*|My Little Pony One-shots an...

By hiatusdude

824 9 10

Other One-Shot because I have no idea what to write on that one More

|Twilight Sparkle x Reader|[1]

|Corrupted!Fluttershy x Fem!Blind!Reader|[1]

478 8 1
By hiatusdude

"I want to start our fieldtrip here, In the world- famous canterlot sculpture garden" Cheerilee says guiding the kids
She looks over to the sculpture that represents "Friendship".
"That one over there represents friendship" Cheerilee says
Applebloom stopped and looked at the sculpture but Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle bump into her, All three glare at each other.
"All right, My Little Pony's" Cheerilee says walking over to a sculpture that represents "Victory".
"This one represents Victory" Cheerilee says smiling as she trotting towards the sculpture
"How cool would it be to have that for a cutie mark?" Scootaloo says
"Cool" Applebloom says sarcastically "If you were actually victoryful at somethin'" Applebloom says finishing her sentence
"That's not a word!" Sweetie Belle says
"What are you, a dictionary?" Scootaloo says
"Girls! Now, This is a really interesting statue" Cheerilee says pointing at a statue "What do you notice about it?" Cheerilee says asking the kids
"It's got a an evil claw!"
"And a lion paw!"
"And a snake tail!"
"This creature is called a Draconaquis" Cheerliee says explaining to the children "He is the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things" She says continuing explaining to the kids "What do you suppose that represents?" She asks
"It's not chaos, you dodo" Sweetie Belle says as she calls Scootaloo a name
"Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of" Scootaloo says as she lifts up her hoove "And it is too chaos" she says
"Is not!" Sweetie Belle says moving her head closer to Scootaloo's
Applebloom jumps on both of there heads
"You're both wrong" Applebloom says
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle jumps and all three of them start fighting, Cheerilee shook her head in disappointment but meanwhile there was a red blinking light coming from the statue.
"Chaos isn't any-"
"It's not right!"
"Actually, In a a way, you're all right" Cheerilee says trotting up to the three "This stature represents discord, which means a lack of harmony between ponies" she says explaining to the class
"In fact, you three have demonstrated discord so well, that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it" Cheerilee says to the three fillies
The three put there heads down in shame while the other kids were laughing
"Now let's go, And I don't want anymore fighting" Cheerlie said trotting away
"It's confusing" Applebloom whispered
"Evil!" Sweetie Belle whispered back
"Chaos" Scootaloo shouted quietly
As they were arguing about that the Discord statue started cracking as a sinister laugh comes from it
~Meanwhile With The Mane 7~
Rainbow Dash was currently fly around equestria until a pink cloud zoomed past her made her spin around, Rainbow Dash held her head to regain her posture
"Come Back here, you!" She said flying after the cloud and tackling it
"Gotcha!" Once she got hold of the cloud she got stuck in the cloud.
"Ew! What is this?" She said as she shook of the clouds off
She had a piece of it stuck on her hoove so she decided to lick it, Once she licked it, it took her awhile to realize what it was
"Cotton Candy?" She said confusedly
Multiple cotton candy clouds zoom past her, she looked around confusingly. Then a drop of brown water comes from the cloud and drips on her head
"Wait a second!" She said looking up "It's not supposed to rain until tomorrow, You can't just-" she got cut off when it started raining on her "You did.." she said.
-Timeskip to Applejack picking corn-
"Hey! I didn't tell you to go anywhere"Rainbow dash said while chasing the cloud, Applejack looks up to see rainbow dash chasing a Pink cloud
"Rainbow dash, what's going on with this rain- I mean Chocolate Milk- I mean Chocolate Milk Rain"
"There's crazy weather all over equestria! Cloudsdale's getting soaked by a major cola storm right now, But dont worry, I'm not leaving you till I get control of ponyville" Rainbow dash said and then flies away leaving applejack with the corn popping
Pinkie Pie was currently bouncing to the barn
"Why would you want to stop this?" Pinkie pie said while jumping into the popcorn and drinking the chocolate milk, Applejack pops her head out the popcorn while Rarity walks up to her.
