To Catch A Thief

By ElviraScaff

64.6K 2.5K 861

What would happen if the Dursleys abandoned Harry Potter before he could attend school? What kind of problems... More

Catching Harry
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 7

6.4K 219 92
By ElviraScaff

Severus groaned. What did Harry do now that he was being called to Dumbledore's office? Severus had spent the morning animal proofing his quarters. His own new kitten, Sophia, seemed to enjoy sleeping on his face. Fawkes spent most of the night with him while Mrs. Norris showed up to check on her kittens but returned to Argus. He ignored the ongoing issue with the missing guardian as he walked up the stairs to the Headmaster's office. He could hear Molly Weasley's voice and knew that Dumbledore must have tried something stupid last night at King's Cross. The door opened before he could knock. It wasn't a good sign.

"Severus, please join us." Dumbledore was behind his desk. "Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you. Kingsley, Molly." Severus took his normal place, leaning against the wall. He really didn't want to be close to Molly's screeching. "What appears to be the problem?"

"That boy!" Molly almost screamed. "He refused to come with me last night."

"He has a family. They were there to pick him. I'm just glad I didn't have to arrest you." Kingsley had been fighting with the two of them. "Unless you want to be arrested for kidnapping you can't force him to go with you nor are you going to be adopting him." Kingsley looked at Severus. He was hoping the man would help shake some sense into the two Gryffindor Idiots.

"You were already aware of the situation, Albus. Let's also not forget Ronald hasn't endeared himself to Harry." Severus thought that was the politest way he could phrase that Harry loathed Ron due to Ron's own stupidity. If he was being honest with himself, Ron was the male version of his mother, he couldn't stand either of them.

"He needs to learn how to behave. Honestly, hanging around with Death Eaters, being means to my Ronnie, and in Slytherin."

Kingsley and Severus arched a brow at that. Dumbledore realizing where this was heading decided to stop it from erupting. "Now, Molly, Harry doesn't know anything about Death Eaters. He has raised himself. He needs someone to love and care for him. To be a mother figure."

"Albus, he has a family. If you keep interfering with this you will find yourself under arrest. His family made it very clear last night that they won't put up with another attempt by you to keep Harry. I believe they mentioned having him attend school in America. Amelia was not happy when she learned what has been occurring. I received an informal warning for my part in trying to get him to leave here. The Potter family informed Amelia about the issues Harry has been having with you, Molly, and Ronald."

"Albus, we must do something," Molly whined. "Lily and James would be so shocked and disappointed that their son is in Slytherin."

"I need to go. I have to finish filling out my report on my stolen Auror kit." Kingsley wasn't going to be dragged into the same debate he had every time Dumbledore or Molly mentioned Slytherin. He knew he wasn't the only one to point out not all Death Eaters were Slytherins, just like not all criminals were either. They came from every house.

"See! That is why we need to have custody of Harry. He needs to learn not to steal. Can't we use that?" Molly waved her hands around.

"Molly, as I told you last night and again this morning, I don't know it was him. I was on assignment in Knockturn before that." Kingsley was getting very annoyed. If he had known that Dumbledore was willing to do illegal activities he never would have agreed to work with him. "I'm going to warn you, again, leave Mr. Potter alone. His family has a lot of English connections and they do know how to use them."

"Kingsley, there must be something we can do. We need to protect Harry. He needs our guidance." Dumbledore really needed to gain control over the boy. They needed to have a Savior for the people to rally around, for him to mold Harry into his puppet, and for Harry to defeat Tom.

"No. Amelia was already aware of the situation. Honestly, you're lucky you haven't been charged with kidnapping, child endangerment, and child abuse for taking him from his family in the first place." Kingsley inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. "Albus, Molly, don't do anything to get the Melrose or the remaining Potter family members upset with you. They have a lot of powerful family members in both worlds."

"That is the same advice I gave you, Albus. All you are doing is alienating the boy with this method of forcing him into whatever mold you want. He has made it very clear that he isn't going to live where you want him to be. Stop pushing him and maybe he might learn to trust you. He never will at the rate you are alienating him." Severus knew Harry was never going to follow Dumbledore. Dumbledore was going to be lucky if the boy stuck around after he heard about the prophecy and Dumbledore's goals.

"I need to leave before I hear more." Kingsley headed for the door. He needed time to compose himself before he arrived back at the Ministry.

Once Kingsley left, Dumbledore turned to Severus. "Severus, you know we need him for the prophecy. He is the Savior and his family is Gryffindor. We have to get him to listen to me."

