Pretend (Ryeji)

By mochiiiii_01

150K 6.9K 10.5K

Shin Ryujin, and her rival, Hwang Yeji, are both celebrities. Already a few years into the industry, each is... More

Main Characters + Summary
Chapter 1: How We Met
Chapter 2: The Play
Chapter 3: How We Fell
Chapter 4: Audition
Chapter 5: Bet
Chapter 6: It Begins
Chapter 7: It Begins (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Baby Steps
Chapter 9: Progress?
Chapter 10: Curious
Chapter 11: Square One?
Chapter 13: Sh!t
Chapter 14: Hate Me
Chapter 15: The Party
Chapter 16: Rehearsal
Chapter 17: Vlive
Chapter 18: Pretend
Chapter 19: Bad Day
Chapter 20: Kiss Scene
Chapter 21: Persistence
Chapter 22: Happy Birthday
Chapter 23: Jealousy
Chapter 24: Troubled Past
Chapter 25: oh no
Chapter 26: Kiss Scene (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Assurance
Chapter 28: Bad News
Chapter 29: Not As Planned
Chapter 30: Please Go
Chapter 31: Happy Birthday (Pt.2)
Chapter 32: Love (?)
Chapter 33: But I Love You Too
Chapter 34: Slow
Chapter 35: Good News?
Chapter 36: Not As Planned (Pt.2)
Chapter 37: Results
Chapter 38: Showcase
Chapter 39: Movie Premiere
Chapter 40: 'Tis the Season

Chapter 12: Uncertainty

2.8K 166 95
By mochiiiii_01

"What the hell is this?"

She stared harder, blinked a few times, even went as far as to turn her phone off and back on just to ensure the post's existence. It was no fluke, nor a weird figment of her imagination, and it sure didn't feel like a dream either (she pinched herself thrice to be sure). Yeji didn't intend to catch Ryujin's attention with this post, but it seemed that was the result.

Ryujin double-checked the time, wondering if Rosé was still there. She couldn't be sure, but she did remember the texts saying she and Lisa were going to stop by, those being messages she didn't see until later on into the night while she hung out with San.

"It's past midnight, though." She attempted to reason, tell herself that there was no need to head over there. Still, the latter won. She couldn't pretend that she wasn't a little concerned. She didn't know how Yeji behaved while drunk, but she sure knew how her sister and Lisa got. That knowledge in itself left plenty of room for concern.

While on the way there, Ryujin speculated how it got that far, how what was only supposed to be the teaching of dance moves turned into a drinking party of three. Whatever the reason, in the end, she concluded that just because Yeji didn't get along with her didn't mean she couldn't get along with Rosé.


She must've spent what felt likes years waiting at the door for someone to open it, but no one did. While it could've easily crossed her mind that whoever was inside is asleep, she preferred to think about Lisa's car still in the driveway and focus on the hazards that came as a package deal with the clumsy drunks inside her co-star's home.

She considered phoning either of the individuals she knew were presently inside, but something convinced her to turn the knob, and so she did. Amazed to see it turn with ease, she stepped inside, ready to scold every single person for not ensuring their safety by locking said entrance.

The front door locked now, she wandered over to the main area where everyone would convene. She was immediately welcomed with a passed-out sister resting her head on Lisa's lap, who appeared to be asleep as well, judging by how far back her head was tilted with her mouth open. At least that meant they were okay, but that still left Yeji—

"I don't recall inviting you back."

"You should lock your front door then." The blonde eyed her co-star up and down. She could smell the liquor, see two empty bottles and some scattered cups. It was obvious what happened here. "I see you've been drinking."

Yeji ignored her statement. "You better not have been with my brother."

"And if I was?"

Directly after the words left her mouth, Ryujin mentally facepalmed herself for instinctively taunting the latter, acting on impulse, not genuinely intending to touch up on their little argument from the previous morning. Shockingly, Yeji hadn't responded to the bait. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and shakily hopped off the counter.

Ryujin noticed immediately how wobbly the girl's first step was, not to mention how tight the latter gripped the counter, almost as if it meant life or death. The woman's footsteps were more like a hop on one foot, too unsteady to be balanced. Usually, when someone is drunk, they still use both feet.

Yeji wasn't.

As quick as she could, she rushed forward when there was no longer any counter space for the other to hold onto, steadying Yeji by holding onto her waist. "Why the hell are you walking like that???"

"I think I sprained it. That or it might be broken." Yeji giggled and leaned forward, arms dangling over Ryujin's shoulders. "Who knows. Who cares."

