Satisfy the Omega (YiZhan FF)...

By Kimnielle88

478K 32.9K 3.1K

"There's nothing good getting involved with the mafia," Is what his father always tell him, until one day his... More

STO: Prologue
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STO: Author's Note
Author's Note!

STO: 45

4.9K 382 65
By Kimnielle88

Though, not being able to clean up, Xiao Zhan went up the stage, unfazed by the thought of Yibo's cum oozing down his legs.

But before he heads there, Xiao Zhan looked in Yibo's direction. "Stay there," he mouthed at him.

Yibo nodded with a smile as he gestured him to go already.


"Chief, The son of Xiao ZhiXiang, and the current leader of the mafia is on the stage," Haikuan reported to Robert.

"Good, is my son with him?" He asked.

"He's down the stage, chief, looking after the suspect's target," He replied.

"Make sure to put someone to evacuate them out of the hotel, got it?" he said from the other line.

"Yes chief," he answered.

"How about the suspect? Are there any suspicious moves from him?" he asked.

"He's conversing with a guest, chief," He replied. "Okay, just keep an eye on him," Robert instructed.

"Oh, the young master is starting," Kevin uttered. The crowd turns their attention to Xiao Zhan as he started to talk.


"Huh? I thought you gave him already?" Zixin asked, he just popped out of nowhere. He stood beside Yanhao, he wants to see their success together but it seems like it's crumbling down.

Yanhao looked at him, "I gave him the wine with the inducer in it, I don't know what happened," he uttered with his brows furrowed.

"Hm, I'm sure something happened that's why he's still well. He should be suffering by now already and affecting the guests," Zixin uttered then clicked his tongue. Then he noticed Xiao Zhan taking a glimpse somewhere while talking in front. His brows furrowed and followed where he is looking at with his eyes, he gritted his teeth.

"That fucker!" he mumbled, cursing at Yibo who is standing beside the stairs of the stage.

"Why?" Yanhao asked Zixin.

"I know what happened, that brat just helped him get through that heat," he uttered angrily.

"Who?" Yanhao asked and looked at where Zixin is looking at. "Now that I remembered, he took away my dear nephew before I can see his transformation," he uttered, "I thought he's just a guard or something, didn't know they had that kind of relationship."

Zixin glared at him, "Is it funny? Look, your plan is ruined, so how can you make up for your anniversary gift for me?" he clicked his tongue as he crosses his arm on his chest.

"Aw, is my beautiful omega sulking?" Yanhao coaxed as he wraps his arm around his waist, he grinned, "Don't you worry my lovely kitten. Your hard work in pretending to be his trustworthy secretary is not going to waste you know. Plus that experience is your training, once we infiltrate the whole organization and businesses, you'll be managing the half," he smirked and peck on his neck.

Zixin pouted, "Really?" he answered, still sulky.

"yes, really," Yanhao answered as he continued pampering his neck.

"Then what would we do now? Don't you think they figured it out already who drugged him? You're the only one who offered him a wine," Zixin sulked.

"You don't trust your beloved future husband?" Yanhao chuckled evilly and crept his hands inside his coat, "If we can't get rid of him through that way, then this way we'll be able to get rid of him permanently," he said then licked his neck. He pulls out the pocket gun from his coat and sneakily puts it on Zixin's hand.

"I did my part, kitty. Now it's your turn," he said with a smirk.

"Hm? Should I shoot your nephew or his apprentice as well?" Zixin asked as he caresses the gun with his thumb.

"Why not both? They're both annoying anyway," Yanhao whispered huskily into his ears while pressing his crotch on his butt.

"Then I should shoot your nephew first then that brat? Sounds better, no one will know who killed them since you can just get us out of it. Hm, that's why I love you," he smirked and faced Yanhao, he sticks out his tongue. Yanhao gladly accepted his tongue, kissing him passionately. The crowd where busy listening to Xiao Zhan that no one notices them making out.

Little did they know that Haikuan's been observing them, but Haikuan was not able to see through their plan of killing the two since the gun is out of his range of sight.


