Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel...

By Alexaslowell

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In Twilight Town, two sisters, Harmonyx and Xamira, continue to live their peaceful lives with their best fri... More

Chapter 1: Odd Jobs for the Beach
Chapter 2: Mysterious Meeting
Chapter 3: Struggle Tournament
Chapter 4: The Seven Wonders
Chapter 5: Return
Chapter 6: Awakening in Twilight Town
Chapter 7: Mysterious Tower
Chapter 8: New Friends, New Clothes, New Journey
Chapter 9: Dealing with Problems
Chapter 10: The Land of Dragons
Chapter 11: Proving One's Self
Chapter 12: Beast's Castle
Chapter 13: To Beast or Not to Beast
Chapter 14: Revisiting/Meeting Meg
Chapter 15: Dealing with Hades
Chapter 16: Saving Meg Part 1
Chapter 17: Saving Meg Part 2/Hydra Attack/Disney Castle
Chapter 18: To the Cornerstone
Chapter 19: Timeless River
Chapter 20: Auldrant
Chapter 21: Confrontations Part 1
Chapter 22: Confrontations Part 2
Chapter 23: An Old Friend Helps Keep the Peace
Chapter 24: Port Royal
Chapter 25: Settling Old Scores
Chapter 26: Visiting Agrabah
Chapter 27: Securing the Lamp
Chapter 28: Waiting Isn't Good Enough/Halloween Town
Chapter 29: Christmas Town Visit
Chapter 30: Saving Christmas
Chapter 31: The Pride Lands
Chapter 32: Retaking the Throne
Chapter 33: Returning to Twilight Town
Chapter 34: Kairi and Chuzuru Captured
Chapter 35: Finally
Chapter 36: Space Paranoids
Chapter 37: Password Uncovered
Chapter 38: The Real Ansem?
Chapter 39: New and Unlikely Friends
Chapter 40: Friends Help Each Other
Chapter 41: One Thing After the Other Part 1
Chapter 42: One Thing After the Other Part 2
Chapter 43: Inspiring Story/Swim This Way
Chapter 44: Part of That World/Under the Sea
Chapter 45: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Chapter 46: Kiss the Girl/Ursula's Revenge
Chapter 47: A New Day is Beginning/Spy in Black
Chapter 48: A Palace of Troubles
Chapter 50: Heroes Don't Quit
Chapter 51: True Heroes At Last/Upcoming Ball
Chapter 52: Getting Ready for the Ball
Chapter 53: Saving the Kingdom
Chapter 54: The Curse Resurfaces
Chapter 55: Jafar's Return
Chapter 56: Recovering Pooh's Memories
Chapter 57: Always Here/Missing Gifts
Chapter 58: Scar's Ghost
Chapter 59: A Father's Son/Digital Discord
Chapter 60: Radiant Garden Renewed/Sephiroth
Chapter 61: Two Twilight Towns
Chapter 62: Flames of Friendship
Chapter 63: The World That Never Was
Chapter 64: Riku and Ansem the Wise
Chapter 65: Reunited At Last
Chapter 66: Nobodies Revealed
Chapter 67: Essence of the Heart
Chapter 68: Facing Xemnas Part 1
Chapter 69: Facing Xemnas Part 2/A Way Back Home

Chapter 49: Party Gone Ruined

142 6 3
By Alexaslowell

(Harmony's) POV:

After leaving the Land of Dragons world, the others and I return to the gummi ship.

"Doesn't look like the Organization's base was in Mulan's world," says Luke.

"Well, naturally, they wouldn't make this easy for us," Hijikata points out.

"So, where do we go to now, mieu?" Mieu asks.

We all think for a moment, trying to figure out our next destination.

"How about Beast's castle? Didn't someone from the Organization try to manipulate Beast once?" I ask.

"Come to think of're right!" Nagakura exclaims.

"The Organization tried to manipulate Beast?" Sora asks.

