you're my Hero |sero x reader

techna42 tarafından

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Y/n is an only child who's parents are never around. She cares for her friends and would do anything for them... Daha Fazla

some stuff to know
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

241 9 42
techna42 tarafından

We walked into the classroom cracking up, well except for Sero. It had been two days since the sports festival and people on the streets were asking for autographs and pictures, it was kind of cool.

"Hey dumbass, what's so funny?"

I try to stop laughing but it was a working so I just spoke between laughs

"On our way here... There was this group of elementary Schoolers... And"

I took a deep inhale trying to compose myself but was still shaking with laughter

"They ran up to us because we were on TV but when they saw Sero... They yelled out 'nice try'"

At this point I was holding my stomach wheezing with laughter

"We've been laughing since they walked away"

Sero walked by me with a annoyed look on his face

"It wasn't even that funny"


Bakugo rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his phone as I finally composed myself and wiped a non-existent tear from my eye. The door opened and I took my seat as Mr. Aizawa walked in. He had no bandages on, must of been done healing.

"We have a big class today"

Everyone else seemed to be worried but I was actually pretty good with that type of stuff

"You need code names, time to pick your hero identity"

He clicked a button and then numbers appeared on the board next to some of our names

"Here are the totals for those of you who got offers"

Todoroki- 4,123
Tokoyami- 360

"These are the numbers of offers you got to join a hero agency, if your name is not there you will still be joining a hero internship"

"Wow y/n and Todoroki got more than bakugo, that's weird"

Todoroki let out a sigh

"The offers I got are only because of my dad"

Aizawa cleared his throat trying to regain the attention of the class

"As I said today you'll be choosing your hero names"

The class started to cheer as Mr aizawa unrolled his sleeping bag

"Be careful what you choose, think carefully, what you pick now you could be stuck with for the rest of your life"

He stepped inside of it and zipped it back up.

"Midnight will be helping you, keep it down"


Midoriya and I were the last ones who needed to pick our names, I had an idea but it wasn't as flashy as everyone else's.

"Y/n, do you have a name?"


I stood up and took my board to the front of the class

Why is this so embarrassing for no reason

I flipped the board around

"The sharp edge hero: Kunai"

"Good job! Midoriya do you have a name?"

"Oh uh yea.."

He ended up going with Deku.

Aizawa stood up and took the podium

"Your internships will last for a week as for who you'll be working with those of you who were on the board get to choose from among their offers, everyone else will have a different list you have to think a lot about . There are around 40 agencies across the country have agreed to take on interns from your class. Each agency has a different specialty. Keep that in mind. If you want to be a rescue hero go to an agency that focuses on rescuing people, if you want to be a hero that fights villains, go to an agency focused on fighting etc etc.think carefully before you decide"

The bell rang and Mr. aizawa started handing out papers with agencies on them

"Turn in your choices before the end of the week"

"We've only got two days?"

"Yeah, so you should start now you dismissed"

I flipped through the packet and scanned over the names of hero agencies when a specific name caught my eye

"Endeavor hero agencies? Why would-"

"Hey y/n!"

I jumped and slammed the packet closed

"Hey mina"

"You got so many offers have you chosen anyone yet?"

"Uh no actually, I haven't gotten the chance to look through them all"

Sero walked up to us

"C'mon guys it's lunch, aren't we gonna go eat? I'm starving"

"Oh yea"

I stood up and stretched

"Where's everyone else?"

"Kaminari and Kirishima are already making their way there"

Mina sighed placing her head on my desk

"Actually I think I'm gonna just stay here, I still need to figure out where I'm gonna intern"

"Ah okay"

Me and sero started heading twoards the lunch room.

"So uh... Did you choose where you were going?"

"Actually no, but I did get sort of a wierd offer"


"Yea, from Endeavor hero agency"

"Wait, really? Are you gonna go?"

"Well I don't really think so"

"What? He's the number two hero that's a pretty big chance to pass up"

"Yea well I don't think it would benefit me that much, our quirks aren't similar in the slightest. I wouldn't learn how to adapt to the hero scene like that, I wanna go with someone more like me, ya know?"

