By nochukyte

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Sweet and innocent Kim Taehyung's soulmate is Jeon Jungkook, the ungodly leader of one of the notorious crimi... More

Chapter 1: House of Cards
Chapter 2: Save Me
Chapter 3: Louder than Bombs
Chapter 4: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life
Chapter 5: Black Swan
Chapter 6: Make It Right
Chapter 7: Love Maze
Chapter 9: Mikrokosmos
Chapter 10: Everythingoes
Chapter 11: Begin
Chapter 12: Trivia: Seesaw
Chapter 13: The Truth Untold
Chapter 14: Autumn Leaves
Chapter 15: Eight
Chapter 16: Butterfly
Chapter 17: Hold Me Tight
Chapter 18: Your Eyes Tell
Chapter 19: Life Goes On
Chapter 20: We are Bulletproof: The Eternal (Epilogue)
Side Stories~

Chapter 8: Boy Meets Evil

579 25 0
By nochukyte

"I knew you're gonna sneak on my room, you naughty little kitty."

A voice from his behind startled Taehyung.

He slowly looked at his back, revealing a naked Jungkook with only a towel hanging low on his waist. There are droplets coming from his wet hair, glistening and snaking down on his bare chest and making a small pool on the tiled floor. The tattoos on his right-hand are magnificent, it crawls up to his biceps and stretching up to his chest. The moonlight made the lines more intricate and stunning, making Taehyung gawked at the younger in awe. Not to mention Jungkook's bulging biceps and triceps, well-defined abs and chest, his small waist, and his exposed beefy legs and thighs ripped with muscles that could slay figuratively. Taehyung couldn't believe that this slim and lean man is also full packed of muscles. And he couldn't believe that this man sculptured by Gods is his motherfucking soulmate.

Taehyung's face heated up, he immediately averted his eyes and look down on his clenched fists.

Embarrassment is burning in his core, his stature straightened, and he immediately pushes his way towards the exit, brushing passed Jungkook, but Jungkook quickly trapped him on the wall beside his study room door.

"Where do you think you're going, Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook hissed, making Taehyung's spine tingled, his eyes casts down. "What are you doing here instead of resting to your room?"

"I-I..." Taehyung couldn't help his whimper. There are no valid words to reason out. He is definitely caught in the act.

"Don't tell me...?" Jungkook's eyes crinkle, his lips curving upward, two front teeth peaking. Taehyung closed his eyes, wishing for dear mother earth, Gaea, to just swallow him whole and never ever let him see the light.

"So, you really read my morse code?" Jungkook can't hold himself any longer. He guffaws, as if it is the funniest thing he had seen and heard in his life.

Taehyung looked at the younger and scrunched his eyebrows together. After several beats, he realized he was being played; his face turned into the darkest shade of tomato.

"I was just testing if you could really understand it, and now you're indeed here!" Jungkook said proudly, wiping his eyes as he was teary-eyed from laughing so much.

"What a great way to lure you into my own fucking room, kitten." Jungkook stroked his exposed stomach as if to calm himself down but it couldn't.

"W-what?" Horrified, Taehyung couldn't believe he was being deceived all this time. He thought he outsmarted the younger, but it is the other way around.

"You're so brilliant, I don't expect that you'll pull something like this," Jungkook said, smiling widely like he won a trophy. He leans closer to Taehyung's side. "I'm so proud of you baby." He breathes on the older's neck.

"W-wh—" Taehyung's thoughts are hazy; he couldn't utter even a single word properly. He was tricked by Jeon motherfucking Jungkook and he should've noticed it earlier since he is his soulmate for fuck's sake, but instead, he willingly walked straight into the mousetrap.

"And I swear you'll never find whatever you are looking for in there," Jungkook stated matter-of-factly, preventing himself from cackling anymore but he failed, nevertheless.

"It's all in here." He pointed on his right temple.

"You can ask me instead. I'll try to answer as much." Jungkook added, pulling a chair in Taehyung's front, and yanking another for himself. He took a seat, the towel in his waist creasing up in his burly legs dangerously.

He crosses his legs and put his arms at the back of his head, stretching and flexing his muscles unintentionally. Taehyung gaped shamelessly; he couldn't take his eyes off the younger's built. It feels like he was served with a full course meal but he can't taste it because it is forbidden by his brain. Jungkook didn't seem to notice, he leans back, expecting Taehyung to ask or say something.

