NegaTales || Season 1 ||

Von GiddyDanish

18.9K 1K 3.3K

[A DuckTales AU. Season one rewritten with the Negaverse characters. Basically the show but the characters ar... Mehr

Hoo-Whoo Pt 1
HW Pt 2
HW Pt 3
Escape From/To Atlantis Pt 1
The Infernal Internship of Zan Owlison Pt 1
The Forgotten Promise of Agent 22 Pt 1
TFPoA22 Pt 2
TFPoA22 Pt 3
TFPoA22 Pt 4
The House of the Unlucky Gander Pt 1
THotUG Pt 2
THotUG Pt 3
The Rainbow Lagoon of Pearl Agony Plains Pt 1
The Motel of Selene Pt 1
TMoS Pt 2
TMoS Pt 3
TMoS Pt 4
Beware the B.U.L.L.Y. System Pt 1
BBS Pt 2
BBS Pt 3
BBS Pt 4
The Lies of Castle McDuck Pt 1
LCM Pt 2
LCM Pt 3
The Final Fight of Brothers Pt 1
FFB Pt 2
FFB Pt 3
The Eclipse War Pt 1
EW Pt 2
EW Pt 3
EW Pt 4
EW Pt 5
Little Girl Blue
Author's Note
Thank you for 10k views!

THotUG Pt 4

276 23 40
Von GiddyDanish

Gladdy frowned at his cousin. "Look, I really wish I could remember, but I can't! I know it was important though.

Feathry sighed. "Dumb Murphy's Law."

"Having a negative attitude doesn't change anything, so turned that frown upside down!" Gladdy flashed him a smiled, nudging him. Feathry smirked a little.

His landlord, Jiu stepped towards them. "Well, Mr. Gander," she began. "Your payment finally came through, so that's all sorted out. But, unfortunately, Mr. Duck, your butler refused to let you have tigers, and told me to tell you that that is a very irresponsible purchase and he doesn't care if you're a grown adult." She folded her hands, frowning at Feathry.

Gladstone looked her over. And then it hit him. The thing he was calling for help for. He took a step backwards.

"What! That is totally unfair!" Feathry threw his hands up. "Bradford can't tell me what to do! He's not my secretary, or my parent. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have a tiger!"

Jiu cleared her throat, ignoring Feathry's rants, eyes locking on Gladdy. "Something wrong, Mr. Gander?"

Gladstone had hoped he wasn't so obvious, but apparently she could read the fact that he knew all over his face. He coughed into his fist, turned pale. "Oh yeah, I'm fine!" That last word came out squeakier than he wanted.

Jiu narrowed her eyes at him. Feathry tilted his head. "Gladdy? What's up?"

Gladdy glanced between the fox and his cousin. "I, uh, just remembered something." Well, it wasn't a lie. He noticed the kids had gotten back from grabbing water, and they were also giving him weird looks. He grinned, maybe a little too much. He grabbed Feathry's wrist, stepping backwards.

Feathry didn't pull back, confusion written on his face. "I remember what I called you here for," Gladdy explained, trying to sound calm. "And I think we should leave. Nowish."

Jiu glared at Gladdy, a frown spreading in a thin line on her lips. She rose a hand slowly. "Mr. Gander, are you sure about that?"

Gladdy tried to take another step back, but a green chain formed out of no where around his ankle. He tripped backwards with a yelp. Feathry knelt to help him up.

"What's going on?"

"Well, the thing I called you here for, uh, funny story, heh. Turns out I'm prisoner here!" He chuckled awkwardly.

Louie crossed his arms."How could you forget that?!"

"Murphy's Law." Gladdy shrugged, getting to his feet.

He looked to Jiu Weihu. She held out her arms, green flames in each hand. The floor shifted into playing cards, rumbling beneath them. The family group together on a card. Gladdy's heart raced as the card they were on flew up into the air.

Jiu let her hair down and her dress fanned out, revealing nine tails, a green fireball at the end of each one. Her fur changed from red to white, and her eyes turned green. She snarled at the family, taking a fighting stance. She licked her teeth, then grinned. "So. You found me out."

"I... I was gonna ask how you figured this out, but then I realized I don't even want to know," Louie said.

Gladdy shrugged. "It involved pistachios." He looked around, realizing that the apartment complex had completely changed, and they were now suspended in the air with nothing but nothingness below them. He recognized a few of his neighbors on the faces of playing cards and frowned.

"Wooh! Adventure!" Huey cheered.

