Lost memories (Jack Frost x...

By CedricDiggorysthot

55.3K 1.3K 463

It's been 300 years and you still haven't admitted your feelings to Jack, nor has he admitted his own to you... More

1. Y/N summer
2. Chaotic duo
3. Two new gardians??
4. "Whos jack frost?"
6. He took all the fairies :(
7. Our memories?
8. A get together and a loss
9. Saving Easter
10. Regrets
11. Found memories
12. Found memories 2
13. Last, but our first believer
14. Newly guardians

5. "No the kangaroos right"

4.6K 99 88
By CedricDiggorysthot

The two had jumped on a nearby roof which was also the house of Jamie, Y/N sat there laying on her back, messing around with water while listening to Jamie tell his family about his day, Bragging about his little sled adventure. Jack hung upside down watching him from the Window smiling happily but soon was filled with disappointment at the fact he still couldn't be seen.

Jack got up from his position, walked across the roof and started talking to the moon.

"There's something I'm doing wrong" he walked along the roof
"Can you just tell me what it is? because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me"
He looked up and the moon longingly awaiting an answer.

Y/N just walked up to jack and stood next to him, letting him know that she were here for him and that she supported him.

"You put me here! The least you can do is tell me- tell me why" he awaited for an answer but the moon just shone back at him.

"Come on let's go" Y/N put her hand on his shoulder an slightly smiled, jack weakly smiled back at her,
He grabbed Y/Ns hand and dragged her along a power line. She bounced on one just as a golden sand started to make its way through the town.

"Right on Time sandman" jack seemed to cheer up as he touched a line of sand, a playful dolphin swarmed around him.

Y/N laughed and touched one as well, a puppy popped up and ran around her cheerfully, it licked Y/Ns cheek before jumping back into a sand line.

Jack watched her with an adoring smile as the dream sand had started to enter numerous rooms of children, providing them with joyful dreams.

Y/N and Jack continued to watch the Dreamsand in awe,
Y/N laughed, outstretching her hand to another stream of sand, but her hand never made it there as something in the trees distracted her.
She lowered her hand and began to eye the area.

"Jack"  she whispered cautiously, he looked at her with a chuckle before he frowned once seeing her stressed demeanour.

"Did you hear that?" Y/N asked not taking her eyes off from the trees. Jack was about to reply until the sound came once again.

"THERE" she started to chase the sound, jack finally hearing what she was talking about and following close behind.

The two laughed in amusement and adrenaline of this exciting mysterious sound, jack setting off the alarms of cars and Y/N accidentally knocking over someones bike, running after whatever it was.

The two finally came to a stop, weapons armed (your hands in position) and saw something move in the distance, the two Jumped from the building that they had been standing on,
Y/Ns hands ready to strike and jacks staff pointing out in front.

The two were back to back as they kept an eye out for whatever was making the sounds.

"Are you sure it was here? Jack whispered, not taking his gaze off from around him.

"If I'm sure? We both heard it go this way-"

"Ello mate"
A strong Australian accent announced from behind, the two quickly turned around to see who it was.

"Been a long time, blizzard of 68 I believe" he nodded towards Jack.
"and you" he pointed towards Y/N "flooded my warren didn't you, Easter Sunday wasn't it?"

Y/N smirked obviously "ok but at least I helped cleaning it back up!" Y/N said to bunny.

"Bunny, still not mad about that are ya" jack leaned on his staff with a playful smirk.

"Yes" growled bunny

"We're sorry bunny" Y/N cheekily exclaimed, bunny just glared at her, but soon after softened his gaze, only the tiniest bit.

"But this is about something else" bunny continued and looked at his boomerang

Y/N raised her eyebrow until she felt someone pull from her shirt. She was lifted up from the ground, she kicked her legs in an attempt to be dropped.
"Hey!" Y/N yelled angrily as she struggled to get out of their grasp

Jack immediately flew in front of Y/N aiming his staff at the yeti who was holding onto Y/N.
"Put. Her. Down!"
Jack said protectively, his voice was quiet but very firm.

The yeti shook his head and the corner of Jacks mouth frowned, he raised his staff higher, Y/N tried to wriggle herself out of her shirt to escape but was shoved into a sack before she could succeed.

Y/N immediately started to try and pry herself out.

But they yeti started to shake the bag to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"Hey, let go of her!" Jack yelled and attempted to reach for the bag, but another yeti pulled him from his hoodie and shoved him inside the same sack.