"Relax." Jungkook chuckled, mistaking the stiff stature of the older into nervousness. "Take a seat, kitten." He motions the older to sit. "Or? I wouldn't mind you sitting in my lap." He grinned perilously, his eyes shimmering like a revolving galaxy of stars.

"N-No, thanks." Taehyung rolled his eyes and took a seat on the empty chair right away, still averting his eyes from Jungkook's sinful body. 'Focus on the forehead, focus on the forehead.'

"Go ahead, baby." Jungkook gestures for Taehyung to talk, urging the older to explain himself or ask whatever he wants to.

"Not your baby. Stop calling me that." Taehyung gave Jungkook a sharp look.

"Feisty, aren't you? You must prefer 'kitten' then?" Jungkook chuckles, amusement evident in his shining eyes.

"I'm not here to discuss what nickname you should call me, Jungkook-ssi." Taehyung scowled, making the younger giggle more. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Taehyung added, huffing.

"Why not? You're adorable." Jungkook waved his hands like it is obvious that Taehyung is the most lovable and endearing human being in the universe. Taehyung let it slide, ignoring the younger's cackles.

Gathering all of his courage, Taehyung asks, "Why would you do that?" While fidgeting in his seat. The wooden chair is unexpectedly comfy, yet he seems uncomfortable with it.

"What? The morse code? Ah, hyungs and I actually had a discussion earlier." Jungkook said casually, as if doing a morse code is just like writing a group text message. As if the details are not secret at all.

"You purposely showed it to me," Taehyung stated, he feels so dumb right now. He feels like a clown, he voluntarily dug a grave for his dead brain cells.

"Correct." Jungkook nods, the right side of his lips curling up.

"Why did you risk revealing something confidential? I know I saw something I shouldn't." Taehyung said, fiddling the sides of his shirt.

"No, you're part of us now. It's your choice if you want to feign ignorance or be involved. That's why I did it. I don't know if you'll get it, obviously you did, but I showed it to you because I want you to have your choices open." Jungkook shrugged. Taehyung looked at Jungkook in the eye, calculating if the younger is joking or not. He isn't.

"Are you saying if I ask you anything right now or gain too much information from you, I'll be part of BTS? What kind of stupid trickery is this?"

"I'm not fooling you, that's just the truth. Did I ever lie to you?" Jungkook said, raising his left eyebrow.

"N-no." Taehyung whimpered. Jungkook technically is the only person in the house who didn't kept something from him. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hold a grudge with Jimin and his hyungs for keeping the BTS thingy. It's just that, he already accepted the doubt he may feel at times towards them. But not Jeon Jungkook. The younger did nothing but be frank and straightforward with him.

"B-but I don't want to be a part of your group," Taehyung added, shaking his head subtly. He doesn't want to be a part of a group who doesn't even know how to value life. He knows he already belongs to the family now, but he wants it to just stay that way. He doesn't want to be involved in the crooked side of the household.

"No answers for you, then." Jungkook stood up, smiling playfully at the older. He walked towards the opposite door where the closet must be, but Taehyung stood up and grabbed him in the wrist. It is the first time Taehyung touched Jungkook soberly and intentionally, and it sent a tangled web of electricity to the cherry haired's core.

"Jungkook-ssi..." Taehyung only mumbled, but at the back of his mind, he's now weighing his only two spoilt options.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Jungkook looked back, standing face to face with the older. Taehyung quickly let go of Jungkook's wrist when he realized how close they are.

Taehyung stopped for a few seconds to clear his mind. He opened his mouth and closed it again. Jungkook stared at the older patiently. Taehyung cleared the lump in his throat as if to finalize his decision. "About Mr. Seon—" He started.

"Are you sure you want me to give you answers?" Jungkook cuts the older, making sure if this is Taehyung's answer to his previous indirect proposition.

"I know Jiminie and Seokjin hyungie wouldn't," Taehyung said, protruding his lower lip, forming into a semi-pout. Taehyung knows his effect as Jungkook's soulmate; he knows he might get Jungkook by acting adorable.

"No, they wouldn't," Jungkook answered blankly. Taehyung's face falls at the lack of reaction. If there's no amount of his cuteness can stir Jeon Jungkook, then he'll do it by force.

