🫀Resident Evil Village One S...

By FoulsPerfectionWorld

73.5K 1.6K 545

Series of one shots about the four lords ! So include : -Lady Dimitrescu -Bella -Cassandra -Daniella -Don... More

Donna Beneviento x reader, the maid part 1
Daniela x reader
Donna Beneviento x reader, the maid final part
Donna Beneviento x reader x Moreau
The Three Dimitrescu daughters x reader
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Special : How the Lords will react when you tell them you're gay/lesbian
Donna Beneviento x Guardian reader
Moreau x reader
Special : How the Lords will react if you come out as bi/pan
Alcina Dimitrescu x reader
Karl Heisenberg x male reader
Special : How the Lords will react if you were an hybrid

Lady Dimitrescu x Reader x Karl Heisenberg

13.2K 175 84
By FoulsPerfectionWorld

Note : "Pibling" is a mix between "parents" and "siblings", it's the non-binary term for uncle/aunt.
(S/C) = Skin Color
(E/C) = Eye Color
(H/C) / (H/L) = Hair Color / Hair Length

You are a count/countess whose family had been friend with Dimitrescu and Heisenberg's families for decades. You've known Alcina and Karl for decades as well. You weren't part of Miranda secte but are aware of what is going on.
And less to say that Alcina and Karl are jealous of each other and in competition for your attention.

/ It was a very nice day today, with beautiful sunshine and a little fresh air. It was a change from the icy days with the strong wind that could blow away a whole house and the snow that blocked all the roads. Needless to say, you were going to take the opportunity to see your dear friends.
Being a count/countess, one can expect friends of the same social standing, disciplined and serious. So it was. But the Dimitrescu family and the Heisenberg family were not what you would call "normal" people. At least this was especially the case with your two dear friends Alcina and Karl.
You had known them for what seemed like an eternity. You had followed their stories and evolution with Mother Miranda. Despite all the infatuation with this sect, the Cadou and the development of their powers, your friendship never ceased to exist. You have and will always be there for each other. They were the siblings you never had. They were very protective of you, treating you like a china doll; even more so since they got their powers. But if that's all it was, it would be fine. But it was not. It was Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and Lord Karl Heisenberg after all.
On that beautiful day, you decided to go to Dimitrescu Castle to meet Alcina and visit her three daughters, Karl might be there. And if not, you were going to see him in any case right after your visit to Dimitrescu Castle. After an hour of ride, you arried at destination. The imposing and impressive view of the Victorian castle faced you. The beauty of this house had always fascinated you. The immensity of the castle was both incredible and terrifying. You were never a fan of big spaces, you preferred small places where you could feel safe. That's why you loved the safe areas of the Heisenberg factory : they were small, heated rooms with the only sound being the mechanical movements of the machines. Of course you also had your own little places in the Dimitrescu castle, Alcina had set up some especially for you.
You knocked on the door twice. After a few minutes, Bella opened the door. A bright smile appeared on her face as she saw you. She didn't waste time and hugged you tightly. Her smell was a mix of fresh blood, books and florish perfum\

Bella : UNCLE/AUNT/PIBLING Y/N !! It's been so long since the last time I saw you !!

Y/N : I missed you too honey ! Because of the stupid snow I couldn't come and you know it's complicated for your mother to take you with her in those conditions. By the way, is your mother here ?

Bella : Yes I know Uncle/Aunt/Pibling Y/N. Oh ! I must say you're here on right time ! Yes she's here and Uncle Heins too !

Y/N : Oh really ? That's great I can see both of th-




Y/N : Them ... I see. Again ?

Bella : Since two hours. It's funny though.

/ You sighed deeply and went inside. The loud and commanding voices of Alcina and Karl were the only sounds that echoed through the corridors and the entrance hall. You were used to their regular arguments. But the arguments about you were the most devastating. You arrived in the living room where the stairs were. Alcina was standing in front of Karl who was swinging his hammer frantically. The huge lady was holding her hat so that it would not fall off because of her sudden movements. A mix of old cigar and Victorian cigarette smoke could be smelled at miles away.
The scene may have seemed oppressive or frightening, but to your eyes it looked like two children squabbling. You even let out a little mocking laugh, which drew the attention of the two leaders. Alcina was surprised by your sudden presence and coughed a little, embarrassed, while Karl gave you his most charming smile\

Y/N : You two are unbelievable. You can't spend a minute without yelling at each other, are you ?

