A Pirate's Crush

Door Nordryd

37.6K 888 362

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... Meer

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
4. A Simple Walk
5. He's Proud of Me?
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy
9. Spiraling
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
19. Morning Tea Chatter
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

20. Busted!

1.2K 33 23
Door Nordryd

"You have a crush on him, don't you?"

...damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!!!!!!

"Oh, just look how red her face is!" Dunkerque said.

"So cute!" Richelieu said.

I... I... oh God, wh-what do I do?!?!!!?!!

"And I think I know exactly who those donuts are for," Algerie said, glancing at the small bag next to me. I heard a giggle from Dunkerque.

Say something, Jean!!! Anything!!!

"Y-You're talking nonsense!" I said, fidgeting my clammy hands under the table. "Th-Those donuts are... wh-what makes you think that I... j-just because he was on top of me? Ha! Wh-Why would I like someone so... h-he thinks he can get away with everything because he's so damn popular? B-Because he has such big eyes or a cute smile—w-w-wait! I-I didn't mean... wh-what I meant was... was... um..."

I faltered. Their grins were just as big, if not bigger after my babbling. If anything, I just further cemented the truth.

Instead, I grumbled and grabbed a donut, angrily stuffing it in my face.

"Busted," Algerie said melodically.

"Sh-Shut up!" I barked.

Richelieu didn't say anything, too busy holding back laughter.

"Goodness, I've never seen you blush so much," Dunkerque said.

"I...! Th-That doesn't mean...! Y-You... um... uh..."

I tried to retort. I tried thinking of anything to refute them. But the only thing that came out of my mouth was some loose donut crumbs.

"Ergh..." I grumbled, burying my face in my hands.

What's the point? I can't salvage this.

Dead silent. Not a sound. Even with my face hidden in my hands, I could feel their smug gazes fixated on me, no doubt waiting for me to say it.

They still gotta hear it from me, don't they? Calling me out isn't enough.

I sighed.

"...fine. You got me."

"AHH!!!" they all squealed.

"Sh-Shush!" I scolded, speaking in a hushed tone. "What if he walks by?!"

"Well, I suppose you'd have to speak to him about it," Dunkerque teased, to which Richelieu and Algerie giggled.

"Or he won't wanna talk to me again!" I said.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous," Algerie said.

"Easy for you to say!" I said. "Grrgh!!! Wh-Which one of you blabbed?!"

Richelieu and Dunkerque both shook their heads.

"Don't lie to me!" I cried. "How else could Algerie have known? She's the only one I didn't tell!"

They both shared looks with Algerie.

"Should we tell her?" Dunkerque asked.

"I suppose," Algerie said.

"Tell me what?" I asked. "Wait... d-does he like someone else?"

Algerie giggled. "We don't know. But it's so cute that you'd ask!"

"Hnngh..." I grumbled. I walked right into that. "Well, tell me then! Spit it out already!"

Richelieu pursed her lips, tracing the top of her teacup with her finger. "Jeanie... we've had a hunch for a while."

"Huh?" I beckoned. As if I couldn't be blushing harder. "How long?"

"Not long since we all arrived at port," Dunkerque said.

"B-But how did you figure it out?" I asked.

Dunkerque raised an eyebrow. "Jeanie, it's so obvious."

"Obvious?!" I cried. "Wh-What the hell do you mean?"

"Well, let's see," Algerie said. "You always blush when he's around, you stutter when you speak to him, or about him, when he's around you seem to zone out, sometimes twirling your hair. Hmm... what am I missing?"

"I seem to recall the commander praising you after our emergency sortie," Dunkerque mentioned. "It was adorable to watch you fight the smile on your face."

"Oh, I absolutely remember that!" Richelieu said. "I was worried you might faint if he praised you more."

"It's sooo cute how shy you are around him too!" Algerie said. "I never thought I'd see a bashful Jeanie."

She earned some giggles from Richelieu and Dunkerque... at my blushing expense, no less.

