The Bartender & The CEO

By TheDumbassWriter

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Korra is a bartender at one of Republic City's best club 'Club Shady', while Asami is a CEO of Republic City'... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

840 23 22
By TheDumbassWriter

"Ughhhhh why is it always so empty in the club at daytime." Korra mumbled as her face was on the counter.

"Probably because everyone is busy in the morning, plus they also have to work." Kai explained as he cleaned some glasses from last night.

"If that's the case then why even come in the morning?" Korra groaned as she sat her head up and placed her hand on her cheek.

"Just because no one is here doesn't give you the right to slack off Korra."

Both Kai and Korra turned their heads to see their boss Shady Shin come out from the back as he counts the money they made last night.

"No offense Shady Shin, but there isn't a reason to even make us come to work in the morning since are shifts are only at night anyways." Korra pleaded.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Korra with this one." Kai joined. "I mean I get the fact that we have to clean glasses and make sure nothing is missing, but other than that what is there for us to do?"

Shady Shin had looked at them with a smirk before he looked at the clean glasses near Kai.

"Hey Kai, hand me two old fashioned glasses." Shin replied.

"Um okay." Kai said as he grabbed two old fashioned glasses and handed them to Shady Shin.

Both Kai and Korra were confused on why Shin needed them, but before the knew it Shin had pulled out two different types of alcohol. One was Whiskey and the other was Vodka, he had put Whiskey in one glass and Vodka in the other one.

"Uh boss what are you doing?" Korra asked.

Shady Shin didn't say anything as he placed both glasses on the counter.

"Alright you two listen up, now I know what you guys are thinking, what the hell am I doing right now? Well as you can see I have two different types of alcohol in these glasses, one is Whisky and the other is Vodka." He said pointing at both of them.

"We can see that but what do we need them for?" Kai asked.

"Well it's for a challenge I have for the both of you." Shin said.

Korra and Kai were confused on what Shady Shin mean't by a challenge.

"You two still don't understand do you?"

"Nope." They both pleaded.

"Fine I'll explain it more, the challenge is that I want you two to spend the whole day to come up with your own alcohol and ingredients to put in it." Shin explained.

"Oh I think I get it." Kai said. "Wait but what's the point of the challenge?"

"The answer is simple, it's for practice." Shin exclaimed. "And I also want to see if you two can make something that can be add to the menu."

"I mean I always wanted to try to experiment with different flavors for are drinks so why not." Kai said as he thought about it.

"It sounds fun to me so I'm down." Korra said. "So what do we have to do for are challenge?"

"Well the first thing you need to figure out is what you need, starting with alcohol." Shin said as he grabbed the two old fashioned glasses.

"So that's what you needed those glasses for." Korra said.

"Wait how come we couldn't choose what alcohol we could use?" Kai asked.

"Because you two can never agree on anything and always end up arguing on who should do what." Shin explained.

"Oh come on boss, our disagreements aren't that bad." Korra assumed.

"Do I have to remind you of the accident that almost made me out of business because of you two!" Shin scolded.

"No sir." Korra replied as she crossed her arms.

"Good. Anyways since I already chose the alcohol you two will be using, all you have to do is figure out which one you want to use." Shin explained. "Alright who wants to go first?"

"I'll go first." Korra suggested.

"Woah woah, how come you get to go first?" Kai asked.

"Because ladies first dude." Korra teased.

"That's not fair, I'm younger then you so I get to go first." Kai insisted.

"Well you should have been quicker." Korra replied.

"Alright before you two start going at it how about we decide another way." Shin jumped in. "Let's do the guessing game."

"Oh come on I suck at that game!" Korra pouted.

"Okay I'm thinking of a number between one and five." Shin said. "Kai what's your guess?"

"Two maybe?" Kai answered.

"Okay what about you Korra?" Shin asked.

"I don't know it could be any of them." Korra replied.

"Korra just take a guess." Shin said.

"fine, I'll say four." Korra answered.

"I was thinking of three so Kai was the closest." Shin said.

"Yes!" Kai yelled.

"Damnit!" Korra shouted.

"Alright Kai, first pick is yours." Shin said.

"I'll choose Vodka." Kai replied.

Korra had growled in irritation since she wanted to choose Vodka.

"So Kai gets Vodka and Korra gets Whiskey, now we can move on to ingredients." Shin said as he gave them a list of different types of ingredients. "On this list are all the things your allowed to use in your drinks."

"So how will the challenge work?" Korra asked.

"The challenge starts at night when the club actually starts to get packed." Shin said as he looked at Korra. "The rules are simple, get as many people to try your drink."

"That does sound simple." Kai assumed.

"Yeah, a little too simple." Korra said. "There's a but to it isn't there?"

"There is actually, the but is that it all depends on who likes it or not." Shin said.

"I knew there was a catch." Korra said.

"If someone likes your drink then you get a point, but if a person doesn't then you get no points." Shin explained. "The goal of the challenge is to not only have people try it, but to also have as many points."

