The Pet of Slytherins

By mastermarvolo

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it' @/graydove71 's work. summary in the prologue. happy reading :) More

Chapter 1: Fox In The Snake Pit
Chapter 2: First Night In The Dorms
Chapter 3: Second Meeting With Lady Magic
Chapter 4: Research In The Library
Chapter 5: With Friends Like These
Chapter 6: Howler Repellent
Chapter 7: The School Board Meeting
Chapter 8: Godfathers And Magic Orbs
Chapter 9: That Old Familiar Feeling
Chapter 10: After The Storm
Chapter 11: Trouble Brewing (stream "Butter" for clear skin)
Chapter 12: Potter Family Secrets
Chapter 13: Nothing to do but doing it anyway
Chapter14: Revert and Betrayal
Epilogue: Welcome to Slytherin and beyond
Thank you

Chapter 15: Draco explains it all

5.5K 228 13
By mastermarvolo

"Theodore Maximilian Nott Jr. we need to talk right now," Draco said as Blaise flees the room having stayed only to make sure Theo had not hurt himself.

"Get lost Malfoy I am not in the mood," Theo said without even looking over.

"Oh you are not in the mood too bad you know what you just did?" Draco said as he marches over to one of his best friend's beds after warding the door to keep everyone out of the room.

"Attended a board meeting found out I have been on the receiving end of a prank from months and had my heart broken," Theo said in a monotone voice finally looked over at Draco as the blonde sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well two out of three is not bad, but that was no prank," Draco said.

"Oh so I guess Luna told you did she?" Theo asked sitting up and glaring at the door as if expecting the blonde girl to walk in.

"No she did not Harry did," Draco said causing Theo's head to snap back around to him as his glared deepened.

"Ah so another lie," Theo said "so much for keeping it a secret and only choosing to talk to me."

"Would you get over yourself you bastard, yes so Vilu was in fact Harry bloody Potter but did you give him time to explain?" Draco asked raising an eyebrow at the other boy as he gently rubbed the pocket where Harry was still curled up asleep.

"No but what is there to explain," Theo shot back.

"So without actually hearing anything you punish him by saying a word that you know would hurt him, and sent him up to the Astronomy Tower where he decided to end it all," Draco said voice rising in anger as he quickly cast a spell to make the pocket Harry was in sound proof.

"No but I...' Theo sputtered not having any response to that news.

"Did it ever occur to you that he actually liked you?" Draco asked a little softer.

"Well no I mean why would he?" Theo said pulling his legs to his chest.

"I want you to wrap you head around this after Luna saved him she brought him to me and after finding out I did not really hate him he told me everything," Draco said reaching forward and grasping Theo's knee. "Think about that for a moment he knew during his time as Vilu that he could have turned to anyone in Slytherin including the twins for help but they came to me. You know how I have always acted towards Harry yet they came to me."

"Yeah so what is your point?" Theo asked not looking up from his knees.

"Do you recall his first day in the dorms and what Snape found out about his injuries?"

"Snape said someone had been torturing him," Theo said after a moment,

"Yeah it turns out that it was his, oh I hate to call them this from what he told me of how they treated him, but his family. Think about growing up with your father and how bad it was, but unlike you he could not run away to live with a relative he had no one," Draco said simply not wanting to share any stories as they were not his to give. "And while your father held himself back a little Harry's family did not he told me that when he got his spell books before his first year he found mentions of the Glamour spell. It seems the first thing he did during his free time here was to research the spell and found a long lasting one before casting it on himself to hid all the scars and abuse his own family had given him," Draco said his voice catching a little. "Just think on that for the last two years he has not used his full power for wanting to hide the signs of abuse. This is not a sign of vanity but a protection he told me as the people he lives with had taught him that if he would try to get help they would only increase their so called "punishments" to him."

"So his family was horrible?" Theo asked his heart going out to Harry before catching himself as he reminds himself of what the other had done to him. "So that gives him the right to be a manipulating asshole?"

"Manipulating Asshole," Draco actually snarled at him. "Do you want to know how he got changed in the first place?"