"Y-you're controlling them, aren't you?" Taehyung accused, feigning a frightening scowl at the younger. But it backfires and it turns out to be charming and cute. Jungkook's lips slightly curved up but he ceased it.

"I'm not. Whatever they want to do, it's their choice." Jungkook said straightforwardly, ignoring Taehyung's antics. He knows what Taehyung is doing to him this very moment and his heart might burst into tiny million pieces any minute now, but he hates losing, thus, he decided that he will not back down.

"Just tell me," Taehyung said impatiently. He wants to know if Mr. Seon is safe or not. It is more significant than his own pride and morals.

"Are you sure, kitten?" Jungkook asked, amusement evident in his voice.

"I-I don't—"

"If you're not, then—"

"I am." Taehyung gave Jungkook a pointed look, he answered with conviction.

"Alright." Jungkook opted, nodding.

He slowly told everything to Taehyung about Mr. Seon, him being the only man behind the planned attack in the Kim's household and him being a tight member of Yashimoto's group. Jungkook discussed this also earlier with his hyungs, planning and strategizing which approach they should do with the current hurdle.

"N-no, he isn't like that." Taehyung couldn't believe what he just heard. His ears are ringing, a long beeping sound can only be heard like something in him just died.

"Well, he is." Jungkook solemnly said.

"There must be a reason? Something? Anything?" Taehyung desperately asked, although he knew Jungkook couldn't answer those hypothetical questions. But instead, the younger put his hands on the older's shoulders, squeezing and briefly massaging it in small circles to help Taehyung calm down.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Jungkook said, smiling genuinely. After a few deep breathes, Taehyung automatically relaxed. Being near with his soulmate helped him feel comfortable and tranquil. It's ironic because whenever he's around Jungkook, he feels all sorts of emotions but being this close and almost skin to skin contact, made him feel peaceful and contented like a true home should.

"H-how?" Taehyung croaked, confusion evident on his face.

"Hmm," Jungkook just grinned, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight. "You're going to help me, baby."


Jimin has always been introverted and reserved according to his parents. He's the typical loner child who excels at everything except communicating and getting close with other people. His parents sometimes worry about him because their child doesn't know how to socialize. They didn't know it isn't the case for Park Jimin.

At first, his parents dismissed Jimin's adversity in socializing, saying it's just a phase, it will pass. The most important thing for them is the accomplishments that their pretty little Jiminie achieves.

"Impressive, Jimin-ah!" His mother would always say, whenever he perfected a dance routine or did a really good job at almost anything.

"I'm so proud of you, son! I'll die satisfied and without any regrets if ever I lend you our business. You are the pride for the Park family." said his father, whenever Jimin attained either a gold medal at academics or a trophy in dancing contemporary ballet.

All his childhood life, he centers on being the good child, a model student and a literal angel to all adults.

Even as a child, Jimin already knew his onuses and accountabilities, he is always the goody-two-shoes type, always obedient and always dutiful with everything. And that was his parents' point of view.

Jimin always did what's right and what others define as virtuous but he's still void of any form of emotions other than loneliness and emptiness. He was only motivated by logical thinking, as if like a robot that will only do what's deemed necessary, and that is to make his parents happy.

But all of it is just Jimin's façade. A great and perfect mask that can fool anyone who stares at his beautiful and charming face. A well-made persona that conceals the monstrous kid sleeping deep, deep inside.

"Excellent as usual, Jimin!"

Or "You're the one who could only do that!"

Or "You're amazing, Jiminie!"

Or "As expected, you are a Park after all." He receives all of these compliments almost every day, yet Jimin can't feel a single thing.

He felt lifeless inside like his heart isn't beating at all.

Jimin was so fed up with all of the expectations to him. He's just a child, he needs love, care, and guidance, not some kind of a load passed from different generations of Park clan to him. He doesn't want the heavy weight of all of that unnecessary burden that they anticipated for him to carry.

When he was in grade school, their class rabbit pet, Haru, died due to food poisoning. Everyone in their class wailed, they became miserable and downhearted with the loss of a wonderful pet, but not Jimin. Jimin remained detached and impassive, he didn't even spare a single glance at the poor rabbit. All of his classmates decided to stay to bury the poor pet in their school garden after the class dismissal.

