The blood king and the creati...

By J_note12

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Y/n the son of 2 vigilantes who were titled the king and queen. They were fears among villains but the hero s... More

Y/n start
Entrance exam
First day
Combat training
The vote
After usj and a groupchat
Back to school
Sports festival
Hero names, interships and girl's sleepover
Internship with miruko
Back home (sex warning)
Back to school
A Dream?
Training and fighting teachers
Girls sleepover 2 / announcment

Sports festival pt2

771 12 4
By J_note12

(Y/n POV)
All the students are now having lunch I am sat with momo, Mina, jiro and hakagure. As we are eating mineta and kaminari come up to the table and start saying that mr aizawa said they have to wear the cheerleading outfit that for some reason the girls believe them and when they leave I go to tell them the truth but before I talk I think about how good momo would look in one of those out fits and hesitate on telling them but I ouch it away and decide to tell them "you all do know there lying right" "but they said mr aizawa told them we had too" jiro replies "are you really gonna trust the two perverts" i deadpan towards her "you have a point there" Mina says giving me a thumbs up "also it would be a lot of effort for all of you to get changed in and out of them plus momo will have to use her quirk to make them and put her at a disadvantage in the final battles"
I say as I then take a bite of food "yeah I guess so they were just being perves like always" jiro says with an annoyed look. As we are eating I have a look at momo who has a slightly worried look on her face so I put my hand under the table and lightly grab hers. She looks at me with an adorable look that I just smile at, this causes her to start to blush and look away with a different expression than the one she had a few moments ago.
Time skip
After having lunch we walk back to the arena to get ready for the final event. As we are walking back I feel something grab my hand and by the time I see what it is I am dragged to an empty hallway. As I look at who the hand belong to I see momo with a little blush on her face "hey momo is everything alright" I ask slightly concerned "yeah everything's fine I just wanted to ask if after the festival you wanted to maybe stay the night at mine" she says with a dust of pink on her cheeks "sure I mean, I need to take you home anyways and we will be tired after the festival, but we should head back it's gonna start soon" I grab her hand and start walking back to the arena but before we get there I hear momo speak "I also just wanted to say that if we have to fight in the festival I'm so gonna win"she has a look of confidence "we will see about that but let's promise no hard feelings for the person who wins" I say with confidence matching hers. As I look at her she nods but before we enter the arena she wraps her arms around my neck as we share a long soft kiss.

All the students are now in front of midnight who is about to explain the final event "the final event will be a one on one fighting tournament of the 16 students from the last event" while midnight is speaking ojiro raises his hand and talks about his pride but when he finishes the other person from shinso's group says he is also resigning from the tournament. "Well than that mean that 2 people front the fifth place team will need to be brought up, these will be two members from team kendo so can you please pick two members to partake in the the tournament" midnight finishes and team kendo discuss. Kendo looks at midnight and slightly nods signalling they have decided "so who will be moving up kendo?" Asks midnight "we have decided that me and tetsutetsu will be the ones partaking in the tournament"
(A/n I changed the final battles a bit for reasons later on.)
"Okay so now that is decide let's look at who will be fighting who" tournament styles chart appears behind her as we look at the order the fight will happen and who we will be fighting"

Izuku midoriya vs Hitosh Shinso

Shoto todoroki vs Hanta Sero

Denki kaminari vs Mina Ashido

Tenya ilda vs Hatsume Mei

Y/n vs Itsuka kendo

Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu

Ejiro Kirishima va Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Katsuki Bakugo vs Ochaco Uraraka

Once the announcement was made the recreational games started while most of the students taking part in the tournament prepared for the fight. Instead of just sitting around I decide to walk around as I have already got a plan for anyone I have to fight. As I was walking around the empty hallway I see a woman with orange hair walking towards me, as soon as I see her I know that it is my opponent Itsuka Kendo. When continue walking up to each other and once she is about three feet away from me she looks up because of the height difference while I look down. She has a look of confidence as she begins to speak "even though you came first in both of the events I'm still gonna beat you" "good luck with that" I say in a very calm voice " we will see what happens" as she starts walking past me I speak up "you have a strong quirk Itsuka Kendo but I can already tell you by a lot of factors that you like fighting close combats I mean everyone with a quirk like yours would but there is so much more to it you just don't see it, how about this is you can land 3 solid hits on me I will give up... but know this just because you are a woman doesn't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you" as I finish speaking I look back and see her with a look that speaks many emotions but before she can say anything I walk off leaving her in the hallway.

