It's not pink! It's magenta...

By Embrwizard

17.3K 257 214

Two childhood friends decide to become heroes together. But one of them only gets their power through cards... More

A Good Fighter... A Horrible Photographer
Just passing through.
A Test, a Bike, and The Game.
A New Rider?
Infiltrations and Familiar faces
Bonus Chapter: You got this Haruto!
A Tinkerer and a Festival
Obstacles and Cavalry.
Poll: Tournament 2nd choice
The Tournament of Riders and Heroes
Rider Versus Rider
Code Names and Intern Picks
Welcome to The Internship RPG
I Thought These Were Internships?!
Hunters Unite!
Author update

An Explosive Final

668 12 5
By Embrwizard

(y/n) woke up from his nap to see Mina laying on top of him sleeping. He smiled at her calm and tired face but then came to a realization of what position they were in...

(y/n): *thinking* Oh crap! If a classmate catches us, we will never hear the end of it!!

Mina: Mmm...

Mina soon snuggled into (y/n)'s chest further. 


Mina adjusted herself on top of (y/n) and he felt a soft sensation pressing against his chest. Instantly his face turned red.


Mina: *groans awake* Oh... Hey~

(y/n): H-hey Ashi... Um... C-Could you... move a bit?

It took a few seconds for her to realize her position and suddenly got off and re adjusted herself. However her face was redder than her usual shade of pink.

Mina: S-Sorry about that.

(y/n): It's fine...

Mina: So.... You're up against Bakugo. You nervous?

(y/n): A little bit. Yet there is the chance I can survive his explosions. But then I could probably have part of my face blown off. And I don't think you would want to date a half robot faced rider. 

Mina: But you will still be cute in my eyes~

(y/n): Heheh thanks. I should get going. *gets up and moves to the door*

Mina: Hey (y/n)!!

(y/n): Yea-

Mina ran up to him and pecked his cheek. She backed away shyly with her hands behind her back

Mina: For luck~

(y/n): Thanks Mina. I definitely think I can win now!

Mina: Go get 'em tiger!

(y/n) gave her a quick hug and then made his way to the field to face the emotionally explosive Bakugo.


Bakugo and (y/n) were facing each other across the field and their intros were being read out by Present Mic, but the two had an immense stare off. Bakugo was filled with rage and determination. While (y/n)was focused on proving himself. Facing a living nuclear bomb... that had a massive superiority complex.

Bakugo: I'm gonna enjoy crushing you! 

(y/n): May the best rider win! 




Before Decade was able to get a breath, Bakugo launched a massive explosion 

Bakugo: DIE!

Decade was flown back but still landed inside of the ring. 

Decade: Shit! Looks like I need to beat Bakugo in base form if I don't have a chance to change cards

Bakugo was already propelling himself to (y/n) for his next attack. Decade had to move to the side to avoid a large blast that Bakugo aimed at his face. The dodge allowed Decade to attack Bakugo once before being blown up again. 



Decade was about to hit Bakugo but was hit by another explosion. This time as a direct impact. The sheer shockwave caused Decade to cough up blood a bit. Another blast happened and decade was thrown around by another explosion. The suit took most of the impact but it was still enough to cause some major damage. 

Decade still was able to stay in the game with him relying on dodging and using his quirk to turn the rock fragments into cards and throwing them back, but it wasn't enough to hold off Bakugo's barrage of blasts.

Bakugo: Some hero you turned out to be! You cant even handle the next number one- 

Decade: SHUT UP!!

Bakugo suddenly was quiet at this outburst. It was unlike to see (y/n) in a bad mood but this was unsettling and out of the ordinary. 

Decade: You love the sound of your own voice huh? All I hear is "Die" this and "Extra" that.... You are insecure of your weakness. You are emotional... you are a thug!! NOT A H-

Bakugo suddenly punched Decade and it caused him to fumble and detransform with his gymwear being destroyed with him bleeding a bit... but he was still standing. Suddenly Bakugo charged toward (y/n) with a right hook trying to finally land the final blow....