"No! Adventure!" Dewey said, cowering behind his younger brother.

"Hey, Gladds, mind explaining?" Feathry asked, taking up a defensive stance against Jiu.

Jiu began circling them, her long, flowing tails trailing behind her. Gladdy cleared his throat. "Well, as it turns out, my landlord is an ancient spirit who feeds off of magic and curses and stuff."

"Basically," Jiu added. "Mr. Gander's curse has kept me fed for a while. I'm only sad that now that he knows the truth, he'll probably try to fight me now."

"Duh, who wouldn't?" Huey raised an eyebrow at the fox.

"Look, lady," Feathry began. "I know that you're a crazy spirit and all, but I would prefer it if you didn't feed off my cousin's weird curse. Also, I fought a ghost last week, so do you really want to fight with us?"

"Ah, Feathry Duck. Tell me, how did you find yourself as the most popular duck in the world?" Jiu pressed her finger tips together, shooting the duck a sideways glance.

"Uh, one thing led to another, I guess," Feathry said, not sounding too sure about it.

Jiu listed her head, thoughtful looking. "Surely it must've had something to do with magic. And how delicious would that be?"

"I wish I had found the exit sooner." Feathry face palmed. "I doubt magic had anything to do with it, but either way, I won't be your prisoner."

"What if it came down to you or Mr. Gander?" Before either Gladdy or Feathry could comprehend what she said, she snapped her fingers. The chain around Gladdy's ankle disappeared and the ground split between them into smaller cards.

The cards fell softly into some sort of track, also made of cards. Before the two was a starting line. The kids huddled over the side of the larger card above them to watch. Gladdy and Feathry exchanged a worried look.

Jiu grew larger until she stood over them, watching from above. A toothy smirk came over her face. "I'm feeling generous today, so I'll make a deal." She waved her giant hand over the course. "I propose a game. And let's make it a challenge. A race. If Mr. Gander wins, you may all go free. And, because I am absolutely certain that he won't, as an added bonus, I will leave this realm and leave all you mortals alone. But," she paused a moment before continuing. "If Feathry wins, you all end up stuck with me, to feed on your magic for as long as I live. Which is forever." She glanced at the kids with a sly smile. "Sound fair, children?"

"Booooo!" Huey shouted. Dewey and Louie clapped a hand over their brother's mouth, probably scared of what angering the spirit would do.

Gladdy frowned at Feathry. "It doesn't really look like we have a choice."

Feathry crossed his arms and stuck his beak up smugly. "Simple. I just won't win." As the words escaped his mouth, his feet glowed green with Jiu's magic. Her hands lit up green as she controlled him with a smirk. She walked him around in circle just to show she could. Feathry glared at her. "That is an invasion of personal space."

"Ready?" She raised three fingers in the air.

Gladstone rubbed his arms, looking down. "I'm really sorry about this, Cous. I didn't mean to put you and the rest of the fam in danger."


Feathry sighed. "Hey, it's fine. Just... don't lose!"

"Go!" Jiu snapped her fingers and set Feathry running down the track. Gladdy tried to keep up. It wasn't long before the card made path split into two. Feathry went to the left while Gladdy turned right.

Gladdy's heart pounded, the sound of his feet thumping on the track pounding in his ears. He saw a gap coming up ahead. He slid to a stop and looked over the edge. His eyes widened. The cards had been turned on their thin side, creating a zig zagged bridge across. He tilted his head at it. How was he supposed to get across this? He glanced down. "Well, the worst that could happen was to fall into nothingness. Neat."

He shook himself and took in a deep breath. He could do this. Just focus.

Biting his lip, he awkwardly put his foot out to reach the first card. He tried to balance on it unsuccessfully, an fell forward to the next card. Sticking out his arms, he caught himself before he could fall. He let out a sigh of relief.

His relief was short lived when he heard the gurgle of water.


Feathry's eyes widened at the lines of water spraying in an x shape in front of him. Without his control, his feet kept moving forward, and quickly. He tried as hard as he could to stop, but Jiu's magic was too powerful. If he couldn't stop from walking into the water, maybe he could duck underneath. He yelped, his back in his pain as he limboed under it.

He stood up straight once he had passed it.

Jiu snickered above him. "What was that?"

"I have aquaphobia, jerk," he snapped.

She smirked and snapped her fingers. "Maybe you'll like this better." Before his eyes, water changed into lava. Feathry definitely didn't like this better.

