Blame On Me

Por ghettotales-

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Dave East & Ariana Fletcher πŸ’“ MΓ‘s

psa !
chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter six.two
chapter seven (filler)
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter thirteen.two
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentythree
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive (filler)
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter twentynine
chapter thirty
chapter thirtyone
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfour
go vote!

chapter two

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Por ghettotales-

"anybody anybody anybody wanna buy a heart"
- Nicki Minaj

I sat outside on Grandma Patty's porch watching Yosohn play with his basketball. I was trying to take my mind off of everything that went down last night, Tae took me to the hospital before we came over to his Grandmas house. Thank God I didn't have any STDs.

"Mommy look" Yosohn said while bouncing his ball then spinning around, I clapped and laughed. The twins came out the house with Tae, Tae sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder while the twins asked Yosohn to take their picture.

"Now y'all know my baby doesn't know how to take pictures of people" I said while laughing, they posed and Yosohn snapped multiple pictures, Jayla took the phone from him and showed us the pictures he took

"Dont ever doubt my nephew. Right Papa? Say don't doubt me mommy" She said while picking him up and kissing all over his face, he laughed and pushed her head back. She put him down and I playfully rolled my eyes while locking my arm around Tae's who was busy typing away on his phone.

"Is that my baby mama?" I heard, I turned my head and saw Tristian and Tyler standing there smirking. I laughed and shook my head while waving at them

"Boy she's not your damn baby mama fall back" Kayla said to Tristian I'm guessing, in all honesty it took me a while to tell my sisters apart.

"Anyways did you ask her?" One of them said and I raised an eyebrow, Yosohn walked over to me grabbing his bottle of water, he took a few sips from it then climbed on my lap sitting down. I ran my fingers through his hair

"Uhmmm... can we go to Tyler and Tristans birthday party pleaseeee" Jayla said while pouting, I looked at Tae who was looking at me then we looked at them

"Didnt y'all just meet? They could be related to a kidnapper" Tae said and Jayla and Kayla looked at each other giving each other a face I know too well.

"Wowwww you aint tell them we been knowing each other for a while now?" One of the boy twins said while walking over to me, he showed me a picture on his phone

"We been knowing them ever since Yosohn was a baby" Jayla said while playing with her fingers, she does that when she's nervous or frustrated. I shook my head and ran my tongue over my teeth while Tae mugged someone, I looked where he was looking and saw Dave walking across the street over to us

"Why didn't you tell me this Jayla and Kayla? Your keeping shit from me now?" I asked directing my attention back to them

"We know how you get Ari... that's why we didn't say anything" Kayla said causing me to put my hand on my chest because I was shocked

"How do I get Kayla?" I asked while Yosohn started whining, I rubbed his back while handing him to Tae before standing up.

"You get so over protective! What happened to you in the past isn't going to happen to us, you don't let us do shit but go to school, dance practice and over here to Granny's house" Kayla said while crossing her arms, Jayla smacked her arm and gasped. I stood there and held my tears back while biting my bottom lip.

"Wait Ari I'm so-" I cut her off and waved my hand at her.

"Fuck your apology. Y'all get in the car we're going home. Jayla I'll think about you going to the party but Kayla you're not going anywhere" I said while grabbing Yosohn from Tae, Tae got up and rubbed my back. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as Jayla grabbed Yosohn from me and went in the car.

"She didn't mean it baby" Tae said and I wiped my eyes while looking over at Dave who was listening to everything that went down.

"Who the fuck are you looking at" I said before grabbing Yosohn's ball and pushing past Dave. Tae said goodbye to Tristan and Tyler then bucked at Dave who chuckled. I got in on the passengers side and slammed the door, Tae got in and started the car. I saw Dave looking at me so I flicked him off and turned away from the window. I heard Kayla crying in the back, I rolled my eyes and put my airpods in my ear blasting music as Tae pulled off.


"Baby shark do do do do" Yosohn sang while I washed him up. I smiled at him and poured water over his hair while covering his eyes, I decided to wash his hair.

"Uh uh where the fuck is she at?" I heard Jayda say she walked into my bathroom with a sleeping Loyal, Tae was behind her and I guess he told her what happened.

"Go lay my godson down please" I said while massaging my fingers through Yosohn's scalp. Jayda handed Loyal to Tae and sat on the toilet seat.

"I can't believe Kayla said that to you, If they only knew what the hell you went through, what you sacrificed for them. I'm disappointed in her" Jayda said while shaking her head, I nodded and rinsed Yosohn's hair out then washed him up again

"They only know half the shit Ive been through, Jayla said she remembers our moms boyfriend trying to touch them but Kayla claims she doesn't remember any of that" I said while grabbing Yosohns towel and wrapping it around him, I picked him up and stood up while walking into my room with Jayda behind me. I saw Tae typing away on his phone and I sat Yosohn on the bed drying his hair off then I dried his body off.