"Sure why not probable with some high level spell in a library book or something," Theo snarked back.

"No he was told that powerful sources was manipulating his own life and was offered a chance to escape it. He did not realize that meant activating his family's Creature Inheritance. Nor did he expect to be cornered by the Weasette before you rescued him. Do you get the significance of that single act? You were the first person to save him, after a life time of the people he lived with treating him less than a House Elf only to come to Hogwarts with everyone expecting him to be some big savoir is it a shock that he bonded to you so quickly."

"Yeah sure I saved him," Theo said letting go of his knees. "But he could have told me he was Harry when I first started to understand him."

"Would you have believed him? Draco asked making Theo draw up short.

"I guess not but still," Theo said after a few moments

"Harry told me that what ever activated his Creature Inheritance also gave him the gift to talk to only two people. You notice that chose to only activate one alone and just you not just because he could not choose one of the twins," Draco said.

"Why?" Theo asked.

"Why he chose you or why he did not choose the twins for he had been told as Magical Twins he would be able to talk to both after using the gift. As for why he choose you he did not say," Draco stated.

"So he acted like a smart magical creature rather than tell me who he really was. I get that I might not have believed him at first but seriously he could not think of a way to convince me of who he really was."

"From what he told me he had started to enjoy his time in Slytherin House and if he could make you understand who he was he was afraid you would turn your back on him or try to send him back to the Gryffindorks. Also he had started to develop feeling for you he just wanted to be with you even if you only saw him as nothing more then a pet or familiar."

"But why just because I saved him?" Theo asked.

"It was more than that you protected him not only from his former friends but also several students when they got a little rough with him in the Common Room," Draco said point at the door making Theo recall having to swoop in as someone would pet or "play" with Vilu too roughly. "He began to trust you and due to your relationship with us Blaise and myself as well."

"When he learned he could still perform magic he tried to help you as well, the rest of us at the game were just inconsequential it was you he was protecting first from the rain and than the Dementors," Draco said sliding back beside Theo on the bed and throwing an arm around his friend. "He also got a little jealous after he came back and Cho had hit you with her pheromones causing him to wash them away."

"That was him? I thought Dumbles said something about a malfunction in the Wards due to the new security measures," Theo said.

"That's one more was a lie to boost his ego evidently Harry smelled the pheromones on the girl and to make sure neither you or he was blamed for it he made rain of random people. I can tell you he really was devastated when you let it be known that he could talk to you as you broke his trust reminding him the Muggles."

"So why did he come back if I reminded him of the Muggles?" Theo asked. Draco took a deep breath before sharing the nightmare that Harry had had of his former friends tormenting the people he cared about.

"But what really made him come back to you was at the end of the dream was seeing Molly Weasley to summon you in chains before him before she cast the killing curse on you," Draco finished. "You yourself told me you had even found it strange that one of the first things he said when he returned was to apologize to you that is how badly the nightmare had shaken him forcing him back to how he would have reacted with the Muggles." Theo had found it strange for that was one of the first times Vilu had acted not like an animal but he had foolishly pushed it aside as he had been glade the Kitsune had returned.

"So it really was not a prank he had been changed and could not find a way to change back?" Theo asked a hint of hope in his voice.

"No and from what he said as soon as he found he could perform magic again he tried everything he could think of if only for a moment so he could show you who he really was. And lets face it even when you thought he was just a Kitsune he was good for you as well," Draco said.

"What do you mean?" Theo asked placing his head on the shorter boy's shoulder.

"Come off it Theo do you recall what you were like before Vilu showed up? You barely spoke to anyone but Blaise and me and even then it was usually just about school work. Now you joke around with everyone."

"I guess," Theo said softly.

"And I know you care for him as well," Draco said giving Theo a one armed hug. "Everyone could plainly see that when he had been hurt at the game and everything that happened afterwards. And you would not still be sulking about his identity hours later if you did not truly care for him," Draco said as he let the other take in his observation.