"Yeah. Some guy...I think his name was Xaldin, tried to trick Beast into not trusting anyone, so that he would end up becoming a Heartless. But it was actually his Nobody they were really after," Heisuke explains.

"We were able to help Beast come to his senses, but...Well, let's just say that it's a long story," says Asch.

"So if one of the Organization's members tried to do something like that, you're thinking that their headquarters might be somewhere in Beast and Belle's world?" Madison asks.

"I know that it's not my best guess. But we need to be sure and check every single world that's out there, including the ones we've already been to," I say.

Madison sighs. "Okay. In that case, hang on everybody."

Madison presses a few buttons and gets the gummi ship moving, heading towards Beast and Belle's world.

(3rd) POV:

Meanwhile, in Beast's castle, Belle hums a soft tune to herself, looking forward to something. She wears a lovely yellow ballgown and takes a good look at herself in the mirror, wanting to be ready for tonight's event.

"I hope tonight goes well," the wardrobe says.

"So do I. But I wonder why he's so nervous," Belle says.

"The master does have his shy side, you know," the wardrobe points out.

(Harmony's) POV:

When we arrive, we enter the Beast's castle. And speaking of which, there, standing next to the staircase is Beast himself. Instead of the purple cloak he always wears, he's now dressed in a nice suit. I'm not sure what the occasion is, but he seems to be worried about something as he paces back in forth.

"Hey there!" Sora calls out, gaining Beast's attention.

Donald takes a look around for a moment. "No Heartless and no Nobodies!"

"I think they're close, though..." Goofy says.

"Keep your guard up, everyone," Asch warns.

In the middle of our conversation, Beast makes a growling sound, not seeming pleased about something.

"What are you mad about this time?" Okita asks.

"Why are you here?" Beast asks, looking annoyed.

"We're trying to find the Organization's headquarters, in hopes of stopping them once and for all. But in order to do that, we need to find the entrance, which could be connected to any world out there, including this one," I answer.

"Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary since your last encounter with Xaldin?" Madison asks.

Beast ignores Madison's question as he turns away, his back now facing us. Before any of us can ask what his problem is, we see Belle walking down the stairs. Not only that, but she's wearing a beautiful yellow ballgown.

"Tonight is very important," Beast says, sparring my friends and I a glance.

Belle smiles in our direction then continues walking down the steps. Beast joins her, both of them now standing in front of the ballroom doors. They smile at each other. Beast bows to her, while Belle does a curtsy. He then holds his arm out for Belle, who gladly takes it, before they enter the ballroom.

"Seems we've come at a bad time," says Saito.

"Guess they're having one of those...Uh, what was it called again?" Heisuke asks.

"A date?" Luke guesses.

Heisuke nods his head. "Yeah, that's it!"

"Harmony, you said that one of the Organization's members, Xaldin, tried to turn Beast into a Heartless so that they could get his Nobody, right?" Madison asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Then we'd better stay and make sure nothing bad happens to them. If the Organization was trying to refill their ranks, something tells me they won't give up that easily. I would know, because they were very persistent in trying to find Namine, Harmonyx, Xamira and Roxas," Madison points out.

"So, if the Organization's really as persistent as you say, could that mean that the link to their world is somewhere in this one?" Nagakura asks.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Donald says, then takes off, running up the stairs.

"Donald!" I call out, not wanting him to ruin Belle and Beast's special moment.

With no other choice, the others and I go after him, entering the ballroom ourselves.

(3rd) POV:

As Belle and Beast walk to the center of the ballroom, they are soon joined by Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip.

"Now then, Monsieur, Mademoiselle. Please, enjoy the evening," Lumiere declares, taking a bow.

They all then hear the sound of someone entering the ballroom, making them turn their attention to see Harmony and the others.

(Harmony's) POV:

"And of course, our honored guests are welcome, too," Lumiere says.

"A welcome indeed," a familiar voice says.