After all the recreational games are the first battle commences. Midoriya and shinso were the first fight but in my mind I sense that it was going to be a boring fight so I decide to sleep a little bit before my fight begins.

(3rd person pov)
Midoriya charges at shinso but gets aggravated by shinso causing him to be brainwashed. Midoriya starts walking out of the arena but as he is about to reach the edge of the arena he sees a group of figures appear in front of him. None of them have a distinctive face but Midoriya feels something as his fingers start to get streaks of red through them as his fingers move on there own... but while this is happening y/n sees himself but he isn't in his own body he is where midoriya is but everything seems slow. He looks and see the figures as he makes his way over. As he is about to reach them he can feel them telling him to leave and go away but he doesn't he moves on sensing power emitting from the core of them. He sees a rainbow coloured ball and with out thinking he reaches for it but as he is about to grab it it move causing him to only get a small fragment. Once her dose this his mind goes back to his own body while with midoriya he saw a small light quick move towards the group of people and disappear he starts thinking about what it was but is cut of as his fingers clam down causing a gust of wind braking him out of the state he was in. Now in control he goes up to shinso and manages to flip him out of the arena giving him the win. After midoriya's fight it was now shoto vs sero. The match was over very quickly, sero went for a quick attack on todoroki and tried to throw him out the arena with his tape but as todoroki was about to reach the edge of the arena he created a wall of ice that covered half the stadium. This ended round ended with todoroki winning as sero was unable to move. After that battle the arena had to be cleared given everyone a longer time to prepare for there fights. As we were waiting I decide to go to the alighted room give to me. I walk down the hallways until finally I reach the room. I open the door and take a look to see my bag on the floor where I left it. I pick it up and go searching for the item that will cure my boredom, until my hand finally connected with it. I slowly pull my hand out of my bag revealing a Nintendo switch. I take a seat and load up mario kart 8. As I was playing the game the fights start up again with Mina beating Kaminari but as the next fight was about to happen I hear the door open and as I look over I see momo. "Hey momo you okay" I ask as she makes her way over "yeah I'm just a bit worried about how I'm gonna beat tokoyami" she says in a sad tone "you will be fine momo, just remember back to when we practised, try to make a quick decision but don't get too caught up in making a plan your fighting a strong opponent but every quirk has its weakness and you should be able to figure his out" I say with a reassuring smile "hopefully I can find it but for now can a just stay in here with you?" She asks playing with her hands "of course you can" she walks over and lies down on my left resting her head on me. I move my are a bit and wrap it around her . We don't say much but just we enjoy each other's company as she watches me play on my switch thinking of a plan while I try and stay focused. Finally I look and see that ilda has won his match against the girl from the support department and that now it is my turn. Me and momo stand up as I put my switch back in the bag. I look over to momo and give her a quick kiss as I make my way to the arena as momo goes to the stands. As I walk through the final hallway to the arena I hear present mics voice announcing that our match was about to commence "now onto the 5th match we have from class 1-b Itsuka kendo and on the opposite side we have from class     1-a, y/n who is the student that has came first in the first two events" I look at kendo who has a confident look. I notice her feet move into a running position. I stand there with my hand in my pockets with a neutral expression but after a couple of seconds midnight starts speaking "3...2...1 begin"