"I think a bit of the truth came out during our hot tub date with Shoukaku and Zuikaku, did it not?" Dunkerque said. "No doubt helped by the alcohol. Hehe~! I knew there was a sweeter side hiding in you somewhere!"

"Wh-What's that supposed to... uh... ergh..." I grumbled, tapering off in defeat.

Damn it. They've been reading me like a book! I thought I was fine besides those hiccups with Richelieu and Dunkerque. Have they been talking about this while I'm not around? I guess I can't be too shocked, though. If anyone could see through me like glass, it's my closest friends.

Their gushing fell silent after a second. Maybe they noticed me trying to hide my blushing face behind my ponytail.

"Oh, we're sorry, Jeanie," Richelieu said. "We don't mean to embarrass you."

"We're just so excited!" Dunkerque said.

"It's so unexpected," Algerie said. "But thrilling nonetheless!"

"Ugh..." I scoffed. "It's just not fair. It's not my fault he's so nice to me and has such big eyes, luxurious hair, and that stupid, god damn smile that—"

Oh crap, they're looking at me like they look at cats. Was I just gushing too much?

"N-Never mind..." I whimpered.

"Oh... my goodness," Richelieu swooned. "You're absolutely smitten."

"Even the hardy Jean Bart wants the commander's affection!" Algerie gushed.

They all giggled again, and I grumbled as I sank in my seat again.

"Please tell me nobody else knows," I pleaded.

"Not that I'm aware of," Richelieu said.

"Better than nothing, I suppose," I grumbled. 

"Jeanie, why so grumpy?" Dunkerque said, rubbing my shoulder. "A crush is a wonderful thing."

"Tch... yeah. It's wonderful to lose all common sense around some dumbass," I remarked. "It's not like it matters. All I've done is bitch at him all week. For all I know, he can't wait to get a new secretary."

"Oh, you're jumping to conclusions, Jeanie," Algerie said. "If he didn't like you, he wouldn't have agreed to go out with you yesterday, right?"

"Go out?" I asked.

"You haven't already forgotten about your date with him yesterday, have you?" Algerie asked.

"Oh, the surfing?" I said. "That wasn't a date."

A beat of silence. They all gave me confused looks.

"It wasn't?" Richelieu asked.

"No, I was just coaching him," I said. "Thought catching some waves would help refresh us after a wild week, that's all."

"It sure looked like a date from what I saw," Algerie said.

"N-No!" I said. "You just saw us at the wrong time!"

"Or the right time," Algerie teased.

"Y-Ya know what I mean!" I said, feeling my face burn like a match.

"But you were alone with him, yes?" Dunkerque asked.

"Yeah," I said. "So what?"

"I bet you were hoping to show off a little, hmm?" Richelieu asked. "Some of your surfing tricks?"

...I can't really deny that.

"Maybe a little," I said. "So?"

"Some surfing tricks and perhaps... your swimsuit?" Dunkerque teased.

"Wh-What?! No!" I protested. "I always wear my swimsuit when I surf! It wasn't for him!"

Dunkerque giggled. "Okay, I'll admit I was joking. You're not that type of girl. However, I'm sure he checked you out a few times, hmm?"

"Yeah, and I chewed him out for it," I said. "Wasn't there to be eye candy."

"Hehe~!" Algerie giggled. "Are you sure you didn't like it a teensy bit?"

My cheeks flushed again. "I... um... didn't completely hate it, I suppose."

"OooOOooh!" they swooned.

"Sh-Shut up!" I said. "What does it matter?"

"Well, the mere fact that he checked you out might be a sign of... interest?" Algerie said.

"...I dunno," I said. "He'd ogle any girl in a swimsuit. I just happened to be the only one there. If either of you three had been present, you would've yanked his attention away from me. I can't pull off a swimsuit like you all can."

"What? Nonsense!" Dunkerque said. "You look stunning in your swimsuit."

"Agreed," Algerie said. "Don't sell your beauty short, Jeanie."

"And besides, it means he finds you attractive," Richelieu said. "Even if his method of expression is a tad crude, isn't that what you want?"

