I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)

By BeckySmolder

17.1K 509 347

Danielle Rodriguez has spent the last three weeks in Spain with her girlfriends, living wild and free like a... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
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CH. 11
CH. 12
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CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
Book No. 3 - OUT NOW ‼️💛🌈

CH. 13

507 18 9
By BeckySmolder


Thursday, January 26th
10:15 AM

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I was on a four way call with Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus. The boys were bickering as they have been for the past five days. "Enough with the family squabbling!" Rebekah exclaimed. "Come on, Nik. Even you can see that the situation has become awkward."

"There's nothing awkward about it!" My boyfriend retorted, "Hayley and Hope are belong in the compound where they are safe. As much as I would like Elijah's help to kill Finn, if his delicate sensibilities are offended by the presence of Hayley's new husband, then he's welcome to continue sulking across the river."

"As I have explained to you repeatedly, brother, my presence here in Algiers is purely to assemble allies, and given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts," Elijah replied. He was annoyed with his brother but his actions were logical.

Klaus scoffed, "Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!"

"Guys, please," I groaned. "Can you you two at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety?"

"I would like nothing more," Elijah said.

" I am doing exactly that!" Klaus nearly shouted.

"See? You're on the same team," I pointed out.

"Speaking of, I don't like you out and about alone, Danielle," Klaus said.

"You're alone?" Elijah questioned.

"I went to get coffee and to do some shopping. I'm fine," I told them, stopping at the boutique.

"Conflict resolved, crisis averted," Rebekah said. I rolled my eyes. She was dismissing my safety cause she didn't care. However, I didn't want the boys to try to lock me away in the compound just to keep me safe.

"Mhm. Bye," I said.

"Dan–" Klaus was saying but I hung up, ending the four way call.

I gasped, walking over to a round mirror that had gold, beaded frame. Hayley and I have been discussing Hope's nursery. She told me to do all the shopping and decorating, she trusted my choices cause she loved the old nursery. But this time she said she wanted something more simple. Less princess, more me. Yeah, she said she liked my style. Boho. And that's what I was going to give her.

The crib Jackson built was tan, but we could always paint it. Anyways, this mirror was cute. I could use it. Ooh, or that chandelier! It was all beige tassel. It was exactly the look I was going for. My phone began ringing, breaking my concentration on nursery ideas. Klaus was calling. "Hello?" I answered.

"You hung up on me," he said.

"Sorry," I laughed. "I'm having fun shopping. I found this cool little boutique. Care to come give me hand with bringing some stuff home."

"Stuff? Like what?"

"This mirror and maybe a chandelier," I said.

"Love, now isn't the time for shopping."

"Oh, this ottoman," I gasped. "Hmm... not the same shade, more tan, but it's gorgeous. I'm thinking a white rug? White and tan... Think we should do pink or purple, maybe yellow?"

"Again, not the time, love."

"I'm already here doing it. Just come join me, baby. Please."

"Be there in a flash."

"Thank you," I smiled, hanging up. I walked over to the clerk, asking for the price on the mirror because that was sure to be the most expensive thing of three that I was already falling in love with. I needed a theme. I was thinking swans, because I know how much she loved the stuffed swan I got her. But maybe that was too princess-y.

Less than ten minutes later and my boyfriend was strolling through the cute boutique, looking completely out of place. I giggled as a couple of the teen girls working were gawking at him. He had that disinterested look all over his face, which made him all the more intriguing and sexy. The all black outfit, leather jacket included, definitely made him seem like a bad boy. I was watching the girls smile and whisper amongst themselves. I wonder what they were saying cause he could hear everything. Oh, and they might just die when they hear his accent.

"Dani?" He called.

I smiled, waving to get his attention. He walked over, lips pursed. "Hi, baby," I greeted with a big grin, wrapping my hands around his neck. "Thank you for coming."

"Hi," he grumbled, pecking my lips and grabbing hold of my waist. "You're spoiled, you know that? We shouldn't be here. So let's hurry."

"Look at those girls," I whispered, discreetly nodding in their direction.

"What about them?" He asked, still grumbling.

"They like you," I sang.

"So?" He scoffed. "Come on."

"So? It's funny," I laughed. "I got the hot guy."

He rolled his eyes but started to smirk, "You want to take me to school one day and show me off there too?" He teased.

"I'm tempted," I admitted. "You're like my Zachary Erickson."

"A what?"