kendo instantly starts running towards me but before she can reach me I make the ground lift and cause a wide range of play forms from small to large appear. Once they were all formed I used wind to punch myself up into one of the platforms annoying kendo "come and fight me" she shouts at me from below "nah I'm good you can come to me" I reply as I walk to the centre of the platform. Kendo looks at the platform I am on and uses her quirk big fist to clime up as she reaches it she looks towards me and prepare to charge at me " well now that your up here let's fight" I say confidently. She charges at me and goes for a right hook that I easily doge with my hands still in my pockets. She then swings her left hand at my stomach but as she gets close she enlarges her hand but I still easily dodge. She continues with a wide arrange of punches and kicks for about 2 minutes not even landing a hit "come on actually fight me" I hear her say in an angry tone "fine then" I say with a bored sounding voice. As she runs up for another fight hook I move back and grab her arm but before she can even try to escape I do a quick right jab to her stomach causing her to lose her composer and that was all I needed. In this time I do another hit to her stomach. She goes for another punch to my face but before she can enlarge her fist i duck under her arm and flip her over my shoulder as she his the ground I kick her sending her across the plat form to the edge, while this is happening I hear the crowd boo me for toying with her and how I'm not taking it easy but it doesn't bother me as I walk up to her and pick her up by her throat and dangle her over the edge "I am disappointed I thought you would be stronger but I guess I was wrong I mean you can badly use such a strong quirk" when I say this I see her annoyed look change to a softer one "I'm not doing this to be mean I'm doing this to make you stronger as I want you to use this humiliation to push yourself to be better but even though your quirk is suited for close range there are other ways to use it... just think" as I finish speaking I throw her to the middle of the platform. She slowly rises and goes for another punch but I just grab it and hit her once again in the stomach causing her to stumble. By this time I knew she was done so I decide to end the fight the play forms begging to defend and as we hit the ground I snap my finger causing the wind to cut her all around her body causing her to collapse in defeat. "And that's it y/n wins and makes his way to the next round" instead of cheers like the other matches all I hear is people booing me and hurling insults at me

(Kendo POV)
I collapse onto the floor thinking about the fight I hear the crowd booing at y/n but then I hear a quiet voice say "you do have potential Itsuka Kendo" with that I blackout but I fell like I get picked up.

(3rd person POV)
The crowd look at the boy annoyed at how he just toyed with the girl. Class 1-b look at the boy with a killing intent while class 1-a all have different emotions "what's his problem" Mina says annoyed "I know I mean I get we are meant to show off our skills but that was just mean" jiro adds on "yeah he could of been nicer and hold back a bit" sero exclaims "what do you mean hold back, he did" bakugo says in a unusually calm voice "yeah he did but I don't think he did it on purpose I think he mainly did it to try and make kendo think about ways to use her quirk better and to show other hero's her talents" momo says to the group. The class still have mixed looks but they happen to hear the crowds booing calm down. As the look to the centre of the arena they see y/n pick kendo up and slowly walk her to recovery girls office. As her gets to recovery girls office he places her down on the bed as the doors open once again "oh hello do I have a patient" recovery girl asks the boy in front of her "yeah but she has basically no stamina will your quirk work on her" y/n replies turning to face her "in the state she is in I don't believe it will be a quick recovery it may take all the way till late hours tonight" recovery girl scans over the student in the bed "I can help if you like but I would prefer to do what it is I must do in private" y/n says as he walks up to the other side of the bed "okay but how long will it be until she recovers and how long will it take" recovery girl says walking to her chair "it will take about a minute and she should be walking by the time round 2 of the tournament starts" y/n says as he looks back at recovery girl "we'll go on I will shut the curtain" recovery girl pulls the curtain shut as y/n looks for the easiest way to heal kendo. He generates a small amount of wind that and sliced his forearm. He then aims his arm to kendo's mouth that he uses his other hand to hold open her jaw. The crimson blood flows down his forearm until it drips of his hand into kendo's mouth. He dose this for about a minute as the cuts and bruises slow fade away. "Are you nearly done" recovery girl asks getting slightly impatient "yeah all done now" y/n says as he opens the curtain "I will leave her to you now" he says as he walks out the door. Recovery girl takes a look at the orange haired girl I front of her and see that she looks like nothing had happens to her "wow I'm impressed that quirk must be better than mine, I wonder what it is and how he did it?"

(Y/n POV)
After I helped kendo recover I walked down the hallways back to the room I was in before to collect my drink. When I walk back out of the room I see momo on her way to the stage "good luck momo and remember what I told you just stay focused even though you may think you are at a disadvantage you can still win" I say as I walk up and hug her. She wraps her arms around my back and takes a couple deep breaths "okay I think I have a plan" she says with confidence. She breaks the hug but pulls me into a kiss that I accept without hesitation. After a couple of second we split and she starts walking to the arena "good luck" I say as she walks down the empty hallway "thank you" she says back to me turning around. As momo makes her way to the arena I walk up to the class 1-a stands.