(y/n) was coming home from his second year of middle school and entered his house to see his mom training on a sandbag. She was struggling with nailing a maneuver. She was always training and always trying to better her moves and even at a young age, started training him in order for him to properly defend himself. Yet despite the training. He was still just a kid 

Young (y/n): Mom! I'm home!

Dana: Hey my little dragon! *Throws another punch at the sandbag and it leaves a large indent in it* How was school?

Young (y/n): It... was okay... 

Dana walked over to her son and couched down to put her hand on his head. Obviously he wasn't telling her something.

Dana: My little dragon... Is something wrong?

Young (y/n): N...No....

Dana: Don't lie to me. Did you get in a fight again?

Young (y/n): Yeah... I got hurt bad...

Dana: Why did you get into a fight? 

Young (y/n): They... They said that I was weak... and that I am not a real Kiryu because I was adopted.... 

Dana: How old were these kids? 

Young (y/n): A...A year older... they were bigger and stronger than me...

Dana: You don't need to be bigger or stronger to beat someone. You need to out maneuver and outsmart them. Now remember this....


Analyze their emotions...

(y/n) soon moved in slow motion and got ready.

Focus on a point...

As Bakugo threw a punch, (y/n) shifted his weight and lowered himself. Making Bakugo's attack miss.

Channel your thoughts... 

(y/n) Couldn't rely on his rider form forever. He needed to prove himself and use his quirk. One he didn't know he had

Know when to strike...

(y/n) felt a blue energy run through his body and he felt a power go through him.  



(y/n) had suddenly shifted himself into a lower fighting stance and threw a straight punch that sent Bakugo flying almost out of bounds. The crowd was speechless at this sudden shift, except for one magenta shirt wearing man smirking.

Tsukasa: Finally outgrew that fake quirk. Now you have my powers and your own.

Present Mic: INCREDABLE! In one punch Bakugo is on the other side of the field! What was that sudden display of power?!

-In the stands-

Hero with four arms: That was an impressive maneuver!

Female hero with angel aesthetics: How could he do that?

Male hero with a karate look: Dana? That's your son right? Did you teach him that? What are your thoughts?

Dana Kiryu a woman who had fought 40 villains at once. Who can bench press 160lbs like it was nothing. And on Various occasions has proven to be an almost female version of All Might... could only say one thing in response...

Dana: THATS RAD!! 


Bakugo got up from this sudden attack and was somehow winded from the impact.

Bakugo: The hell you damn extra?!?!

(y/n) picked up a rock and tried to turn it into a card. Somehow, it didn't work. It felt like he could use it on something else... but not items anymore. It didn't matter, this was his real quirk. 

(y/n): Come on deadweight... Prove you are worth my time.

This fight was serious. There was no niceties anymore. This was a true fight. Bakugo charged toward (y/n) who stood there. As Bakugo was close enough (y/n) slammed his fists into the sides of Bakugos head and slammed it down onto his knee.

(y/n) then kicked Bakugo a fair distance that seemed to increase Bakugos rage.


(y/n): Be quiet explosion freak.

(y/n) proceeded to fight with everything he had and this new quirk amplified his strength. He was faster than before but there was still the issue of speed. 

Bakugo ran towards (y/n) even madder than before. (y/n) then countered another time and used an explosive flurry of blows.

(y/n): *Lands the final punch* YABEI!!!

Bakugo was looking rougher at every time they clashed but (y/n) was looking more stead fast and iron willed. This time (y/n) was on the offensive. (y/n) was now fighting his own style. He wasn't copying his mothers style or fighting like anyone else. It was his own, and it was more brutal and hard hitting but graceful in its flow.

(y/n): Lets get going! I HAVE A TOURNAMENT TO WIN 

(y/n) soon charged Bakugo and was now on the offensive. Even Bakugo was unable to keep up with the barrage of attacks. 

Bakugo: What the *face is hit twice* The hell are you?!

(y/n): I am a passing th-

Suddenly, (y/n) was hit with an explosion and sent to the other area of the ring.


