Open up (kda x male reader)

By I-Try-everyday69

102K 1.4K 1.1K

[ON hold] Alright this is the new story I've been thinking for a while and well it's [Y/N] but he has powers... More

Just a little bit about this story
Chapter 1 (How??)
Chapter 2 (The concert)
Chapter 3 (day with kda)
Chapter 4 (The offer)
Chapter 5 (The protection)
Chapter 6 (WHY JASON!)
Chapter 7 (Not bad jason)
Chapter 8 (Oh great)
Chapter 9 (Who?)
Chapter 10 (What the fuck)
Chapter 11 (Wow love problems)
Chapter 12 (The party)
Chapter 13 (What are these....feelings)
Chapter 14 (BINGO!)
Chapter 15 (I got you)
Chapter 16 (I support you)
Chapter 17 (The sunset looks nice)
Chapter 18 (What the hell)
Chapter 19 (Get outsmarted)
Chapter 20 (Now i see you)
Chapter 21 (Im here)
Chapter 22 (Just this one favor)
A good announcement
Chapter 23 (Whats his name)
Chapter 24 (All is in plan)
Chapter 25 (Fuck it ill join)
Chapter 26 (Ill be your third)
Chapter 27 (THIS IS SO STUPID)
Chapter 28 (Nolat is WHAT!)
Chapter 30 (just old stories)
Chapter 31 (To bandle city it is)
Chpater 32 (BOW BEFORE ME!)
Chapter 33 (Shut up and do it)
Chapter 34 (Im sorry but LETS DO THIS)
Chapter 35 (OH SHIT...I....JUST HAD SEX)
Chapter 36 (Back to that city it is)
Chapter 37 (ASSERT DOMINANCE...........Nevermind)
Chapter 38 (And you didnt catch him why?)
Chapter 39 (Ok.....My turn)
Chapter 40 (Wait Extra friends?)

Chapter 29 (Thats gonna leave a mark)

1.2K 19 18
By I-Try-everyday69

*[Y/N] POV*

[Y/N]: What the hell happened to you and the rest of you didn't respond to us for a while....I thought you just went on a vacation or something but only for me to discover that you've been.....captured...but how.....

Talon: Well you see he had plans for us.....all of us......we are still at war with demecia and its only a matter of time before he gets what he wants

[Y/N]: And what is it that he wants

Talon: The whole world........that's all I'm going to say if you live throughout this battle I can tell you the rest as a reward *chuckle*.....but thanks to this artifact I don't think it's going to happen *smile*

[Y/N]: Hmph very big talk talon what exactly can it do that seems like it's your first time using it

Talon: Perspective [Y/N] but let's find out shall we

He charges at me but only for me to dodge......however he throws the artifact at and of course I dodged but then I realized something


It created a explosion behind me

[Y/N]: gah....what the hell

Talon: That's new.......I've never seen a weapon easily explode like that and still be in full condition

[Y/N]: Well your "Explosion"....caused damage to the apartment......

Yea it punched a hole through some else's I feel bad for the guy who has to pay the damages.....

[Y/N]: But now your defenseles-


Ugh me and my big mouth

Talon: This weapon piece is so powerful the guy who wields it must have holded a great amount of power

[Y/N]: *Pant* think....dude your punching holes with that piece your literally destroying the apartment building little by little..

*knock* *knock*

Apartment resident: Can you keep it down im trying to watch a movie here about some guy getting a harem of girls

Oh for crying out loud oh shi-


[Y/N]: Oh ummm sorry about that just that my friend here is a little moody so haha leave while you can sir

He just stared at me and Talon with a shocked expression and then soon bolted screaming

[Y/N]: Oh great talon you just attracted the police to us now we Definitely have to take this outside

Talon: Hmph I don't think so


Talon: Now we can take it outside

He punched a whole through the window showing the display of the city.......not bad of a apartment building to be honest but still the person who has to pay this now is gonna be devastated

[Y/N]: *Sigh* leave my no choice talon it's time for me to end this

Talon: Oh and how are you going to do killing me *smile*

[Y/N]: No......I'm just gonna do what the old saying goes

Talon: And that is?

[Y/N]: Hitting you.....very hard

Talon: Hmph.....catch *snickers*

[Y/N]: Nice try but-


[Y/N]: You missed a spot

Talon: *Gasp*....

I dashed behind him and he turned around to hit me but only to be hit with a upper cut......