"Still doesn't make it right Ari" Jayda said while I put lotion on Yosohn's body, I sighed and put a pull up on him then put his pajamas on. I didn't plan on going anywhere today. I put some hair product into his hair then picked him up and walked downstairs, I saw Jayla sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Jayla take a picture of us please" I said to her and she got off the couch grabbing my phone, I squatted down next to Yosohn and smiled while she took the picture. I stood up and thanked her then she grabbed Yosohn's hand walking back to the couch.

"Where's Kayla?" I asked while tucking my hair behind my ear

"In her room.. I'm sorry she said that to you Ari and I'm sorry for not telling you about Tristian and Tyler" Jayla said while frowning, I walked over to her and kissed her forehead while looking into her eyes

"Don't apologize for your sister and it's fine but no more secrets okay? I love y'all to death and everything that I do for y'all is to make sure you girls don't go through what I went through" I said and she nodded while wiping the tears that fell from her eyes. I walked upstairs to Jayla and Kayla's room, I opened the door and saw Kayla watching tv, when she saw me she paused the show and turned her attention to me. Her eyes were red and puffy indicating that she was crying, I walked over to her and sat on her bed while staring at her.

"What you said hurt my feelings Kayla, Ive been through a lot and I act the way I act because I don't want y'all to ever experience what I've gone through. I want you girls to have the life I wish I had, You girls are my fucking world and I will do anything to see y'all happy" I said and my voice cracked, she looked at me with tears in her eyes

"Kayla, mommy was sick and I know you remember seeing her passed out on the floor. I- I always told myself if it wasn't for you, Jayla and Yosohn being here with me to keep me sane I would be dead right now. I was abused, raped, and we was homeless at one point until I met Herb but that didn't make anything better. He put me through a lot and I thank God Yosohn came out healthy, Herb did things to me that Tae doesn't even know about. So yes I act overprotective because I see myself in you and Jayla. Y'all are sweet girls and I would really kill if someone even laid their hands on you" I said while crying, Kayla scooted close to me and hugged me tight while crying into my shoulder

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" She said repeatedly and I rubbed her back as she sobbed into my chest. I rocked us back and forth while putting my chin ontop of her head. A few minutes passed and we let go of each other. I wiped her face and she wiped mine.

"I love you Ari and I'm sorry" She said while pouting, I kissed her cheek and got off her bed holding my hand out.

"I love you more and I accept your apology" I told her and she grabbed my hand. I walked us out of the room and we went downstairs seeing Lil Baby (Jayda's Babydaddy)

"Wassup sis" He said while nodding at me, I waved to him and grabbed my keys off the table walking towards the door with Kayla, I slid my Fenty Slides on while she did the same

"I'll be right back" I told Tae and he nodded, we walked out the door and walked towards my car getting in. I started the car as Kayla put her seatbelt on, I pulled out the driveway and drove to the store

"What do y'all wanna do for your 18th birthday?" I asked Kayla while taking a right turn

"We wanna have a slumber party, Brooklyn and Tiara are flying in from DC on our birthday" She said while looking at me, I nodded and pulled up to the store. I turned the car off and got out the car, Kayla got out and I locked the doors walking over to her side. I locked my arm around hers as we walked inside the store

"Ariana mami! como estas" The clerk behind the counter asked and I laughed while smiling at him

"I'm good papi" I said while grabbing my purse from Kayla and walking towards the back of the store

"You heard Bryan was stabbed at that club last night? It was probably one of his opps but word on the street he was tryna fuck a stripper and she killed him" I heard someone say, I looked over to my left and saw some short dude talking to Dave

"Whoever the fuck killed him gon wish they was the one that were dead. Bryan didn't move like that tryna fuck on someone he doesn't even know" Dave said and I shook my head while Kayla came up to me holding snacks in her hand.

"Movie night?" She asked while I nodded smirking

"Oh Hi Dave!" She said causing Dave to look at us, he smiled at her but mugged me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed an apple juice for Yosohn then grabbed a few other drinks

"What's going on lil mama" Dave said to Kayla and she smiled, I licked my bottom lip that was still swollen a little. While they talked I walked up to the front and put my stuff on the counter

"When are you going to let me take you on date mami?" The clerk said causing me to laugh. He's always flirting with me and Jayda it never gets old

"Never papi" I told him and he sucked his teeth bagging my stuff, Kayla put her stuff on the counter and hugged my waist

"Your total is $15.50" He said and I went to grab my wallet out my purse but a tattooed arm stopped me, I looked up and saw Dave handing him $20.

"I don't need your money" I said and he chuckled while Papi handed him his change. Kayla nudged me and I glared at her grabbing the bag then grabbed the bag Papi had for Grandma and said thank you, we walked out the store, I heard Dave call Kayla's name causing me to snap my head in his direction

"Fuck are you calling her for? You like little girls or some shit" I said with a mug on my face and he clenched his jaw

"Are you fucking dumb? You must be sniffing that shit. I called her because she dropped her phone" He spat and my face softened, Kayla grabbed her phone from him

"Sorry" I mumbled and he chuckled while pushing past me and getting into his car. He sped off and I stood there looking dumb

"Arianaaaaaa, Dave isn't like that at all he's very protective of us. Didn't y'all grow up together?" Kayla asked as we got into the car, I waved her off and pulled off going to Grandma Patty's house. A few minutes later I pulled up to her house and parked my car getting out, Kayla got out and we walked up the steps, I pulled my keys out unlocking her door.