"I heard about your troubles, Applejack, and I came to see if there's anything I can do without getting wet,or dirty, or out from under my umbrella" Rarity said, Applejack rolls her eyes but then the Apples start getting bigger and the trees starting leaning down.
"Fluttershy! Do something!" Applejack yells
"Now, Angel, you really shouldn't-" Fluttershy stopped in mid sentence when Angel grew longer legs "No! It's not possible!" She said finishing her sentence but then more rabbits with longer legs past her
"I must be seeing things!" She said
Twilight, [Name] and Spike walk over to the barn holding a book
"Don't worry, everyone! Me and [Name] learned a new spell, that'll fix everything!" Twilight said. Twilight bends down to work her spell but when she did her spell nothing went back to normal.
"My Failsafe spell..Failed! What do we do?" Twilight said
"Uh, give up?" [Name] said looking at Twilight
Twilight glares at [Name] even though she can't see anything
"[Name], Twilight will come up with something" Rarity said give Twilight her umbrella
"Hmm Time for plan B, Rainbow, can you corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?"Twilight says looking at Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash salutes grabbing the clouds while Pinkie Pie was drinking the Chocolate Milk "Applejack, I need you to bring those high-strung storm clouds down to Earth" Twilight says while Applejack was grabbing the clouds with her rope.
"Hey, what happened?" Pinkie Pie says getting mad that there's no more Milk and Applejack pulls down the clouds, Twilight whispers to fluttershy and she smiles
"Oh dear, I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds, I'd hate to have to share them" Fluttershy says looking around, Pinkie stops eating the cotton Candy clouds to respond to fluttershy
"You and me both sister" Pinkie went in for another bit but the Animals pushed her out of the way
"And when y'all are done with that, feel free to have some popcorn for dessert" Applejack says walking over to the reset of the main 7
"You see, [Name]? You should never give up. There's nothing we can't overcome if we all work together" Twilight says looking at [Name] but she crosses her arms and does a mad look but then Spike burps out a note, Twilight looks at the note a gasp
"C'mon, girls! Princess Celestia wants to see us all in Canterlot immediately" Twilight say's grabbing [Names] hand so she could guide her to the castle
~Timeskip to the Castle~
Celestia was trotting back and forth but then a door opens
"Princess Celestia! We came as fast as we could" Twilight says trotting in
"Thank you, Twilight. Thank you, all." Princess Celestia say's
"Is this about the weather? And the animals weird behavior? What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working? Is there-" Twilight was saying all of this until Princess Celestia lifts up her hoove to hush her up
"Follow me" Princess Celestia says
"I've called you here for a matter of great importance, It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name...is Discord." Princess says explaining to the girls, Fluttershy's walks up to a picture of discord and squeals
"Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony, Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone" Celestia looks up at the glass mirror with the art of discord on it
"Alright Princess!" Rainbow Dash says
"I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken" Says walking to the canterlot tower
"No longer connected?" Twilight ask
"This is Canterlot Tower, where the Elements are kept inside since all of you recovered them. I need you to wield the Elements of Harmony once again and stop Discord before he thrusts all of Equestria into eternal chaos" Princess Celestia explains
"But why us? Why don't you-" as Twilight was finishing her sentence Pinkie Pie cuts her off
"Hey, look! We're famous!" Pinkie Pie says looking at a glass mirror with them on it
"You seven showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe. Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord!" Princess Celestia says
Everyone looks at each other except for [Name] she was told to sit near Princess Celestia
"Princess Celestia, you can count on-" Twilight was about so say something but Pinkie Pie cuts her off again
"Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys. Chocolate rain!" Pinkie Pie happily say's
Twilight trots over to the Princess fastly
"Don't listen to her, Princess. We'd be honored to use the Elements of Harmony again" Twilight says
Celestia walks near a door and puts her horn through a small hole and lights up her aura which makes the door open, every covers their eyes except for [name] because..y'know.