(Momo pov)
After talking to y/n I make my way to the arena trying to think about how to execute my plan. After standing at the entrance for a moment I hear my name get called through the speakers. I walk onto the field and look at tokoyami thinking about my first move. As I am thinking I hear midnight start talking "3...2...1... begin" as I hear them words I create a shield on my left arm but before I can do anything dark shadows is launched at me not giving me time to think after another hit I realise that he is attacking slower than when me and y/n were training. As dark shadow goes for a third hit I duck underneath dark shadows arm and start running towards tokoyami 'I need to get close to tokoyami as in hand to hand combat I will most likely win but dark shadow is right behind me' at that moment I remember back to a sparing match me and y/n had
I am standing at the edge of the makeshift arena em and y/n made to practise for the sports festival. Y/n is stood in the middle while with my canon I created before on the opposite side of the arena. Y/n starts running towards me at a very quick speed but as he gets close I click a remote button that activates the canon. As he is about to grab me he move to the left and pushes me to the right. As that happens the canon ball flies one inch past my face and slams into the wall behind us. Before I can react I am pushed out of the arena. "That was a smart move momo but of your opponent know what you are doing they will use it agains you *y/n reaches down and helps me back up to my feet* so when you are in a fight you should not only think about your opponents weakness but about how you can use their quirk against them, but that should be enough for today let's get some food" y/n grabs my hand as we start walking off to find some food.
Flashback end
As I run up to tokoyami I crate a staff but as it looks like I about to hit him I move my body to the left exactly like y/n but I don't move tokoyami, this causes dark shadow to swing at tokoyami instead of me sending him out of the arena. "Tokoyami is out of the arena so yaoyorozu wins" midnight announces to the crowed that start cherring. I walk over to tokoyami to help him to his feet "I wasn't expecting that yaoyorozu, I'm quite sad I lost but now I know one thing I need to look out for" he walks off into the hallway as I go the opposite way looking up to the class 1-a stands as I look to y/n who has a smile on his face looking back down to me but then when I reach the hallway I relies that my next fight is against him.

(Y/n POV)
After momo won her fight I decide to go and see her. As I walk down from on hallway to another I see that she just past me so I slowly walk behind her and as soon as I get in arms length I wrap my armed around her stomach and lean into her ear "congratulations on your win I nee you could do it" she turns her head to look at me and has a smile "yeah but it's all because of the advice and training we did" as she speaks I can sense a bit of worry "is everything okay momo" I look down into her onyx eyes "if I'm being truthful is there a point in me fighting you, I can't beat you but I want to go further in the competition" she gains a small tear in the corner of her eye "momo no matter what someone is gonna want you, you have done great but you can't have this attitude you need to think you can win even if you feel like you can't" as I talk to her, she seems to calm down a bit. "Now when we fight don't hold back, because I'm gonna win but I may struggle because of that core face of yours" She slightly blushes and playful punches my shoulder "okay we will see who wins I'm gonna head to the stands you coming" she starts walking off "yeah in a minute I'm just gonna go grab a drink you want something?" I ask as she turns around to look at me "no I'm fine, I'll see you in a bit" she walks up to me and kisses me on my cheek, then makes her way to the class 1-a stands. I get myself a drink from the vending machine but as I lift up I see todoroki in the reflection looking at me I turn around but he walks off with an annoyed face so I decide to call out to him "shoto wait a minute" "what do you want" he turns around not losing his annoyed expression "why have you been avoiding me, I mean we were best friends in high school" I ask the two tone haired boy "I don't know made it was because you me for a year without saying anything" he turns around with a very annoyed look "okay I understand shoto I'm sorry I should of told you that I was leaving but I had some important things to do" instead of my normal cold expression I show shoto a calm one "I don't car okay, you don't know how much I need a feeling recently and out of everything you should know that" I can feel that sadness pour out of him "yeah I know okay I'm sorry I don't know what you been thorough I know that you must hate you farther even more than you already do and your only friend left a year without saying something but you know I still care about you I mean we were best friend for fuck sake, I mean remember the time we put water on the door to fall on the bullies head or when we froze the door on him and all the other things we did" as I talk I see him slowly gain a smile "I get that I should of told you and I hope you can forgive me because I want to see me and you become too hero's like we said and we can finally have that all out fight like we planned *I turn around and start walking to the 1-a stands* I will say this though, use that other side don't think of it as your farther power think of it as your own because you can do a lot with it" I walk make a right turn down that hallway leaving todoroki.