Theo did care but did he care the same way Harry cared for him was the question that was flying through his head like one of those new Firebolts. True he had been devastated after Vilu had regained conciseness and had turned to the twins which now made a hell of a lot more sense. Theo knew that before his return had almost caused the Potion to explode he had almost done that himself a couple of times in the same lesson as he was more focused on how to get Vilu to forgive him When Vilu had apologized Theo had actually wanted to give him a quick kiss to his muzzle like he had heard some pet owners did rather than just touch their foreheads together. Theo could also recall getting a little jealous as sometime when they were in the Common Room Vilu would hang out with other rather than himself. When he had asked the Kitsune about it Vilu had told him that he had seen Theo working really hard on some problem in his homework and had not wanted to distract him which had caused Theo to snuggle him to his chest.

But nothing had hurt more than finding out that when Vilu had been mad at him he had actually slept in the same bed as one of the twins having always declined the offer when Theo had suggested it. It had been twice as bad for the night it had happened Theo had barely been able to sleep a wink having felt as if a piece of him was missing. As he thought of that he took stock of how he felt at this very moment and found the missing piece seemed to be even larger than before He now recalled the hybrid form of Harry as he had turned to him with such joy in his eyes arms outstretched as if wanting to hug him only for Theo to push him away. No not push him beat him away as he had felt the other's magic when he had said that word.

When Luna had hit him he had hardly even felt the blow as the one that had ripped through his heart had been much worse. He had, did care for Vilu.... Harry and as he thought back on it he could see in hindsight a bit of flirting that the other was doing when they talked. He could believe that Harry really did have feelings for him but did he feel the same way? Sure he loved Vilu but he had never saw the Kitsune as more than a familiar though in some researched he had done to occupy himself when Vilu was out of commission he had found accounts that familiar bond were almost akin to Soulmates but rather between Magical Creatures than humans. Since Vilu was in fact a transformed human and Professor Lupin had found actual evidence of a familiar bond did that mean Harry was actually his Soulmate.

That would explain the sense of lose he was feeling with their relationships being as close to breaking as possible as well as how bad he had felt emotionally after using that word against Harry as if he had attacked himself.  How after Luna had left and the two Professors had given him disappointed looks he had barely enough energy to get down to his room and fall into bed. If he was Harry's Soulmate it would also explain so many things such as why he had felt himself drawn to the corridor when he had first found Ginny with him. Or even his new attitude as if light had come to his world at last much like he had felt after he had escaped from his father's home to go live with his Grandfather all those years ago.

"I really hurt him didn't I?" Theo asked out loud after his long internal discussion with himself.

"You did," Draco said running one had up and down his friend's back while the other patted the pocket where Harry was curled up in.

"Do you think he would ever forgive me?"

"I don't know but does this mean you forgive him for not telling you that he was Harry?" Draco asked as he wordlessly took off the silencing spell on his pocket.

"I think I do I think he might be my Soulmate whatever that actually means," Theo said burring his face into Draco's neck. For once Draco actually seemed shocked at the news as he felt some tears fall onto his bare neck.

"Are you sure?" Draco croaked out a few moments later his shock making his voice ragged.

"I don't know but I can't think of any other explanation for why during both times he was away from me in either anger or sadness I felt as if a piece of me was missing as well," Theo said clutching at his heart.

"I am sorry for not telling you," Harry said in a quite voice as he peeked out the edge of Draco's pocket.

"Once again you apologize for something that was my fault,' Theo said as he pulled Harry out of the pocket and into a hug.

"No I should of tried to tell you who I was when I first started speaking to you even if I was scared of being rejected," Harry said nuzzling against Theo's strong chest.

"Let's just say you were both idiots," Draco said as he pulled Theo and Harry into a hug before letting the go so as to not squish Harry.

"I can live with that," Theo said as he gives Harry a quick peck on his muzzle. Suddenly Harry was fully human again sprawled over both Theo and Draco's lap.

"But, but she said I had to find out how to shift myself and this was not a fairy tale where I would regain my form with a kiss," Harry said confusing both Slytherins who now found the Gryffindor Golden boy laying comfortably on them.

