head to head ; kenma kozume

By InumakisCurse

383 17 3

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗ everyone knew of him, hell, it was hard not to know the infamous kenma kozu... More

shes being insane
calling from beyond the grave

you watch the news?

122 5 1
By InumakisCurse

"Y/N," Noya's voice carried throughout the apartment and straight into your eardrums, making them perk up in response. "where are you?"

Shaking your head in annoyance, you swing your legs over the side of your bed and make your way into the kitchen, "You know, you could've just come found me."

At the sound of your voice, Noya's head whipped up from where he was perched on the floor, no doubt looking for something in the cupboard. There wasn't. "There you are,"

You roll your eyes, shuffling to where he is so you can sit on the floor next to him. "Tanaka hasn't gone grocery shopping yet, I presume?"

Noya scoffs, "When does he ever?"

"Fair point," you shrug, "Suga hasn't gone then, has he?" 

"Nope," he says, emphasising the 'p' sound. Noya visibly deflates when he takes one more look into the cupboard, which had nothing in it, besides an empty cartoon of eggs Tanaka had left in there. "Hey, so, have you see the news recently?"

You frown, turning to face him, "You watch the news?" 

Yu sends you a deadpan look, "Do I not look like an avid news watcher?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No," you state simply, "porn watcher, maybe. But not news watcher."

Noya whacks you with the back of his hand, chuckling to himself. Before you or he could say anything else, the door to your apartment swung open, an unhappy Koshi and a grinning Tanaka standing in the doorway.

"Why the long face, Suga?" You ask him, getting up to walk infront of him, slightly worried. He sends you a look then flicks his eyes over to Tanaka, annoyance written all over his features. You could only guess what has happened.

"This idiot," Suga begins, pointing at Ryu, "deserves none of the food I have just bought. None."

"What did he do this time?" You sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. It was always something with Tanaka, but you kind of expected it. You knew what he was like in High School, so it was no surprise to you whatsoever.

Sugawara sighs as well, making his way into the kitchen and placing the grocery bags down onto the table. Noya, who had also gotten up from the floor, was now standing next to Tanaka. They both seemed to be engaged in a very enthusiastic conversation. "We got to the supermarket, everything was going well until that bitch," he points to Tanaka again, "saw a girl he found hot and decided that not starving was less important than getting a phone number" Suga huffs, picking up a nearby water bottle and lobbing it at Ryu's unexpected face. From the high pitched scream he let out, Koshi must've thrown it with a lot of force, causing you to giggle. "Oh, and he didn't get the phone number, so it was entirely pointless."

You burst into a fit of giggles, pointing at Tanaka, "You tried to get a girls phone number and failed?"

Ryu narrows his eyes at you, turning away with a point on his face. "She wasn't even that hot," he mumbles making you laugh even more at his childish nature. 

Out of nowhere, Noya perks up and says, "Hey, have either of you three watched the news?"

You, Koshi and Ryu are all silent before chuckling, "What's so funny?!" 

"You watch the news?" Tanaka says between laughs. "That's funny, Noya!"

"You don't really look the type." Suga states, you agreeing with him.

Noya rolls his eyes before flipping the three of you off, "Anyway, they found another body."

You widen your eyes at him, slightly surprised. "Another one? This quickly?" You ask, to which Yuu nods, confirming your question. "Goddamn, I know he's part of mafia but you'd think he wouldn't kill people in such quick succession."

"Who died and made you the Mafia Queen?" Koshi says to you. 

"Huh?" You reply, a bit confused.

Suga shakes his head at your stupidity, "Nevermind." 

You stare at him slightly before pushing it to the back of your mind, still slightly confused. "It's a shame he's a murderer and drug lord, you know." 

Tanaka stares at you, his eyebrow raised. "Well, you know, he's kind of hot."

Noya spits out the water from the water bottle he was drinking, which just so happened to be the one that Koshi threw at Ryu. "Y/N, he kills people!"


"And?!" he shrieks, voice high. "Is murder not a red flag for you? Because, you know, it's kind of the biggest red flag ever!"

"Well, Y/N does have a point," Tanaka shrugs, "He is kinda hot." 

Yu shrieks again, "Oh my god I live with sadists.". Noya makes his way over to the sofa and falls onto it dramatically, arms flailing every which way. 

You smirk at Ryu, "And here I thought you had bad taste."

Tanaka chuckles and joins Noya on the sofa, turning on the TV and browsing through the channels. Suga, on the other hand, was still in the kitchen and staring at you. You look at him expectantly, wondering why he's looking at you like that. 

"Do I need to call someone?" He asks you, backing away slightly.

"Call someone?" You repeat, once again bewildered.

"Like a psychiatrist or something, because theres no way you find the Kenma Kozume -- leader of the mafia -- hot." 

Your lips curl into a smirk, walking towards him. Sugawara backs up again, trying to get as much space between the two of you as possible. You, however, continue to walk towards him, which causes him to get caged between you and the kitchen counter. "Do you know what else I find hot?"

Koshi visibly gulps, eyes wide. "W-what?". He curses himself for stuttering, cheeks tinted pink slightly.

"When men put the toilet seat down after taking a piss," you smile sweetly at him, before turning away and plonking yourself down onto the chair opposite Tanaka and Noya. 

Sugawara breathes a sigh of relief, "Oi! How are you so sure it was more and not those two shitheads?" He yells at you, realising what you had just said.

You turn to face him, still smiling that sickening smile. "Because it was only you and I in the apartment that day. Do you remember?" You ask, "or do I have to enlighten you, and maybe these two shitheads aswell?"

Suga's eyes widen once again, shaking his head vigorously. Ryu and Yu's face scrunched up in confusion before shrugging to themselves, turning to face the television once again.

"Good boy." You say, your attention now on the television aswell.

Hell, if Suga expected this would be outcome of living with you, he would never had agreed in the first place.


authors note: I apologise for how much speech is in this, it's mainly an introduction to the reader & the dynamic between her, tanaka, suga and noya. nonetheless, I hope you enjoy :D


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