A Pirates fairytale life(coli...

By StayIPrayYou

40K 1.6K 179

Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue had an affair, until he broke it off. A few months after Jen decides t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Lucy(Lucky) Amelia Morrison
Riley Mason
Dylan Aedan Edward
Kiara St.Clair
Ivy Holt
Kacey Thompson
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Not an Update
Chapter 20
Not an Update
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Who won!?
Not an Update
Chapter 22
Were gonna play a game
Author's Note
Chapter 23
chapter 24
The final Chapter
Chapter 25 Preview
Chapter 25
Original Story

Chapter 5

1.6K 69 6
By StayIPrayYou

Same night

Lucy's POV

"Lucy I'm gonna get you" Jared shouts after me

"You have to catch me first!"i yell me and Jared were watching Frozen and eating ice cream. I rubbed some on his face and now he's chasing me around the house!

"I got he" says

"Kids time for bed" mrs.Gilmore calls out

"Okay mom" Jared says "come on let's go" Jared lays down in his bed and I laid down in my sleeping bag on the floor. "Jared" "yeah Lucy" "What do you think is gonna happen with mommy and Colin" "I don't know but Ginny is gonna take care of it" "Jared a few days ago when we all went out to lunch Georgie, Emilie, and Lizzie were looking at me weirdly, why do you think they were doing that" "I don't know ask them tomorrow" "okay goodnight" "night"

Next day

Jared's mom dropped us off a set. Now I had to find Georgie, Emilie, and Lizzie. I checked the break room first and found Georgie siting on the couch. "Hi Georgie can i ask you a question" "Hey Lucy, sure you can" "why were you,Emilie, and Lizzie looking at me weird at luch the other day" "Lucy theres something i have to tell you and i dont want you to get mad or upset with me but you to understand i only did what was best for you" "okay?" "Remember how you were left outside a firestation' "yeah how did you know that did my mommy tell you" "no she didn't i know because im the one who left you there" what did she just say shes my real mom? "i know this is hard for you but you have to understand" she says. i can't take it anymore i jump up off the couch and face her "understand i don't understand how could you just leave me there im been teasted my whole life because you left me there i hate you" i shout and i run out of the room crying. i keep running until im at Lana's trailer. "Lana open up please i need you" she open the door fast "Lucy whats wrong" she asks taking me in her arms and bring me inside "Georgie she told me something" i say inbetween sobs "what did she tell you sweetie" "that she was my real mom she wa sthe one who left me outside the firesation" Lana is starting to look mad "Lana is Lucy in there with you i saw her run by crying"a voice from outside says i think it's Bobby "yeah shes in here" lana gets up with me still in her arms, opens the door and waks out of her trailer. "here Bobby take her to Ginny or Jen if shes here and tell them i'll explain what happend later." "okay" lana walks off towards the break room, me and Bobby walk towards my moms trailer. when we get there she dosent answer, I can't believe she's still not here yet . We try Ginny's trailer next , shes answers the door. "Ginny Lana told me to tell you she will explain what happened to her later" "okay" Ginny said confused. Bobby handed me off to Ginny and left. " so you wanna tell me what happened" "no i just wanna go home"

Jen's POV

When me and Colin got to set Lana came and told us what happened between Georgina and Lucy. Colin was pissed she made Lucy cry, but i didnt care i just wanted to make sure my baby was okay. Lana told me she was in Ginny and Josh's trailer. When I got there I didn't even bother knocking, when I opened up the door I saw Lucy sleeping in Ginny's arms.

After I explain to Ginny what happened. I took Lucy back to my trailer and let her sleep there. A few minutes later Colin came in, he told me he had a talk with Gerogina, Emilie, Lizzie and Lana. Apparently Georgina wants to be able to see Lucy even when she's off the show, I'm not sure how I feel about tha or how Lucy's is going to feel about it when she finds out. But tonight Evan is coming over to spend the night, its our first night as a family and I'm not gonna let anything ruin it.

That night

Colin just went to pick up Evan. Lucy is so excited to meet him. "How much longer is he gonna take"she complains. Lucy has been waiting by the window ever since Colin left. "He's here he's here" she shouts and runs to the door. Colin comes in holding Evan. Colin put Evan in his play pen and we sat on the couch. "so what are we gonna do about the G e o r g i n a thing" he asks "you know I can spell right" Lucy says "I don't know my worst fear is if I don't let her see Lucy she'll try and take her away from me" "hey I won't let that happen Lucy and Evan are gonna stay right here with us" "Colin now we don't just have one birth mom to look out for but two and we both know Helen is gonna fight for full custody" "Jen we don't need to worry right now let's just enjoy us right now" "okay" "come on let's put the kids to bed" I pick up Evan and take him to his room and put him down. Then go and check on Colin and Lucy, he's almost finished reading her a bedtime story. I just stand by the door listening when he finishes I hear Lucy say "goodnight daddy"

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