Jack fell beside Y/N and they made eye contact before the sack they were in was shoved.
The caused jcak to accidentally elbow Y/N in the ribs.

Y/N clutched her ribcage as she hissed in pain, Jack cringed for her.

"Sorry" jack struggled to get out, prodding his staff at the opening of the sack attempting to break out.

"They couldn't- of used different sacks?"
Y/N complained as she tried to break free, her hands on both sides of the sack trying to rip it.

Jack paused and put both his feet against the sack, trapping Y/N between them, she looked at him mildly pissed.
Y/N then put her arms to where the opening of the sack was in at attempt to make the yetis loosen
their grip.

Suddenly, Y/N fell forward into Jack as If the sack had just been thrown (because it had)
They both yelled, Y/N fell onto his chest and Jacks hand fell onto her back, they looked up at each other with concern before huddling each other close as the sack began to roll around in the portal they were travelling through.

Jack cringed at the impact as he held Y/Ns head into the crook of his neck so that she wouldn't be hurt.
Jack and Y/N were both thrown on the ground and landed with a thud, the sack rolled causing the two to keep toppling over each other.

"They're here" whispered north from outside of the sack.

The sack finally stopped toppling, Y/N looked up dizzily before hearing something from underneath her.
"Ughh" came a groan from Beneath Y/N, she had fell right on top of jack, her hands were placed oh his chest to stop herself from completely crushing him while he had his hands on her waist to keep her steady.
Y/N could stop blushing at the fact that Jack smelt like pine.

"Sorry" Y/N embarrassedly apologised as she she tried to get off him.

"It's fine" Jack mumbled out, opening his eyes to adjust.

But Y/N fell on top of him once again as there was no room for her to lay beside him, the sack caused her to be pushed back.

Jack groaned at the impact once again causing Y/N to wince.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Y/N whispered, she heard excited chatter from outside the sack.
Jack now grabbed her waist to stop her from getting up once again, instead he turned themselves over so now Y/N was beneath Jack and he was on top.

"What do you think they want" Jack whispered down to Y/N.

"I don't know, maybe if we're quiet they will go away" Y/N whispered, you could hear her grin as she spoke.

"Then shhhh" Jack playfully smirked as he went up close to her face.

"Don't tell me to shush, you spoke first!" Y/N whisper laughed back.

"Stop Talking!" Jacks said between glancing at Y/N and the opening of the sack.

Y/N rolled her eyes "who cares it's fine-"
Jack had covered Y/Ns mouth with his hand.

His other hand was behind Y/Ns head giving her something to rest on and his hand being there helped him hold himself up.
He peeked out of the sack as Y/N looked out as well, however everything was upside down for her.

"Quiet!" North shushed everyone nearby
"There they are! Jack Frost and Y/N summer!" He continued.
Jack slowly lifted his hand up from Y/Ns mouth.

"Woahh" Y/N murmured looking around taking in chaos in front of her, an elf stood in front of her, tilted his head and waved at her before trotting away.

"You've got to be kidding me" said jack as he gazed at the guardians and looked down at Y/N who shrugged.

"Aye aye! Put me down!" Jack said as he was suddenly grabbed from the bag and put down roughly,
on the other hand, a handful of mini fairies had grabbed Y/N around the collar and pulled her out gracefully, but Y/N having bad balance stumbled back a bit once they let go of her.
Jack used the end of his staff to push her forward.

"Oh thank you!" Y/N sheepishly said to the fairies and to Jack as well.

"Hope the yetis treated you well" said north as he gestured towards the yetis.

"Oh Yeahh" Y/N sarcastically replied, rolling her eyes
Jack swung his staff above his shoulders.

"We love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal!" Jack waved off and finished Y/Ns sentence for her.

"Good! That was my idea" north gestured towards himself proudly.
Y/N sat herself on the table nearby as she watched North curiously.

"You know bunny, obviously" north started to introduce everybody in the room.

"Obviously" jack smirked.

"And the tooth fairy"

"Hello jack! I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!" Tooth said as she got all up in jacks personal space.

Y/N couldn't hold in her laugh, jack glanced at her and replied back to tooth
"My- my what?"

"Are they really as white as they say" tooth forced jacks mouth open, she ran her fingers along his teeth.
"Oh they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow!" Tooth gushed.
Some of the mini tooth fairies fainted.