"I guess that's true, and a pretty good idea"

Yea ... He dosent need to know about my personal grudge against him


We were walking from the school and it was still raining. I jumped into a puddle and it splashed everywhere

"Watch what the fuck your doing!"

Bakugo got out of the way just in time not to get splashed

"Heh, sorry... So has anyone chosen their going to internship with"

Kirishima smiled

"I'm going with fourth kind!"

"That's perfect! they do a lot of fighting, it suits you, anyone else?"

"Best jeanist"

"Woah, really? He's so cool! ...No one else?"

I looked around and the rest of the group just shrugged

"It's fine, I haven't either, we do have two days, right?"

We got to the station and boarded the train. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes

"I literally just wanna go home and sleep"

Mina laughed

"You litrally slept the past two days"

I opened my eyes to glare at her

"So did you, I'm just still tiered"

kirishima looked at me

"Well maybe if you didn't stay up until 2am ever school night"

I stuck my tongue out at him and the train screeched to a causing me to fall back crashing into the person behind me. They steadied me by putting their hands in my shoulders. I looked up and my eyes met with onyx black irises

"O-oh sorry sero"

He grabbed my wrist and put my hand on the handle

"That's why you should hold on, are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine but... What happened?"

"We apologize for the sudden stop we've been informed that there is something or someone on the track a couple yards ahead of us. There will be a slight delay until the tracks are clear again"

I slouched over and yawned, it's gonna take forever to get home.

About two minutes later the train started up and pulled into the next station

Kaminari scrunched his eyebrows

"We don't usually stop here... Do we?"

I looked out of the window

"Shit, he's right.Hey guys we should get off"


"Just come on"

I signalled no to everyone else in our car to get off

Mina grabbed my shoulders

"What's going on y/n?"

"I don't know I just have a really bad feeling, the wierd stop, the fact that it was all sorted out within minutes, there was no second announcement and we've never stopped here on the afternoon train before. It's just a little suspicious"

"I mean I guess your right"

"Hey let's just go, I'll call the authorities"

I told the cops about everything that happened and they said they'd look into it.

We exited the station and the rain seemed to have lightened up. We opened our umbrellas and made our way home. When I finally got there a kicked my shoes off, walked upstairs and pressed play on some music. Unzipping the bag, I pulled out the packet with the names of hero agencies, This is about the third time I've gone through it and most of the agencies I crossed out so only a few remained. I gave up again because at this point I was doing more singing and dancing than choosing so I put the packet away again and headed downstairs to make dinner. After that I ate, showered, watched TV and scrolled through my phone for... A while before falling asleep.


My blaring alarm jolted me out of my sleep indicating that it was once again time for school. I got up, got ready and then I grabbed my phone. I opened it to find I had 13 new messages. I scrolled down the group chat to find some sort of link and clicked it

"I swear to God if I get Rick rolled"

The link brought me to s news article labeled:
Musutafu district train hijacked midday

My hand went over my mouth as I clicked back to messages

Pinky 🌺:
Bruh y/n was right

Whey whey ⚡:
should get some
credit too ✋

Pinky 🌺:
Lmao why

Whey whey ⚡:
I was the one who
noticed we were at
the wrong stop

Tape boi 😁:

Shark boi 🦈:
Good job kaminari 👍

Whey whey ⚡:
That sounded so
Sarcastic I can't even 😭

Shark boi 🦈:
No way bro I'm being
completely serious

Whey whey ⚡:
Pls stop it's getting worse

Tape boi 😁:

I laughed and clicked over to my other messages

You alive?

I went to send a reply but the door bell rang. I grabbed my bag, ran down the stairs and slid my shoes on as I opened the door.

"You guys are early-"

There was no one there. I looked around but there wasn't anyone. I looked down to find a small package. I picked it up and examined the box. There was nothing on it. No address,name or stamp.It was extremely light.I reached to pull back the tape.

"Hey y/n!"

I jumped and let out a small Yelp turning to see sero and denki.

"Oh hey guys"

I put the box on the floor inside and closed the door making my way down to them.