Although it has been a while, I instantly recognize that voice. It's Xaldin, the same person who tried to manipulate Beast. Beast pulls Belle towards him, wanting to keep her safe, while my friends and I try to locate Xaldin. After a moment, I feel Stitch tap me on my shoulder.

Once he has my attention he points his finger at something. I look at where he's pointing at. And there he is, Xaldin, standing on the ballroom's indoor balcony.

"Up there!" I exclaim, pointing to Xaldin's location.

The others look up and notice Xaldin.

"It's him!" Mieu exclaims.

"The Organization!" Sora declares.

"You don't know when to quit," says Xaldin.

"Like you and your goon squad are any better!" Madison yells, earning an agreeing bark from Kuro.

"Oh yeah! We'll show you!" Donald declares.

Beast glares up at Xaldin and starts to go after him. "Get out!"

"Not tonight!" Belle exclaims.

Xaldin snaps his fingers, causing a bunch of Nobodies to appear. While Beast plows his way through the Nobodies, the others and I bring out our weapons, ready to help.

"I've come to take something you hold very dear," says Xaldin. At Xaldin's words, Beast lets out a loud and angered roar. "Yes. Let your anger grow..."

"Why don't YOU put a lid on it!" Madison yells, then whistles through her fingers.

Madison's Chimera Heartless appears from her shadow and goes after Xaldin. Unfortunately, Xaldin disappears into a corridor of darkness, leaving us to deal with all the Nobodies he summoned.

Madison becomes frustrated. "Dammit! He got away!"

"Forget him! We've got to take care of these guys first!" Nagakura exclaims.

The Nobodies come at us, one by one. We weren't able to go after Xaldin, but at least we managed to get rid of the Nobodies that were in the ballroom.

"Where's Belle?" I ask, worried.

"Over here!" we hear Belle call out.

We see Belle come in the ballroom from outside, along with Lumiere and the others. She was hiding with them, so that the Nobodies wouldn't get them. My friends and I become relieved.

"She's okay!" Mieu exclaims.

"So, does that mean Xaldin didn't take anything, after all?" Nagakura asks.

Before any of us can say anything, Beast suddenly takes off, leaving the ballroom.

"What's wrong with Beast?" Luke asks.

We then see Belle run past us.

"Belle?" I call out.

"What's with them?" Sora asks.

Harada thinks for a moment. "Maybe Belle isn't the only one that's precious to Beast."

"But if not Belle, then what could it be that Xaldin was after?" I ask.

"C'mon!" Donald exclaims.

Not sure what else to do, we rush out of the ballroom to catch up with Belle and Beast. We end up heading towards the West Wing, Beast's chambers. When we get there, we see Beast walking back and forth, looking angry. He then lets out an angered roar and slams his hands on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Belle asks. All Beast does in response is growl, really furious about something. Belle walks up to him. "Please, calm down."

"Calm down!?" Beast questions, getting angrier by the minute. "You just had to have a party, didn't you? Don't you see what's happened?"

I glare at Beast. I'm not sure what he's so upset about, but his attitude towards Belle is totally uncalled for. I'm not the only one. Even the others don't like how Beast is acting.

"Stop it! What the heck is wrong with you?" I question.

Beast turns his attention on me, glaring at me. "The rose...My rose..."

We look and see that it's nowhere to be found. Last time we were here, the rose sat on a pedestal in Beast's room. But now it's gone.

"Xaldin took it?" Asch asks, confused.

"But surely, you can find another rose..." Belle reassures, trying to have Beast cheer up.

"Silence! You don't know anything!" Beast yells.

Having just about enough, I get in front of Belle, and hold my hands out to protect her.

"I said knock it off, Beast! You're being totally unfair right now! Just because Xaldin took your rose does not give you the right to take it out on Belle! She's not the one who stole it!"I yell, earning barks of agreement from Chibi and Kuro.

"And if she doesn't know anything, it's because you won't tell her anything. You can't just assume people to know anything when you won't talk to them about it," Madison points out.

