By flawsomekid

324K 11.7K 26.3K

Dream is a hitman and needs a new partner. He doesn't like the small British boy his boss told him to be his... More

Extra chapter
definitely not self promotion ahaha


7.7K 248 685
By flawsomekid

„You should be called cereal killer and not serial killer" George laughed, looking at Dream that was chewing his food.

The tall American chuckled „That was the worst joke you ever made"

George acted sad, before eating his apple while giggling. It was cut into slices as always and George still didn't understand why it was so much better, but it seemed like Dream enjoyed cutting it for him, so he didn't dare to complain.

Clays arm was wrapped around Georges back as a support as the killers heard a knock on the door.

The taller one slowly pulled his arm away from George, making the British boy groan in pain. It was still hard to sit by himself and it hurt like hell.

„Coming" Dream said, putting his bowl down, before rushing to the door.

He opened it, expecting Niki again, but instead three of their friends stood in front of it. Sapnap, Alex and Karl grinned wide as they casually entered the room, completely ignoring Dream.

„Hi George" Quackity said „We heard you fucked up the mission a little, so we're here to laugh at you"

Karl grabbed Quackitys sleeve „Stop being mean" he spoke looking at George with guilty eyes „We are here to look after you and Sapnap said Dream owed him a story or something. How are you?"

Georges gaze switched confused between the trio and his boyfriend that sat back down to help him.

Dream positioned his arm back into the right position to support George before the smaller one begun to talk „I have no idea what story you are talking about, but good morning I guess" he grinned confused.

Sapnap and Alex jumped onto the bed, while Karl got himself a chair to sit on.

„What's this then?" Quackity asked in a weird voice, pointing at Dream that casually continued to eat his breakfast, his arm around George.

Sapnap laughed „Is this the long story you needed to tell me? Are you two dating or something?"

Georges and Dreams faces got completely red.

„Sapnap, only because Dream is holding George like that, doesn't mean they are dating, right guys?" Karl said, looking at the couple.

„Maybe?" they said at the same time.

„Wait what" the other boys were confused „So are you dating or not? Just tell us there's no problem"

Dream nodded.

„Awwwwwww" Karl said in a high pitched voice „Congrats"


A weird silence laid on them till everyone suddenly begun to laugh. „That was akward" George said and everyone agreed.

Dream was happy that his friends just accepted it. There wasn't a reason why they would have something against it, but yet the tall American was scared of telling them.

He ate up his cereal and gave George, that was talking to his friends a kiss on the forehead.

„I don't wanna kick you guys out or anything" Dream interrupted their conversation „but I think I have to talk to George alone now"

„I understand, I understand" Alex said smirking. Karl smacked his shoulder „Quackity stop" he got up and pulled his partners from the bed „We're already leaving, no worries"

Dream grinned, as the trio left their room.

„Are you okay with them knowing?" he asked his boyfriend that nodded.

„Of course, everyone can and should know that I have the best and hottest boyfriend here" George said grinning and turned his head to kiss Dream.

„You shouldn't move so much" Dream spoke and leaned forward so it was easier for George to kiss him. The British killer smiled as his boyfriend cupped his face with his big hands before they kissed.

„But we have to talk about some serious stuff now" Dream leaned back, letting his gaze fly over George that nodded „Okay sure, what's wrong?"

„I'll cut it short" the blonde begun „Techno wants to send you home because we failed the mission"

Fear appeared on George's face „What?" he asked.

„I was able to convince him so you can stay" Dream continued, slightly smiling „I said we needed you to continue the mission because your plan wasn't bad"

George grinned „Thank god" he sighed.

His boyfriend nodded „Yeah" the American closed his arms around George to pull him into a hug.

„Ouch" George muttered „Please be careful that hurts"

Dream instantly let go of his partner, letting the smaller one fall back into the pillows „I'm sorry" he looked guilty at George „By the way can you take your shirt off?"

George raised an eyebrow and blushed slightly „Huh? You want what now?"

„I want you to take your shirt off" Dream explained „I need to take care of your wound"

„Ooooooh" George nodded quickly and pulled it over his head. The bandage still looked okay, but Dream had to put the ointment on at least once a day, to help the wound heal.

The taller one carefully removed it, revealing the still bad looking injury. Dream continued his speech „So we would need the new plan as soon as possible, can you do that?"