"What was in the box?"

"I dunno, it just showed up"

Thunder clapped and it seemed as if the ground shook

"Ugh, rain again? it's been raining for the past four days."

I huffed and reached for my bag.

"And of course I don't have my umbrella"

Denki and sero opened theirs

"Okay then show offs"

Denki trailed back a few feet.

I leaned twords sero

"What's he doing?"

"He's basically a walking lightning rod"


Rain started falling and I tried covering my face with my hand when sero stepped right next to me.

"Why don't we just share mine?"
He gave me a smile and I gave him a smile back. Sero suddenly stopped so I did to.

"You okay?"

He had his face turned

"Yea, fine. C'mon let's go"

He put my hand on my lower back and pushed me forward

"We gotta get to the station"


We all were messing around when we walked in the class.


We all looked up but bakugo was glaring directly at me.

"What the hell?"



my mind was racing, I hadn't talked to him since yesterday and everything seem to be fine then. What could I have done to make him mad at me? I just walked into class!

"What's the point of texting you if you don't answers"

Then it hit me, the text I saw right before the knock on the door was... from him

"Oh... I totally forgot. Sorry bakugo"

He rolled his eyes and mr.aizawa walked in

"Everyone take your seats"


After class I gave aizawa my papers and walked back to the group but denki looked a little worried.

"What'd you give him? Did we have homework I didn't know about?!"

"No, I gave him my application for my hero internship"

We walked twoards the lockers

"Already?! how did you pick so fast? You had a whole bunch of offer's"

"Well I did a lot of research, narrowed it down, and went with the one that would help me focus on my quick the most"

"Who'd you go with?"

"Native's hero agency, he's a less know hero but his quirk is kinda like mine exept with arrows so it was the best choice"

"He sounds familiar for some reason"

Mina pulled out her packet

"He's on here too!"


"Yea... You didn't know?"

I let out a sigh

"No I didn't have time to compare both lists"

We were about to walk out of the building when we spotted bakugo.

"Why do you guys take so damn long?"

It was at that moment I realized it was still raining, it was lighter but still.

"I swear it better stop raining by the time internships roll around"

I walked up to sero, who was opening his umbrella, with a guilty smile and a nervous laugh. I pointed up to his umbrella.

"Do you mind?"

"Of course not"

We walked off, purposely bumping back and forth into each other until we got into the train station


I held the case marked 21 in my hand as we walk down the station stairs.

"Finally, internship time!"

I waved bye to my friends and went to walk towards my train when my phone dinged

Hey Hun sorry we
Haven't talked lately we've
been pretty busy but I just saw
your sports festival thingy
Good job!

I clicked the power button and boarded the train looking up to see no other than our class rep

"Oh hey Iida"

He gave me a slight nod

"Are you okay? Your usually more... Energetic"


"Oh... Okay then"

We weren't really that close so it wasn't my position to pry


I spun around to see who was calling my name


I made my way over and plopped into the seat next to him

"Your going to Hosu too sero? what agency?"


"Me too!"


"Yea! Oh thank God, I was so nurvouse about the internship"

I sighed and relaxed in my seat and started to scroll through my phone, it was thirty minutes before we got to the city so I had to find a way to pass the time.


"y/n... Y/N!"

My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone poke my cheek.

"Y/n get up our stop is next"

"Oh okay"

I let out a yawn as I stretched and rubbed my eyes. The train came to a stop and we got off.
Sero pulled out his phone for the directions

I pointed to the left of us

"It's this way"

"How do you know?"

"I looked at the direction a couple of times"

"Oh okay"

I continued to guide us the rest of way until we ended up outside of the building

"Well then let's go"

I pushed open the front door and the AC hit me immediately. The lady at the front desk waved us over.

"Your here for your internships right? Changing rooms are that way and you can meet native in his office on the third floor"

I gave a slight bow

"Thank you"

Sero walked out of the changing room with his helmet under his arm.

"You ready?"

"Yup! Hey did you change your hero costume?"

"Oh yea"

I tapped on my tinted plexiglass goggles that were similar to the pro hero hawks's.