He landed on the floor and I proceeded to get on top of him and punch him repeatedly in the face


I was punching him to much because blood was beginning to spew out of him.....but thanks to him being a puppet he regenerates it easily......wait that's it take out the stone behind him......katerina had one so he must to.....

[Y/N]: And now for the finishing move

I flipped him out and elbowed his head......I think I may have caused some brain damage.....but nonetheless I lifted his hoodie and there it was....the all its glory Shinning red.....i proceeded to grab it to try and yank it out but it stuck to him like a magnet...

[Y/N]: Aw shit talon you might want to bite something and scream because *crack*.....this might be a little painful so.....

I proceeded to take the gem out of his back and he began to yell really loud


Oh god the screaming is annoying but dammit get out you stupid fricken gem...........haaaaaaaaaaaaa..........oh my god I managed to yank it out but it had a little bits of blood on it.....and I can see why...this gem is like a attaches to the host and binds there spinal cord nerves because that is connected to the brain....I get how that can be so painful


[Y/N]: oooooo.....yikes....that's gonna leave a mark......but talon you still breathing?

I turned over talon to see if he's still alive and frankly he is.....but barely.....jesus it's like his whole body got drained and he's exhausted.......*sigh*.....lets get you home buddy but not without destroying this gem....

I began to walk out what once was the apartment door but only reduced to a pile of wood and through a little digging I found the artifact.........but once I touched it a image played in my head

????: Oh my God who are you

????: I am.....YOUR WORLD ENDER HAHAHAH Surrender to me and you might be spared

????: Ok sir I will just please don't hurt me

*Another image*

????: All of the world now obeys you brother

????: Yes...we have finally did what we were destined to

????: *Evil laughter* We have and now all that we're against us are now under our control hahahaha



[Y/N]: *Breath* *breath* What....the..hell....

????: I see that you have seen our future together [Y/N]....isn't it lovely

Dear that really my future.....he wins and all of runeterra become a part of him....what the hell....and where is friends.....are they....all dead?

????: Soon they will *evil laughter*

[Y/N]: *Tch* that's never gonna happen.......still I can't leave this artifact here otherwise ionia might use it as a weapon of some kind can I hold it....whenever I do its like insanity is like increasing in my head

????: Only I can hold it [Y/N]....and properly....your just a mortal who can't handle it weakling *Chuckles*

[Y/N]: *Tch* I'll show you

I began to grab the artifact and needless to glows but I also get random images in my head again ....

????: Dear God someone help us

????: Kill it...shoot it

????: Were trying but we can't seem to make a dent on him

????: Try harder then *crack* gahhh.......

????: Did he just snap his neck

Caitlyn: Run everyone run!!


[Y/N]: gahhhhhhh....*pant*...*pant*.....

????: Told you.....weak.....

[Y/N]: *tch*.......hmmmm....

I began to walk to the apartment room and I see that talons bags are still here.......well sorry talon but looks like your bag has to make space for this thing because we cant let it loose.....which is why

*Zip**shuffling noises*

Im going to give it to zed and the rest to make sure it's locked away............that's if I remember.........wait what the hell....why did my memory get erased...........

????: *chuckles*...

[Y/N]: Don't try anything kiddo

????: I wont this are my host after all......but best get a move on


We have visitors

[Y/N]: SHIT......fuck........

I grabbed the blanket and covered the artifact and turns out it works I can wield the artifact but I don't feel the insanity or anything.......well I guess little things can make big things go bye.....


[Y/N]: Alright talon....lets get you somewhere safe


Dreaming huh.....probably his capture or something but I best get a move on and-

????: By ionia police stop right there

Ah shit it's the dawn breaker Leona....I mean understandable considering darkin magic was being used so of course they would send the best

[Y/N]: *Breath*......can we settle this over tea?

Leona: No scum now put down that bag and victim and hands up

[Y/N]: *Sigh*.......worth a shot

*Thud* *footsteps*

I jumped out what once was a window and proceeded to just run....thank god that my back was turned....*footsteps*....otherwise she would maybe recognize me of who I am.......but talon buddy....*Snore* have alot of explaining to do once we get back at the penthouse....lets hope the girls don't give me the silent treatment when I get home.......

*Timeskip 1 hour later*



Akali: [Y/N] What the hell you can't just bring random bodies In here whenever you feel like it

Mundo: *sigh*.....does this mean I have to make another call again?

Evelynn: No but I believe the damages they both did you might have to make the call

Mundo: Well depends on what they both did

[Y/N]: *Breath*...apartment....*breath*....explosions....*pant*.......artifact

Ahri: Yup i guess we should put a tracker on him

[Y/N]: What the no! I don't need your careness on to me

Jason: I mean they always say you get yourself into trouble and frankly

Talon: *breath*........*breath*....