"Aren't you going to stay, Jiminie?" His girl classmate asked while hiccupping, snot and tears all over his face from crying so much.

"No, why?" Jimin asked back, his innocent cat-like eyes turned into beautiful crescents and his bright smile is almost blinding.

"B-but our baby Haru died..." said his other classmate, while wiping his runny nose with the back of his hands.

"I know." Little Jimin answered while gently nodding, giving his classmates a blank look.

"Don't you want to stay until he's buried in the garden?" asked another.

"No, I have to go home because I have a dance class later," Jimin said, feigning a confused look. "Do I have to wait? Is it required?" He doesn't understand why his classmates waste so much time and energy on a dead animal. He prefers doing something productive rather than stay and mourn impractically.

Some of his classmates shook their heads while the others look at Jimin as if he's grown two heads. They couldn't believe that Jimin isn't even fazed by their loss.

"Can I go home now?" He added smiling, while shrugging his backpack on. His classmates looked at each other, contemplating if they will argue for Jimin to stay or not. They decided not to.

After that incident, all of his classmates became aloof of Jimin. They are still friendly but now slightly distant, they don't want to associate with someone who doesn't have any feelings of sympathy and morose towards their lifeless precious pet. Jimin didn't even notice, he rather preferred to be alone, this works better for him.

When his parents noticed their child's peculiar behavior of not socializing with other people, they blame it on themselves. After Jimin was born, the obstetrician told Jimin's parents that they couldn't bear another child any longer, due to an infection in Jimin's mother's uterus. They couldn't give him a younger brother or sister, and this didn't concern them before but now that they noticed and observed Jimin's strange loner behavior, they decided to adopt.

This is when Jimin's mother met Jeon Jungkook in a humble orphanage downtown. The first time she saw the boy, she was already enthralled by Jungkook's smiles and adorable face.

When Jungkook came as part of the Park family, everything changed for Jimin.

The first words Jungkook uttered at Jimin who welcomed him with his most angelic smile were "Don't smile at me like that, you're making me sick."

Jimin's face contorted in confusion at the sudden harsh words directed at him. He asked the younger, "Why?".

"Don't be pretentious, it's disgusting." Jungkook gave Jimin a bleak look, hugging his cat stuff toy who looks like Milky. "Can I go to my room now?"

After several seconds, Jimin burst out laughing. It was like a deja vu. He was chortling heartily like there will be no tomorrow whilst holding on Jungkook's shoulder to control his legs from collapsing. His giggles echoed throughout the Park's household.

Jungkook saw right through Jimin's façade. He saw the real Jimin. The horrible and rotten Park Jimin. This interaction made Jimin's heart swell with a plethora of emotions. There is someone who saw the real him, who he doesn't have to lie to. And that someone goes by the name Jeon Jungkook.

"I like you already." Jimin beams, a genuine smile for the first time in his life.

"Oh, you can actually smile." Jungkook grinned back, giving the white cat plushie to Jimin. "Here, you can have him."

From then on, they became really closed as much as a sibling could ever. Jungkook taught his Jimin hyung to let loose and unleash himself from everything. He taught Jimin to exercise self-freedom and be himself truly.

And Jimin indeed became free. Thanks to his newfound brother, Jeon Jungkook.


"Taehyungie, how about this?" Jimin asked, showing a Saint Laurent pastel hoodie to Taehyung. The brown-haired smiled and nodded, sitting at one of the shop's waiting area. He put the dozen shopping bags on the floor with a thud.

Jimin and Taehyung is doing a shopping spree in the luxurious shopping district of Apgujeong. They are inside a sumptuous clothing shop, where most of the clothes costs for about five hundred thousand up to nine million won. Taehyung has been pampered inside his own home his entire life, but when he saw the actual prices of the things he owned before just now, he can't hide his astonishment and wonder how his parents, or other people for that matter, spend that much money on just a shirt.

Jimin is vibrating with so much energy, as he browse at the rack of clothes in different areas, like he drowned himself with cups of caffeine and a monster energy drink. He's excited to help Taehyung purchase and shop for his own clothes and necessities, giving his friend suggestions and throwing tips here and there, saying it is a 'fashion statement'. On the other hand, Taehyung just wants something he can call his own, instead of the oversized shirts and sweaters that he is currently borrowing with his Seokjinnie hyung.