"They're for debris and stuff, I'm not trying to lose an eye"

We walked up to the office doors. I took a deep breath before knocking


I put the key in the lock and twisted it pushing the door open feeling the cool air rush out.

I dropped my bag and kicked off my shoes going straight for the kitchen and I grabbed a bottle of water and then went straight back to the front for my bag because there was still homework to be done. I knew I shouldn't have put it off until later.

I picked up my bag and under it was a box

"Oh my god how'd I forget about that"

I picked up the ominous box and opened it with the box cutter I made.

And.... Empty?

I flipped it upside down and shook it. Something fell out and clattered on the floor. It was a silver key.

I flipped it around in my hand a couple of times but it didn't seem to be anything special. I took my phone out, took a picture and sent it through the group chat.

Does this look like
anything to you guys?

Whey whey ⚡
A key?

Well yes but any
specific type of key

Whey whey ⚡

K thx ig

I clicked my phone off and put it in my pocket along with the key grabbing my bag and heading upstairs to finish my homework


My alarm went off and I clicked dismiss while resisting the urge to throw my phone. I got up got dressed grabbed the case with my costume in it and made my way downstairs. As I stepped off the last stair the smell of coffee hit me. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I heard the tv from the living room. I peeked around the corner to find my mom in the kitchen.


"Oh hello"

"When did you get here?"

"Last night around ten you were already sleeping so we decided to let you sleep."

"Dad's here too?"

"Yup, I figured sense it's the weekend we could go out to eat or something"

My heart sunk

"Oh uh... I actually can't I have my hero internship today"

I held up my costume case

"Your doing school stuff on the weekend?"

"Yeah it's really fun actually, all we do is patrol anyways, I'm sorry"

"No,it's fine. Just try to get home early as possible we have to get back tomorrow afternoon"

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Well you know how long these things can drag out but after this were gonna have a nice vacation. OH! And we have that thing this summer, we're going to-"

The doorbell rang and I ran to get it. I opened the door to find sero standing in front of it.

"Y/n, are you okay? We're gonna be late- oh hello"

I turned to seem my mom waving and I started to push sero out of the door

"Well we have to go mom, I cant wait to hear all about it later! Love you, bye!"

We started walking twoards the station

"So your parents are back?"

"Not for long they usually only stay a couple of days and then they're gone again, they can only really come back because they have an office at the house"

"They kinda came at a really inconvenient time, huh?"


"hey where's denki?"

"Oh his internship is closer so he slept in"

I sighed



Me and sero walked into natives agency and headed straight for the changing rooms, we'd been patrolling with a side kick all day because native was working on some big project.

Just as we passed the desk native walked by us.

"Hey, you two"

We looked twoards him and he waved us over

"The days not done, you haven't really learned anything so today's patrol will run a little later. Come with me"

We both followed him right back out the door we came in.

Sero put his helmet back on and stretched

"Maybe we'll actually get to do something fun"

I chuckled and native looked back

"We're going into the part of town where crime is the highest. It's not to far from here but the difference is significant."

We walked into a busy plaza with tall buildings and loads of people

"This is where we'll be patrolling tonight"

About five minutes in from walking we heard a crash from down an alley and saw a flash of red disappear around the corner.

"You kids stay here I'll be back"

"Shouldn't we come with you? For the learning experience?"

"No it's too dangerous, stay here"

He started to walk away when he looked back at us


I scoffed and sat down on a near by bench sero plopped down next to me.

"Looks like I was right, major fun"

I rolled my eyes and smirked at him as we began our wait.

About five minutes had passed and I was up pacing back and forth

"It's been a while. Maybe we should go look for him"

"Sero, He said to stay here"

"I know but just sitting here is boring I want some excitement"

A vast explosion came from a few blocks down causing the ground to tremble.

The once noisy plaza came to a silent stop, Then something crashed through the building in front of us causing it to light up in flames, the nightly ambiance was replaced with screams of terror. A creature was flying through the sky trying to snatch people off the ground

How could everything go to shit in such little time? Just a second ago everything was fine.

~End of chapter~

Okumaya devam et

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