"Not a what. A who. Zachary Erickson. Hottest guy that ever went James Madison Memorial High. He was the star of the baseball team. Senior, sexy bad boy look, any girl that hung off of his arm... popular as hell. Every girl wanted to be her... For a week. Because they always ended after a week–"

"I forget how young you are. And how weird the world is."

I furrowed my brows as he let go of me and started walking around. "Wait, so what was it like growing up? Do you even go to school?"

"Yeah, we had a few lessons in the village but mainly what you would call homeschool. But mother was always distracted with her witch business."

"And that was like, what? A billion years ago?" I asked, walking the opposite direction of him. When he looked up and glared at me I smirked. "Love you."

"What are you even buying from here?" He questioned, walking around the circular rack to catch me in his arms.

"A mirror, an ottoman, and this chandelier thing. For Hope's nursery," I said.

He sighed, "Okay."

"Would it kill you to pretend you're having fun so it actually feels like we're spending quality time for once?" I asked, placing my hands on his chest and raising my eyebrows.

"We're together all the time."

I rolled my eyes, pushing against his chest and walking to where the mirror was. "I want this," I told my boyfriend as he followed me.

"Anything you want, love," he replied. I stepped to the side so he could grab the mirror. Instead he just stood there, smirking at me. "You're mad at me."

"No, I'm not," I said, crossing my arms. "Aren't we in a rush? Come on," I hurried him along but he shook his head. "What? I'm not mad."

"Yes, you are," he laughed. "You got that cute little vein in your forehead and your pouting. I think I know when my girlfriend is mad."

"Fine. I'm irritated. So what?"

"One hour."

"What?" I scoffed. "One hour what?"

"One hour of quality time. After this. Okay? Just the two of us."

I narrowed my eyes on him. I wanted to be a brat and say one hour wasn't enough because the past few days I've barely seen him. Instead Hayley and I are passing Hope back and forward. Except when I have the baby, she's with her husband. When she had the baby, I was alone because Klaus was out and about with his plans.

Klaus opened his arms for a hug. I rolled my eyes, playfully this time and smiled as I moved to embrace him. He was trying. That's what mattered. "Two hours?" I asked and he snorted.

"One and a half."

"I love you," I said. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I know you're busy. It's just... it's hard on me sometimes. Feels like I'm suffocating in your world."

He frowned, "I know, baby girl."

I sighed, looking up at him with my chin on his chest. "Can we get lunch after this?" I asked softly, moving a hand up to caress his scruffy cheek. "And then do some shopping?"

"Of course," he answered, kissing my forehead. "I love you... Let's get going."

I pulled away from him so we could finish in this store. Klaus grabbing everything I wanted and hauling it to the register. The check out girl giggled the whole time. But soon enough we were walking away to his car to head out to some Cajun placed that Klaus picked out.

Two hours later we were walking around the city, in and out of shops. "Can you buy me this dad hat?" I asked my boyfriend as I was looking at two rows of baseball hats on shelves. I grabbed the distressed black one that said, "Bad Hair Day"

"Dad hat?" He snorted.


"Do I ever say no?" He retorted, holding up the other little bags of stuff he's bought for me this afternoon. Perfume, bath bombs, the cutest bralette, vintage platform heels, and of course love potions from the cutest witch shop.

"Not to buying me stuff," I chuckled, "But you tell me no to practically anything else."

"That's not true," he scoffed.

"I asked for pink sheets on our bed, what did you say?"

"Pink sheets is ridiculous. It doesn't match the rest of the room!"

"I asked for a back rub the other night."

"I was tired."

I rolled my eyes, "How about when I asked–?"

"Let's just get the hat and go home," he cut me off and I laughed. He took me by my hand, tugging me to him. "I love you and I will give you that back rub tonight."

"Mmm. You're hoping for sex after, aren't you?" I smirked.

"Always," he grinned, leaning down to kiss me. I wrapped one arm around his neck while my other hand held the hat. "You know I wish I could give the world right?"

"You're my world. I love spending time with you."

"I really need to go home."

"Buy me the hat and there's a coffee shop across the street."

"Fine," he agreed.

We bought the hat and I tossed it on backwards. I didn't care if it matched my outfit. Today was casual, comfortable, and cute. Grey sweater dress with a not so smiley face, my new hat, and brown UGGs. "Coffee, coffee, coffee," I chanted as I swung mine and Klaus' joined hands as we went over to the cute little café I loved.