Beast realizes his mistakes and looks down, ashamed.

"I'm sorry," Belle apologizes.

"You're not the one who needs to apologize," Saito points out.

"But..." Belle tries to say.

Beast then looks away, too ashamed for lashing out at Belle. "Belle...Harmony...Everyone...I want you to leave the castle," we all become shocked to hear this. Belle especially looks hurt by his words. "Look at me. Look. This is what I am," he then turns his attention on Belle. "When you first got here, I tried to change. But I was only fooling myself. I can't be any different. I'll always be a beast. So, I should live like a beast. With no one, alone. Goodbye, Belle."

"You can't mean that..." Belle says, looking heartbroken.

Beast looks like he's about to say something, but stops himself. He then turns around, his back now facing us.

"Aw, I think his mind's all made up," Goofy says, whispering in my ear.

I nod my head. "Yeah," Belle then starts to leave the room, looking sad. I try to call out to her. "Belle, just leave this to us. I'm sure that if we get Beast his rose back, he might calm down."

Belle doesn't say anything as she nods her head. She looks at Beast one last time, then leaves the room. What Beast said really got to her. Not sure what else to do, the others and I leave the room as well.

"Poor child..." says Mrs. Potts.

"How could it have come to this?" Cogsworth asks as Belle walks past them.

"And they were so looking forward to this evening..." Lumiere points out.

"Now, now--no need to be sad. Once the rose is back safely, this will all be over," says Mrs. Potts.

"What's so special about that one rose?" Asch asks.

"If the master can love and be loved in return, the spell will be broken. We'll all be human again," Cogsworth explains.

"Spell? Human again?" Sora asks, confused.

"Tell you later," I answer.

"Yeah, you told us about that," Okita says.

"But there is a time limit. He must find his true love before the last petal falls from that rose," Lumiere says.

"Ah, but that is not all...Over time, caring for that rose has become a cherished part of the master's daily life," Cogsworth explains.

"It's as though all his hopes and dreams are tied to that single bloom..." says Mrs. Potts.

"So that's why he acted the way he did," says Asch.

"In other words, he practically entrusted his life to that rose, right?" Okita asks.

"Then we've got to get it back," Heisuke says.

"Please do!" Mrs. Potts pleads.

"Not without Beast. If it's that important to him, then he's got to be the one to get it back. We'll only try to help him," I say.

"One problem. If we're going to do this, then we'd better convince him to get his butt in gear, first," Madison points out.

"Madison has a point. We need to get him out of his slump before we can do anything else," says Hijikata.

Since there's not much else to do, we head back into Beast's room.

"Beast, we need to talk," I say.

Despite my words, Beast still refuses to look at us. "Leave me alone."

"No. We've got something to say, something that you need to hear. Remember when we first met? In Hollow Bastion?" I ask.

"You used to be fearless. You would have given your life to save Belle," Sora says.

"Don't you know what that meant to us? You gave us all courage," Luke says.

"Well, in Sora's case, he needed a good shove to steer him in the right direction," Madison points out, earning an annoyed glare from Sora.

"Your servants told us, about why the rose means so much to you," says Hijikata.

"It's your time limit, to how long you have to break your curse, before you end up becoming a beast forever," says Asch.

"We're willing to help get it back because it means so much to you. But we can't do it without you. Are you really just going to throw your happiness away? Just like that? The rose...It's your last hope, isn't it? But what you don't get is that it's also Cogsworth and the others' last hope, too, to be human again. You can't give up, not on yourself, and not on them. They're all counting on you to fix this mess you're all in," I say. "I don't know what your life was like before you met Belle, but I'm sure you must've been pretty miserable until she came here. And during your time together, you were actually happy, as if a new kind of hope gave form inside of you. That's why you went to Hollow Bastion, risking your life to save her, right?"

Beast looks up. He still has his back facing us, but I know that he's taking what I'm saying to heart.