Taehyung is glad that he's with someone who can call his friend. It was like he was relishing his lost youth at this very moment.

In contrast with Jimin's giddiness, Taehyung is tired, no, he is beyond exhausted. His limbs are tingling from shopping, walking and standing for several hours long. Don't get him wrong, he is enjoying this trip as much, and he's thrilled to see the outside world, but he is not trained to walk for hours and shop like tomorrow's the end of the world. Plus, he's still weak from being sick yesterday, but his Seokjin hyung gave him the 'go-signal' already to go outside and liberate.

The thing is, he doesn't know any more if he's the one who dragged Jimin outside or it is the other way around. But he's delighted that Jimin's actually enjoying this more than him. He can see his friend bouncing on his feet while strolling, smiling wide at Taehyung and eyes twinkling like the stars dwell in there.

After an hour of browsing for the perfect hoodie and sweatshirt, they are finally done for the day. Taehyung heard his tummy growl; he bit his lower lip and closed his eyes to suppress his hunger.

"Oh! I forgot!" Jimin fished his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed a number. Taehyung gave Jimin a confused look. Seeing that, Jimin put a hand on his front, signing Taehyung to wait.

"Can you please get the shopping bags here and put it in my car?" Jimin asked, then waited for a few seconds before muttering a 'thank you' and putting his phone back on his pocket. Jimin nodded to the sales lady with a flirtatious smile. The lady blushed and nodded back.

"Let's go eat?" Jimin directed to Taehyung, pulling the younger and leaving all of the shopping bags in the lounge area of the shop.

Taehyung and Jimin made their way to a fancy fine-dining restaurant and ate a full-course meal. The sun is now setting indicating that they should go home already but Jimin has other plans. After their luxurious meal, he dragged Taehyung in his car full of their shopping bags, driving their way to a district in Hongdae where there are several art galleries displayed, handmade crafts, accessories, paintings, and second-hand goods.

"I saw you ogling at the paintings at home so I thought I should bring you here," Jimin uttered shyly like he was confessing with his crush. Taehyung smiled and pecked his friend in the cheeks.

"Why are you not my soulmate again?" Taehyung asked in return, giggling making the other giggle too.

"You are my BFF soulmate!" Jimin exclaimed while chuckling, "Even Jungkookie can't say otherwise."

The crowd in this place is particularly huge and lively compared in the one in Apgujeong but Taehyung didn't mind as long as he is with Jimin. He is in awe with the nightlife, there are series of live dance performances, literary exhibits, cultural events and street performances happening all at the same time. He will thank Jimin with a nice back massage later.

"Let me know if you want something, after that we can go home already. Seokjin hyung is bombarding me with text messages, he's getting unnecessarily worried." Jimin said, frowning at his phone.

Taehyung nods and they proceeded with strolling around the district, enjoying every corner of it. Taehyung couldn't be any happier, he was ecstatic and he will never trade this moment to anything. They were walking and talking leisurely while watching a troupe dancing to a song called ON when Taehyung's eyes fall on a scintillating painting on his back.

"I think I found the one!" Taehyung exclaimed. He was captivated by the art design that he started to prance towards it. The intricate art is showing two boys who are hand in hand in the middle of a desert, but they are staring at each other like they are enjoying themselves. They look like they are full of hope and sanguinity.

"Jimin, look. This is... perfect." He stared at the masterpiece in awe.

"I want to buy this one for my room. Don't you think--?" He was stopped by his babbles when he looked back at the crowd.

Jimin is nowhere to be found.

"Jimin--?" Taehyung called out, looking frantically side by side and at his back. One second, he is with Jimin, the next he's with nothing but a sea of the bustling crowd.

He lost Jimin. No, he was the one who's lost.

He called out again and again until his voice starts to falter. Taehyung started to panic, but he tried to take a few deep breathes to calm down his racing heart. He was lost like a child abandoned by their parents and this pissed him off a little. He's not a kid yet he's just standing there, waiting for someone to pick him up.

He sighed in relief when he remembered that he has a phone and he can contact everyone with it. But fate must be toying with him right now because his phone is dead. He pocketed his phone sullenly as he huffed in annoyance. He forgot to charged it when they left earlier since he's not really using the device.

If you could ask what's one thing Taehyung's bad at, it is taking direction and navigating. He's been imprisoned his entire life and basically, he doesn't know how to wander alone.