Ten minutes later we were driving back to the first boutique where he met me earlier because that's where my car was parked. "I think I want to go to Aruba for my birthday," I told Klaus.


"For a week. A different bikini for every day."

Klaus turned his head to look at me, looking me up and down. "I wish you were in a bikini right now," he smirked, reaching over to place a hand on my thigh, sliding it up under my dress.

"It's chilly outside," I retorted, smacking his hand away. Klaus shrugged but then pulled over next to where my car was parked. "Meet you at home, sexy."

"Follow me straight home, don't wander," he warned.

"I'm tempted to disobey cause you have that look in your eye that says I'll like my punishment if I do," I smirked. He raised an eyebrow at me and I hurried out of the car. Then I moved to get all my bags out of the back seat. "I'll follow you straight home and then I'll be in my makeup room, putting everything away."

"Okay, baby girl."


Thursday, January 26th
2:35 PM

"It's time to use our werewolf army," I heard Klaus as I was walking out of my makeup room. "Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."

"No, we need all hands on deck here with Hope," I heard another voice. Rugged, deep, and expressing dislike for my boyfriend. Jackson. "Okay, you can compel humans to track your enemies."

"Do my ears deceive me or did you just give me an order in my own home?" Klaus retorted as I was entering the den slowly, where Klaus stood a few paces in front of a loveseat Jackson sat on and Hayley sat on the arm of.

"This ain't about your ego, Klaus!" Jackson snapped. "It's about what's best for that little girl."

"How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!" Klaus yelled back and I rushed to his side, placing a hand on his chest and the other on his arm to pull him back a step away from where Jackson and Hayley occupied the couch.

"Hey, both of you, calm down," I advised, giving Jackson a stern look. Klaus pretty much ignored my presence. He took a threatening step forward so he towered over Jackson. "Baby," I pleaded, rubbing his chest. "Take it easy, please."

I looked over at Hayley, raising my eyebrows and giving her a desperate look for her to help me. She bit her lip and turned her head to look at Jackson who was glaring right back at my boyfriend. "Jack," she finally spoke up. "Klaus is right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there."

Jackson sighed, irritated, unsurprisingly. Klaus smirked then, victoriously, and then spoke, "I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste."

Jackson finally stood up, standing toe to toe with my boyfriend. He looked mad enough to take a swing on him. "Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking. Don't think for one second that I take orders from you," Jackson growled out.

Then he left the room. Hayley gave me a pointed look as she followed her husband out. She wanted me to speak to my man. "He's right you know," I said once we were all alone.

"He's not," Klaus scoffed.

"You can't boss him around or tell him what to do with his pack," I said, standing in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Watch me."

"Klaus," I warned. "You need to be nice."

"To Jackson?" He scoffed. "Just because you like him, doesn't mean I do."

"Okay, I give up. Just tell me what is your plan."

"The wolves find Finn and then I kill him."

I opened my mouth to speak, but then shut it. I didn't have words for that. "I'm going to call Brooke and maybe head back out to get my nails done," I said instead and Klaus frowned.

"No. I don't want you going out alone. It's not safe," he replied.

I held both of my hands out in front of him, "Look at my nails. I need a fill in. Desperately, Klaus."

"Could you be more vain?"

"If I wasn't, you wouldn't love me," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

He cracked a smile then, "I love you for more than your nails and your cute little outfits."

"What about my killer body?"

"I don't miss doing yoga."

I laughed then, shaking my head. "Okay, what do you want to do while the wolves are looking for Finn?"

"I think of a few things."

"Name one that isn't sex."

He furrowed his brows, "Dye this hair back."

I gasped, "What do you have against the blonde?"

"Nothing," he laughed. "I just miss when it was all natural and you wore it in curls."

"Change is good."

"Change it back then?"

"No. But maybe I will dye it. Pick a color?"

"A color?" He scoffed. Then he grabbed an end of my hair, twirling the strand around his finger. And then came a thoughtful hum. "Red."

"Red?" I gasped. "Really?"

"Sure," he said. "Anything to cover up the blonde."

"Oh, my God. I hate you."

"Blondes have more fun. I don't want you asking for me to do more," he said and my jaw dropped. Then he began laughing. "I'm kidding, love."

"I don't believe you. Let's have sex before we start arguing."

He grinned, lifting me up bridal style. "Please, let's."