"Well let's say more people tried your drink but they didn't like it that much, does that still mean they win?" Kai asked.

"Not really, to explain it better the points matter more then who tries it." Shin explained.

"Well what if none of us have any points, will you determine who wins by who tries it?" Korra asked.

"Yes, but I doubt that will happen though." Shin said.

"So what's the prize if one of us wins the challenge?" Korra asked.

"I was wondering that too." Kai said.

"Don't worry I was about to get to that part, the winner will be be able to take a week off of work." Shin explained.

"Wait really!?" Korra exclaimed.

"That's great! What about the loser?" Kai asked.

"Well unfortunately for the loser of this challenge will not only still have to come to work in the daytime, but they also have to clean the place a week as well." Shin said.

"Sucks that Kai is gonna lose." Korra teased.

"Yeah right, I'll be the one who will be taking the winner title!" Kai said.

"Oh please, I will crush you." Korra threatened.

"Aye save the trash talk for tonight, right now you're gonna need all the time you have to practice and plan out what your going to make." Shin jumped in.

"Yes sir." They both said.

"You guys have seven hours before people start coming in, use your time wisely." Shin explained.

Both Kai and Korra had agreed and started searching for the things they need. They are very competitive when it comes to things like this, plus there is a good prize for the winner which means they have no intention to lose to each other.


Asami has been working much more then usual since she's been receiving more emails and calls about a project she was assigned to do, the green-eyed women slides back in her chair as she thinks to herself.

As she thinks to herself she hears a knock on her office door.

"Ms. Sato, you have a visitor." Her assistant Opal said as she cracked open the door.

"I'm kind of busy right now, tell them to come back later." Asami said.

"Did I come at a bad time." Asami had looked up in the doorway to see it was her boyfriend Mako.

"Mako what are you doing here?" Asami asked as she stood up from her desk.

"I wanted to surprise you with some flowers, but it looks like you're a bit busy right now so I'll come back later." He said.

"No it's fine, besides I need the comfort right now." Asami said as she sat back down in her seat.

"Why what's wrong?" He questioned as he sat down.

"Where do I even start, I have to do a project for my father that needs to be done in a month, for the next election president Raiko wants me to be in a ad to tell people to vote for him, then Varrick just won't stop bothering about his damn invention he wants me to try out, I can't even take a break without someone wanting me to do something for them!" Asami ranted, as she calmed down she turned to Mako to see him dosed off. "Mako."

"Hm, oh yeah definitely." He said as he regained consciousness. "You need a break that's all."

"Did you even hear what I said, I can't take a break because of work." Asami repeated. "Were you even listening to me?"

"I was and I said you needed a break." Mako insisted. "What's the problem with that?"

"The problem is that I don't have time to take a break like I said already." Asami repeated once more.

"Okay how about this, what are you doing tonight?" Mako asked.

"Sleeping of course." Asami responded.

"Well I have a better idea then sleeping." Mako insisted.

"Which is?" Asami asked.

"Two words: Club Shady." Mako said.

"Club Shady? Isn't it that one club that's been extremely popular for the past few months?" Asami questioned.

"Yep, they're very popular for their drinks." Mako explained. "I think it would be a fun idea if you would like to go?"

"Yeah I'm gonna have to pass." Asami said as she went back to working.

"Come on, you barely go anywhere like you used to back then." Mako said.

"That was back then, I'm a CEO now so I have responsibilities." Asami stated.

"Yeah you're right." Mako agreed.

"I'm sorry baby, maybe when I have less work to do then I might consider it." Asami insisted.

"Fine, well call me if you change you're mind." Mako said as he got up and placed the flowers on her desk.

"I'll think about it." Asami said before watching him leave her office.

As he left, Asami had thought to herself if she should take Mako's offer to go to Club Shady. After some thought she finally mad her decision.

She had picked up the phone and called Mako, the phone was ringing before he finally picked up.

"So did you make up your mind?" He asked.

"Yeah I did, I think it might not be bad to get out for once." Asami assured.

"WOOOOHOOOO!" Asami heard in the back ground. "I know that voice."

"Yep, he wouldn't stop begging me to bring him along." Mako explained.

"I can't wait to see you tonight!" Bolin shouted near the phone.

"My ear!" Mako yelled.

Asami couldn't help but laugh at the two brothers.

"Thanks to Bolin I'm probably deaf now." Mako nagged.

"Hey It's not my fault that I want to say hi to Asami." Bolin pouted.

"Anyways, I'll come pick you up tonight." Mako said.

"Can you bring opal as well!?" Bolin shouted again.

"Probably, I will ask her later." Asami replied.

"I'll talk to you later." Mako said.

"Alright bye." Asami said. "Bye Bolin."

"Bye Asami!" Bolin shouted before Mako hung up.

Asami was chuckling still from the conversation she had with both brothers. For some weird reason she had a feeling that tonight would be amazing, she didn't know why but she couldn't wait for what was in-store for her tonight.







Fuck now I have no choice but to continue this 😭

Oh well there's no turning back now

Hope you enjoyed 👍🏾

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