Lucky Charm Awards (CLOSED)

By The_Clover_Community

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Participants Form
Special Category CLOSED
Judges Form
Judges Rubric
Tag Fest
Best Title Entries
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Best Blurb Entries
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Best Cover Entries
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Best First Chapter Entries
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Announcement #1
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Announcement 4
Final Announcement
❤️🏅Participant Sticker🏅❤️
❤️🏆Judges Stickers🏆❤️

💌🥳Poetry Winners💌🥳

75 7 10
By The_Clover_Community

Thanks to our two amazing judges LoadedCheese and grlfromars for judging this genre and getting the results in as fast as possible. Winners pm the form 'winner's form' to me at the bottom of the results for your stickers, if you're unable to download it. If you didn't win this time, there's always next time.

First Place Winner🥇

Black Dwam bored_mama

🥈Second Place Winners🥈
Diary of My Heart Queen_bee_Mariam


Mythic AwSprite

🥉Third Place Winner🥉

Voices of Silence _farheen07_

🏅Honourable Mention🏅

Ankhesenamun Queen_of_life_Heba


Garnished with Love _miss_idealist_


Other scores and reviews

Books judged by LoadedCheese

Garnished with Love _miss_idealist_

Title: 8/10

Cover: 8/10

Blurb: 7/10

Rhythm and prosody: 17/20

Vocabulary: 9/10

Overall enjoyment: 11/15

Total: 60/75

Review: Great imagery used, I really liked the vocabulary in play. The flow and rhythm can be worked on, although the poem overall gives a nice feeling to the reader.

2) Voices of silence _farheen07_

Title: 9/10

Cover: 7/10

Blurb: 9/10

Rhythm and prosody: 18/20

Vocabulary: 8/10

Overall enjoyment: 13/15

Total: 64/75

Review: The writer is on portrays complex emotions effortlessly. The poem "Dark to the light" felt really powerful. Amazing plot and structure.

3) Diary of my heart Queen_bee_Mariam

Title: 7/10

Cover: 9/10

Blurb: 7/10

Rhythm and prosody: 18/20

Vocabulary: 8/10

Overall enjoyment: 13/15

Total: 65/75

Review: Nice rhythm, great vocabulary and punctuation used. I really like the flow of each poem.

4) Black Dwam bored_mama

Title: 9/10

Cover: 7/10

Blurb: 9/10

Rhythm and prosody: 18/20

Vocabulary: 9/10

Overall enjoyment: 14/15

Total: 66/75

Review: Deep emotions are portrayed really well. Amazing description of feelings. I loved the fresh perspective of looking into rather ordinary things.

Entangled Within themysteryisme975

Title: 8/10

Cover: 8/10

Blurb: 7/10

Rhythm and prosody: 15/20

Vocabulary: 6/10

Overall enjoyment: 13/15

Total: 57/75

Review: Great title and cover! I really appreciated the intros to all the poems. Emotions are aptly portrayed, but the construction and flow can be worked on.


Books Judged by grlfromars

Mythic AwSprite

Title: 5/10

cover: 10/10

blurb: 10/10

rhythm and prosody: 17/20

vocabulary and writing: 10/10

overall enjoyment: 13/15 Total: 65/75

Review: This book is gorgeous! From what I read, my favorite chapter is "Unmasked Is The Shadow World" . That style is amazing. The vocabulary is also out of this world, and depicts everything perfectly.

2. Ankhesenamun Queen_of_life_Heba

Title: 7/10

cover: 10/10

blurb: 10/10

rhythm and prosody: 12/20

vocabulary and writing: 10/10

overall enjoyment: 14/15 Total: 63/75

Review: I appreciate how long your poems are because they are so captivating.

3. Reveuse divinedices

Title: 10/10

cover: 10/10

blurb: 3/10

rhythm and prosody: 15/20

vocabulary and writing: 8/10

overall enjoyment: 13/15 Total: 59/75

Review: What does the name of your book mean? It's unique and I'd love to know.

4. Diary of a girl in history @LentelnApril

Title: 5/10

cover: 7/10

blurb: 5/10

rhythm and prosody: 15/20

vocabulary and writing: 10/10

overall enjoyment: 10/15 Total: 52/75

Review: The poems would look more aesthetically pleasing if they were all in one font. I could certainly appreciate the writing style and the photos that go along with your poem just to paint a better picture.

5. Found the way poetriaaaa

Title: 5/10

cover: 5/10

blurb: 5/10

rhythm and prosody: 15/20

vocabulary and writing: 10/10

overall enjoyment: 10/15 Total: 50/75

Review: I love the formatting of these poems!


Winners Form: Pm me this form


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