George nodded „Sure" the smaller one begun to think about the mistakes they made last time while Dream took care of the wound.

„I'm sure we can get as many people as you want" Dream said, carefully putting some of the ointment onto his hand „Skeppy and Bad, Wilbur, Tommy, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, maybe some new people, I met a guy named Foolish he seemed-"

George interrupted him „No" he simply said „I already found the issue"

„Okay?" Dream replied.

„We were too many"

„Huh?" The taller one raised one eyebrow „What do you mean? A big group is good if you have to fight a lot of other people"

„Yeah" George agreed „But we just need to kill one person. We are both used to kill alone and bumped in there with six people to kill a single one, you got me as your partner so we can go on that mission together"

Silence laid on them.

„Sit up please" Dream spoke, watching his boyfriend before putting a new bandage on again „But now we can't go together anymore"

„Who said that?"

The British killer leaned back again, letting out a small painful groan. Moving still hurted a lot.

„I said that, George you are in-" he stopped, realizing what George wanted to tell him „No" he said strict „George Henry Davidson, you are not coming with me on the mission"

„Why?" George just asked „There is no problem"

„You call this" he pointed at the bandage „no problem? Are you dumb? I don't want you to come with me"

The smaller one looked at his boyfriend in confusion „Why?" he asked again, this time a little quieter to calm Clay down a little.

„Oh my god" Dream face palmed „You were so fucking close to dying, I won't take that risk again!" he nearly screamed and got up.

„I'm not dumb I can do it it's not that hard"

„Shut the fuck up" Dream groaned loud „Why don't you understand?"

„Understand what?"

„Why don't you understand how much you mean to me? Why would you take the risk of fucking dying again?" the younger one stressfully ran his hand through his hair „You- you can't just-" he stuttered.

George didn't understand his partner at all.

It was his decision to go on the mission or not and non of Dreams business. Well, maybe a little bit. He wouldn't want to risk loosing Dream as well, he thought, but the tall American overreacted a little.

„Dream you should calm down"

„Calm down, yeah" Clay answered „My boyfriend basically told me he wants to go on a suicide mission."

„Its not a suicide mi-" The injured man wanted complain but Dream interrupted Georges respond.

„Shut up, please just shut the fuck up" he took a deep breath „I don't want to fight with you about stuff like that now" Clay shuffled his hair and took another deep breath „I'm gonna calm down and you are going to think about your decision" (TRN: love, you already are arguing..)

George nodded and before he could respond, Dream already stepped out the door.

He was alone now.

The tired boy sunk back into his pillows and closed his eyes.

Was it really that dumb to go in the mission again? It would take a while till he could walk again, but that didn't matter. They had to kill a single person, how hard could that be? Nearly all of Schlatts people were dead, of course he got new guards by now, but probably not as many as before.

His thoughts slowly faded as he fell into another deep sleep.

In the meantime, Dream bumped right into Sapnap that instantly noticed something was off.

They went into the library, Dreams favorite place, and sat down before Clay finally begun to tell Sapnap what happened.

His friend understood why Dream was worried, but had the same opinion as George „In the end of the day you have him for the mission, so take him with you."

„No Sapnap you don't understand" Dream thought Sapnap would be on his side and they would be able to convince George to stay home. „I was so fucking close to loosing him" he rested his head in his hands „so close" he whispered „You don't know how it feels to see someone you love, laying in their own blood, trying to take the god damn cyanid pill!"

„Yeah" Sapnap agreed quietly „But you know, George is a killer. He is also your boyfriend now, but he got here for his job, Techno will send him home if he can't work."

Dream realised that Sapnap probably was right. No one would pay someone that couldn't work. And for a plan they could just find someone else.

„Dream, I say this knowing how scary it seems, but take George with you on that mission, I don't care how, but fighting with him about it 24/7 isn't the solution"

„Maybe you are right" he felt his friend laying an arm around his shoulder.

„I am right, it's the right decision"

1805 words

Is it the right decision?


Why am I updating this book at 7am cet you may ask? Even tho I don't have school today? WELL THAT MIGHT BE CAUSED BY A LITTLE DOTTY FELLA THAT DECIDED TO WAKE UP AT FIVE I LITERALLY HAD 1.5 HOURS OF SLEEP WTF

Anyways have a good day/night what ever and stay healthy :)

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