As the speech goes on, Yibo looked around to spot the person who put the drug on Xiao Zhan to keep an eye on. He immediately spotted him at the back of the hall. His brows met, "he's making out with someone," he mumbled to himself and tried familiarizing who it was. Then he notices the familiar built, plus he's wearing the same clothes as Xiao Zhan's secretary.

"Can't be!" he denied to himself. Then he looked closely, when he finally confirmed, he was taken aback. He's positive that it was Xiao Zhan's secretary. 'What the fuck?!' he exclaimed inside his head with disbelief.

He looked at Xiao Zhan and he seems to not notice it. Since the spotlight is on Xiao Zhan, he can't see the crowd in front of him.

Then he looked back at the two, they stopped making out, an evil grin plastered on their faces. Yibo noticed a shiny thing on Zixin's hand. His jaw dropped, Zixin was aiming the shining thing on Xiao Zhan, 'A gun!' he panicked. His adrenaline immediately made him run to the stage and grasped Xiao Zhan.

He hugged Xiao Zhan tight while Xiao Zhan was shocked so was the crowd. Then a loud bang was heard inside the hall, everyone panicked. But the two on the stage stood still, Yibo didn't move. Xiao Zhan's mouth was gaped open as he looked down on Yibo's back, he saw blood gushing out. He was shot at his shoulder.

"YIBO!" Xiao Zhan shouted and immediately covered the shot, though it's not much help, he still tried to help him. His tears stream down his cheeks continuously. He catches Yibo in his arms, Yibo's body has gone weak. He's gradually losing blood every second.

"Help us! Yibo he.. he's losing blood!" He shouted to get anyone's help. He bawled his eyes out.

The police have infiltrated the hotel after the loud bang was heard, the guests were taken to safety by the back up of the police while Robert ran after Yanhao and Zixin who tried escaping.

Haikuan on the other hand instructed Kevin to get out of the hotel before the incident happened, he immediately runs to Yibo's rescue. He never thought that there's a possibility that Yanhao will blow a gun since his original plan is to make Xiao Zhan intake the inducer.

"Here, give him to me! We need to cover his wound first, so he won't lose more blood," Haikuan said as he offered his arm.

"NO! Do it with him in my arms!" Xiao Zhan cried. He doesn't want to let go, he's afraid that he might disappear once he let go.

The sound of the police cars and the ambulance was heard.

Haikuan was done bandaging up Yibo, "Look after him, okay? I'll go get them," he said to Xiao Zhan and smiled as reassurance that he'll be okay. Then he left them.

Xiao Zhan watches Yibo in his arms, his tears keep flowing one after the other. Their clothes were covered with Yibo's blood. He'd been seeing blood countless times because of his work but this time, it's the scariest thing. "Please be okay, please be okay," he keeps mumbling as he hugs Yibo in his arms.

"I-i'm okay..." Yibo mumbled, despite his weak body he raised his hand and caress Xiao Zhan's cheeks, he wiped his tears. Xiao Zhan looked at him with his eyes still tearing and his heart is tightening in pain.

"I'm okay... hm? d-don't cry anymore. Your beautiful face might get ruined," he mumbled, trying to make him better. His eyes are hooded and any minute he might blackout, but he's trying his best to stay awake to make Xiao Zhan at ease.

Xiao Zhan gritted his teeth, he cannot afford someone special to him gets taken away from him again, not before his eyes. "Fuck! Just don't speak for the meantime!" he cursed as he hid his crying face by burying it on his chest.

Yibo chuckled faintly and patted his head, "Once I recover, I'll tell you something. So have a faith in me, hm?" he assured him. From Xiao Zhan's reaction, he can see that Xiao Zhan is feeling the same way as him, and it's his cue to tell him what he felt.

Just then, the paramedics came inside the hall. They put first aid on him before putting him on a stretcher. Xiao Zhan watches him being put on the stretcher.

"Sir, we need someone to be with him," One of the nurses uttered.

Haikuan patted Xiao Zhan's shoulder, "Go, he needs you the most," he uttered.

Xiao Zhan moved his feet, his head is lowered as he followed the paramedics out of the hotel.


A/N: I'm not good with this kind of scene so bear with me, yeah?

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