One-offs, One-shots, Lemons...


15.8K 274 149

So this is where I dump random ideas and other weird stuff. I won't update it often, just when I feel like I... Еще

Evening with Kushida ft. Greenhats (R-18)

Reunion (Happy Mother's Day)

5.7K 125 95

Ayanokouji POV

Today, I had been called off to the faculty room by Chairman Sakayanagi. It seemed to be urgent by the tone of his voice, but it was a bit off, as if someone were already there. The sudden call in the middle of an exam made me hesitate to get up and leave, but Chabashira-sensei gave the go signal that it really was urgent. My classmates were a bit curious and turned to me momentarily before getting scolded by the Chabashira-sensei to keep their eyes on their desks.

Looks like she doesn't know what this is about, she looks concerned.

I started walking off to faculty room, to which I received a folder with some unusual documents in it, but I didn't bother to read them yet since I was in a hurry to head over to Chairman Sakayanagi.

As I arrived at the door to his office, I enter the room only to be struck at the side by an incoming fist. I didn't realize it fast enough, so the block to take the punch wasn't blunted enough to reduce the damage and grazed my cheek. Had I been any slower, and that punch could have connected to deal a critical blow. Whoever threw that punch was strong, and very quick as well.

I quickly surveyed the room and jumped backwards to avoid further contact. Getting a good look at it now, the man who threw the punch is huge, he also seemed to be holding back since he didn't even take a stance to throw such a heavy punch. Amazing. I turn to Chairman Sakayanagi, who was sitting with a woman and seemed to be unfazed at seeing me getting attacked. The woman as well, she looked...oddly familiar?

I turn my attention back to the man in front of me, who seemed to relax back into a position to guard the door. It looks like he won't fight any time soon, so I loosen my stance and turn back to Chairman Sakayanagi.

"Hello there, Kiyotaka-kun" The woman at Chairman Sakayanagi's side says

"Greetings, but I don't know who you are. Would you fill me up on the situation"

I had taken into consideration that these people would have been sent by my father, but they weren't nearly as intense with the intent trying to incapacitate and abduct me. And not only that, they only sent 2 people too. Even if my father was desperate enough to risk being brought to the eyes of the public, he would have sent more than just 2 people after me. Tsukishiro should have been here as well to coordinate the effort in taking me down, so I don't think I'm in immediate danger. I asked for who their intent, but Sakayanagi isn't answering either. Could he be threatened to cooperate? He has a heavy expression on his face, so I won't let my guard down just yet.

"I've already asked, but who ar-"

"How have you been?" The mysterious woman cuts me and asks a question.

"I don't intent to answer without knowing who you people are"

"You don't look like a normal student, and certainly being able to withstand a light blow from Mr. Tatsuhiro over there" Again, I am ignored and she continues to poke and prod at me.

AN: Tatsuhiro is just a random name I gave to the bodyguard accompanying the woman

"I see, it seems he really did send you to that place. Such a tragedy to have had that happen to you"

The woman says with a voice full of pity, but she also got a little teary as she quickly wipes them away. But what place could she mean? Who is she? Does she know who I am and where I'm from? Such questions came to mind from such an unusual woman, but I pushed them aside for the moment. I need answers.

"Again, I will ask you. Who are you and what are you after? If you don't answer now, I'll leave immediately"

At my statement, that Tatsuhiro quickly moved in to block the entrance. I was aware that he could stop me, but I was already desperate to leave anyways, I wouldn't' be leaving this room unscathed should a fight break out.