"Who knows? Who cares??" Ryujin took a step back after balancing the young Hwang's posture, too uncomfortable with the position they originally were in, then flicked her co-star in the forehead. "You NEED both feet!"

"Oh no, my foot is fine." Yeji nonchalantly pointed down toward the ground. "It's my ankle you should be angry about."

"You idiot... " Ryujin took a few deep breaths, striving to calm herself down. She did consider that Yeji might not remember this in the morning. Thus, she could probably yell at her and get away with it, but she didn't want to take the risk. Right now, sober Yeji was mad about her getting in contact with San, but that could be smoothed out with some effort. She didn't want to mess up and give Yeji another reason to be angry. "What did you do to it?"

"I was dancing on my way to the fridge. You know, practicing the new moves Lisa showed me."


"There was an ice cube on the floor."

"Okay?" She frowned. Leave it to Yeji to be so vague about details, pointing to another spot on the floor that she assumed must've been where the ice was. "Your point?"

"I stepped on it!"

Ryujin blinked once, then twice, then however many times before she realized Yeji wasn't going to say anything further. "Why do you sound so proud!?"

"I'm not." Yeji countered, but she almost sounded like a child, not assessing why her minor injury might prove to be problematic in the morning. "It's actually really painful."

"You never cease to surprise me with your stupidity. Now you have to ice this too." The blonde rolled her eyes, clicked her tongue, and sighed, finding it extremely difficult to hold back her comments. "How bad does it hurt?"

"Right now? Hardly."

"And if I touch it— "

"OUCH! Watch it, asshole!"

"My father?" She pondered for a moment. "He's really nice. Very supportive of my dreams. In fact, he always encouraged me when I needed it the most."

"He sounds like a really great guy." San smiled, but it appeared to be forced in a way. "Must be nice."

"What do you mean?"

"To have such a good dad."

"Why? What's yours like?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Oh, come on." She'd be lying if she said curiosity hadn't struck her, said she wasn't interested in hearing more. "If you could describe him in one word, what would it be?"

"I'd say he's an asshole."

"That's... not what I was expecting." Ryujin chuckled dryly, not sure how she was really supposed to respond. San's sudden change in emotions suggested his old man wasn't the friendly type, leaving room for speculation on one's own regarding the extent of his personality.

"He's your typical snobby, stuck-up businessman who's very keen on having everything go his way."

Ryujin's ears perked up, reckoning that perhaps the man she witnessed hit her co-star was indeed the father of Yeji and her siblings. "Sounds like you two don't really get along."

"You have no idea." He laughed bitterly, but she knew it wasn't directed toward her. It led her to wonder about the thoughts or memories flooding his brain. He's been bright and cheery all night up until now. "Even both of my sisters despise him."

"Both?" She vaguely remembered a few mentions from Yeji but had never gone out of her way to figure out who. Surely all it took was a few clicks on the internet, but now she'd rather hear it from the source. "You have another?"

"Sure do. Her name is Jimin."

"I'm afraid I know way too many people named Jimin."

"Ah, right. Well, she's better known by Monday. I'm sure you've heard of— "

"Oooh, you mean Monday from Weeekly?" She didn't intend to rudely cut him off, but the instant she heard the idol's name, her brain clicked, quickly catching on. "Their comeback recently dropped, right?"

"It did." San pulled his phone from his pocket and opened his gallery, swiped through various photos, faint determination in his eyes indicating he wanted to show a picture or two. This was confirmed when he leaned closer, the device's screen displaying who she recognized to be Monday. "This is her."

"You really do come from a talented family." Ryujin complimented as she stared at each photo. She thought it was sweet how he rambled on about her achievements rather than go on and on about his own. He even touched upon Yeji's accomplishments, but it was safe to say Ryujin was aware of all of them. After all, she monitored Yeji's career closely.

About six photos into San's steady swiping, she noticed there was a group photo. All three siblings were standing next to an older man. He had a groomed beard, hair slicked back, a suit that matched the siblings' outfits. She recognized the man as the culprit, also assumed who he was judging by everyone's attire.

"Is this your father?"

"Stepfather," San corrected, "but yes."

"I see... A family event?"

"Unfortunately. We only attended for publicity. Actually, any of our interactions only happen because he persists until he gets a yes out of us."

"He sounds pushy."

"He is. Trust me, you're able to tell just by looking at him."

San sighed as he tilted his head, gazing at the woman beside him. He took into account every feature, recognizing the beauty that is Shin Ryujin. But there was an issue with that, of course. How awkward would it be had he succeeded in winning her over? Especially after she's played a lover to none other than his sister?