"Ooh, You can keep the Elements. I'll take that case!" Rarity says
"Have no fear, ponies. I have total confidence that you will be able to defeat Discord with these!" Princess Celestia pulls out the box and opens it but nothing was there, everyone gasp and Celestia drops the box. All of the look at the box with there mouths open and [Name] eyes were wide open
"Oh, well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swizzle straw" Pinkie Pie says walking out the room
"The elements! They're gone!" Twilight says
"That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!" Princess Celestia says trotting around, then there was sinister laughter
"Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" Discord says
"Discord..Show yourself!" Princess says
"Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone" Discord says chuckling
"Enough! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" Celestia says getting fed up with him
"Oh, I just borrowed them for a teensy little while" says while he snaps his fingers
"You'll never get away with this, Discord!" Looking at him with a deadly look
"Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring" Discord says holding out his hand
"Hey! Nopony insults the Princess!" Rainbow dash starts flying to the mirror discord was in but he teleports to another one and she crashes into the mirror
"Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element of Harmony you represent" Discord says as he appeared in the mirror she crashed into too
"That's right! I'll always be loyal to the Princess!" She says getting mad when he disappeared again
"We'll see about that" discord smugly says
"I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window" Rarity says and discord appears in a mirror behind her
"The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, if I'm not mistaken?" He says, Applejack walks up to the area where Rarity and Discord were at
"So you know who we are, big deal" Applejack says
"Oh, I know much more than that, honest Applejack" Discord says
"You seem to know our strengths too" Twilight says
"Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element, magic. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine - laughter" Discord says teleporting on Fluttershy's head
"And then there's blind,clueless and sweet [Name] who's element represents Fairness" He says pointing to [Name]
"Hey! I'm not always clueless!" [Name] says staring at the class mirror
Pinkie Pie starts laughing because discord started dancing on Twilights head
"Pinkie!" Twilight says glaring at Pinkie
"He's dancing on your head" Pinkie says between laughing
"Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" Princess Celestia says
"Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began" Discord says giving them a riddle
"Can we go home now?" Fluttershy says
"What do you reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin' back where we started?" Applejack ask
"Twists and turns... twists and turns... twists and turns! That's it! I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!" Twilight says looking at the labyrinth outside the castle
"Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves" Celestia says
"Thanks, Princess. We won't let you down" Twilight says while running out the castle
"[Name]! Before you go I want you to stand still for a moment" Celestia says
"Why?" [Name] tilts her head In confusion
"This spell will help you a little bit with this quest but it won't help a lot" Princess Celestia says placing her horn on [Names] horn, Celestia preformed her spell and then a bright light happened
"Woah.." [Name] says looking around
"This spell will help you see but everything will be blurry but I promise you it WILL help you" Celestia says places her wing on [Names] side
"Now, go! And find your elements!" Celestia says
~Timeskip to the Labyrinth~
Once everyone got to the labyrinth they all gasped at the sight of it
"Do we have to go in there" Fluttershy says shaking violently
"Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies! I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time!" Rainbow Dash started fly towards the labyrinth but her wings disappear causing her to fall
"My wings!" Rainbow Dash said looking at her sides
Fluttershy's wings disappeared causing her to scream, Rarity, [Name] and Twilight look at each other when their horns disappeared
"Your horn!" All three of them say
"My horn!" Three of them say again
Then the three girls started screaming.
All of a sudden a green light magically appears and Discord appears from that light and starts maniacally laughing
"You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!"
Discord says laughing
"Give us our wings and horns back!" [Name] says
"You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating. You see, this is the first rule of our game. no flying, and no magic" Discord explains to the seven girls
"The first rule?" Rainbow Dash ask
"The second rule is everypony has to play or the game is over, and I win. Good luck, everypony!" Discord says as he disappears again
Everyone one looked at each other except for Fluttershy and [Name], [Name] was currently trying calm Fluttershy down a little
"Never fear, girls. We have each other!" Twilight says
"Yeah! Like Twilight said, there's nothing we can't overcome if we all stick together!" Rainbow Dash says adding on to Twilights sentence
"Together!" Everyone said walking in the labyrinth
But as soon they placed a hoove in the labyrinth walls started coming from up the ground and has separated all of them expect for [Name] and Fluttershy
"Stay calm, girls!" Twilight says "Everypony, head to the middle as fast as you can and we'll regroup there!" Twilight says
"Moving out!"