"I'm sorry, I will answer you now. It's been a long time, my son. I've wanted to see you again"

At her statement, I could feel a shock run through my body, and I could feel my eyes widen a little. I didn't allow myself to be fazed and continued to remain calm and assessed the situation. I looked over to Chairman Sakayanagi who had a serious expression. Seems like she might be telling the truth, but I still need confirmation for that. Still, could it really be-

My train of thought was broken up as she leaves Sakayanagi's side and approaches me. I raise my guard to look like I was ready to strike any time, but she continued to walk over to me unfazed. I feel hesitant, even after assessing all of this information that has been thrust onto me. I don't know what to make of it. Is she carrying a weapon? Could that be why she is moving so confidently? Is she an enemy, should I do something? Is-


I feel a warm and soft sensation cover my torso and back. I was a little shocked at this development, but it wasn't entirely off of the possibilities. The woman is now embracing me, holding me very tightly as she starts to break down and mumble words that were too low for me to pick up entirely. Her knees buckle and she brings me down to the floor as we sit closely, all as she weeps at my shoulder while continuing to hold me in a tight embrace. I finally let my guard lower and embrace her as well. So it's my mother, huh? What a strange way to meet again, and with such circumstances surrounding the both of us as well.

"I-it's b-been too long, Kiyotaka" she whispers her words at an attempt to try and speak while crying

"I guess it has, but I'm sorry, I don't remember you" I put a hand over her head and wait a bit more to let her finish.

"Yes, it's alright. I understand the situation"

After the short exchange we had in our reunion. I exchanged greetings with them and her companion. Sakayanagi was also able to confirm that it was my mother, and the circumstances surrounding my family. It turns out that my father and mother had been fighting for a while now, and that they've recently parted ways temporarily to let things cool off.

The root of the conflict was surrounding my being sent to the White Room, which my mother was strongly against. Ultimately, my father had the last say and continued to push for me to enter the White Room program. And now that I had escaped, she quickly got word of it and decided to meet me. Her actions might have irked my father, but he probably thought that she was going to quit sooner or later. So it may come off as shocking for him, because my mother is now going to work as a teacher for this school. Specifically, she'll be taking the spot of our current math teacher, who has been moved to teaching the seniors.

"I'm glad to see you again and to be able to speak with you, but is this really alright? Suddenly showing up to teach a class and forcing out a teacher using your power to take his place, that won't sit well with anybody"

"Hehe, that's only if they find out, which I'm sure they went" She giggles and gives me a little wink with her still slightly pinkish eyes and nose from bawling in my arms a moments ago.

"I'll have to trust you then. So, are you with me or against me? I'm sure you're aware of father's intentions of bringing me back to that place"

"As much as I want to say that I'm on your side, your father is keeping tabs and has been holding me to a short leash. I can't directly support you, so I decided to look over you by teaching here"

"I see, that is alright then. That's one less potential enemy to worry about"

"A-anyways, you should skip class for today so that we can catch up"

"Er-I don't know about that. I'd rather not get an earful from my classmates for skipping class"

"Are you meaning to say that you'd rather pick the most convenient thing for you to do than to catch up with you own mother, whom you haven't seen since you were a toddler"

"Well, ye-"

Before I could finish, she started pouting and showing visibly how upset she was. I'm certain she is aware of my circumstances and the abnormal upbringing in the White Room, but I guess it still hurts to hear my often blunt way of speaking. Chairman Sakayanagi has his palm on his face with a look of sighing eternally.

"I'm sorry, we should do just that then" I quickly change my mind before she gets any more upset with me.

Chairman Sakayanagi dismisses me quickly to give me some time to give me a chance to get to know my mother better. And with some free time on my hands, my mother quickly leads me around the campus and starts our conversation strong. She asked how I was doing in school, if I was getting along with my classmates, and other such small details about my life at school. She didn't seem to mind my boring and short replies to her questions, and it looked like she was enjoying herself in getting to know me better.

It felt weird walking around with my "parent" in the school campus. It was fine for now since all of the students were in their respective rooms having classes, but I'll try to avoid any eyes so that I don't get bothered to explain for my absence. And she did say she was going to be a teacher here starting tomorrow, I sure hope she doesn't cause me any trouble.

I missed an entire half of the day due to various reasons involving my mother, but I return to the dorms quickly to avoid any classmates and such. Although I had planned to be inconspicuous, I don't think that's possible because my mother is still following me around. I'm sure there is still room in the teacher's dorm if they're going to let her work here, so this could be mildly embarrassing.