Rows of card walls stood in font of him, blocking his path. Conveniently, the lava burned between the walls, allowing him to pass. The heat burned his feet as he passed, but he couldn't stop. He eyed her suspiciously. He mumbled under his breath. "Cheater."


Gladdy let out a scream, running from a trail of lava following him. He jumped from the thin line of cards track to the main path. He sped as quick as he could, but the spouts of lava were faster. One almost singed his tail feathers, causing him to pick up the pace. In the process he tripped and rolled forward. Right off the path.

He saw a track lower down and aimed for it. He braced for impact, the lava still coming after him. His body tensed with he feeling of falling. The heat of the lava was starting to get to him. He landed halfway on the platform. He scrambled to get his legs up before the lava could get him.

Within a split second of a lava pillar shooting up, he just barely made it on. He jumped to his feet, grinning. "Hah! Take that, lava!" He fist pumped the air. His celebration was cut short when a small drop of lava landed at his feet. He jumped back. "Right. Remember your shark mantra. 'Don't stop swimming or you'll die.'"

Gladdy soon found that the tracks merged again and Feathry met up with him.

Feathry flashed him a smile. "Nice job, Gladdy. I'm surprised you made it this far!"

He stumbled a bit, caused by Jiu. She glared down at them. "Quit complimenting him!"

Gladdy and Feathry exchanged a nod and continued the race. Even without the help of Jiu, Feathry was faster than Gladdy. He found himself falling behind. He took steady breaths, trying to focus.

He was stopped in his tracks by a tiger jumping out of nowhere. He yelped, testing up. He couldn't help but notice it had a green color pallet, just like everything else here. "It's Sir Hubert the second!" Huey called from above. "Aw, who loves their papa?"

Gladdy turned his attention back to the tiger. It growled at him, prowling forward. He raised his hands defensively, stepping back. "Good kitty, kitty, kitty."

The tiger's striped formed into strange blades. The feline dissolved entirely and the stripes shot forward, directly at Gladdy. He started running the other way. One flew above his head, nearly grazing his feathers. He ducked, hoping to ovoid any other stray blades.

It wasn't long until he found himself backed against a wall. He frowned. "Aw, phooey." He shut his eyes, bracing for impact. There was the sharp thin of the blades hitting the card.

He peeked an eye open, surprised that none hit him. He tried to step forward, only to realize one had pinned his sleeve to the wall. He frowned, trying to pull away. He looked up to see Feathry was almost at the finish line.

Gladdy turned back to the sleeve and yanked at it unsuccessfully. A stripe from above him dislodged and somehow fell back into the wall, pinning his sleeve down also. Gladdy stared at his sleeve with a deadpan expression. "Really, ML? That's not even how physics work." He sighed.

Sinking to the floor, his arm was held up. He pulled his knees closer. "The universe really doesn't want me to win this one. What's the point?" He frowned, staring at his feet.

"Come on, Gladstone!" Gladdy looked up to see Dewey cheering him on. "You can't give up now! We're all depending on you!" They exchanged a smile. "Why quit when you're so close! You've got this!" Gladdy liked this kid. He reminded him of himself when he was younger. "Also, if you lose, we all have to be prisoners, so please don't lose." Yep, definitely his younger self.

Gladdy stood up with new found strength. He looked determinedly at his sleeve. After think it over a moment, he decided he could always buy a new shirt.With his beak, he tore off the sleeve. He shook out his arm, finally free. He saw Feathry moments away from the finish line.

"Hey, Gladds? You may wanna hurry up!" he called back.

Gladdy frowned, knowing he couldn't win with Jiu still controlling his cousin. He bit down on his knuckle, thinking. Ding! He grabbed the ripped epic of his shirt and rolled it up into a little ball of fabric. He would back, and he chucked it directly at Jiu's face.

She yelped, losing control of Feathry. He stopped in his tracks. Gladdy called as he ran, "Feaths, run back as far as you can to give me a head start!"

"Got it!" Feathry spun around and ran in the other direction. Gladdy fought his way over a few walls, knowing his time would be short. When he and his cousin reached a midpoint, they high fived.

Jiu shook herself and took over Feathry's legs again. But Gladdy already had a good enough lead on him. He left forward and crossed the finish line.

"Wooh! Go Gladdy!" Webby cheered, bouncing up and down on the platform.

Jiu stared with eyes wide. "What! No! He was supposed to lose!"

Feathry gained control of himself again and moved to stand next to his cousin. He put his arm over Gladdy's shoulder. "Warned you not to mess with us," he said smirking.