As I get to the stands I sit and watch the next fights. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu tie and have to have a tie breaker after bakugo and Uraraka fight that bakugo wins. After the tie breaker kirishima wins and then the 2nd round of the tournament begins. Todoroki and midoriya fight with todoroki winning and actually using his fire showing me that is we are to fight he may go all out like we promised. After this fight me and momo prepare for outs as I make a plan on how I can minimise that amount of damage on her and make her look good even if I win. I decide to use the weapon I registered for the tournament. I go to my assigned locker and pull out a katana with a black blade.

  As I look at my sword I see that the previous round had just ended with ilda winning. I start making my way over to the arena where I prepare for my fight against momo.

(3rd person)
Y/n and momo both make their way to the arena as they stand opposite each other quoting for the signal to start. Then midnight starts counting down "3...2...1...begin" momo creates a sword form her arm and runs up to y/n as she goes an attack it is countered by the black katana. This fight with the sword continues with momo trying hard to get a solids hit and y/n casually blocking but then momo comes up with a plan she created a small flash grenade from the left arm and pulls the pin causing a bright white flash of light to full up the arena giving her a change to get y/b over the edge but as she goes to punch him, y/n creates a gust of wind under his feet to push him over momo's attack. He uses this opportunity to hit the sword out of her hands and get her near the edge. As they are in this position he goes to ouch her out but as momo swings around y/n notices a cannon forming from her stomach. At this moment he knows it's a real cannon so he prepares for the cannon ball. As he gets closer to knocking momo out she set the canon ball off with a cloud of smoke. The crowd become quiet as no noise is made but as the smoke clears y/n stands in front momo who was semmmungly pushed over the edge of the arena but what's shocked most people is the cannon ball y/n is holding in his right hand. After a couple of seconds midnight speaks up "momo has been knocked out the arena y/n wins" the crowed starts cheering for y/n and momo. Y/n reaches down and helps momo to her feet "wow I was not expecting a cannon I guess the trading helped with them quick designing y/n says in a kind voice "yeah but I wish I could of done more" momo says back in a sad voice as they make there way to the hallway "what do you mean you did great, you made it to the final event, you beat someone who has a very powerfully quirk and you showed your quick thinking, you did amazing momo you should feel happy nessa will be happy" (quick a/n I've changed momo's moms name to nessa) "thank you y/n, I guess I did do good but it's all thanks to your training" momo wraps her arms around y/n neck and pulls him into a very passionate kiss. As they kiss her hands move around to the front of his body and slowly fall down to just above his waistband. They continue to make out as y/n arms make their way to momo's wais and pulls her closer to him. As they kiss there tongues fight for dominance but y/n's wins vining him the chance to explores mouth as they separate they both have blushes but y/n decided it's a good time to say what he has wanted to say for a while "your amazing momo and I don't know what else to say other than I love you" as the words leave his mouth momo blushes more and looks away in a shy but cute manner that pulls on y/n heart strings "I love you to y/n" they look back at each other and share a kiss again.

(Y/n POV)
After me and momo splits from our kiss we make our way to the stands where our classmates congratulate me for winning the fight and how good momo was in the fight. We sit down and watch the fight between bakugo and kirishima 'bakugo is smart with his quirk I will give him that but... I'm way stronger than him.' The fight ends with bakugo winning meaning he will be my next opponent. After the arena was cleared the fight between todoroki and ilda starts. Ilda uses his recipro burst in a smart way but todoroki manages to freeze his engines giving him a chance to win putting him through to the finals. As he is announced as the winner I make my way for my match.