"Take it from someone who knows. If you quit now, and let someone you care about go, there's a chance that they'll disappear on you and never come back. If you don't want to be alone, then take action and get that rose back, instead of just moping away in this room," Asch says.

After a moment or two, Beast speaks up. "I know one thing."

"What's that?" Mieu asks.

Beast finally turns around to look at us, with a fire burning in his eyes. "This castle belongs to me. Xaldin will never be welcomed here."

We all nod our heads, glad to see that Beast is finally on board. Once we leave Beast's chambers, we try to keep a lookout for Xaldin. There's no way he would give up that easily on obtaining Beast's Nobody, which means that he must still be in the castle somewhere. Our search soon takes us to the entrance hall.

"So, came after all," we hear Xaldin say. We look around, trying to locate him. It doesn't take long when we notice Chibi, Kuro and Stitch are all growling in the same direction. We look up and see Xaldin standing next to a glass window, and is holding the enchanted rose. "You had me worried. I was afraid you'd given up for good."

His words cause Beast to let out a dangerous growl.

"What do you guys really want?" Sora questions.

"...Kingdom Hearts," Xaldin answers.

Mine and my friends' eyes widen with shock. Ansem, Xehanort's Heartless, tried to absorb the power of darkness by unlocking Kingdom Hearts, until some of my friends and I defeated him. We even made sure to seal the door so that Kingdom Hearts would never be opened ever again. But if that's the case, then why is the Organization trying to go after it?

Xaldin removes his hood, finally revealing his face. "When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely."

"What?" Donald asks, as him and Goofy share a confused look.

"So you see, Beast--that's why we need your Heartless AND your Nobody!" Xaldin declares.

He summons a bunch of Nobodies, but with Beast's help, we manage to take them out with no problem. Once the fight is over, we notice that Xaldin is nowhere to be found. Stitch notices something and tugs on my clothes a little to get my attention. He points to the castle entrance, where Xaldin is standing in front of.

Xaldin gives us a smug look and leaves the castle, closing the door behind him. Refusing to let him get away, we go after him.

(3rd) POV:

Not long after Harmony and the others come outside, they try to keep a lookout for Xaldin. Goofy looks up and notices Belle. She lets out a sigh, still sad that Beast asked her to leave. From her balcony, she notices Harmony and the others.

Worried about being noticed, she decides to go back inside. She's just too sad to face Beast right now. Before she can go back to her room, however, she notices something near her feet.

"Is that..." Belle says, realizing that it's Beast's rose.

She picks it up and smiles, then goes back to the edge of her balcony.

(Harmony's) POV:

"Look! It's the rose!" we hear Belle say.

We look and see Belle, holding Beast's rose, on her balcony. What she fails to notice is Xaldin standing right behind her. He places his hand over her mouth and grabs her.

"Belle!" Beast exclaims with worry.

While holding Belle, Xaldin takes a huge leap across the castle gates.

"Hurry!" I exclaim.

Beast uses his strength to slam the gate doors open, revealing a bridge. We cross the bridge, while Xaldin keeps a good hold on Belle and the rose on the other side.

"You! Get out of my castle, now!" Beast demands.

"With pleasure, but I'd rather travel light...What shall I leave behind? Belle? Or the rose?" Xaldin tauntingly asks.

We all glare at Xaldin. If there's one thing the Organization is good at, it's that they really know how to push people's buttons.

Beast growls at Xaldin. "Belle!"

Just as we're about to go after Xaldin, we see Belle elbow him right in the stomach, causing him to let go of her. Belle uses this as an opportunity to break free, as well as take back the rose. Some of the guys were really surprised by this, especially Beast.

"Way to go, Belle!" I exclaim with a smile.

"Nice!" Madison exclaims, as Belle runs past us.

Stitch claps his hands, while Chibi and Kuro let out happy barks, giving Belle a cheer.

