there was two guards following after the phone call I told peter to hurry up so we can get out of here...and he just stood still and then fell down the floor and I saw blood"-y/n
Your in a state...your best friend...
"And they kept coming towards us and I managed to create a Barrier spell around us so they couldn't get us"-y/n
The nurse comes out and says
"Y/n we have a y/n"-nurse
You stand up
"Uhm yes you do"-y/n
You wipe away your tears
"Peters is asking for you...just for you"-nurse
You follow her into his see him sat up...
"Omg peter"-y/n
You run over and hug him
"Be careful he's sore"-nurse
You move away
"Yeah sorry"-y/n
"You look a mess"-he smiles
"I'm sorry I couldn't help scared me"-y/n
"If it wasn't for you I would be deaddd"-peter
"Your welcome Parker....tony and most of the team is outside"-y/n
"No no I'm too sore to speak to them...but shhhh don't tell them"-peter
"Oh you make me laugh peter"-y/n
He lays back down...
"I'm tired but I'm gonna go sleep"-peter
You tuck him in...
You give him a kiss on his head and say sleep well....
You come back out of his hospital room and walk back over to the team
"So he's okay...he's just sore from surgery and he said he can't be bothered speaking to everyone because he's very tired and sore"-you smile
"Oh thank god"-Steve
"I know right"-Nat
Nat and Steve hug eachother
"Hopefully spidey will be back ok his feet in no time"-Thor
"Brother don't call him that"-Loki
"I don't care what he says I'm staying with him in that room"-tony
He gets up and walks into his room
"You look tired let's get you home"-Nat
She helps you out of the hospital...she comes in your car home with you and ur dad
Your sat in the back and see peters blood all over your hands and clothes...and some on your face and ur makeup ruined
It didn't take long to get back to the walk inside and to your don't see bucky go into his room and he's not there...
"He's probably just gone out"-y/n
U say to yourself....
You strip yourself and get into the shower to get all the blood off you...
Half an hour later you get out...and get ready into this

Your still in shock from what happened from sit at your makeup table and the bloody clothes just lay in the middle of your bedroom floor...
You wipe off your makeup...and do some skin care....
Your finishing up and you get a text message from peter...
"Hey could u bring me some food and some spare clothes"-Peter
"Yeah I'll be there shortly"-y/n
It's around 8pm at night
You get in your trainers and your big long jacket and then Bucky comes through the door...he looks at the floor and sees the bloody clothes
"Omg what happened"-Bucky
"Where was you?"-y/n
"I went out after I finished sams wardrobe...doll what happened"-Bucky
"Me and peter was getting the mall and after you called me two guys in black suits was following us around...I told peter to hurry up and he got shot twice in his stomach...and i managed to get to him to the hospital which I'm going now to bring him some clothes and food"-y/n
Your trying not to cry...
"Well do you want me too come?"-Bucky
"I'm not bothered just go wait in the car"-y/n
You grab a bag and go to peters room
You pack some clothes and you go downstairs to the car and set and Bucky are speaking and ur mainly speaking about peter and you think he's getting jealous....
"Okay we should be here in a second"-y/n
You get to the hospital and you both go inside holding soon get to peters room and he's awake on his phone
"How you feeling"-y/n
"I've got food coming up to your room in about 15 minutes"-y/n
"Okay thank you...I just want too come home"-peter
"I know everyone wants you back but the best option is too stay here and be looked after"-y/n
"Yeah I guess so...I've got mj and Ned coming soon...or in the morning"-peter
"Good are you gonna tell them what really happened?"-y/n
"Do they know ur Spider-Man?"-Bucky
"Yeah...and maybe I'm not sure yet"-peter
"Does tony know that they know your Spider-Man?"-y/n
"Right me and bucky need to get going...I'll come back in the morning Okay?"-y/n
"Okay goodnight"-peter
"Night Parker"-Bucky
You smile as you both leave...
You and Bucky get to the compound and you both chill in bed and soon fall asleep....

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