Thursday, January 26th
6:05 PM

I was in my makeup room/closet when there was incessant knocking at my door and the sound of a baby crying. I looked over at the door as it opened without me welcoming anyone in. Hayley was coming in with Hope. "Help me," Hayley begged as our eyes locked.

I laughed lightly and nodded. I got up from my vanity where I was doing my makeup. Klaus was out to track down Finn. The wolves said he was in the mausoleum so that's where my boyfriend went. Alone. Said it wasn't safe for me. But promised tonight we'd go out for dinner to celebrate Finn's death.

Granted, not something I felt like we should be celebrating. Killing his brother sounded traumatic, but I'm also not saying Finn doesn't deserve whatever my personal psychopath had in store for him. I was just hoping Klaus wasn't underestimating his big brother.

However, in the case that Klaus was in a joyous mood, I was getting ready for our date. I was picking the place. Brennan's.  I already made the reservation for two. I've been dying to go there ever since moving to New Orleans to be with Klaus. The place looked so cute online. And I've driven by it a thousand times. The outside of it was pink! The place was just screaming chic and perfect for me. And finally I was going there to have a romantic dinner with my boyfriend.

"Let me have her," I said, opening my arms for Hayley to hand her over. The mom sighed in relief right after while I bounced Hope gently in my arms to try to soothe her loud wailing. "Shh... It's okay, princess. I got you, babe."

"She's giving me a complex," Hayley groaned, rubbing her temples. She looked rather distressed watching me pace around as I carried the five month old. "I don't know... Maybe something's wrong. I tried feeding her. She doesn't need changing. I checked her temper. I don't think she's sick. Ugh. Maybe... Maybe I'm just the world's worst mother," she was ranting.

I raised my eyebrows, looking at Hope who was finally quiet. She laid her head on my shoulder, sucking her hand to her mouth. I was rubbing her back to try to soother her further. "She stopped crying," Hayley gasped then, noticing now.

"You're a great mother. But there's other people who can help you with her. You don't have to do this all alone."

"I know, I know. I'm so thankful for you though."

I smiled, "You're welcome. It's not problem. I love her."

"Look at her. She loves you," Hayley grinned, coming to stand next to me to coo at her baby. "So where is daddy dearest?"

"He went to confront Finn."

"I hope he kills him."

"Well, I'm getting ready to celebrate his death with Klaus over dinner apparently."

Hayley gasped, meeting my eyes before chuckling. "Oh, my God. Really?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Only Klaus."

"Mhm," I hummed. "But it gives me an excuse to put on makeup today. And to wear another cute outfit in the same day."

She laughed, "Well, I wish your date well. However, I do have bad news for Klaus."

I groaned, throwing my head back in disbelief. "Really? What now?" I asked her, handing Hope back. Maybe I'll need to cancel my reservations. "Because I've been dying to go to Brennan's forever now."

"Brennan's?" She gasped.

"Yes," I emphasized. "So what's your bad news?"

"We lost a wolf today," she said.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "Gosh, I am. But... that's because I have a heart. Why do you think that's going to upset Klaus though. That's just one wolf. And Klaus personally cares about none but you."

"That's the thing," she started, pacing away from me now while bouncing Hope. I frowned, wanting to tell her to stop bounding so hard cause the baby was dozing off to sleep, which was a good thing. But with every bounce her eyelids fluttered open tiredly. If she kept that up Hope would be cranky and screaming her little lungs out. Again. "Klaus can't use my pack anymore. I don't want to lose any more wolves. The pack will protect Hope if anyone comes for her."

"Maybe I should talk to Klaus," I suggested, placing a hand on her shoulder to keep her still. Then I reached over to place a hand on Hope's back to signal her to keep her other arm still from bouncing the baby.

"No. It's my pack. I need to stand up to him."

"But... you're both stubborn. The last thing we need is for you two to be at each other's throats. There's enough tension in this family."

"I am not stubborn," she scowled. "Klaus is just... impossible!"

"Shh," I shushed her. "Fine, you talk to him. But after my date. And try to make it a civil conversation please. Because you two demanding each other doesn't work."

"I'll try," she replied.


Thursday: January 26, 2012

Dear diary,

OMG! Dinner was amazing!!! To die for.

The place was as adorable as I thought. Pink on the outside with black shutters. Inside: black and white checkered flooring. Green interior - leather booths while the other seats were the perfect Salmon Pink. Lovely paintings and a matching pink lamp at every booth. And the entire room had like lattice fencing walls.