"See you in the center"
"See you guys there!"
Fluttershy was hyperventilating while [Name] was walking in circles trying to figure out what to do
"What's that? Who's there?" Fluttershy asks looking around
"Girls!" Fluttershy screams
[Name] trots over to fluttershy
"Fluttershy, calm down, this will be all over soon" [Name] say's as she puts her hoove on Fluttershy's back.
-Timeskip to Applejack running around-
Applejack was currently looking for her element in the labyrinth until she came across three apples she looks at the apples as they roll away
"What in tarnation?" She says to herself chasing after the three apples the apples led her to a place that looked like an apple orchard.
"Where am I?" She asks herself
A apple falls off the tree and on to her head, she looks up to see where it came from but then other apples start falling out the tree and rolls towards her, then the apples start circling her.
"Who are y'all?" Applejack ask
The dark apples turn into a small hill with eyes
"The keepers of the grove of truth" The dark red apples says
"You may ask us" the dark red apples say
"One question" The light red apples say turning into the same looking figure as the dark red ones
"Past, Future or Present" the green ones ask
"But be warned.."
"That the truth.."
"May not always be pleasant"
All the apples say while circling Applejack
"Alright then. I don't trust this place worth a hill of beans, but I've got a really bad feelin' about this feller Discord. What's gonna come of this mission we're on?" Applejack ask the three apples
The apples bring her to a lake near the apple trees
"For the answer you seek.." The dark red apples say
"Go ahead, take a peak" The light red apples say
Applejack looks right into the pond and sees a vision of her friends
"I hope I never see you again" Rainbow Dash yells
"Me too!" Fluttershy says agreeing
"Fine!" Pinkie Pie and Rarity says
"I don't want to see your faces or hear you guys ever again!" [Name] says
"It's settle then" Twilight says
Then the 7 all trot away from each other
"No! Our friendship? Over?" Applejack says
Discord laughs at seeing Applejack in shock
"It can't be true, it just can't" Applejack says taking off her hat, she puts her hat back on and looks at the lake again
"When all the truth does.." the light red apples say
"is make your heart ache" the green apples say
"sometimes a lie is easier to take.." Discord and the green apples say at the same time and hypnotizes Applejack. Applejack shade of Orange went into a dull color of orange, Meanwhile Twilight was running looking for the middle until the walls opened to Applejacks area
"Applejack! Thank goodness! I thought I heard voices over here, Who were you talking to?" Twilight asks Applejack
"I was talkin' to... uh... nopony! Nopony whatsoever!" Applejack says looking around scrunching her mouth
"What?" Twilight says
"Nothin" Applejack says trotting "C'mon, uh, we best get going" Applejack says
"Did Applejack just...? Come on, Twilight! Applejack wouldn't lie" Twilight says to herself
~Timeskip to Pinkie Pie~
Pinkie Pie was whistling bouncing looking for her elements until she saw balloons and heard laughing
"Whee! This is the greatest balloon garden I've ever seen! It's the first balloon garden I've ever seen, but still! Wah!" Pinkie Pie says giggling but then a balloon trips her making her fall into mud and then the balloons start laughing at her.