"Albus put yourself in his place. You abandoned him to abusive relatives who in turn abandoned him in the woods. He has lived on his own for the last six years. No one but himself to rely upon. You suddenly come along and tell him where he is going to live, without even speaking to him. You made the arrangements before we even had him attending Hogwarts. He comes here and instantly judged for being in Slytherin. The boy didn't even know about Hogwarts until two weeks before he arrived. Now, Molly, your son has called him a snake, traitor, told him that he should have died with his parents, told him his parents would be ashamed of him. You sent him a howler. A howler, Molly. Do you honestly expect him to listen to either one of you after that?" Severus waited for the two biggest talkers he had ever heard to speak. Molly looked confused and was waiting for Dumbledore to guide the conversation. "We have enough issue without either of you being arrested. Leave the boy alone. Perhaps, if you listen to what he has been saying he might be willing to listen to you later, Albus. In other words, stop trying to remove him from his family, stop trying to force your views on him, and stop pushing Gryffindor at him."

Severus knew they wouldn't listen and knew Harry wasn't going to listen to them. Dumbledore ruined any chance he had with Harry when he tried to gain control without even speaking to Harry. Molly ruined her chances with the Howler. Harry barely listened to him and only did when Severus was willing to listen to Harry and not judge him. Severus noticed when he treated Harry with a bit of respect, he got a lot of respect returned. Harry had his own agenda and didn't see a need to change his goals. "I have a potion brewing. I will be leaving for my own holiday after it's complete."


Harry made his way to the train. He had a great time with his family and was looking forward to returning to America for his summer holiday. He never knew so many different people could live in one place. He met so many cousins, great-aunts, and uncles. Some were squibs but no one in the family cared. There were the professor athletes, professors, businessmen, and even a few grifters but no one judged. He had his own room and no one cared that he was a Slytherin and his parents were Gryffindors.

He found his way to the Slytherin area. Draco, Blaise, and Theo were already sitting in a compartment. They shared their tales about the holiday. Amber was feeling lazy due to all the treats she had received from Harry's family. He discovered he wasn't the only one able to speak to snakes but agreed that it would remain a family secret.


"Potter, a word in my office." Severus stood behind Harry in the Great Hall. It was after dinner.

"Certainly. Did you enjoy your holiday?" Harry picked up some extra apples.

Once back in Severus' office. Severus looked at Harry. "The Gargoyle?"

"No idea what you are referring to." Harry wandered over to the bookcase and began to read the titles. Severus had a lot of interesting books.

"Any idea of when it might make a return? The Headmaster has been most distress-" Severus saw the small smirk on Harry's face and knew Harry did it to distress Dumbledore. "How about it makes a return appearance and I will endeavor to move our lessons along."

"While I can't say I am aware of this return appearance what exactly do you mean move our lessons along?"

Ever the snake and bargain maker. "I will establish some DADA lessons."

"We are already doing DADA lessons." Harry pulled down a book. He began to flip through it.

"Yes, we are. I will add some dueling lessons. I will allow you to have access to the upper year books that you have been wanting to read." Severus just wanted the gargoyle returned so he didn't have to keep trying to locate the stupid thing. "I won't even ask about the mirror."

"No idea what you are referencing. However, if this mysterious gargoyle makes a return I will accept the deal."

"Good. You need to collect your kittens, Mrs. Norris, and Fawkes."

"You're keeping Sophia?" Harry gave him a concerned look.

"Yes, I'm keeping the little fleabag." Actually, Severus loved the little thing. She was great company, didn't destroy his quarters, and always slept with him despite his original desires to have her sleep in her own bed. "Let's go and get your pets. It's almost curfew."


~Come with me.~ Amber slithered into Harry's room.

~Where?~ Harry was almost asleep. It had been a long day and he was tired. He had his first dueling lesson with Severus earlier. He was right about Severus' fighting skills. The man also knew how to use the environment around him. They had dueled for over two hours with Severus providing tips, hints, and even where to hide a second wand or knives for escaping if you got caught by the enemy. Severus set him with an exercise program that included jogging.

~I was playing with puppy. Old man showed up, again. I followed him. He has a course set up.~ Amber slithered up the bedpost. Fawkes gave her a trill as the kittens attacked her tail.

~Did he put anything worth anything at the end?~ Harry was going to be checking out the area. He had found a lot of hidden treasures in Hogwarts.

~No, but kept saying he needed to find the mirror.~

~Tell me about this course.~ The Mirror. That was very interesting. Harry listened as Amber described the course. He knew he didn't know much about magic but the course sounded too easy for people who knew magic. He would check it out and drag Severus down there if he was required.