"I... uh... I-I guess?" I stammered.

...of course I want him to find me attractive.

"Hehe!" Dunkerque giggled. "You're twirling your hair again."

"Huh?" I said, realizing what my fingers were doing. I stopped, and I could hear them snickering more. "Look, none of that means it was a date!"

"Hmm..." Richelieu pondered. "Would you mind enlightening us on what else happened then?"

"Fine," I said. "Other than what Algerie saw—which was an accident—I..."

I elaborated on our outing—not date—together. Teaching him how to catch waves, paddle, stand up on the board, what have you. Also mentioned how he started a splash fight, but I kicked his ass, being a battleship and all. Also how I had to help him with his standing pose. How I had to... get close to him and... adjust him myself. Then how I caught him... staring at me a few times. And of course... my mind kept going back to him being on top of me...

...oh no. The more I think about it...

"Jeanie, that's a date," Dunkerque said.

"I agree," Richelieu said. "That sounds exactly like a date to me."

Crap. After I described it, I'm starting to agree with them.

"But... it wasn't," I said.

"Jeanie, every box is checked," Algerie said. "You were alone, you bonded, and you flirted—unintentional or not. What else is left?"

I pursed my lips, remembering what the commander said when Javelin came by and caught us.

"...he didn't consider it one."

"Pardon?" Richelieu said. "How do you know?"

"Because he said so," I said. "A destroyer came up and asked what we were up to. She assumed we were on a date too, but then he said I was just taking him out surfing. And it was nothing more than that."

"Is that so..." Dunkerque said, trailing off. She exchanged looks with Richelieu and Algerie, all of whom looked confused... and a tad exasperated.

Dunkerque shook her head. "Non. Jeanie, you went on a date."

"I'm unmoved as well," Algerie said.

"Me too," Richelieu concurred. "I wonder, could it be because he was put on the spot?"

"Perhaps," Dunkerque said. "On the battlefield, he can think quickly. But in social situations, his ability to work under pressure can be greatly impacted. Nevertheless, I disagree with him."

"Well, wait. It should a two-way thing, right?" I asked. "If he didn't think it was, then it wasn't."

"Oh?" Algerie said. "So you admit that you agree with us then?"

"I... uh..."

Crap. Why can't I keep my mouth shut? Ugh... I guess my big secret's been blown wide open at this point. Trying to hide anything else would be foolish.

"...a-alright, maybe," I admitted. Everyone giggled, and I felt my cheeks blush again. "Answer my question, though. It should go both ways, right?"

"You do have a point, Jeanie. It should be a mutual thing," Richelieu said. "However, it's in spite of everything you described sounding exactly like a date."

"Regardless, why are you so against the idea, Jeanie?" Dunkerque asked.

"Oui," Algerie said. "Isn't a date exactly what you want?"

"Well... I... uh..."

...I can't deny that. I wanted to, but it never occurred to me... why the hell am I so opposed to it?

I sighed. "I guess I don't wanna get my hopes up."

"For what?" Algerie asked.

"There's so many others who want to be with him," I said. "There's that stupid ball coming up too."

"Oh, I see," Dunkerque said with a slight grin. "You wish to be his partner for the ball, don't you?"

Ugh... Dunkerque calling me out. I guess I slipped up in the hot tub when I was a little tipsy. Almost forgot about that.

"...yeah," I said.

"Aw!" Algerie swooned, making me blush again.

I heard Richelieu giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I had a hunch," Richelieu said.

I know. You teased me about it when you found out.

"And here I thought you didn't like overly pompous events," Algerie said.

"I don't," I said. "But... maybe being with him would make it tolerable?"

"Aw, how sweet!" Algerie said.

"It's so fun to see your softer side, Jeanie," Dunkerque said.

"I ain't growing soft!" I retorted. "It doesn't matter anyway. There's too much competition. It'd be a miracle if I got chosen."

"I understand your concerns, but I don't think it's as infeasible as you think," Richelieu said. "After all, you have a distinct advantage."