Above them watching but unseen Lady Magic smiled and stated, "So I lied could not let everything happen too quickly could I?"

"And you call your daughters meddlers," James said rolling his eyes as his gaze meets the woman formally known as Pandora Lovegood.

"I think they are rather cute together," Pandora said. "Are you sure it will be alright for so many to know about the Kitsune Inheritance?"

"It will be fine no one will tell they all care for him," James said smiling down at the three boys in the bed.

"Um we might have a slight problem here," Theo said unaware of the conversation going on above their heads.

"Yeah I don't have my cloak or any Polyjuice Potion this is going to cause a scene," Harry said not sounding too upset as he cuddled against Theo's chest.

"Can you change back maybe you can control it now?" Draco asked. Harry's face took on a look of concentration before he sifted first into the hybrid form before changing back into Vilu.

"It seems I can," Harry said as he shifts back and forth a couple of times with a smile on his face before he leans in and gives Theo a kiss. I have wanted to do that for weeks," Harry said with a slight blush matched only by Theo's. Harry than gets out of the taller Slytherin boy's lap and stands before the bed taking a deep breath. "Theodore Nott I swear on my magic that I was not pulling any prank on you the time I spent as a Kitsune. I also swear that I am not lying when I say I um well like you will you go out with me?" Theo stood amazed as Harry raises his hand and without a wand, his being lost since his change into Vilu, cast a levitating charm on Theo's bedside table.

"I would be honored to go out with you Harry," Theo said getting out of the bed and pulling Harry into a kiss before he lifts the smaller boy bodily from the floor and easily holds him with one hand. The moment was ruined as Draco let out a wolf whistle.

"This is sweet and all but how are we going to explain Vilu going missing as everyone knows he is your familiar?" Draco asked making Theo wince a little.

"Um I know it might seem strange but can I actually stay as Vilu my life was so much better than when I was Harry," Harry said looking between the pair.

"Are you sure you would want that?" Theo asked.

"I would not have asked if I wasn't," Harry teased running his fingers over Theo's chest.

"Would you be willing to let others know so you did not have to remain as a Kitsune all the time?" Draco asked still laying on Theo's bed as the two boys hugged before him.

"You mean like Blaise" Harry asked.

"Well it all depends on how much space you need if you just tell Blaise you can at least be human inside our rooms," Draco said.

Harry turns to look up at Theo making a decision. "Everyone here has been rather nice to me I don't want to hide anymore," Harry said as Theo leans down and gives his forehead a quick kiss.

"Are you absolutely sure Harry?" Draco asked "there will be no taking it back."

"I am sure," Harry said smiling over at his former rival turned friend.

"Very well I will talk to Professor Snape to see if we can have a full House meeting before we turn in for the night," Draco said as he took down the wards on the door and left the pair of them alone.

"This is rather brave of you," Theo said as he wraps his arms tightly around the smaller boy.

"No this is not bravery this is showing them that I trust them as well as thanks for how well everyone has taken care of me when I had been stuck as a Kitsune," Harry said wrapping his legs around Theo's body as the pair just cuddles and waits for Draco's return. They did not have to wait long for it seems that Luna had already called everyone together.

"Are you ready Harry?" Theo asked.

"As I will ever be," Harry said as he shifts back into his Vilu form so they could prove to everyone that he was the Kitsune who had been so readily adopted by Slytherin House.

Stepping out into the main room Theo called out that he had an announcement as Draco stood beside in to offer support for both him and Harry. "What do you want?" a seventh year asked.

"I would like to introduce you all to someone," Theo said lifting Harry's form slightly.

"Did you lose your memory or something we all know Vilu?" Pansy called out with a laugh.

"You think you do but I would like to introduce you to his real form," Theo said as the all but Luna and Snape's mouths fall open in shock as the Kitsune transformed back into Harry.

"Hello everyone," Harry said as Theo set him back down on the floor. "Thank you for taking such good care of me," Harry said as he actually bowed to the thunderstruck crowd.

one last update to go. please check other stories of mine, it'd mean a lot.

enjoy :)

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