"Uhm, I'll be going to my dorm now"



"You have a dorm room as well, right?"


"I see..."

"Will you be going then?"

"Hmph, that's a very rude thing to say to your mother whom you haven't seen in so long. Aren't I welcome to spend more time with you?"

"Er-Yes, but, I think that would be very troublesome for me if any of my classmates see us together."

It would be unfair for them being away from their parents while you're here, but I feel like I should have added that last part since it might have just sounded like I was annoyed to see my own mother. And as I thought, she started to pout again and looked upset. Surely this woman is not a child in an adult's body, because she looks like her emotions can be easily influenced. I hope she isn't the type to throw tantrums as well. I am aware of these kinds of people because Google-sensei has taught me well with certain types of people and how to deal with them.

"S-so you don't want to spend time with me then?" My mother says, looking a bit glum.

"No, it's not that, its-"

"Well, as you're mother, I have the right to overrule that decision"


"That's right! And because we haven't gotten to spend quality family time together, we're going to spend a night together at your room!"

"Hang on, I don't think that's allo-"

"We'll have so much time to talk about your school, your life away from that place, and your friends"

"Urgh" I unconsciously groan a little at the last thing she said.

"Is something wrong, Kiyotaka?"

"No, it's nothing" Friends how, I wonder how she'll take it if I said I didn't have any. I'm not sure if Horikita passes for a friend, so I guess I'll just pretend I didn't hear that last part.

"Anyways, this is your room right? Let's go inside" She quickly enters my room with a key and- hey wait, should she have that? Ah, that's mildly concerning.


"Is the room alright?"

"Yes but, what kind of room is this?" My mother says while showing a gloomy expression at my blank room.

"I expected you'd have more things in here, it's so bland. I bet you probably have some dirty magazines somewhere hidden here" She scans my room and starts searching for something non-existent. She sighs and eventually gives up.

"Sheesh, you're good at hiding you stuff" She says while wiping off some sweat on her forehead.

"I don't have any of those things"

"It's ok, I won't judge you. You're at that age after after all"

"No really, I don't have an-"

"Anyways, let's talk about your room. Why is it so lame?" She cuts me off and returns to judging my apparently poor choice of decor, or rather, the lack of it

"I only bought the necessities, I didn't want to spend any more points than needed"

"Yes, I've heard about your class's situation"

"It is unfortunate, so I'll have to make due"

"Still, you sound very mature with your reasoning for not buying anything, but only adults ever worry about those kinds of things. You're still a child, so I want you to enjoy yourself" She says while giving me a warm smile. She seems like a very thoughtful person.

"But then I would run of points quickly, I think it would be wise to-"

"Oh quiet down about that already! I want you to spend them to have fun! How else would you be able to get along with all of your classmates and friends" Eh- how should I bring this up.

"Even though your father and I didn't get to parent you normally, it seems like you grew up to be a good kid. You seem very mature, and I think that's quite charming to see my kid grow up so fast"

"Is that so?"

"Anyways, do you have anything, I'll cook something for you"

"Oh, I don't have much in the fridge, but I think it's enough to make something good"

"Alright! I'm gonna make you taste me special home cooking like a good mother should!" She quickly heads over to the kitchenette, but she stops and walks over to me.

"It must have been difficult, being alone in that place" My mother says as she wraps her arms around me and holds me in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. I should have fought more to get you out of that place" I put my hand over her head and pat it gently.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I'm okay now"

"Alright, I'll be at the kitchen now"

"Ok, I'll wait then"

I head over to my room and change out of uniform. I lie around my bed and wait for her to finish cooking and fiddle through my phone. After some time, I could already smell the aroma of something delicious being prepared from here. I exit my room to look for my mother, and I see her at the kitchen wearing an apron while stirring something that looks like some kind of curry. She sees me and gives a little wave and beckons me to give her cooking a taste. She gets a plate and sets some utensils for the both of us and we take our seats.