"Richelieu's right. It's perhaps the best time to be the secretary ship," Algerie said. "You can make a lasting impression on him and have a much better chance to—"

"But what if he doesn't like me like that?!" I blurted. "I don't know what he's thinking when he looks at me. For all I know he just sees a nagging bitch because of all the scolding I've given him. Hell, my chance is probably gone and I'm wasting my time. Or I never had a chance to begin with. I don't know though. I won't know unless I ask, but if I ask and he doesn't feel the same way, I'll just weird him out, and then I'm screwed. It's just... argh! It's so frustrating!"

After my outburst, I let out a heavy sigh and simmered down. My friends weren't saying anything. I leaned on my arm, using my free hand to trace the rim of my teacup.

"He'd have more fun with anyone else at that stupid ball anyway," I continued. "I dunno anything about this romance crap.  I just wish I could get in his head and see what he sees when he looks at me. The doubt is killing me. Hmph... I've never felt this way about anyone before. I dunno what I'm doing. Not a damn clue."

A moment of silence followed. A moment of wondering if my friends thought I was crazy. I glanced up and they were sharing looks again.

"I think we've found the root of the problem, ladies," Algerie said. Dunkerque and Richelieu nodded.

"Doubt can be a poisonous thing," Richelieu said. "Jeanie, I won't press this subject, but I'm just curious... are your feelings part of why you were crying the other night?"

I pursed my lips, feeling my heart twist a bit. That was a rough night.

"...yeah," I said. What am I supposed to do? Deny it?

"Aw, toutes mes condoléances. I'm so sorry," Richelieu said. "But what makes you so sure that he'd reject you?"

"It's not like you're on bad terms with him, right?" Algerie said.

"Oui," Dunkerque said. "You may have had to scold him a little, but you're just doing your job. Besides, remember what I told you? The commander asked about you personally when he was considering new secretaries."

"Is that so?" Algerie asked.

"Mmhmm!" Dunkerque said. "I asked him about it, and the first girl he mentioned was Jeanie. And of course I recommended her."

"See?" Algerie said. "He was at least interested enough to ask about you, right? And  he followed through."

"...I suppose," I said.

"Furthermore,  he agreed to go surfing with you," Richelieu said. "Whether it was a date or not, he was willing to spend time with you."

"Kind of a stretch," I mumbled. "Look, I appreciate what you all are trying to do, but don't treat me like I'm any different from the others who wanna be his date. It'd be selfish to pretend I'm special."

"Well, perhaps there's subtext in his actions," Richelieu said. "Indulge us. There must be other signs."

Psh... persistent, huh?

...wait. What's Algerie doing on her phone? She usually has it put away during our tea parties. Eh, probably nothing. None of my business, anyway.

Richelieu continued speaking. "Didn't something happen a couple days ago, Jeanie? Something quite significant, if I recall."

A couple days ago? What is she...?


Richelieu giggled. "Judging by your blushing, I think you remember too."

"What happened?" Algerie asked.

"Yes, do tell!" Dunkerque said.

"I'll let Jeanie decide if she wants to share," Richelieu said, smirking.

Hmph... scummy move, sis. Algerie's and Dunkerque's curiosity were piqued now, so not it's like I had a choice. And again, it'd be foolish to try and hide anything else involving the commander at this point, especially knowing the extent of their gossiping.

"You're talking about how I napped on his shoulder?" I asked.

Dunkerque and Algerie gasped.

"Is that true? Oh my goodness, how cute!" Dunkerque said. "How did that come about?"

I shrugged. "Long day, I was super tired, and looking over reports is boring as hell. We were both on the couch and I kinda just... dozed off. And... apparently... Richelieu walked in while I was asleep."

"Oh, I wish I could've seen it!" Algerie said. "Spying on your little sister, hm?"

Richelieu giggled. "No no, I was there for business. The timing was just fortunate."

"See, Jeanie?" Dunkerque said. "There's plenty of signs."

"I mean... it was just once," I said.