Alcina : I'm sorry, draga mea. You know how my brother can be so childish.

Karl : And you know how my sister can be so bitchy.

/ You rolled your eyes and sighed a little\

Y/N : Of course as always.

Alcina : Anyway, I wasn't aware of your visit draga mea !

Y/N : Well because of the snow it's been a long time since the last time I came here. So I decided to pay a visit now. But I didn't know Karl was here too. May I know why ? It's quite rare of you to be here Karl.

Karl : I was just wandering around, kitten. That's all. But now that you're here, my little journey is announcing itself more pleasant ~

/ Alcina slapped the back of Karl's head. Poor hammer boy let a very german pronouced 'ouch' next to a german insult. You laughed again\

Alcina : Stop those pervert and disgusting comments toward Y/N ! She/He/They deserve respect !

Karl : It was a respectful compliment ! Du dumme Schlampe ..

Y/N : He's right Alcina. He didn't say anything wrong hehe. Moreover you make comments like that too.

Alcina : Maybe. But it's more poetic.

/ Karl smiled and chuckled. He was happy to see his dear kitten standing up for him. Even though he tries to appear as the big bad wolf who yell at everyone and give everyone a fuck, he just melt each time he's around you. You were his only light in his life, the only sane thing, the only thing who kept him happy in this whole mess. And how happy and relieved he was to know that Miranda didn't touch you. He just loved the way you smiled and blushed at each of his compliments, how you loved watching his work. You were so beautiful/handsome. Your (E/C) eyes, your (S/C) skin, your (H/L) and (H/C) hair. Did you even have a default ?
Alcina scoffed again and groaned. Why ? What does Karl have that she has not ? Of course she knew that her draga didn't make any preferences between her and her stupid brother. But the huge lady just so loved her draga that she didn't bear anyone near her/him/them. She wanted her/his/their love, her/his/their attention. She never felt strong feelings toward anyone before. So spending time with her draga, doing picnics along with her three daughters, doing piano lessons with her/him/them. They were the best moments.
After a moment, Karl went to you and kissed her/his/their cheek. You could smell his old cigar smoke coming out of his mouth and feel the touch of his beard against your skin\

Karl : I wish I could take you with me to my factory but I guess you wanna stay here for a while. Moreover the three little minx were so eager to see you. I would be pretty sad to take their aunt/uncle/pibling away from them so I let it pass this time hehe ~ but you can pass any time later. You're always welcome there kitten.

(Y/N) : I was planning to give you a visit at your factory anyway Karl. Don't worry.

Karl : Oh I'm not hehe. Anyway see you later kitten !

/ Karl left the manor after also saying goodbye to his nieces. Alcina smiled, happy to be alone with her draga at last. She walked over to you and stroked your head. You smiled at her, appreciating the kind gesture\

(Y/N) : You talk about Karl but you're just as jealous as him hihi.

Alcina : I just want the best for you, draga mea. I don't like him being so pervert around you. You deserve respect and him doing those kind of comments just make me gag !

(Y/N) : I know I know. But you know I can't choose between the two of you. And even if sometimes your arguments are just funny and childlish, it would make me really happy to see you get along just for once. At least when I'm here.

/ A dead silence settled in the room for a moment. Alcina looked at you, and finally sighed deeply \

Alcina : I guess I will try, draga mea. If it makes you happy, I promise I will do my best.

(Y/N): Thank you Alcina. I appreciate that.

/Alcina smiled and kissed your cheek. You blushed a little and kissed hers in return. She also blushed as well\

Alcina : But this idiot has to do efforts too ! He better !

(Y/N) : Of course Alcina. I will talk to him later.