(y/n): That was what I was waiting for... *closes the belt after sliding a card in*Just needed some time to change.


[Road to glory has to lead to growin' path to change! One to two! Kamen Rider Zero-Two! It's never over ]

Decade: I am just a passing through kamen rider.... Remember that!

Decade suddenly bolted forward and left neon streaks and each impact hit harder now that he was using his quirk. It was like a videogame with Decade doing SSS tier combos, not giving Bakugo a chance to hit back. 

Decade: NOT WORTH MY TIME!!!! 

With one final hit of his first move, the game was set. and the round was over.

Decade: TIGER DROP!!!

Bakugo was sent past the rings edge and landed in the wall unconscious. The sheer impact caused the wall itself to fall unstable and lock Bakugo in place.


Midnight: Bakugo is out of bounds! (y/n) is the winner!!!!

Decade de transformed and walked to the gate to rest a bit before his final battle.... And he knew the proper card for that person.


The villainous riders saw the power of (y/n)'s new quirk and the girl taking photos started to drool more

Girl: He's so hot~~~ I wanna be his only one~~

Sky: This seems to be a complication. The hunt is now more difficult.

Erin: Jeez! That Gaim kid has skill but the destroyer has now got some new crazy punk powers.

Hooded figure: No matter. His father must have suppressed his power until he got the neodecadriver.

Rouge: These students are not pushovers. However we should focus on the ones the riders are closest with. They are now in this game.

Hooded figure: Itsuka Kendo and Mina Ashido.... Now we will have them join. But we need to test them before they fight us as riders... I have their class schedules after this festival. 

Girl: I'll skin her before she dies by my blade of love~~ She isn't the one my (y/n) wants~ He loves me~ 

Rouge: This girl is unstable but she is needed. *sigh* I need a damn drink after this... 


It was the Finals. The last two to fight. Todoroki and (y/n). 


Todoroki: Looks like it is just us now (y/n). 

(y/n): I feel that this is going to be a fight for the ages... *slides in card*


Todoroki unleashed an icewall instantly and (y/n) was absorbed into it. with no evidence of (y/n) moving in 

Midnight: (y/n) is imobiliz-


Everyone saw the icewall shatter into a thousand pieces and they see a dragon fly around (y/n) with fire surrounding him.

 [Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no Ryuu to Kaenken Rekka ga Majiwaru Toki, Shinku no Tsurugi ga Aku wo Tsuranuku! ]

Todoroki: Who are you (y/n)

Decade: I am Kamen rider Decade... Just a passing through kamen rider. Better remember that!

Decade wiped his blade and it flared up in fire.

Decade: You never used your fire side much and flames cant hurt this form that much, and the ice will melt with this fire. There is no better form for this fight... Also. Dragons are cool!

Todoroki kept up his ice attacks from a distance as Decade used his sword to slice through the hardened ice. It was a flaming swordsman versus an ice user. It was straight out of a fantasy game. Decade was getting better with his movements and sword play while Todoroki was using his ice side more creatively 

Decade clashed again with an ice wall with the flames getting hotter and hotter with decades fighting. Every slash and swing sent fire sent in streams.

Todoroki: *thinking* I cant keep up with this. His attacks keep melting my ice. And my fire cant harm him. This is a hard fi- 


Everyone soon felt a massive blast of heat and saw one final flame strike with what appeared to be a flame dragon flying towards Todoroki and chomped him creating a massive explosion. 

The dust settled and Todoroki was out of bounds. 


A massive deafening applause rung out and Decade stood victorious. 

He was finally done with fighting in the tournament. He detransformed and walked away smiling.

Award ceremony-

All Might had three medals in his hands and offered the bronze medal to a chained up Bakugo who was cursing (y/n)s name and blaming him for his not fair win. Once it was his turn All Might gave a motivating speech

All Might: Young (y/n)! You have proven yourself again to have the strength of these Kamen riders! You may have awakened a real quirk, but you certainly have proven that anyone can be a hero!

As everyone cheered for the winners and complaining of All Might not saying Plus Ultra.... (y/n) felt a little empty....

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