Ugh, thank god, Klaus was in a good mood. Finn wasn't dead. Instead actually, Freya showed up. Or as my boyfriend  said, the blonde woman who claimed to be his oldest sibling. Elijah was there too. He wanted Finn's body, Vincent's actual body for some deal he made with the witches who apparently wanted to imprison Rebekah's new body. Apparently Rebekah was in the body of a witch who kidnapped kids. So Elijah wanted the witches to trust him with his sister and in exchange he needed to return Vincent.

So what happened was, Klaus kicked Finn's ass. Then Elijah showed up to keep Klaus from killing him. Which turned into a fight of course. That's when Freya showed up to talk to her brothers. Only after she captured Finn's soul into her crystal necklace. She warned them about Dahlia, saying she wanted to team up with them to kill her before she kills everyone else.

Klaus didn't react well. He didn't even hear her out. He stormed away because Freya said she needed a few materials that would help her stop Dahlia. She just happened to have Mikael being the one to collect them. Which enraged Klaus, reasonably. The life of his child was in the hands of Mikael so to speak. I didn't trust that either. Klaus left despite Elijah saying to hear her out to find out more information.

Klaus may have been frustrated with his family. But for once he handled it well. Made out with me when he got home, quickly changed into nicer clothes, and then helped me order as much as possible on the menu for two.

The food was delicious. We got two apps:  Creole Caesar Salad and Crawfish potato salad. Both were really good. For dinner I had duck for the first time. It did not disappoint. However, I did really love what Klaus got: "Pomegranate braised short ribs." We of course ordered the most expensive bottle of champagne they had. And we both even ordered dessert. Klaus got a blueberry tart and I got strawberry crepes, that was for way more than two people. It was also flambeed tableside! It was so fancy for the cutest little spot.

I loved it there. Klaus and I agreed if we couldn't go on vacation for my birthday, he'd book the whole restaurant for a party for me. He discussed his family drama and I discussed my New Orleans back up plan. My friends flying in from Wisconsin, a dazzling dress, and a night of dancing with my man.

Now we were both home. Klaus wanted to check up on Hope, which is where I left him. While I changed into something sexy and skimpy to give him what he's been asking for all day: ME!

However, I've been writing for some time. Where the hell was he? Why was he taking so long. Not that I didn't think it was good to finally get some time with his daughter, but surely she was sleeping. How long could he watch her? He had to know I was either laying in bed naked or unsurprisingly wearing one of the many lingerie sets I owned.


Thursday, January 26th
10:35 PM

As if on cue, Klaus entered the room. I looked up from my diary, shutting it as Klaus slammed the bedroom door behind him. Oh, no. He was pissed. Fuck. We had such a good night out! Hayley. It had to be. She must have spoken to him.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked, putting my diary into the nightstand.

Klaus huffed, taking off his jacked and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hayley. She's unbelievable. Of all the women in the world, she's the one I got stuck with?" He scoffed and I raised my brows.

"Not sure I'm the right person for this conversation," I mumbled, crawling to the end of the bed and sitting on my knees next to him. "What happened?"

"I told her to send the wolves out for Mikael. She told me no. Can you believe that?!"

I nodded slowly, "And how did you react?"

"I told her the obvious. That Mikael was a threat to our child."

"What did she say?" I asked, wincing.

"Mikael is a threat to me," he scoffed. She had a point. Klaus was the one on his radar. Always has been, but that didn't mean Mikael couldn't pose as a threat to Hope or anyone else for that matter. "As if my father would never stoop low enough to use someone I love to get to me. Hayley said the pack can protect Hope but I couldn't use them to settle old scores, as if that's what this is about–"

"She has a point," I cut him off before he kept ranting.

"You agree with her?" He questioned.

"To an extent," I said. "One of her guys died. And Mikael is out searching for ingredients for Freya so I think we're fine for now. Okay?"

"Yeah, but... I wish you were there to say that when she was talking to me," he sighed. "I was so mad and she was so mad."

"What did you do?" I frowned.

"I told her the pack, her friends, and her husband are only a necessary means to keeping Hope safe. Told her you and I aren't running a charity hostel here. You want the house to build a family. So if the wolves aren't fighting on my side, they won't remain alive to fight at all."

"Please tell me that those weren't your exact words. And why would you bring me into it?" I asked, smacking his arm.

"Okay, I didn't mention you wanting to build a family. That isn't intimidating at all. But I did use the words "Dani and I aren't running a charity hostel." Then I threatened the lives of her pack."