/ Your afternoon at Dimitrescu Castle was very pleasant. You could enjoy the company of your nieces and their crazy activities. You could also drink tea with Alcina and talk about everything as usual. Of course, Alcina could not help complimenting you, making tender and affectionate gestures such as head strokes or even pampering you in general. No complaints could be heard from you. After all, who would refuse something from this woman ? Then there was your dear Alcina. You had known her for ages. This kind of thing was normal now.
After some hours spent with this vampire family, you left and went toward the Heisenberg factory. It was kinda far away from the castle but a long calm walk was doing you some good after this long lock-away. After this healthy walk, you arrived in front of the huge factory of your German friend. The thick smoke could be seen for miles, the noise of the machines could also be heard with their repeated mechanical movements. Just as you reached the entrance, the smell of oil, metal and rust reached your nostrils. You looked out for pieces of metal and tools all over your path. It is true that this place was not the safest. You tried to call out to Kark but the noise of the machines silenced any sound coming out of your mouth. You then moved forward into the factory to try to find him. He was probably at his desk.
On your way, you saw a lycan. You knew that those things weren't human anymore and only deadly animals. But deadly smart animals who looked like humans. Even if Karl could control them, he was careful around them. His scars can tell you why. But around you, lycans were literal puppies. They never hurt you and always accepted hugs and petting. So when the lycan saw you, he ran toward you and ask for petting. Of course you began to pet their head\

(Y/N) : Well hello my little friend, how are you ?

/ The lycan made a happy noise and lick your hand\

(Y/N) : I take that as a yes. Tell me, do you know where can I find the owner of this place ? You know, a big bad wolf with a hammer.

/ The lycan seemed to understand and began to walk. You followed them. After a few minutes, they lead you to Karl who was, as expected, at his desk. You thanked the lycan by giving them a good hug and then you let them leave.
Karl laughed and let a huge cloud smoke out of his mouth before getting up of his chair \

Karl : You know those creatures aren't pets right ? They could bit your arm off and you treat them as if they were puppies !

(Y/N) : Jealous much ?

Karl : Wha- This isn't about jealousy ! It's about your safety bird brain ! I-

/ Before he could finish his sentence, you petted and scratched gently his head. Karl was about to complain but he just purred and rested his head against your shoulder\

(Y/N) : You ~ ?

Karl : Shut up and continue.

/ You giggled and continue to pet him. Gosh he was such a moody. That's why you loved him after all\

(Y/N) : By the way Karl, I talked to your sister about this, but I want you to do the same effort. I want you both trying to behave, at least pretend in front of me. I can't choose between you and your sister and I want to see you both. So pleease ?

/ Karl grumbled against your neck and hold you tighter against him. You continue to pet his head and tap his back a little\

(Y/N) : Come on don't be a child Karl.

Karl : I'm not a child.

(Y/N) : Then proove it by telling me you'll do efforts to try making my afternoons with both of you less chaotic.

Karl : Hm ! I guess I can try. But it's only for you ! Don't think I will be able to appreciate this bitch one day.

/ You chuckled and kissed his cheek\

(Y/N) : Thank you Karl. It means a lot to me.

/ Karl grumbled again and tried to hide the little blush on his face.
Later that night, Alcina was drinking her wine in front of her fireplace. It was dark and the cold wind was banging hard against the windows. She heard the front door open and slam in the haul. The tall woman grunted at the noise. Heisenberg arrived a few minutes later\

Alcina : You could have made less noise when you opened the door.

Karl : I don't know if you forgot but there's a wild wind outside. And why do I even have to be the one who come ?

Alcina : Because this is out of question for me to go at that filthy, disgusting and gross factory of yours.

Karl : You bi-

Alcina : Anyway !! For once you didn't come here for nothing ! I called you here to talk about (Y/N).

Karl : Yeah that's why I came in the first place. What's the deal ?

Alcina : You heard about her/him/them wanting us to get along right ?

Karl : Yeah I did. So ? Get to the point.

/ Alcine growled again, louder this time but try to relain calm. Karl chuckled a little \

Alcina : I propose you a deal. We pretend to get along in front of (Y/N), and to make this "fake get along" relationship more valuable, I propose you to tell you every things (Y/N) loved and help you protecting her. Of course same goes for you. Like this, we can make her the happier and her security will be the strongest.

Karl : Hm .. together we might be able to keep our precious girl/boy/babe to ourself. I guess this is a deal then !

/ The following days were very pleasant for you. Alcina and Karl seemed to get along very well! You even caught them talking quietly without you being there! It warmed your heart to see their efforts for you, and that it really improved their relationship. That's what you saw anyway.\

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