I walk up to the arena and look at the angry but confident blond on the opposite side "I'M GONNA BEAT YOU, ELEMENT FREAK" her shouts at me "we will see about that and calm down your too damn loud" I reply in a calm manner. Midnight starts counting us down "3...2...1...begin" bakugo charger at me with explosions. As he dose I plan my move and look at every little detail to see what he is gonna do 'his left arm is slightly raised so he will most likely start with that, but no he is gonna fake me out and use his left hand to change his trajectory to the left of me so I'll trap him and plan my next move' as bakugo gets close he dose exactly what I think so I move slightly to the right and cause the ground to wrap around his right leg. As he looks down in confusion I give him a swift left hook that's not to strong as i wan the fight to continue. He breaks out with an explosion and launches himself self at me in a very unpredictable way but as he gets close he goes for a left swing but as he is about to hit me I drop down grab his arm and fling him to the ground where I raise the floor like I did in my match agains kendo. I rise to the top as he blasts his way towards me but as he get near my top platform I make some stone from the pillars smack him back down pissing him off "COME DOWN AND FIGHT ME" he growls at me "no do you think a villain would play by your rules I'm doing what is the smartest" I reply annoying him further. He carry's on with this and I can feel his explosions getting stronger and him slowly making progress up to my platform 'so as he gets more annoyed and works harder he swears more and increases his explosions size but this must be putting strain on his arms so I'm guessing when he gets up to me he will use some type of finishing move but I'm prepared for that" as bakugo makes his way up to my platform I see him with a sadistic smile. He starts making his way to me but I use the wind I've accumulated to launch me high into the air. I look down at the angry blond as he moves in a circulate motion up to me using his explosion to create a black vortex around him "HOWITZER IMPACT" as he is making his way up I coat my right arm with blood that no one can see from the angle, I starts gathering fire that I was accumulating on the platform, as I al I think back to the usj 'in the usj I used them black flames that I never did before but my arm felt tired after so I guess I can increase the part of my flames and possibly other elements but for more of a drawback... so clear your mind like faster use to do and let my fire burn hotter' the flames on my arm become a ball that slowly changes to blue then purple to finally black. Me and bakugo collied his explosion and my fire, I easily over power him sending him flying to the ground with little burns all over his body knocking him out. I slowly defend bringing the platforms with me, when I reach the ground I hear midnight starts talking "y/n has won and is in the finals" the crowed cheer my victory but I walk over to the unconscious bakugo and put him over my shoulder making my way to recovery girl. As I get there she looks at me the same as she did with when I had kendo "another student I see and I'm guessing you want to do what you did before" she asks in a unamused voice "yeah if you don't mind" I reply, she doesn't say anything but gives me a nod. I lay bakugo on the bed and do what I did for kendo on bakugo. I knew that after my gong there was a ten minute breaks before the final so I decide to stretch my legs a little bit and go for a walk around.

(Momo pov)
After y/n won his fight he went and took bakugo to recovery girl but when I get there he was already gone so I decide to go look for him but as I make a turn I see Mina talking with two girls from class 1-b. As I get a closer look I can see it is a girl with green hair called setsuna and the orange haired girl called kendo. As I look at them Mina calls me over "hey momo I was just talking too these two from class 1-b and they said that the girls wanted to meet the girls in class 1-a, like a sleepover or something" "yeah me and the girls from class 1-b want to know more about you lot and get to know you more as we haven't since we started school" kendo adds on with setsuna nodding. I don't relies but my face lights up at getting to know the other class "yeah that would be really fun to have a sleepover or something" I speak in a happy tone "yeah that's good but is anyone's house big enough to have 13 girls at" setsuna adds sounding a bit defeated "you can all stay at mine" I say to the three of them "are you sure momo" Mina asks that I nod too "well then I will see with the other girls and you can see if we can stay at your house I'm really exits now!" Mina exclaims "me too" me and the class 1-b girls say together. After talking to them I make my way through the halls and decide to do what y/n did to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head in his neck by standing on my tiptoes "hi y/n" I say in a happy tone "someone's happy, what happens while I was gone?" He questions "I just met with Mina and two girls from class 1-b and they are planning on having a sleep over with the two classes girls" I say still in my happy tone "well that seems like fun, do you know when?" He asked me "I think I heard Mina say something about this weekend" "well I hope that you lot will have fun on that day but I need to go to my fight so I will see you after I win" y/n says in a confident tone "okay I will see you in a bit love you" I kiss his cheek and walk of to the class 1-a stands "I love you too" I hear him say to me.