"What about yours!" Tooth turned on Y/N,
It was now jacks turn to laugh.

"Umm-" she started but tooth had already pried her mouth open.
"so they do shine brighter than the sun!"
Y/N pulled tooth's hands out of her mouth and quickly stood up from the table to catch up to Jack.

Mini fairies admired both their teeth
"Girls pull yourselves together! Let's not disgrace the uniform" tooth scolded her fairies.

"And sandman" North introduced, but Sandy was asleep.
"Wake up!"
North nudged the small sand man waving him up from his sleep.
Y/N Laughed at the man and waved.

"Hey ho, anyone want to tell us why were here" jack questioned after all the introductions.

Sandy put his hand up and showed small images above his head
A moon, snowflake, sun, pitch, and.... Y/N couldn't make out the rest.

"That's not helping but thanks little man" jack got up from crouching to the mans height.

"I must've done something really bad To get you four together" jack froze a nearby elf
"Am I on the naughty list" jack "innocently" asked.

"Whatever he did I wasn't apart of it" Y/N held her hands in defence.

"Hey! Are you really gonna leave your best friend out to dry?" Jack turned towards Y/N with a playful smile.

Y/N shrugged at him as she crouched down to flick on one of the elves bell, the elf shooed Y/Ns hands away while glaring at her. Y/N laughed as she walked off as her curiosity grew towards the desk nearby.

"HA on naughty list you hold the record, as for you-," he pointed towards Y/N.

Y/N had opened one of the draws, small fireworks went off and Y/N quickly closed it while smiling sheepishly.
"-you coming close to joining jack"

"I'll be more careful I promise, unlike jack I like staying on peoples good side... sometimes"
Y/N crossed her fingers and glanced at bunny, who rolled his eyes and scoffed in return.

"But no matter we overlook, now we are wiping clean the slate" he said brushing off his arm which had the words "naughty" tattooed onto it

"How come?" Jack questioned playfully turning to face him.

"Good question" bunny glared.

"How come? I tell you how come because now you are guardians!"

"Woah what!" Y/N shrieked sounding almost offended.

Jack looked alarmed at the music that started to play as the mini tooth fairies came to wrap the snowflake necklace around his neck.
The same happening to Y/N but with shells and suns, both started backing up bumping into yetis who stood behind.

"Hey get that off of me" jack shoved off the fairies.

"AH HA now for the best part!" North basically yelled.

The music continued to play as the elves banged the drums, Y/N and jack backed away into the corner, side by side.

One of the elves tapped on jacks foot and pointed to a pair of boots, they were pointy, blue and decorated with snowflakes and a bell.

Jack looked at the shoes questionably as Y/N struggled to hold in her Laugh.

A yeti walked over to north carrying a large book, Y/N and jack looked at each other and silently nodded.

Sandy held up his cup to make a toast for them while bunny rolled his eyes.

Jack slammed down his staff making the floor iced and slippery while at the same time blowing out the fire torches.

"What makes you think we want to be guardians?" Y/N asked the guardians.

The guardians all stared at them blankly before North burst into laughter, the rest looked at him confusedly before awkwardly smiling themselves.
"Of course you do, MUSIC" North said as the music started to play again.

"No music" jack and Y/N chorused.

"This is all very flattering but uh you don't want us" Y/N said to the guardians as she backed away.
"Especially Y/N she's not exactly child friendly" Jack joked playfully.

"the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly My point" Jacks lips pressed into a thin line as he gestured towards Y/N while making eye contact with the guardians.
"Besides, Your all hard work and deadlines and I'm snowballs and fun times. I'm not a guardian" jack argued sitting upon a table with his leg outstretched.

"Same here, you really think I want to be stuck here for eternity while I could be out there at the beach or pool parties!?" Y/N told them gesturing to the outside world.

"That's exactly what I said!" Bunny nudged north.

"Guys I don't think you understand what it is we do" tooth flew up to both and placed a hand on each of their shoulders
"Each one of those lights is a child" tooth flew up to the massive globe, she gestured her hand out to all the flickering yellow lights.

"A child who believes" North said coming up from behind Y/N.

"And good or bad, naughty" he glanced at jack, "or nice, we protect them" north replied.

Grunting noise were heard from jack
"Tooth fingers out of mouth" north scolded.

"Sorry, they're beautiful" she whispered to jack placing a hand oh his shoulder before flying off.

Y/N took her eyes off the globe and started to walk next to Jack.

