The Pet of Slytherins

By mastermarvolo

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it' @/graydove71 's work. summary in the prologue. happy reading :) More

Chapter 1: Fox In The Snake Pit
Chapter 2: First Night In The Dorms
Chapter 3: Second Meeting With Lady Magic
Chapter 4: Research In The Library
Chapter 5: With Friends Like These
Chapter 6: Howler Repellent
Chapter 7: The School Board Meeting
Chapter 8: Godfathers And Magic Orbs
Chapter 9: That Old Familiar Feeling
Chapter 10: After The Storm
Chapter 11: Trouble Brewing (stream "Butter" for clear skin)
Chapter 12: Potter Family Secrets
Chapter 13: Nothing to do but doing it anyway
Chapter 15: Draco explains it all
Epilogue: Welcome to Slytherin and beyond
Thank you

Chapter14: Revert and Betrayal

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By mastermarvolo

"Professor McGonagall something is wrong with Scabbers he won't stop glowing," Ron said holding his rat by its tail while said rat tries to bends it body and scratch the hand holding in in hopes to get free.

"Remus?" the temporary Headmistress said finding it hard to believe that off all places Peter could have been he had been at Hogwarts. Moving forward Lupin took the rat from Ron, who thought the man was going to help heal his rat so handed Scabbers over without any hesitation. Taking hold of the rat Remus cast a stunner to prevent it from getting away in case it was Peter Pettigrew rather than just a normal rat. Harry watched in amazement as the D.A.D.A Professor set the glowing rat on the floor before casting some unknown spell on it forcing the rat to change into a human. Harry was filled with hope as everyone gasp at seeing the change maybe whatever spell the man had used could return to human form as well. Professor Snape and Lupin moved at once in case the spell that changed the man back into a human reduced the effectiveness of the stunner as they both grab one of his arms and head back into the School Board chambers as it was one of the few fireplaces that was able to connect to the Floo network.

As Theo walked away Harry climbed onto his shoulders and said, "Strange Magics shifting a rat into one of you. Can Vilu do that and be like Theo?" Harry asked trying to hide his hope that he could become human again.

"I don't think that will work," Theo said reaching up and scratching his head.

"You do not want me to be human like Theo?" Harry asked.

"Well it is not that it is just the rat was already a human before he had been a rat so it was just reverting him back to his normal form," Theo tried to explained.

"So if you were not human first it would make you something else maybe like Vilu?" Harry asked.

"I am fully human but I guess if it would make you feel better I could ask Professor Lupin to cast the spell on both of us to prove we are what we are," Theo said turning around and waiting for both Professors from returning after turning in Peter Pettigrew.

"Heir Nott is there something you need?" Professor Snape asked when he and Lupin returned.

"Well sir this is rather strange but after seeing Pettigrew change from a rat into a human Vilu wants the spell cast on us to make sure we are not a difference species," Theo said looking down at the Kitsune with a look of an indulgent parents missing the look shared by the two Professors.

"Well I guess that is no problem, though he does know that most likely nothing would happen," Lupin said trying to hide his own excitement for even if it might not last long the spell could at least get his cub into a form that could explain what had happened to him.

"Lets move this to a empty class room," Severus said not wanting Harry to reappear out in the corridor if the spell worked, "Lady Lovegood can I help you?"

"I think this sounds like an interesting experiment and I would like to see it as well," Luna said as actually lead them to the nearest empty classroom and took a seat with her legs together on top of the old teacher's desk inside. Severus and Remus shared another look before they shrugged at each other.

"We shall cast it on you first Theo so Vilu can see that it does not hurt, since Peter had been stunned he might not have reacting to any pain," Remus said taking out his wand as Theo handed Vilu over to Luna. Theo stood before the man as the spell cast on him doing nothing more than making his hair move as if in a gentle wind. "Alright time for Vilu," Remus said licking his lips and hoping this would actually work, as Severus being a Halfblood actually crossed his fingers. As the spell hit Harry he felt his body begin to grow while his hair shrunk so it only covered his head. Within moments the Kitsune was gone and Harry Potter had returned. Looking down at his hands no longer paws Harry gave a shout of joy standing up on just two feet unaided for the first time in months.

"I AM HUMAN AGAIN YES," Harry said as he danced in placed.

"Not quite yet cub," Remus said with a soft chuckle as Harry takes hold of Luna's hand and pulling her into his random dancing.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked causing Severus to change the teacher's desk Luna had been sitting on into a mirror so Harry to see himself. Spotting his reflection Harry stopped in place as he saw that he still had a pair of green fox ears and a tail. "Okay strange but I am still human-ish," Harry said turning to go hug Theo only to see the other male had his back to him. "Look Theo I am human again," Harry said in an almost squeal of joy.