"A week is a fair amount of time. There must be more," Algerie insisted. "Even the slightest hint? Something even a teeny bit juicy?"

...is there?

I thought for a moment. Anything that could remotely count as a sign. I was skeptical, but maybe there was...

...oh. There is one thing. Maybe.

"Would a backrub count?" I asked.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"That absolutely counts!" Algerie said.

"Did he really give you one?" Richelieu asked.

"Actually... he's given me two," I said.

"Oh my!" Dunkerque said. "Did you ask for it? Or did he want to give you one?"

They giggled, and I blushed yet again. Should've known that I'd be teased to high heaven once the secret was out.

"The first time he offered because I was sore from the emergency sortie," I said. "The second time it was me who asked. It was after training yesterday when everyone left."

"How sweet!" Richelieu said. "I must ask... how was it?"

"Surprisingly, he gives a damn good backrub," I said.

Dunkerque giggled. "I have to agree."

"Has he given you one too?" I asked.

"Only once for me," she said. "And I've given him several when he's stressed."

"Oh," I said. "So he does it for everyone?"

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to devalue your experience," Dunkerque said. "He only did it for me because I asked. But he offered one to you on his own. That holds much more weight, don't you think?"

"Maybe..." I said.

"Okay, there's no doubt in my mind," Algerie said. "He likes you. I've heard all I needed to hear."

"Ya know for sure?" I asked, skeptical. "You've dug around in the idiot's brain?"

Algerie giggled. "Well, perhaps I can't truly know, but a strong inference is almost as good."

"I'm quite convinced myself," Richelieu said.

"Me too," Dunkerque agreed.

"Just based on a few stupid signs?" I asked. "It's not like he asked me to sleep on his shoulder. He just let me."

"Précisément! Precisely!" Richelieu said. "He could've simply asked you to move, right? But he didn't. He let you peacefully drift off to sleep right next to him. In fact, when I arrived, he was brushing your hair. He even said to be silent as to not wake you up."

"...really?" I asked. I knew about the hair brushing, but not the other stuff.

Richelieu nodded. "Jeanie, you never told me what happened afterwards. How long did you sleep for? More importantly, was he still there?"

There was a sudden, yet gentle warmth in my heart.

"I was out for about an hour," I said. "And yeah... he was still there. Then he smiled and asked if I slept well."

"Aw!" they swooned.

"So cute!" Dunkerque squealed.

"Like something out of a romance novel!" Algerie said.

Richelieu smiled. "Jeanie, do you need more evidence than that?"

The world faded out for a moment as I basked in the warmth of the memory. His smile as warm as candlelight, and his words so tender and sweet. I dunno if he intended to sound or look that way, but damn did it give me butterflies.

...the more I think about it...

"...i-is it possible?" I asked, twirling my hair.

They all nodded.

The smile he gave me... the backrubs... the compliments... could it be true? Could it really—


I was snapped out of my trance by Dunkerque's giggle. Though it wasn't at me. It was at something on her phone.

Hmm... wonder what she's looking at? Eh, none of my business.

"Okay, so maybe there's a chance he likes me," I said. "So, what do I do now?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Algerie said. "You have to ask him out!"

"Guh!" I grunted. "I-I have to? Me?"

"It's either you or him, so why not take initiative?" Dunkerque said.

"And this time, it must be made clear that it's an official date," Richelieu said.

"Indeed," Dunkerque said. "No weaseling out for either of you."

My throat instantly felt parched. "I... um... h-how the hell do I do that?"

"You had no trouble inviting him to surf, right?" Richelieu asked.

"That was a casual thing!" I said. "This is... oh God..."

"Jeanie, calm down," Dunkerque said. "He won't reject you. He definitely likes you and he loves getting to know his secretaries."

He did mention that was one of his favorite parts of regularly rotating out secretaries.

Now Richelieu was smiling at something on her phone. I saw Algerie doing the same out of the corner of my eye. Is something going on?

Algerie spoke up before I could ask about it.