"Hey, what gives?" Pinkie Pie asks
"What's the matter, Pinkie Pie? I thought you appreciated a good laugh?" Asks Pinkie
"It's different. They're laughing at me" Pinkie says
"It's hardly different, Your friends laugh at you all the time" Discord says as he puts his face on a balloon
"My friends laugh with me, not at me" Pinkie says
"Oh really?" Discord says spinning around Pinkie
"No! Stop it!" Pinkie says
Then 6 balloons appear with her friends faces and then starts laughing at her
"Stop laughing at me!" Pinkie Pie says covering her eyes
"Oh, poor Pinkie Pie" Discord says spinning around her again
Pinkie uncovers her eyes to see that discord was now in front of her
"And here I thought laughter made you happy" Discord says hypnotizing her
"Happy? I don't think so" Pinkie Pie says as her Pink shade turns a dull color making the balloon pops
"Pinkie Pie! Are we glad to see you!" Twilight say trotting up to her
"Oh you are, huh? Why? Need a good laugh?" Pinkie says trotting away
"Pinkie? What do you suppose has her so upset? It's not like her" Twilight asks Applejack
"I didn't notice anythin' strange about Pinkie" Applejack lies
"Weird. Better pick up the pace before the stress of this gets the better of all of us" Twilight says walking out the big garden
-Timeskip to Rarity-
"I was expecting an audience with the Princess, not outdoor sport. Agh. Oh my.." Rarity says while looking for he element but ended up bumping into a wall with diamonds in it
"Welcome to your lucky day, Rarity. You've found the one thing in Equestria that could rival my face for sheer beauty. What do you think? You like?" Discord says trying to hypnotize Rarity
"Yes... I like very much..." Rarity says but she shook her head trying to not give in
"No! No, I shan't succumb to such fabulousness. Must..get to the center..to meet..the others" Rarity says trying to walk away from the wall but failed
"Mine!" Rarity says as her shade of light grey turn dull
"Well, Rarity. It took forever, but it was worth it. Who knew three little gemstones would turn out to be this handsome hunk of a diamond? Now to get you home" Rarity says picking up the huge "Diamond"
"Rarity! Are we glad to see- Why are you carrying a humongous boulder?" Twilight says asking Rarity
"What do you mean, "boulder"? This big beautiful bedazzling rock is a diamond! And it's all mine. Keep your envious little eyes off it! I found it and it's mine fair and square!" Rarity says carrying the "Diamond" on her back
~Timeskip to Fluttershy and [Name]~
"Okay, I can do this. I can-" Fluttershy saw something fly past and she scream which scared [Name]
"Wha- Where?!- Whats happening?" [Name] said looking around
"Oh, wait a minute- Butterflies? Wait! Don't leave us here!" Fluttershy started chasing and [Name] started chasing after Fluttershy.
Then there was [Your element], [Name] started chasing after it and that made [Name] and fluttershy split up
"Hey! Come back here!" [Name] said
-Meanwhile with Fluttershy-
Fluttershy caught the butterflies but they disappeared, she looked around but nothing was there until the butterflies appeared again
"Fluttershy, looks like you've been left behind by your so-called friends, huh?" The "Butterflies" say
"Oh, no. I'm certain they're doing their best to find me" Fluttershy happily says
"Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are" The "butterflies" say circling her
"Not at all, I am weak and helpless but [Name] doesn't think I'm weak but I appreciate their understanding though" Fluttershy says
"Yes, Well, surely it burns you up, I mean, that they're always pointing out your flaws, right?" Discord says starting to get fed up with how Fluttershy is acting
"Not really. In fact, I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be" Fluttershy says smiling
The butterflies turn into discord from how fed up he got with her
"Oh, for goodness sake! You've been kind for far too long, my dear. Time to be cruel. Arrivederci!" Discord boops Fluttershy's head which makes her start turning a dull shade and then disappears,
The wall to Fluttershy's labyrinth went into the ground.