"And she took that badly, didn't she?" I growled.

"You look... nice," Klaus mumbled, tugging at the waistband of my suspender belt.

"Tell me what she said," I demanded, smacking his hand. "Or I'm off limits."

"I will. Then you can be mad at her too," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "She told me to do what I need to do to keep our daughter safe and she'll do the same. But then she said if I ever used Hope to manipulate her, then I'll never see either of them again. Talk about using our child as a tool of manipulation. Dani, if she tries to keep Hope from me... I swear–"

"Uh, uh. Stop it," I cut him off. "Don't finish that sentence. You both said things in the heat of the moment. Let me calm you down tonight and I'll talk to her in the morning."

Because if Hayley did ever try to run away with Hope... I don't know if there's anything I can do to stop him from lashing out. Hayley was only important because she was Hope's mother. This isn't like keeping Klaus from trying to kill Rebekah. He loves his sister. Hell, he was scared of loving me and compelled me to have an abortion. Klaus would do maybe one thing short of killing Hayley. That's assuming he won't kill her because she's Hope's mother. But I can already see him not caring about that cause he has a back up mother figure. Me.

"Ugh, I can't do this," I said, pulling away from Klaus who was kissing my neck as I was lost in my thoughts. "Sorry, I just thought of all these bad things and the last thing I can do is have sex now."

Klaus gave me an incredulous look. "Are you serious? I need to take my frustration out. With you and rough sex. Before I kill someone," he said.

"No. Not tonight," I mumbled, climbing off of bed.

"But I've behaved all day! I've given you everything you've wanted all day!" He whined.

"And now I'm worried you'll kill Hayley, because you're a psychopath. You tried to kill your sister, made me abort our baby, tried to kill your brother today–"

"Mood ruined. Fair enough," he said, standing up too. "I'm going to get out of here. Screw sex, time to scheme. I have to stay one step ahead of Hayley."

"She's not our enemy."

"But she could be and she will be if she tries to make her threat a reality," Klaus replied scarily. "Good night, baby girl."

"Wait," I said, grabbing hold of his arm before he could move to leave. "Don't do anything too hasty. And don't stay out too late or I'll worry."

"Kiss me goodbye and then go to bed."

"I love you," I told him, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I love you too," he replied, kissing me deeply. Just as I was thinking about moving this back to the bed, he pulled away. "I have to go. I have a brilliant plan."

My jaw dropped in shock as he grabbed his coat and quickly left the room before I could say another word. I laughed as the door shut, leaving me alone. That was my evil genius. Maybe he won't stay out too long and I can stay up so we can do it. Who was I kidding, the moment I got this extravagant lingerie off I'd be dead asleep.

"Sex - first thing in the morning." That's what I texted Klaus once I was tucked in bed, ready to doze off any minute while he was out doing God knows what. That's another thing to deal with tomorrow.

~Picture: Danielle's outfit on her shopping outing with Klaus 😑

So how was that? Klaus and Dani got some good quality time in today. They spent some time shopping, had a romantic dinner, and they've been having conversations without any arguments. However, things are about to get rough. I mean, they couldn't even have sex. All because Dani got worried about Hayley and Klaus' relationship.

Things are about to get messier, because why wouldn't they. Just when things seem to be going right or okay, they turn out wrong. It's the bad luck that revolves around everyone close to Klaus. So let's see how things play out with Freya, Hayley and the wolves, Elijah, and Mikael.

But on a happier note, Hope and Dani have a great relationship so far. Dani's re-doing the nursery. Also, luckily, Dani gets along with Hayley. Hopefully that's enough to keep the peace. But we'll see.

And who thinks it's time that Dani and Klaus' relationship gets turned up a level? I'm dying to stir something more up between them. But we'll see...

If you liked this chapter leave some smiley/unsmiley related emojis for the one on Dani's dress 😵🤗🥺

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For the Mikaelson's to give up Hope, to protect her from Dahlia was devastating. And to lose her into the world was like shattering their hearts, esp...
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"𝐖𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬...𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚�...
904K 25.6K 54
A KING CAN RULE ONLY WITH A QUEEN BY HIS SIDE: Family is power. The Original Vampire family swore it to each other a thousand years ago. They pledged...
226K 3.4K 37
Cassiana Gilbert. She's different, according to the original hybrid. She has something in her that sparks and ignites. It draws him in like a light d...