"C'mon, Jeanie," Algerie said. "Where's that confidence?"

"I don't have any when I'm around him. He smiles at me, and it's gone in an instant. It's part of what makes this so frustrating," I said. "What if I choke? What if he's just being nice to me and nothing more? I don't know. Maybe there's signs, but they could also be fool's gold."

"You miss all the shots you don't take," Richelieu said.

"I know, but it's such a gamble," I said. 

"I think it's less of a dice roll than you're making it out to be," Algerie said.

"There's still a chance he'll reject me," I said.

"And there's a very likely chance that he'll accept," Algerie replied. "Then you'll have him all to yourself. You can hold his hand, maybe he'll caress your hair, and stare into your eyes..."

I instinctively looked down at the table in a futile attempt to hide how much I was blushing. They all seemed to enjoy that  

But Jean... you do want all of that, don't you?

I sighed. "Well... what's my plan of attack then? Do I just walk up and ask? Should I be subtle? I-I don't..."

"Jeanie, just be yourself," Algerie said. "It sounds cliché but it's truly the best 'plan of attack' in everyday life."

"Hmph... I don't feel like myself when I'm around him," I said.

"You're not speaking to a stranger, right? He's a friend. No need to be frightened," Dunkerque said.  "Besides, you have the two donuts for him. That should butter him up nicely."

"Maybe," I said. "Wait a sec... are you saying I should do it today?"

"Why not?" Dunkerque said. "The day's still young. Not even noon."

"And you both have the day off," Richelieu said. "I also heard there was a lovely art fair in the city plaza today."

"Art fair?" I asked.

"Mmhmm!" Richelieu said. "'A celebration of art, food, culture, and music,' is what I read online. In fact, I think it would be a wonderful way to end the day for all of us."

"Oh my, we have quite the day ahead of us," Dunkerque said.

"Indeed. And it sounds like a perfect event for a date," Algerie said. "Come on, Jeanie. The day off, a fun event, and beautiful weather too. It's like the world is serving this opportunity to you on a silver platter."

Damn it. They're really cornering me. I can't argue against anything they're saying. It really is the perfect day to do this. And that art fair sounds like fun.

Oh crap. I hope they didn't bring up that art fair because they know about... my hobby.

No, that's impossible. Nobody knows about my hideaway, and that's the only place where I paint. At least, I hope they don't know.

Ugh... they're all looking at me. Feels like there's sandbags on my shoulders.

"I-I dunno," I said plainly. "Just thinking about it is freaking me out."

"Jeanie, I have an idea," Dunkerque said. "Would you feel better if we approached him with you? I understand if you're nervous, but we can be part of your 'plan of attack' as you say. I think having your friends with you would be a great confidence booster. What do you say?" 

They gave me hopeful looks. The kinda look that one would feel guilty to say no to. It's not like they're gonna let this go tomorrow even if I say no today...

...y'know what? Despite their teasing, they've been supportive. And... he might say yes.

I sighed. "If you go up to him with me... o-okay,  I'll do it."

Dunkerque squealed. "I was hoping you would agree!"

Algerie and Richelieu looked excited too, but their reactions were more lax. They were giggling to themselves, as if gossiping.

Something felt off.

"Alright, so what now?" I asked. "Are we gonna try to find him later or what?"

"I don't think that'll be necessary," Algerie said, grinning at something.

"Whaddya mean?" I said.

Richelieu and Dunkerque were giggling as Algerie pointed behind me, winking. I cautiously looked, and sitting on a bench close by, facing away from us...

I gasped. It's him!

"Alright, ladies," Dunkerque announced. "Operation: Get Jeanie a Date is a go!"

...Operation what?!


Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Also, does anyone else absolutely adore Boise as well? New Jersey is amazing too, but Boise has almost stolen the show for me. It's highly likely that Boise will be next after Jean Bart. I also have an idea for an NSFW fic for New Jersey, which I might indulge to avoid burnout. Jean Bart isn't going anywhere, though. I'm looking forward to writing more. It's gonna get interesting. Cheers!

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