'Calm down, calm down.' Taehyung clenched his fists, he didn't expect that his pleasant day will end just like this. The crowd seems closing in on him, he felt like he is suffocating. He's trying to calm himself down, thinking that maybe Jimin was looking for him too. He started to walk tirelessly, tracing back his steps that he forgot already; he thought he could meet Jimin if he returns to where their car is parked at.

It felt like hours as he walked, the crowd and the shops seem to lessen and the alleys somewhat became dimmed.

"Dang." He muttered under his breath. Now, he is truly lost. He regretted not staying in the same spot he was earlier.

"Don't touch me!" A girl screeched making Taehyung whipped his head on the direction. She was being harassed by a lanky guy in the nearby side street. Taehyung immediately shouted "Police!" and upon hearing that, the guy didn't look twice and run the opposite direction. Taehyung immediately ran towards the girl and helped her up.

"You shouldn't be walking alone at night." He reprimanded softly and the girl nodded in response. He should be saying that to himself too.

"T-thank you, thank you. T-this part of Hongdae has a lot of unsoulmated, please you too, be careful." The girl said, bowing to Taehyung again and started to move in the opposite direction. Taehyung shivered, he needs to go home quickly. But he is glad he saved a life today.

Taehyung started to wander again, going back to the way he came from but he noticed that the place changed and he doesn't know where to move about anymore.

"Hey pretty." A tall bulky man approached Taehyung, eyeing him like he's some kind of a snack he could munch for the day. Taehyung muttered another curse on his breath. He disregarded the guy, he couldn't afford to overlap his problem with another problem.

"Are you lost?" The man is trailing behind him, his shadow is scarier to look at. "Hey, don't ignore me, sweetheart." He added.

Taehyung groaned in disgust with the nickname, he quickened his pace but the lights in the alleyway seem to reduce and he realized that there are no longer people around.

"I said, don't fucking ignore me!" The man grabbed Taehyung's wrist and trapped him in the nearby wall. Taehyung yelped, he tried to yank his hands back, but the man is too strong for him to handle. His eyes started to sting, but he refused to let his tears drop. Taehyung's not going to back down without a fight. He bit the arms of the man as hard as he can.

"You little shit!" The bulky man barked in pain. But this didn't loosen the man's grip on Taehyung's, instead, it angers him more. He slapped Taehyung hard in the face making the brown-haired fall on the cemented floor with a thud. Taehyung yelled in pain, he can taste the blood in his lips with the impact.

"Sorry, but you made me do that, sweetheart. But your pretty little face looks nicer like that, eh?" The man said while laughing hysterically, making Taehyung tremble in hatred and repugnance.

"Fuck you." Taehyung spat, glaring daggers at the man. The man kicked Taehyung's stomach in response, making Taehyung howl in pain.

"Yes, I will, slut. Such impatience!" The man exclaimed, yanking Taehyung back up and trapping the boy in the wall with his body. Taehyung struggled, pushing the man to no avail. "Hmm, you smell the nicest." He whispered on Taehyung's ear, running his nose on Taehyung's neck and inhaling him like he's some kind of a meal.

"You're disgusting! Let me go you sick fuck!" Taehyung screamed, pushing and punching the man in the chest but the man won't budge. He felt like he's such a weakling, he can't do a thing to save his own life. He can't control his eyes anymore, he started to sob furiously. What a complete turn of events. He thought.

The man just laughed wickedly, enjoying Taehyung's screams of agonizing pain and cry of despair. Taehyung's little punch annoys him a bit, he grabbed Taehyung's wrists with one hand and trapped it above his head. Taehyung put up a fight, he tried to kick the man's crotch but the man blocked him right away.

"No, no, no, sweetie. I'm going to fuck your pink little mouth with that." He leered crazily, leaning forward to kiss the struggling Taehyung.

"Don't you fucking dare." A cherry haired man from their back said, raging a round-house kick behind the offender's head. The burly man stumbled on his left, releasing Taehyung from his grip. Taehyung quickly kicked the man again in the crotch, successfully this time, and he tripped towards the man who saved him.

"Jungkook... You found me." He uttered, recognizing the man who saved his life.