Harry and Amber stood in the last room at the end of the course. ~Too easy. It's a trap for whoever wants to steal whatever Dumbledore planned to put in the mirror. At the same time a test to see who will protect it when the would-be thief goes to take it.~

~Test for you. Trap for who?~

~Not sure. Perhaps that new DADA professor? He has been strange. The two voices, too.~

~True. His wards feel different too.~

~I noticed that. I think we should bring Severus down here when we know what the old man wants to protect.~

~Agreed. We best go before they wonder why you aren't in bed.~

Harry was making his way back to the common room when Severus stepped in front of him. "Early morning stroll, Potter?"

"Yes. Lovely morning fresh air does a body good."

"I see. Perhaps you need more fresh air, say Saturday, detention."

"Nope, I'm good. Toodles."

Severus arched a brow as the boy walked away. Most students, at least, jumped a bit when he appears out of the blue like that. Most would afraid of getting on his bad side. He wasn't sure if he wanted the boy to fear him as it might drive him away from Hogwarts but he also didn't want the boy to think he could get away with anything. Yes, he would be assigned a detention.


Harry opened the note that appeared in front of him. He read it twice before tearing it up.

"What was that about?"

"Severus assigned me detention for this Saturday. I have things I need to do." Harry needed to go to Gringotts. He had some investments he wanted to talk to Ironclaw about. He also wanted to check on his little home in the woods. He didn't want it to fall into disrepair. He had been there last month and needed to go again. He wanted to keep his options open as he didn't believe he would be remaining at Hogwarts for much longer.

"You can't do that. Do you realize how much trouble you will get into?" Draco was horrified that someone would even think of disobeying his godfather. In Draco's mind, Severus was even scarier than his aunt.

"Draco, do I look like I care?"

"Harry, we can't cover for you," Blaise warned. "He will find out."

"Not worried about it. I have some business I need to take care of." Harry glanced up at the head table. He liked Severus but he had to keep his options open. He didn't trust Dumbledore at all.

"Harry, if you don't show up you could be suspended or expelled." Draco was going to speak to his godfather. He didn't want Harry to leave. He actually liked Harry. Harry didn't care about his money or title. Harry liked him for being just himself. He had never met anyone who didn't know the name Malfoy. He had never met anyone who wanted to be his friend because he was just Draco.

"If it happens it happens." Harry snagged a banana. He really didn't care if he was expelled from Hogwarts. "I need to get to the library before the Know-It-All or I will have to endure her attempt at telling me why she is entitled to the books before I am." He had never met anyone who believed a library was their personal bookcase before Granger.


"Draco?" Severus was a bit surprised to find Draco at his door before breakfast but allowed him entrance. It had to be important if Draco was up this early in the morning. Draco was rarely up before ten unless it was for school or his parents made him. Since it was Friday and only six AM, he knew it had to be important for Draco to be up and dressed for the day.

"Uncle Severus, I need some advice." Draco was hoping he wouldn't have to rat out his friend. It had been three days since Harry told him he wasn't going to attend his detention and nothing had changed Harry's mind. He and Blaise had tried to speak to Harry about attending the detention and doing whatever he needed to get done the next day. Tomorrow was Saturday.

"I'm always here for you, Dragon." Severus sat down in his favorite chair as he indicated for Draco to take a seat on his rather beat-up but comfortable deep chocolate couch.

"I have a dilemma. I don't want to tattle on someone but if I don't it could lead to a much bigger problem. No one will be hurt physically, no one is in danger, but it has long-term consequences." Draco really didn't know what to do and didn't want to rat out his friend but he liked Harry.

"What has Potter done?" Severus had a bad feeling about this.

"He hasn't yet. I know he plans on doing something. Something that I know will make you rather upset and it won't be good for him either." Draco had seen his godfather truly angry and he never wanted to see it again.

Severus thought for a few minutes. He looked at his godson as he remembered seeing Harry tear up his note about the detention. "He isn't going to attend his detention." Severus knew it was going to come to this but it had to be done. The boy needed to learn to obey the rules, learn that he wasn't exempt from them. He didn't want Harry to turn into James. "I will handle it." Draco looked doubtful but left. Severus was a bit doubtful about the solution but he hoped it would work.


"Potter, see me after class." Severus hated teaching first-year Gryffindor and Slytherins on Friday. Harry looked up from his book but didn't respond. Severus arched a brow and waited but Harry returned to his book. The class was due to start in a few minutes. "Verbal answer, Potter."