Jiu glared at them. "No!"

The ground beneath them shook as it all began to transform again. The space transformed back into the apartment complex. The cards with trapped people shifted back into the habitants. The platform the kids were on lowered back into the ground and they ran to congratulate the cousins.

Jiu's fur glowed a faint green and she started to phase away. She glared at the family, disappearing in a green fire. "Fine. Take him. He's nothing but bad luck anyway."

Feathry pulled Gladdy closer. "Excuse me, that's the man who beat you you're talking about. Goodbye, Jiu Weihu."

She finally vanished in the flames, and the building around them shook. It also faded away in green fire. It surprisingly wasn't hot.

So now, the family, along with a bunch of random people, were standing in an empty lot.

Gladdy pointed finger guns at Dewey. "Thanks for the speech, Dewdrop." Dewey smiled up at him as the older ruffled his hair. "I was definitely not expecting to win that, what with how the day was going. And thanks for your help to, Feaths."

"I'd compete in a life threatening race with you any day," Feathry said, grinning smugly.

Gladdy rubbed the back of hi neck, watching the sun set over the docks in the distance. "So... I have no home now. I have to go look for somewhere to sleep, so I guess you guys will be on your way and-"

"Gladdy, what are you talking about?"


"Well, I've got a bajillion spare rooms back at the mansion. You expect me not to use them?"

"You mean..."

Feathry nudged at Gladdy. "Hey, Gladds, you want to move into my totally amazing mansion?"

Gladdy grinned. "For real?!"

Feathry nodded. Gladdy caught him in a tight hug. "Yes! Thank you! You will not regret it! Thank you!" They separated and Gladdy ruffled his younger cousin's hair.

A limo rolled up to the curb. The driver window rolled down to reveal Launchpad. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses. "Hey Mr. Duck. You guys done here?"

Huey titled his head curiously. "Launchpad? What happened to you?"

"I was in St. Canard. A thousand times cooler than Dorkburg." He grinned, showing off the sunglasses.

Feathry rolled his eyes. "LP, you kidder. Come on, let's head home."


It had been well after the sun had gone down. A crisp wind blew by, sending a chill down Lena's spine. She shivered, pulling her sweater tighter. She folded her arms, walking down the sidewalk. All in one day, she had made a friend, been turned into a card, been turned back into herself, and lost her home.

She sighed, the sound of clashing waves filling her ears. That meant she was close. She would need somewhere else to stay now. And she knew where. Back at the abandoned amphitheater, where she had lived before her aunt had found the apartment.

The thought of her aunt made her pull out the blue necklace from her pocket. She rubbed her palm over it, watching it shine. She smiled a bit and crossed the sidewalk onto the sand of the beach.

Lena soon found herself at the amphitheater. He sneakers made a clopping sound as she walked along the concrete. Her eyes scanned over the ground. She found a small outlined rectangle in the wooden boards at the edge. She walked over and stomped her foot on it. It opened up into the floor. She slid down a ladder and found herself in an open space, begin enough for one person.

She closed the hatch behind her and let out a breath. Finally alone.

She stared at the necklace a moment before holding it out in front of her.

"Summon shadows, and do not stall." Her voice echoed softly in the room. The necklace began to glow purple.

"Show thyself before this wall." Loose papers and dust flew up around her. She planted her feet firmly, remembering the spell.

"Free they dread soul from its prison." She stared up at the wall, her grip on the amulet tightening.

"Once more shall thee be risen!" Lena's shadow extended, forming a woman with a curvy figure and glowing red eyes.

The shadow smiled at her.

"Aunt Magica," Lena spoke. "We have a problem."

The shadow tilted her head curiously. "What do you mean?"

Lena sat cross legged on the floor, wrapping her hair around her finger. "Well, turns out our landlord was an evil spirit who feeds on magic." Lena gave her aunt a sideways look. "I find that weird that you didn't sense it before. Unless..."

Magica crossed her arms. "What are you implying?"

"You knew about her, didn't you? When we moved in. She's been feeding off my magic and you knew it." Lena glared.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," Magica said. "Don't be ridiculous. I only want what's best for you."

"Yeah yeah, I'm on to you." Lena pat her knees bored. She glanced around the room. "I guess we're staying here then."

"Then this is goodnight?"

"Wait." Lena hesitated before going on. "I met someone today..."

"Oh good. Who?"

She bit her lip. "Feathry Duck."

End of episode 5! I'm really excited for the next one...


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