She rests her elbows and the table and rests her face on her hand while looking at me. I guess she's expecting me to take the first bite. I take a spoonful and smell many ingredients in the curry. I take a bite and-

Insert typical anime food reactions, maybe something wholesome and nice like Food Wars ;)

"So? It's good right?"

"Yes, it is" I find myself enjoying her cooking. It gives a strange feeling in my chest from being able to interact with her like this.

"So, let's talk about you school. I want to hear about your friends"

"Eh, about that..."


After a brief silence, she laughs a bit to herself at my failure to get along with my classmates. She seemed to be enjoying myself be more "human" in this light. The masterpiece of the White Room, unable to communicate, make allies, and have a few friends as well. That must be quite a surprise.

"I was already aware of how you were taught, but seriously, communication is important too. Your father is an idiot to exclude that in the curriculum, since being able to make friends and establish connections is important too" She sighs at the failures of the White room.

"Well, that's alright. Even if you don't make friends, I'm sure you'll be okay. I'll still be here with you after that" She says and puts a hand over mind, an attempt to reassure me, I suppose?

We continue to make small talk, while my mother takes a can of beer from my fridge. I guess she brought some of that too. Our conversation was mostly about small and trivial things. She wanted to get to know me better, so she was mostly the one asking questions. Our chat continued into the night, and now she has finished 3 cans of beer, I wonder if that's alright.

"Haven't you had too much to drink?"

"Oh, I didn't know my kid was so nice! Thanks for asking, but I'm alright" She says in a slightly shaky voice, while reaching out for my head and patting it.

"I thought about this a while ago, but I haven't asked for your name yet. It's a bit strange for me to ask this so late, right?"

"Eh? It's fine. Anyways, my name is: Insert nice name" AN: Maybe Kyokou? It kinda sounds like something that Kiyotaka would come from, right?

"I see, that's a beautiful name" Her eyes widen a little at my remark, but she quickly gets up and brings her chair next to mine.

"Thank you" She says with a longing smile on her face. She must be thinking about how life would be life if we were a little bit normal, I think I would like that too.

"You want some water?"

"Yes, that would be nice"

I get up and bring a glass for her, but she ended up passing out on the table. I wonder where I could let her sleep? I guess my bed will do for now while I sleep on the couch in the meantime. I take her to my room and leave her with a blanket, as I was about to leave, she sat up quickly and reached for my sleeve.

"I'm sorry, you should sleep on your bed. You still have class tomorrow"

"It's ok, I'm used to it. And it's not that bad sleeping on the couch"

"No, you need a good night's rest" She says as she tries to drag me into the bed, only to fall forward. She should have waited for that glass of water.

"Stay here"

"Fine" She rolls over to the side touching the wall to give me some room, and I slip in next to her.

"You know, your father wasn't always like this. I know that he's always had great ambitions and was very strong-willed, but something must have pushed him if he got himself to believe in such cruel ideals. I hope you don't hate him for it" She says while she turns her side to me. That's another interesting thing to note about my parents.

"I neither like nor dislike him. That just so happened to be the circumstances"

"Hehe, what a sweet boy" She leans towards me and wraps me in her arms with my head resting on her chest.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, it's alright. It feels warm, but it's not bad"

"I expected a livelier reaction, but that's nice to hear as well"

"You seem to know Sakayanagi, are you close with him?"

"Yes, your father and I have known him for a while. He was a collaborator of his when they first made the White Room program, but he wasn't all that enthusiastic about it"

"Oh, I can see that. This school and the White Room operate very differently, promoting student autonomy instead of just following a strict set of rules and training"

"That's right, I'm glad he didn't hand you over to your father"

"Yes, I'm quite fortunate"

"Also, she's alive, just so you'd know"


"Shizuku I mean, and I've taken her under my wing"

"Oh, is that so" It was a bit shocking to hear, but I'm glad she made it out as well.

"Maybe I should send her here as well, but that could be a very bad idea if I fail to hide her too"

"Yes, it might not be good to send her here now"




"I see, good night"

"Hehe, good night to you too"

"Oh, you're still awake"

"That's right" She moves her face closer and rests it close to my forehead.