"Ok no more misses wishy washy pitch is out he there doing who knows what!" North said  placing his hands upon his hips.

"You mean the boogeyman" Y/N asked locking eyes with jack and both sharing a chuckle.
Jack lazily wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yes! When pitch threatens us he threatens them as well" north pointed towards the globe.

"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified!" Jack turned away, taking Y/N along with him.

"Pick? You think WE pick? No you two were chosen like we were all chosen.. by man in moon" north exclaimed gesturing to the open window revealing the moon.
Y/N and Jack did a double take.

"What" Y/N turned her head to face them, jumping out of jacks hold.

"Last night guys he chose you" tooth continued.

"Maybe" bunny added bitterly, crossing his hands. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Man in the moon he talks to you?" Y/N turned form looking up at the moon to the Guardians.

"You see you cannot say no it is destiny" replied North.

"Why wouldn't he tell us that himself" jack faced Y/N, who looked disappointed.
" after three hundred years this is his answer to spend Eternity like you guys cooped up in some hide out thinking of new ways to bribe kids? Now way that is NOT for us!" Ranted jack waving his hand around.

"No offence" added Y/N who nodded in agreement.

"How, how is that not offensive" bunny approached Y/N with his arms raised.

Jack noticed this and slightly stood in front of her in case bunny were to try anything.

"You know what I think, I think we just dodged a bullet, what does this clown know about bringing Joy to children" bunny scoffed at jack.

Y/N looked scoffed at bunny, it was HER that spoke, he had no right to come after Jack.

"Uh you ever heard of a snow day?" Y/N answered getting into Bunny's face, she stepped up from behind Jack.
"Kids love what he does!"

Jack smiled gratefully at Y/N
"I know it's no hard boiled egg, but kids like what I do" jack shot at bunny as he stood beside Y/N and snakes his arm around her waist, pulling her in closer towards him.

"It's true, jack can offer the kids way more than what you can!" Y/N fired at bunny.
"It's a shock you were considered to be a guardian before him"
Y/N instantly regretted what she had said.

Bunny's face fell with anger as he approached the two, he lightly pushed Y/N out of the way to face Jack, Jack stared him down keeping a close eye on Y/N.

"But none them believe in him, do they" bunny glared at jack
"your invisible mate, it's like you don't even exist"

Jack and Y/N went silent. Anyone could feel the tension in room worsen.

"Bunny! Enough" tooth interrupted, feeling the place get heated.

"No the kangaroos right" jack deadpanned at bunny and waved tooth off.

Y/N let out a shriek of laughter, jack mentally smiled being able to make her laugh.

"The what? What did you call me, I am not a kangaroo mate" bunny got even closer to jack as if ready to start a punch on.

"Oh and this whole time I thought you were" jack pretended to be confused.
"If your not a kangaroo, what are you"
Their face were close as they glared at each other.

"I'm a bunny, the Easter bunny. People believe in ME" bunny took the final blow.

Y/N could see Jack falter but he still pushed through and continued to glare at bunny.

Y/N didn't hold back to scold bunny.
she flew above a little above him to be taller.
"You don't like Jack? Fine! You don't like me? I don't care, but for you to bring up the fact that Jack can't be seen is so pathetic as you used to be in our position"
Bunny began to back away as Y/N flew closer.
"it's a little embarrassing to brag about being yourself when last time I checked, kids are more excited about Christmas and losing a tooth than to celebrate Easter!"

Bunny's nose scrunched as he stepped away from Y/N who was livid, Jack pulled her back down and held her hand in an attempt to calm her down, Jack had seen Y/N annoyed, but never mad.

Maybe she went a little to far with what she had said.

Sandy blew up his cheeks and nudged north signalling the tension in the room, North nodded.
"Jack, Y/N walk with me."


"it's nothing personal of course , It's just what you do, it's not our thing" jack told north as we went down his elevator.

"Yeah sounds to stressful, look at what position you're in now, That responsibility is just to much" Y/N added, jogging to catch up with North and Jack.

"Well man in moon says it is your thing" North replied as he signed a paper a yeti had approached him with. 

"Man in moon doesn't tell me what to do" Y/N replied smirking, north only laughed under his breath.

"Hey slow down! Would ya we've been trying to bust in here for here for years We want a good look!" Jack looked Around in awe at the many toys flying around the workshop.

"What do you mean bust in?" Questioned north playfully as he turned to look at the two.