You brought a body so.......

[Y/N]: Well its not any body it's our fallen comrade talon

Jason: Really......

Seraphine: Ummmm who?

[Y/N]: it's a person me and Jason knew before....we lost contact with him and his group a few years ago but man.........I was such a dumbass to not realize that nolat backwards spelt talon....and all this time i couldn't find out *sigh*.........good thing you told me where he lives Kai' we got our comrade back Jason and oh boy.....are we in for a story he's going to tell

Jason: And what might that be?

[Y/N]: Wellllll


There's this and this crap

Akali: What the hell is that?

Evelynn: Looks like a parasite of some sort

Kai'sa: Is that....blood?

Jason: Is that a piece of some sword

[Y/N]: Ugh...yes yes and yes.....this is a piece of a sword and as you can see it glows.....whenever I'm next to it that is and this gem is a parasite....sort attaches to your spinal cord and takes control of you

Jason: The spinal cord.....

Akali: Oooooo....that's gotta be painful isn't it

Ahri: Yea its connected to the spinal cord so

Mundo: Mundo remember when you ripped out someone's spine once Evelynn

Evelynn: Ah yes I remember that bad it was just a buisness man trying to get close to me....I warned him but he didn't listen *smile*

Akali: Ugh it's always those guys...and handsome actors and rich guys....ugh....

Kai'sa: Being treated like a object isn't fun

Seraphine: Well is it going to happen to me once we make the music video

Akali: Yea but If you can handle yourself then you will be alright

Seraphine: Well that I can do but.....can you teach me akali?

Akali: Sure....I've always wanted to teach a pupil but right after we've dealt with [Y/N]s boyfriend

[Y/N]: Hmph....anyways Jason have you contacted the others about what has happened?

Jason: Yes I did.....Zed and kayn is on there way

[Y/N]: Of course kayn would come with him...........simp...

Jason: Ha....

[Y/N]: Anyways.....this artifact caused chaos guys like...explosion chaos

Ahri: How bad was it?

Evelynn: Well there you go Mundo I guess you do have to make a call.....that is if he was found out that is

[Y/N]: Na im too fast there's no way they would have caught m-

Akali: Wait hold that thought.....looks like your trending a little

New reporter Janna: This is Janna here and it seems to be a hell of a mess....the apartment building is being investigated and there seems to be massive damage that happened here.....eye witness Leona here with some news for us.....tell us Leona what happened when you came face to face with the person who did this damage

Leona: i couldn't get a good eye on him but he was holding what seemed a body and a bag with something inside of it glowing red......I'm not sure what it was but I'm certain it's something very bad

Janna: Interesting anything else??

Leona: That's all I know for now but-

Apartment resident: I saw who he looked like that body was a guy in some hoodie and the guy that was battling him looked almost like the hero of piltover

Janna: Really......isn't he working for the kda now?

Apartment resident: I'm pretty sure yea

Receptionist: Oh him....yea he looked like the hero of piltover alright....just that Im not sure if it was him or not but if it was then I guess you should talk to the kda girls to see if it was him

Janna: There you have it folks it looks like the hero of piltover is now probably turning into a criminal if the kda girls confirm this then we will have to pay him a visit anyways back to you Leona............

Everyone soon stared at me mostly akali and ahri because they had a small angry expression but evelynn had a annoyed expression while Kai'sa and Seraphine kinda didn't care

Akali: Hmmm fast huh.....yea not so fast it seems

[Y/N]: Ugh whatever

Evelynn: Well Mundo you know what to do

Mundo: Yes Evelynn I know

Mundo the manager left with a face of annoyance..........feels like im a new group member into this pile of annoyance because if the kda girls make him annoyed with there problems then I guess I'm gonna cause more stress for him if I continue with this mess.............poor manager

Ahri: Oh yea continue explaining what that......thing is?.

Akali: Yea and why does it glow red around you?

[Y/N]: I don't know actually...talon here knows what it is and it's purpose.....that is if he knows and remembers so.....but I do know one thing

Evelynn: And that is?

[Y/N]: This artifact or mantle of a's somewhat connected to me

Jason: Connected how?

[Y/N]: I don't know how but.......this mantle or sword whatever.........

Belonged to someone who caused major destruction in the past

Hmmmmmmmm......something seems fishy here......i wonder who is the elephant of this room is......anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and peace kiddos

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