Taste of Wolves

By Freak-of-Madness

75.5K 2.2K 105

My first Rane fic. Aria, a streamer, moves in with her sick aunt in Charming to help take care of her. What h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 35

1.1K 42 0
By Freak-of-Madness

Jared wanted to fight making Happy angry. The assassin took the butt of his gun and hit Jared in the side of the head knocking him out. Juice quickly tied him up where he and Chibs carried him out to the idle van. Tig tossed everything that he owned back into his bag and tossed it into the back of the van as well. The room key was left on the dresser as the bikers left his room and shut the door. Juice almost felt bad for the punk ass knowing how brutal Happy could be when he chose to be. To mess with the 'ol lady of one of the Sons was a really dumb idea and Juice suddenly didn't feel so bad about what was about to happen. He drove to the cabin and parked the van.

The punk was just rousing from being knocked out and began thrashing around in the back of the van. Juice just shook his head as he slid out of the driver's seat. Tig, Chibs, Happy, and Quinn pulled up a moment or two later as he was opening the back van doors. Happy instructed Juice to help get him into the cabin making Jared's eyes widen at the sadistic grin plastered to the bald man's face. He figured his only chance to get out of this predicament alive was to show no fear and be defiant to whatever was said. Little did Jared know how wrong he was. Juice got his hands over the hook that was hanging from the ceiling before leaving the cabin to sit out in the van. He knew he'd most likely have to help Happy bury the body later.

Happy and Quinn stared at the kid who was staring back at them with a sneer. Quinn hated this kid simply for how he treated his mother and what he'd done to his cousin. Happy was always in the mood for interrogations and torture. While Quinn and Happy were having their fun, Aria was in her basement streaming not thinking about what the bikers were doing to her cousin at the moment. She'd already received five hundred dollars in donations and her stream had barely begun. She gave a shout-out to every single one who'd donated being sure to tell them how much it meant to her that they'd been so generous. This evening she was playing FFXI doing missions and quests and discussing the storylines she was going through at the moment.

Her night was relaxed and fun unlike her cousin who had all his teeth removed, jaw broken, was beaten severely by two different men, among other things. By the time she was ready to call it a night, she began to wonder if Quinn was coming over or not. As she was shutting her rig down, she received a text from him stating he was on his way and to keep the door unlocked for him. She smiled as she took her phone and headed upstairs. The door was still unlocked so she made her way upstairs to her bedroom to get ready for bed. He arrived a short time later and looked like he'd gotten into a scrap. His knuckled were busted up and there was blood spatter on his clothes. She wondered what had happened to her cousin.

"He won't be bothering you anymore, Lil Bit." He told her after he stripped down to his boxers and slid into bed with her.

"You killed him, didn't you?" She sighed.

"He started shit-talking the club. Happy and I weren't going to let him get away with that. Then he began talking trash about you which I wasn't going to stand for. I'll always defend you, Lil Bit. Besides, he got too mouthy and defiant and refused to agree to stay away from you stating that the house was rightly his and he'd get it anyway he could." Quinn explained making her sigh.

"Ok. At least I don't have to worry about him anymore." She stated.

"I wouldn't have gone as far as I did if Happy and I hadn't deemed it necessary." Quinn said.

"I get it. I'm sad you had to kill someone for me." She replied.

"There's nothing I won't do for you, Lil Bit. Don't be sad." He lifted her head up before he leaned down to kiss her.

The pair slipped into silence before she drifted off to sleep. Quinn didn't find sleep so easily. He hated that they'd had to go as far as they did but he didn't want the punk ass kid bothering his Lil Bit anymore. Happy and Juice were burying the body where they were sure it wouldn't be discovered. He hoped this wouldn't blow back on her. Sighing, he leaned his against hers and closed his eyes. With any luck, this would be the last they had to worry about Jared. To his surprise, he woke up alone in bed. The smell of coffee and sausages wafting to his nose. He had to smile as he got dressed. Making it downstairs, he found her fully dressed, freshly showered, making them breakfast. Walking over to where she stood at the stove, he slid his arms around her waist.

"Morning beautiful." He told her.

"Morning, big boy. Breakfast is almost done. Coffee's already made if you want some." She giggled as he began kissing on her neck.

"Happy has a design for you if you want to come by the clubhouse today to check it out." Quinn told her.

"I can't wait! Maybe I can get there after breakfast if he's up." She replied.

"He should be. I'll set the table." He stated as she finished up with the scrambled eggs.

She couldn't wait to see the design Happy had drawn up for her next tattoo. It was very special, like all of her tattoos were, and she couldn't wait to get it. He was excited to see this design and envision what it would look like on her skin. Having this tattoo on her would officially mark her as off limits to his brothers and give her the respect she rightly deserved within their family. Although she was young, she was more mature than most people her age. He thought losing so many family members had something to do with that. Either way, he was excited for her to finally be sporting his crow. After they'd eaten, she cleaned up the kitchen and got the dishwasher going. He pulled her into his arms for a passionate kiss before telling her he'd see her at the clubhouse. She promised she'd be right behind him.

Following him out of the house, she realized she still needed to call a glass company to replace her living room window. Before she made her way to the clubhouse, she looked up glass companies and made an appointment for them to come out that afternoon and replace her window. Quinn was wondering where she was when she didn't pull in right behind him. Happy was fetching his sketch as Quinn requested. He smiled when he saw her SUV pull into the lot. Chibs passed him a joint so he took a hit then passed it back. Happy returned and showed it to Quinn who nodded his approval as Aria was walking up.

"This is what Happy has drawn up. What do you think?" Quinn handed the sketch over to her who stared at it.

"It's beautiful!" She smiled.

"We can do this now if you'd like." Happy told her.

"I'm more than ready!" She happily told the group.

The assassin told her to have a seat in the clubhouse while he went to get his tattoo kit. Quinn and Chibs followed suit wanting to be with her as she got her crow. It was going to take a few hours for Happy to complete the tattoo but she didn't care. She had Quinn and Chibs to talk to while her ink was being done. Happy looked up and checked out the two tattoos she already had on her upper arms. They were well done tats he concluded and wondered where she'd gotten her ink done at. The chatter was lighthearted as Happy inked Aria. Quinn felt proud as he watched his woman getting her crow from his brother. The time passed quickly as she chatted with Quinn and Chibs. Before she knew it, Happy was done and told her to go check out her ink. Quinn handed her his dorm key so she could check it out in the bathroom. Upon seeing it on her skin she squealed in delight.

(With Quinn's name going down the top side of the crow's body)

She came out of Quinn's room and threw herself into Happy's arms as she thanked him for doing her tattoo. It took the assassin off guard as no one had the gall to do that. Quinn just smiled at the display. Happy grunted "you're welcome" as she removed herself and moved to sit back down and show her arm to her 'ol man. He just smiled as Chibs congratulated her on her new status. She was no longer just Quinn's girlfriend. She was now his 'ol lady. It gave her respect and a status that all the crow eaters wished they had. It also gave her a certain responsibility when things went sideways with the club. Quinn was certain she could handle it, though.

A/N: Please review/vote/add to your library so you never miss an update!

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