"Granny!" I yelled and she said she was in the kitchen. I held her bag of snacks that I got her and walked into the kitchen seeing Dave and Shooter.

"Hey baby, your lip is still swollen have you been icing it?" She said while I glared at her putting her stuff on the counter. Kayla hugged Shooter and Dave mugged me causing me to roll my eyes

"Grandma the doctor said the swelling will go down in a few days. I got you some stuff from the store and came to ask you a question but I see you have company" I said and she put her hand on her hip

"Chile please, come talk to me" She said while grabbing my hand leading me towards the hallway. I smiled at the pictures she had up of me when I was pregnant with Yosohn

"I was just wondering if Uncle Joe got back to you about my dad?" I asked her while playing with the ends of my hair

"As far as he knows, your dad is dead baby..." She said with a sad face. I nodded and put my hands on my side while looking at her

"But he said that your Auntie and them suppose to be coming down here for Kross's anniversary" She said and my eyes widen

"Auntie Jessie?" I asked and she nodded slowly. I laughed lowly and shook my head

"I don't want her anywhere near me and I don't want her daughters near me either or I will be going to jail and I mean that Granny" I said while shaking my head, she rubbed my arm and nodded

"Tae's Uncle is going to be there and you know he doesn't play about y'all. Sorry but that whole family is fucked up and sick" She said and I agreed with her. It's like my moms family had some type of animosity towards me and I don't know why.

"You know she had the nerve to tell me that I deserved to get raped and beaten?" I said on the verge of tears, Grandma hugged me and rubbed my back while I laid my head on her shoulder

"When I see her I might fuck her up" She said causing me to laugh and let her go, she smiled then popped my ass causing me to groan

"What did I do?" I said while rubbing the spot she popped

"Why did you ask Dave if he liked little girls? You gon mess up the chances of y'all having kids together" She said causing me to bust out laughing

"Granny Im never having kids with him, he's rude as fuck and was lowkey judging me because I'm a stripper" I said and she raised an eyebrow walking back into the kitchen, a few seconds later she came back dragging Dave by his ear

"Ouch Granny damn!" He said while she moved her hand, he rubbed the spot and glared at me

"You two act like y'all didn't grow up on the same block with each other, I don't know why y'all hate each other so much. Ariana you had the biggest crush on him and David you know you use to like her" She said causing us to glare at each other.

"Man Granny just cause we grew up together doesn't mean shit to me. She got a nasty ass attitude and it needs to be fixed, then just cause I'm close with the twins she thinks I like little girls that shit threw me tf off" He said clenching his jaw but what he said made me catch chills and not in a good way "she got a nasty ass attitude and it needs to be fixed" was what his homeboy said to me before he raped me

"Don't wanna hear it David. Y'all need to talk or some shit cause we are rooting for you and I bet $200 on y'all shit I need my money back" She mumbled causing me to look at her

"Yeah that's my cue, Yosohn is calling me" I said while walking into the living room, I grabbed Kayla's hand and walked out the house going to my car

"I love you Ari!" Grandma said from her door while Dave stood behind her, I blew her a kiss then pulled out the driveway going home. I can't believe she bet money on me and Dave.


"Mommy I have some?" Yosohn asked me while I took a sip of my red bull, I shook my head and he mugged me causing me to laugh

"Fix your face papa you can't drink this. Drink your juice" I told him while handing him his apple juice, he took it and drank some. I directed my attention back to the movie that was on the screen, I decided to post the picture of me and Yosohn that Jayla took earlier

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AriFletcher: My first love 💙 mommy loves you more than life itself.
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"Oh shit Tae I gotta tell you something" I said remembering what happened at the store earlier today. I got up and followed Tae into the kitchen, I leaned on the counter and crossed my arms while crossing my legs

"While Kayla and I were at the store today guess who was there?" I said while looking at him

"Dave's mean ass? Kayla told me what you said to him" He said while laughing, I rolled my eyes

"Yeah but some guy was with him and they were talking about the guy that... you know last night. Dave was like 'whoever did it is going to wish they was the one that was dead' and in my head I was like he's not gonna do shit because I'll really make his life a living hell no bullshit" I ranted and Tae stood there with his mouth opened

"Wait bitch! did you tell him what happened?" Tae asked and I straight faced him

"No I didn't tell him because his boy was like 'word on the street he tried fucking a stripper and she killed him' and Dave's stupid ass said 'he's not even like that' like you obviously don't know your boy" I said while picking my nails, Tae shook his head and sucked his teeth

"Yeah these niggas be dumb as fuck" He said and I agreed with him, we walked back in the living room seeing Yosohn and the twins knocked out. I laughed and turned the tv off, I walked over to the twins and put a blanket over them then I picked Yosohn up carefully and went upstairs to my room. Once I entered my room, I laid him down then laid next to him pulling the covers over us. I stared at Yosohn while he slept then started to drift off to sleep myself.


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