(Y/n POV)
I walk up to the arena and see my high school best friend standing across from me with a serious look. No words are exchanged we just prepare for our fight. Then for the final time midnight counts down "3...2...1...let the final fight begin" as soon as she finishes todoroki blasts a wall of ice from his right side towards me which I counter with ice from my left. Todoroki then starts charging at me launching more ice that I easily counter with my own ice but unlike todoroki I create small flames to get rid of the ice in my bday but he lets himself slowly get frozen over. As he goes for a night hook I avoids by ducking underneath. As I crouch I lift up my left leg and give him a fire kick to the jaw sending him away and too the ground he slowly rises but I can see he is slowing down already "shoto you need to use that left side" this seems to annoy him more as he send a massive wall of ice at me that I counter agin but I can feel that my ice is egging more powerful. As he sends another attack I counter but my ice is a slightly darker shade of blue that destroyed more of his than mine. He runs at me again at a slower pace and goes for left hook that I grab with my right hand, I look at him with a face of disappointment as I throw him a few feet away from me "for fuck sake shoto I understand you don't like using your fire but as much as you hate it, it's apart of you no matter what but that left side doesn't make you like your farther it makes you, you that lefts side is apart of shoto todoroki and without it you gonna get killed because that ice is slowing you down a lot, so use it make that power your and not his" I see small embers start to light up his left side. He uses ice to push himself back and he lights his left side up causing a wave of heat to hit the audience "thank you y/n but know this *he smirks* I will beat you, I don't care if your my best dickhead of a friend, I will win" as he causes ice and fire I also create ice and fire. We both send a huge wall of ice like in todoroki match agains sero but mine beats his. I use this to get a higher advantage. I reach th top and look down at todoroki and decide to form my plan. I create small birds of ice that fly out of sight from everyone and prepare for the final clash. Todoroki looks up at me with his fire ready and then her send it at me but as he dose I create a spear of blue flames that I launch at him. As the attacks collied my spear pushes through and knock the on coming fire to the side of me as the spear hits todoroki sending him almost out. The heat from our attacks cause the ice to melt leaving a destroyed arena. The crowed wait to see what will happen but as it look like it is about to be called off todoroki rises causing the crowed to cheer. He stands there with half his shirt destroyed and covers in bruises, cuts and small burns while I stand there without a scratch on me. It looks like he is about to attack me but I decide to end the battle "I'm sorry shoto but it's over" I turn around and walk near the opposite edge but just as it looks like I'm about to walk out I snap my fingers causing the ice birds to fly at todoroki sending him out the field and covers in ice. "And the winner of the final round of the sports festival is y/n" the crowed cheer as I yet again walk over to an unconscious todoroki who I pick up and taken to recover girls office.

A while passes when the award ceremony happens in third place stand bakugo who is chained up to a post as since he woke up all he has wanted to do was fight me as shoto stands in the second place podium while I stand in first. I look at the students and crowd as a voice blasts through the stage as all might lands before us to give us our medals. He gives bakugo his medal but says ilda was meant to have his but something happens that caused him to have to leave. He then goes up to shoto and gives him his medal with a very awkward hug but then it was finally my turn. All might walks up to me and says "well done y/n you managed to not only win the tournament but come first in every event without even looking like you were trying I'm very impressed and I can't wait to see what you do in your future" "thank you all might" with this the sports festival ends as everyone starts to leave. I walk up to momo as she looks at me still happy "look at you mr first place, not let's go to mine I'm tired after today and I want to see my mom" she says in a very cute voice that is different to how she normally speaks "yeah let's go" I grab momo's hand as we walk up to my car.

(A/n that's it for this chapter I hope you all enjoy and like the little new details I added in. I will try and write when I can but I have been busy recently but I will get them out as fast as I can. See you all next time, it's been ya boi j_note)
Word count 7406

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