"I found you, Kim Taehyung. I'll always find you." Jungkook immediately embraced Taehyung, supporting the older to stand up. He quickly scanned his eyes on Taehyung's form, checking for any sort of injuries. He noticed the blood on his lips right away and this made his blood boil. Taehyung winced in pain while clutching his stomach, making Jungkook seethe more. "You're now ok, I'm here." He reassured Taehyung, gently hugging him and stroking the older's back in small comforting circles to calm him down.

"Oh, another beauty." The bulky man uttered, clasping his right head where Jungkook kicked him.

Jungkook glared at the man.

He turned his head on Taehyung. "Sit here, kitten." He gently said, guiding Taehyung to sit on the pavement. "Close your eyes and cover your ears. I can't let you see and hear this." He added, his voice soft albeit his eyes seem like it can kill anyone with just a look. He pops his neck side by side.

Taehyung nodded, still shivering since he is traumatized by the events but crying in relief that his soulmate found him.

"What a brave knight in shining armor!" The man sneered, making Jungkook chuckled, although there's no amusement in his eyes. The man gave him a confused look, but he laughed as well after several seconds. "You realized that you're doomed, eh?" The mad man said, smiling widely.

Stroking Taehyung's head one last time, Jungkook stood up. He took two quick strides towards the bulky man and punched him in the face. The man groaned and stumbled backward, his smiles erased from his contorted face.

"You're ugly. You know that, right?" Jungkook said, eerily calm, his voice is amused but ice cold. The man angrily grunted a "Motherfucker."; he tried to grab and punch Jungkook back but the cherry-haired avoided all of the weak attacks swiftly.

"Bitch! You can't avoid me forever!" The man frustratedly took out a blade from his pocket, pointing it and wavering it on Jungkook violently.

"I'll fuck your lover's pretty little butthole until he can no longer walk after I'm done with you." He added. Jungkook's eyes flashed, his rage now evident on his face. He can't let this man talked to his soulmate that way.

He can't let anyone insult whoever belongs to him.

"Ah, really?" Jungkook speedily took a step closer, disarming the attacker by striking hard on his throat with the heel of his palms. The man yelped a choked sound, dropping on his butt while holding his neck. Jungkook rapidly snatched the man's blade, he sat on the man's stomach and stabbed the man several inches from the vital area of the chest, making the man bleed slowly. The man wailed in pain, struggling from Jungkook's hold.

"Where's that arrogance now?" Jungkook smiled cheekily, his eyes turning into beautiful crescents. He's literally enjoying this. But when he thought of Taehyung's bloodied lips and pretty face contorting in pain, it quickly changed into an ugly scowl, making the bulky man below cower in fear for his own life.

"Don't. You. Fucking. Touch. My. Soulmate. Ever. Again. You. Motherfucker. Piece. Of. Fucking. Shit." Jungkook said those words while stabbing the man's chest in between. The blood splattered everywhere, on Jungkook's face and shirt; the man gurgles his own blood, screaming and thrashing in Jungkook's grip between his legs but is rendered useless. The blade bent with too much force, startled Jungkook let go of it with a clank since it is already unusable. He decided to punch the man in the face instead, until the man's no longer recognizable and no longer breathing.

"Oh." Jungkook huffs disappointedly, seeing the lifeless form beneath him. He didn't notice Taehyung from his behind.

Albeit scared to death witnessing Jungkook that way with his own two eyes, Taehyung hugged Jungkook from behind stopping and calming his soulmate instantly.

The cherry-haired regretted his reckless actions immediately, he just realized that Taehyung is standing there at his back all this time, watching him kill someone with his bare hands. He did not regret killing the man though, he deserved it for hurting his soulmate.

Taehyung is shaking so hard, his legs felt like a Jell-O making him drop on his knees while hugging the younger, but ironically, he's the one muttering soothing words in Jungkook's ears. It's like a comforting song Jungkook could never sing.

"Everything's now ok, Jungkookie." This is the first time the older called Jungkook in that name, it boosts a huge amount of endorphins in his brain.

"Sorry," Jungkook whispers softly, afraid to terrify his soulmate more than he already did earlier.

"Don't be. You saved me." Taehyung only shook his head and continued whispering sweet nothings. Albeit his lips are visibly trembling.

Quivering but still firmly embracing the younger, Taehyung stood up with much difficulty, took Jungkook's bloodied left hand and gently intertwined it with his.

"Let's go home, Jungkook-ah."

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