"Now that she's free, there's nothing to stop us from pummeling this guy!" Asch exclaims.

Beast charges at Xaldin and tries to slash him with his claws. Xaldin, however, avoids the attack. He doesn't seem pleased with the fact that his plans fell to ruin. With a wave of his arms, six tornadoes surround him.

The tornadoes disappear, revealing six spears. He takes two of each in his hands. Not only that, but we see some wind currents surrounding Xaldin's body.

"There's no fun in this," Xaldin simply says.

"Xaldin's nothing to scoff at! His specialty is wind attacks, so watch out, everyone!" Madison warns.

Madison wasn't kidding, either. Even in my Master form, fighting Xaldin proves to be difficult. With how fast Xaldin was going, using the wind, it's a miracle none of us ended up skewered. We ended up with some cuts and bruises, but at some point, we somehow managed to defeat him.

Xaldin collapses to his knees as his spears disappear into six pillars of light. Just like what happened with Demyx, Xaldin's body fades away into nothing, proving that we defeated him for good. Now that Xaldin is gone, we reunite with Belle. Cogsworth and the others soon join us as we watch, waiting to see how things unfold between Belle and Beast.

"Here. It's yours again," Belle says, handing the rose back to Beast.

"Belle..." Beast begins to say.

Belle interrupts him. "I know. You want me to leave the castle."

We all start to feel bad, wondering if Belle is actually going to leave or not. It's obvious that she and Beast deeply care for one another. Having to see them part like this--it's really heartbreaking to see.

"What matters is...You weren't hurt by Xaldin...You're safe," says Beast. We all smile, proud of Beast for saying that. "And...I'm very grateful to you...for bringing the rose back to me. Thank you."

Belle smiles. "It's the least I could do. You've been good to me. And you didn't have to be."

"Listen, Belle..." Beast tries to say.

"Yes?" Belle asks.

Beast tries to think of what to say, but no words come out. He then turns to us for help.

"Say it!" Sora and Luke exclaim.

"Go on!" Lumiere urges.

"C'mon!" Donald and Heisuke exclaim.

"You can do it!" Mrs. Potts encourages.

"We have confidence," says Cogsworth.

"Tell her how you feel," Harada says.

"Don't be bashful, now," Goofy teases.

"Unless you're too chicken," Okita says with a smirk.

"Just tell her," Madison urges.

With our words of encouragement, Beast turns his attention on Belle. "Belle, I'd like you to stay...With me...Please?"

Belle smiles brightly at Beast. She holds her hand out, to which Beast gently takes.

"I will," says Belle.

Beast smiles brightly at her, looking like the happiest person ever.

"Maestro--music!" Lumiere calls out.

Some servants from the castle come out and start to play a soft melody.

Mrs. Potts: Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small, to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

My friends and I watch as Belle and Beast dance together. Although their party didn't work out at first, at least they got to dance together, in the end. From the looks of things, they seem to be enjoying themselves.

"Hey, did you see the look on Belle's face when she grabbed that rose?" Sora asks.

"Uh?" Donald asks, confused.

"Sure did," says Nagakura.

"Hard to miss," says Saito.

"For someone who got taken hostage, she looked like she was enjoying herself," Okita says.

"Kind of reminds me of someone else I know," Hijikata says, obviously referring to me.

Goofy nods his head in agreement. "Yep, she sure was havin' fun, all right."

"She is rather unique, isn't she?" Lumiere asks.

"Always ready for a little adventure," Mrs. Potts says.

"They look great together, don't you think?" I ask, laying my head on Asch's shoulder.

"Yeah," my boyfriend says, wrapping an arm around my own shoulders.

"The two of them do seem made for each other," Cogsworth says.

Luke nods his head in agreement. "They sure do."

Even though we weren't able to find the Organization's headquarters in this world, I'm really glad we were able to help Belle and Beast with their own happy ending. Hopefully, now that Xaldin is gone, the Organization will no longer bother them.

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