"Was this all some sort of joke to you Potter?" Theo asked in a cold tone making the smile slide from Harry's face.

"What no," Harry said reaching up and placed a hand on Theo's shoulder,

"Don't touch me you, you, you," Theo said stuttering a little as he tried to think of an insult suitable for this betrayal before he recalled Vilu's first night in the Slytherin dorms "FREAK." Harry flinched back as if struck as his own magic reacted sending Harry flying across the room and into a wall. With a cry of pain Harry curled himself into a ball shrinking as he did so changing back into a Kitsune before he ran out of the room.

Before either Remus or Severus could do anything Luna stepped forward and with as much force as she could muster slapped Theo across his cheek. Both Professors looked on in shock as the normally happy-go-lucky girl who had suffered bullying from the Ravenclaw with no change in her happy attitude for year glared daggers up at Theo. "HOW DARE YOU?" Luna cried out as she followed Harry out of the room. Luna followed her feelings as she went after Harry knowing if she did not reach him in time he was going to make a terrible choice that would create lasting damage to the entire world. She found him, as she knew she would, at the top of the Astronomy standing on the edge of the parapet.

Before he could step off Luna wandless summoned him into her arms. He fought her for a moment before he collapsed when her hold did not lesson ever after biting and scratching her.  She did not even seem to notice or care about the scratches which would keep bleeding until she could get to the hospital wing to get them stitched shut. "Let it out Harry it is alright," she said holding him close to her chest and letting her own tears fall onto his furred head. "He should not have said that if I had seen that coming I would have suggest it just be done with Professor Lupin and Snape. I am so sorry for my mistake."

"It was not your fault Luna," Harry said knowing she would be unable to understand him anyway.

"But it was my fault Harry," Luna said answering him shocking him enough that looked up at her. "My family also has a place at the Lady's side and while yours takes over the role of death the Lovegoods have always been tied to the role of Destiney after death and are Seers in life. My own Mama serves along side your Papa on the current council of her Ladyship," Luna said as she begins to pet Harry to help calm him down.

"But Theo hates me now," Harry whimpered as he laid boneless in her grip.

"He does not he was just shocked," Luna said silently adding to herself that she hoped that it was not a lie.

"I find that hard to believe the anger in his voice was just due to shock I betrayed him for not letting him know who I really was," Harry said curling up further into a ball as his own magic made him become an even smaller Kitsune almost small enough to be easily held in her palm.

"I think you need more help than even I can provide," Luna said sadly as she gently rocked him to her. "You have only used one of the Lady's gift it might be time to use the other one," she said.

"Why would they help a freak like me?" Harry asked shrinking even further down to be the same size as a newborn. Luna knew if she could not reach him his own magic would end up killing himself with his own magic.

"Harry you still have friends here no matter what you feel now," Luna said.

"No I don't they like Vilu no one care for Harry Potter," Harry said as his green fur begins to retreat into his body until he was hairless.

"That is not true you have me and the twins and more besides," Luna said. "Will you allow me to prove it to you?" she asked lifting Harry up to her face.

"How?" Harry asked lifting his tiny head to look at her.

"A bit of old family magic in a spell that will make a person tell the full truth about any questions they are asked even if they themselves did not know it, which the Potion Veritaserum, or Truth Potion was based off of. And you have the last gift from the Lady tell me who to asked I am will cast the spell on them before you allow them to understand you and you will see," Luna said running her right index finger down his tiny back. "So who do you want to ask?"

Draco Malfoy was feeling bored with Theo up at the school board meeting and Blaise having gone somewhere on his own leaving Draco to just randomly to walk around the castle. He was just passing the Charm's room when he heard someone call him. Turning around he saw Luna who was cradling something in her arms that he could not see.

"What's up Luna? he asked trying to crane his neck to see what she was holding.

"We need to speak with you for a moment," Luna said indicating the Charms classroom.

"Okay I take it the meeting is over or I am I being summoned as a witness?" Draco asked following her into the classroom.

"No I just have one question if he likes your answer all will be clear," Luna said but rather than ask a question she pulled out her wand and performed a spell Draco did not know. "So my question is this what do you feel about Harry Potter?"