"Oh don't worry We never got passed the yetis" Y/N reassured.
"Oh hey Phil"
She ignored the yetis gesture and instead fist bumped him, causing the yeti to blink.

"Keep up guys keep up!" Shouted north.

"Woah! Duck" jack bent down expecting Y/N to do the same, however she stood there.

"Yes Jack it's a duck- ow!" Y/N yelped as it poked her in the eye, failing to understand what Jack meant.

He looked at her tiredly with a small chuckle. He now grabbed onto her arm and pulled her down with him.

"Well now its to late" She complained sarcastically as she rubbed her Pained eye.
Jack wrapped an arm around her waist as he unknowingly pulled her closer towards him.

"I told you to duck!"

They stayed like that for a few seconds, staring into each others eyes. She could have sworn she saw his eyes flicker to her lips but She ignored it and broke away from his grasp.

"I always thought the elves made the toys" jack said trying to ignore what just happened as the two started to resume walking.

"Just let them believe that" north whispered to us both, he nodded towards at elf who had tangled them self with a bunch of Christmas lights.
Y/N laughed at them as Jack nudged her, also chuckling.

"Very nice! Keep up good work" north grabbed Y/N from the shoulder and pulled her away from the Scene.

" I don't like it paint it red!" North shouted to the yeti who had just finished painting 100 toy robots blue. The yeti let out sigh of frustration.

"What's wrong with blue?" Jack asked aloud.

"Yeah I liked it blue" Y/N added.

North ignored them as he continues to lead them away.

Yetis swung from across the building, sparkles and confetti were also flying through the air and the elves kept making fools out of themselves.

Finally north showed them into a room, which was quiet and private compared to what was going on outside. There was ice on the desk and candles lit everywhere.

North started dusting his hands.

"Fruitcake?" North snatched from an elf, offering it to jack and Y/N. The elf fell from the shelf and Y/N looked down at it concerned.

"I'm good thanks" Y/N said waving it off, She looked around the room distractedly.
"Give it to Jack" Y/N whispered to an elf who had taken it from North. The elf nodded happily and walked over to Jack, kicking his bare feet to get his attention.

"Uhh no thanks" jack said distractedly, also looking around the room.
"Give it to Y/N"
The elf huffed angrily and threw the fruitcake over his head.

"Now we get down to tacks of brass"

"Tacks of bras-" jack started to whisper until the door behind them both slammed shut.

They both immediately started backing up as north started to approach
"Who are you Jack Frost and Y/N Summer" North interrogated.

They were now backed up against the wall.
"What is your it centre?"

"Our centre?" Y/N questioned.

"If man in moon chose you to be guardians, you must have something very special inside"
He finally backed up and started to rub/stroke his beard.

He smirked and grabbed a Russian doll "here, this is how you see me no? Very big intimidating, but if you get to know me a little" he handed the doll over to Y/N.

"We'll go on" north encouraged, She looked up at Jack who looked back with a shrug.

Y/N opened the first shell of the Russian doll. Jack came up behind her and watched. she tried to stop thinking about how She could feel his breath on her neck.

"You are downright jolly?" Jack looked up to north and smirked.

"Ah but not just jolly!"

Y/N opened the next one
"I am also mysterious" She began to open another as he spoke
"And fearless"
"And caring!"
Y/N watched him with an amused smile before opening the last one
"And at my centre-" there was a wooden baby now in the palm of her hand.

"There's a tiny wooden baby" jack sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Look closer what do you see?" Urged north.

"You have big eyes?" Jack Replied as Y/N fumbled with baby in her fingers.

"YES! big eyes very big! Because they are full of wonder" north grabbed onto Y/N shoulders suddenly.

He started to walk off, Jack and Y/N locked eyes as they grinned.

"It is what I was born with eyes that  see the wonder in everything!" Flying toys flew around the room as north spoke
"Eyes that's see light on trees and magic in the air!" They watched at the train flew out of the room and into the workshop.

"This wonder is what I put into the world! And what I protect in children" said north as they admired his workshop from the balcony.

"It's is what makes me a guardian.. it's is my centre, what is yours?" He asked the two.

"We don't know" jack said for the both of them, sighing as he did so.

North just nodded and closed Y/Ns hand over the tiny Santa baby, Jack and Y/N smiled in return.

Bunny came rushing in ruining the moment the three of them were having.

"We have a problem mate, trouble at tooth place" bunny urgently announced.

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