Harry looked at Severus. "What crawled up your butt and died?" Harry wasn't sure why Severus was angry and taking his anger out on him. He always read his book and he never got angry before.

"Potter, detention tonight 7, do not be later. Also, do not forget about tomorrow's at 11."

Harry's eyes narrowed. He wasn't sure what was going on. He hadn't done anything differently. "I don't know what is going on but you can take your detentions and stuff them." Harry picked up his books and started to walk out of the class. He needed to get away before he exploded. He knew if he let his temper reign nothing would be accomplished.

"If you leave this room you can forget about any deal we had."

Harry turned. "Done." He exited the classroom and headed for the dorm. His temper was close to the surface. He needed to leave Hogwarts. He also felt something but he wasn't sure what it was. It was like someone punched him.


Severus closed his eyes. That wasn't how it was meant to go. He knew he was in a bad mood. After Draco left, he had to listen to Dumbledore telling him how they needed to get control over Harry for the Dark Lord was going to return. He spent a half-hour listening to the man rant about Potter and Lily. How much they sacrificed for the greater good. Dumbledore had continued the discussion until they arrived at the Great Hall for breakfast. Severus was about to leave to find Harry when the students started arriving. He couldn't leave the Slytherin/Gryffindor first-years alone and expect to come back to a classroom in one piece and the students without injuries. Especially with Draco and Weasley in the same room. "Open your books to page 54."


Severus watched the clock hit 8. He got up and walked from his office to Harry's dorm. He entered the room to find everyone in the common room doing their assignments or chatting. He didn't see Harry. Draco looked at him and shook his head no. He headed up to the dorm. He knew what he was going to find.


~So what are we going to do now?~ Amber was curled up by the fire in Harry's bedroom.

~Not sure. Ironclaw gave me the house information. We didn't get a chance to speak about what to do. I will speak to him tomorrow about it during our regular meeting.~ Ironclaw gave Harry the location for the Potter Manor. He explained to Harry how to gain entrance via calling a house-elf once he was on the property. The property was unplottable and under a Fidelius Charm. After a lengthy discussion with Amber, she wasn't happy but she went with Harry.

~What about the head snake guy?~ Amber had the kittens curled around her. They left Fawkes and Mrs. Norris at Hogwarts. Amber had given Harry a lecture about Fawkes and Mrs. Norris being left behind.

~He canceled our deals when I told him to stuff his detentions.~ Harry knew it wasn't the right thing to do telling Severus to stuff his detentions but he was willing to stay until the man said their deals would be off. Harry left the classroom because he didn't want to get angry but that backfired. Harry figured he could speak to Severus later.

~That wasn't very smart.~

~Maybe, maybe not. I wasn't going to let him take his mood out on me. I didn't want to get angry at him. If he had asked I might have explained and made different arrangements.~ Harry wasn't used to dealing with adults daily or having them in his life all the time. He wasn't sure if he liked the experience. He was something he was still confused about.

~You let family know?~

~Yes. In the morning. Let's just relax and try to forget this day.~ Harry stared at the fire thinking about the day, Severus, and his new family. Life was much easier before he heard about Hogwarts.


"What do you mean he's gone? He not at Hogwarts at all?" Dumbledore was furious. They had spent the night looking for the boy. "How did this happen?" Before Severus could answer Dumbledore's floo went off.

Severus sank in his chair. He was exhausted. He had tried all the different tracking charms he had placed on the boy and got nothing. Fawkes glared at him and Dumbledore. "Headmaster, I want to speak to Severus Snape."

Severus knew that voice. "Harry?"

"Yes, can we talk without him around?" Harry pointed his thumb in Dumbledore's direction.

"My boy, this is a very serious issue and I need to be involved if you wish to return here. I'm afraid you will be serving detention with me when you return here."

"No and no. Goodbye, I'll contact my American relatives and go to school there. I want nothing to do with you. Severus, I'm sorry for egging you on when you were already in a bad-"

"What do you mean no? You have to attend Hogwarts." Dumbledore couldn't let his weapon go. He needed the prophecy to be fulfilled.

Harry opened his mouth to tell the old fool where he could take Hogwarts but Severus held up his hand. "Thank you, Harry. I appreciate the apology. Perhaps, the Headmaster would allow us to speak privately." Severus glared at Dumbledore. He was hoping the man would understand.

"Yes, yes, fine. I'll leave my office and you may speak here."

"Not happening. Fawkes will take you to me." Fawkes trilled his agreement and landed on Severus' shoulder.

Severus didn't want to give Dumbledore time to disagree. "Ready, Fawkes."

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