To say he was shocked would have been an understatement as he thought his actions was alone was an easy indication what he felt about the Boy-Who-Lived. "That is what this all about what I feel about Harry?" he asked just to be clear as she just nodded her head as if waiting for his response. "I am still rather annoyed that he turned down my hand of friendship before our first year, and am rather worried about him being gone so long with no sighting anywhere," Draco said shocking himself as he saw a pale nose peek out of Luna's arms.

"You do not hate him?" Luna asked,

"Of course not before I came to Hogwarts I, like most kids in our generation, saw him as a hero and wanted to be his friend only for him to chose the Weasley over me And when Father during one of his cases of vault tampering found evidence that his so called friends were stealing form him I got so made I called Granger a Mudblod which made him pull away from me even more. So no I do not hate him, he hates me," Draco said sitting down at one of the desk and buried his head in his arms. Draco did not see as Harry hearing his words under Luna's spell caused Harry to regain the size he had been as Vilu.

Jumping out of Luna's arms Harry gathered his magic of the Lady's gift before he unleashed it on the blonde teen. Feeling the wave of magic Draco looks up as Harry placed a paw on his arm before the blonde's shock began to speak, "Draco I need to tell you everything." Feeling as if her job was done Luna stood up and walked out the door as Draco began to freak out that he could now understand the Kitsune.

"Oh no is Theo dead that is the only reason that a familiar can join with a different human than the one it bonded with," Draco said as he began to rattle off examples of this for a few minutes before Harry had had enough.

"No Theo is okay, well not fully but....." Harry said as he took a deep breath before he began "First off my name is not Vilu I am Harry Potter."

When Harry said he was going to tell Draco everything he meant everything not only his sudden change from a normal human to a small Kitsune and how he felt to live the dorms of his former rivals, but also his home life with his Aunt and Uncle. If Draco had not seen that due to whatever Luna had done it was impossible to lie at the moment he would have suspected someone from tying to prank him. Draco listened with hardly interruptions to Harry's childhood in a home where his family treated him like less than a House Elf making Draco see what had been the issue a while ago when Vil.... no Harry had reacted so badly to Theo breaking a promise. For having grown up with a broken promise was the nicest things your relatives did to you finding someone you could trust would have been monumental only for that person to break a promise would cause deep psychological harm. When Harry told about the nightmare that had lead him back to Theo and hearing that he had been in it Draco felt a tug to his heart at hearing what the people who betrayed him were doing to his new friends. Harry spoke for over four full hours telling his former rival thing he had never shared even with Ron, Hermione, or even the twins. Draco had felt touched by the trust Harry was showing but also a tiny bit of happiness that Harry was finally seeing him as a friend he always wanted to be to the other boy. "You like him don't you?" Draco asked as Harry finished talking about everything.

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked a little defensively worried that Draco was gong to call him a freak for liking another guy, someone who all their interactions had been as basically a pet and owner.

"Well if you did not like him you would not have taken it so hard that he had called you that," Draco said running a hand gently down Harry's back to comfort him.

"You don't find it strange?" Harry asked a hint of worry in his tone.

"No but why should it matter to me it is your life," Draco said pulling Harry onto his lap and wrapping the small Kitsune in a hug.

"But he thinks I am a freak just like they said no one would ever love me," Harry said curling himself deeper into Draco's arms. "Luna should have never stopped me," Harry muttered to himself.

Suddenly Draco lightly flicked Harry's nose, "Now don't say that Harry no matter what that group, I hate to call them your family, said you both deserve love and happiness not to mention more," Draco said lifting Harry to his face and nuzzled with him. Harry had no response as Draco rubbed his face against Harry's own thinking of what the blonde said until tired out from what he had shared he fell asleep. Draco really felt for Harry having heard everything that had been shared with him. Wiping a tear from his eyes Draco moved the sleeping Harry into one of the larger pockets of his robes as he got up and left the room finding his body a little stiff for sitting in the same chair for nearly five hours. Casting a quick tempus charm Draco saw it was past supper time so he headed to the dorms.

"Where is Theo?" Draco asked with a hint of steel in his voice once the door closed behind him after coming to the Common Room. Draco was usually not one to be messed with normally but hearing the tone of his voice and seeing his face a fifth year actually gulped and pointed in the direction of the third year male rooms. With a nod of thanks Draco marched to the rooms he shared with Blaise and Theo.

"Maybe you can reach him he has been like that for hours," Blaise said looking up a Draco entered. Draco looked over at Theo's bed to see his tall pale skinned friend waving his wand in the air cutting his hangings into shreds.

"Theodore Maximilian Nott Jr. we need to talk right now," Draco said as Blaise flees the room having stayed only to make sure Theo had not hurt himself.

only a couple more chapters to go.

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