"Fluttershy! I'm so glad to see a friendly face. This awful labyrinth is getting to everypony" Twilight said trotting up to Fluttershy
Pinkie Pie blows a raspberry, Applejack grows and Rarity is just struggling with huge rock on her back
"Aw, boohoohoo! Why don't you wave your magic little horn and make everything all right?" Fluttershy says snapping at Twilight
"Uh.." Twilight says being confused
"Oh, that's right, you can't. You don't have one" Fluttershy says hitting Twilight with her tail
"What is happening to my friends?" Twilight says to herself as she watches Fluttershy push Pinkie Pie into the wall on purpose which cause Applejack to laugh
"And what are you laughing at?" Pinkie Pie says harshly
"Chocolate milk" Applejack lies looking away
"Little help here!" Rarity says trying to carry the rock
"You're welcome-" Twilight got cut off by Rarity
"But don't get any ideas about my gem! I know where you live" Rarity says threatening Twilight
~Timeskip to [Name] trying to find her element~
[Name] squinted her eyes trying to see where the element was going, Her element was leading her to a [Your favorite color room] with a bed and fluffy bean bags
"Woah, what is this place" [Name] says to herself
"This place is your home" A Teddy bear holding a [Your cutie mark]
"How is it my home? I live with Twilight!" [Name] says giggling
"Well I was misspoken, This is your room" The teddy says
"Ohh so this is what I looks like?" [Name] says
"Yes, This is what it looks like! Twilight wanted to help you get you sight back but she also wants to give you another gift" The teddy says
[Name] tilts her head in confusion
"Just look in this mirror for the prizes you want but you can only earn one" The teddy says smiling sinisterly
[Name] looked on the left side of the mirror and looked at the vision where she got her eye sight
"[Name] you can see now, It's time for you to get a new house" Twilight says
"B-But, you said I could stay! I was like a younger sister to you!" [Name] said
"I lied besides I didn't like having you in my house when you were blind" Twilight said shutting the door in [Names] face
"No! She wouldn't do this, she promised me!" [Name] said
"Being fair is hard but at least another choice exists" the Teddy points to the right side of mirror
[Name] walks up to that side hoping it was a good choice
"Wow, [Name] your an alicorn now" Applejack says
"Well if you an Alicorn you don't need us anymore, you can learn spells on how to see" Twilight says
"Wait- wha-" [Name] got cut of by Rarity
"Sorry, darling it's only fair, now let's go girls" Rarity says trotting away along with the mane 7
The vision ended and [Name] sat down hold her head
"No, No, No! This isn't fair! It isn't fair at all!" [Name] says as she started crying
"Nothing is fair in life, but you have two choices! Lose one friend or all your friends" the teddy bear says
"I can't choose! The choices aren't fair!" [Name] says looking down
"Look my dear, Look into my eyes and everything you want will be yours" The teddy bear says while hypnotizing [Name]
"..I don't feel like being fair anymore.." [Name] says to herself
"[Name]! I'm so glad I found you!" Twilight says trotting up to [Name]
[Name] looked at her with a mean stare
"What are you looking at?" Pinkie yells
"Shut up you molerat!" [Name] yells back
"Girls! Girls! Calm down" Twilight says
Twilight trots right next to [Name] but [Name] used her magic to move her away
"[Name], what was that for?" Twilight asked
[Name] ignored it and continued trotting away
"What is happening with my friends.." Twilight says
~Time Skip to Rainbow Dash~
Rainbow Dash was looking around the labyrinth looking for her element she looked around for a little until her element passed her
"I got you now, element" Rainbow Dash says as she chases after her element which leads her to discord laying on a cloud
"Oh. I can see why you like these clouds so much. Very plush" Discord says while patting the cloud
"Get off there and put 'em up! Come on! Let's go!" Rainbow dash says as she puts her hooves up
"Hey, I'm here to deliver a message" Discord says putting his hand up
"I've got a message for you too!" Rainbow Dash says
"Listen closely, this is important. A weighty choice is yours to make: the right selection or a big mistake. If a wrong choice you choose to pursue, the foundations of home will crumble without you" Discord says giving her two choices
"Cloudsdale? Crumble... without me? No!" Rainbow Dash says as her eyes change colors
"That box contains your wings. You can take them and leave the game, or you can carry on aimlessly wandering this maze. Your choice" Discord says making a box appear
~Meanwhile with the others~
"Must..find..Rainbow Dash, As a team..we're unstoppable, Rainbow Dash won't let us down" Twilight say between breaths
"Well, looky there, Rainbow Dash is flying away. She's abandonin' us" Applejack says while pointing to the sky
"Now I know that's a lie" Twilight says as she drops the Boulder and looks up "How can it be?" She says
It started thundering and the walls to the labyrinth started falling down.
"Well, well, well. Somepony broke the "no wings; no magic" rule" Discord says as he snaps his fingers
Everyone's horns and wings(except for Pinkie Pie and Applejack)magically appeared again
"Game's over, my little ponies. You didn't find your precious elements" Discord says looking at Twilight and making a umbrella appear
"Looks like we might be due for a big old storm of chaos" He says laughing maniacally
To Be Continued
Total Words: 5000
Might be some spelling mistakes since I was typing this pretty fast but who cares

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