"I hope today has been fun for you. I didn't mean to bother you in the middle of classes, but I couldn't help it you know?"

"It's alright, It was fun, though I'm still surprised to see my mother during this time"

"Yes, but it's nice to finally see you again, after so long. It would be nice to hear you call me Mama and such. It's a shame I didn't get to take care of you when you were still a child. I'll be sure to scold your father and continue to haunt him beyond the grave for this" She says, but giggles after at our little banter.

"Oh, then should I call you Mama?"

"Eh?" She shot up quickly from bed and looked at me.

"Oh, does it sound weird now that I'm not a kid?"

"Er-no, I was just surprised that you were ok with calling me that"


"Still, I want to pamper you even though you're not a little kid anymore. I was worried you'd kick me out of your room and get too embarrassed"

"Well, it's the first time I've ever gotten to see you, so it shouldn't really come to as a surprise"

"You're right"

"I want to know more about you, so do you mind if I ask some questions too?"

"Not at all, I want you to know about me as well"

" how old are you now?"

"Asking a woman her age now, huh? I guess I'll take back that compliment of you being mature and gentlemanly"

"Oh, I'm sorry if that was rude"

"It's alright, I'm your mother anyways, so stop being formal" She says lightly tapping me.

"I'm 38 now, it's been so long since that day when me and your father had you"

"Oh, you were quite young when you decided to get a child, is that alright?"

"Oh it's fine, your father really wanted a son anyways. He was very happy to have you" It feels strange hearing that now, after all of the threats he has thrown at me.

"Still, you look very young. I'm surprised that you're actually my mother"

"Oh-ho, trying to flatter me now, huh? Haha, it's always nice hearing that compliment from a young man to an old hag like me"

"38 isn't that old though"

"Alright, that's enough flattery. You're making me blush" She says while falling back onto my bed.

"I only ever got to see you from behind the glass. I saw how cruel your father was, it was...horrible"

"I got out fine, so I guess that adds to something"

"Yes, but still. Even though I asked you to not hate your father, I still end up feeling very hateful towards him. I went off on my own and haven't seen him in a while, but now that you're out, I'll be sure to confront your father about this" My mother says, with a determined look on her face.

"Ahhh darn, I really hate that idiot. Maybe I should just divorce him, what a drag" Oh.

"You're still drunk, you should stop that"

"Oh, right, hehe sorry. I'm surprised you weren't feeling very disturbed about me saying that, do you actually hate him too?"

"No, I'm just not sure what to think about it"

"Well, it's alright, I'm still here" Again, she holds me tighter in her embrace. I wasn't aware such a warm feeling existed.

"You'll be teaching starting tomorrow right? It was a bad idea to drink, I hope you don't cause a ruckus in school"


"Are you still awake?"

"..." Oh, is she finally fell asleep?

I poke her face, and it seems like the night and alcohol finally got to her. I decided to rest and let myself sleep too, but I didn't feel very tired. A lot of things were going in my head, about whether or not it's a good thing that I got to see my mother again. What would she be to me? Would she be safe being around me? I'm sure my father wouldn't do anything stupid if her bothered to get married. I wonder if Tsukishiro already knows about her. That's another thing to be concerned about.

There's still much to be worried about, but I guess I should just try to rest and let myself sleep. It wouldn't be good if I exhaust myself form overthinking late at night. I stop thinking and wait to fall asleep.

My mother, huh? I suppose that is nice too.


Greetings fellow human.

Happy Mother's day to all of your mothers. Hope all of you are doing alright.

I asked in my messages before what Ayanon's mom would be like, so I wonder what she would really be like since there are 0 hints of what she is in the LN. She'll prob be mentioned in Year 2 in the future, maybe in Y2V4. So I'm going to hold off on any physical descriptions other than looking young for her age, though this is just a oneshot :P

I think this interaction was kinda wholesome, maybe I could make this a separate fanfic or some kind of mini series in this collection of oneshots and lemons. ( ◜◒◝ )♡


Date Published: 5/12/21

4376 Words

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