Still, rather than let his thoughts prey on him, he chose to steer the conversation in the same direction it was headed in to avoid any chances of disappointment. "I heard he'll be at your movie premiere."


"Yep. And he'll be at our dance showcase in a few months. I wouldn't be surprised if you meet him before that."

"By the way you're talking, I'm guessing you'll introduce me?"

"Actually, would you like to attend his gala with me?" He smiled, hopeful of a yes, but the dorky curve on his lips quickly faded into a burst of shaky, nervous laughter while he tried to play his invitation off. "As a friend, of course. Nothing more."

Ryujin wasn't stupid. She didn't want to lead San on. However, as she was about to shut the offer down because of how it came across, the fact that he fixed it by saying it was only a friendly invitation allowed her to feel it would be alright to say yes. She wanted to anyway, needed to meet this man in person. There's no way she'd forget the way her name sounded leaving his mouth that night.

As anyone could guess, she looked forward to that Saturday two weeks from now.

Right. Yeji's jerk of a father. The term was something Ryujin would gladly use to describe him, deeming it would be one of many names to suit him, and she didn't feel the need to know him personally, considering he lost any ounce of respect she could've ever had the first time she laid eyes on him.

"You better not be daydreaming about my brother."

Ryujin rolled her eyes again. "I thought I already told you I wasn't interested."

"I don't care."

"Why is it every time I try to be nice, you find something new to complain about?"

"You weren't exactly nice in the beginning, either. Don't pretend that's all you've ever been to me."

"That's not... never mind." She shook her head, knowing well enough that it was pointless to try and defend herself when she was in the wrong at the start. "But why suggest we can get along and then not even try when I'm clearly giving it a shot?"

"Because you switched up so easily."

"And that's a problem for you?"

"It's weird."

"Can't we be civil, though?"

"You're leading my brother on."

"No I'm not. That just sounds like an excuse for you to hate me."

"So what if it is?"

"What do you get out of hating me?"

Yeji huffed. Yes, she was drunk, but she was still reluctant to give off information. All she cared to do was stray away from questions like that because how else was she supposed to respond? Admit her father would leave her alone for a while? Admit she wouldn't get slapped across the face for 'disobeying' him? "Leave me be. I didn't ask for your help."

The youngest cringed at that, wondering if it would be the same response for a situation different from the one they were currently facing at the moment. "Fine. We should talk about it when you're sober anyway."

"As if."

"Whatever you say, Yeddeong."

'Hm~ ' Her jaw clenched at the nickname being brought up once again, practically twice in the same day.

"And mine?"


"You haven't told me what you would call me. Did you come up with a nickname yet?"

"Not exactly." Yeji shuffled in her seat. They had reached their destination, and it seemed that the younger girl was stuck on the previous topic. "Does anyone else have a nickname for you?"

"My dad calls me Ryujinnie, but I think that's it."

"Ryujinnie is cute, but I want something different, so that's off the list. How about Ryu?"

"Shortening my name is just cheating. You'll have to be more creative than that."

"Fair enough." Yeji hummed too, collecting her thoughts in hopes of finding the right one. It couldn't just be anything, it would have to suit her crush, of course, and Shin Ryujin was deserving of a name that was both cute and worthy.

She scooted forward in her booth, lightly tapped on her toes while she scanned the latter's appearance. Hoodie up over her blonde locks and tucked behind her ears, it had to be one of her favorite looks on Ryujin. She looked like the cutest monkey Yeji had ever seen.



"You look like a monkey." Yeji tried to be serious with the suggestion, but she couldn't resist snorting at the angry yet adorable pout on Ryujin's lips. "What? Don't you like it?"

"Quit messing with me." Ryujin narrowed her eyes. On the other hand, Yeji continued to laugh. She certainly got a kick out of this, especially for all of the times Ryujin has managed to tease her within the past two weeks.

"What if I'm serious?"

"Then... " The blonde thought quickly. "Then I'll revoke your nickname."

"Will you really?"

"Probably not."

Ryujin's expression changed, and they found themselves laughing at their off-topic conversation. As they held eye contact from across the table, Ryujin now curious as to why Yeji was looking at her so fondly, the latter's brain clicked. "Ryuddaeng."

"What's up?"

"Ryuddaeng." Yeji smiled. "Or might you prefer Ryusungie?"

Ryujin scoffed playfully, it embedded in her light chuckle. If she had to be honest, she liked it a lot. Still, she didn't want to give the other girl complete satisfaction over her reaction, so she simply grabbed her pencil and began jotting things down on the paper. "You know which I prefer."

'Stupid memories.' Yeji mentally scolded herself then glared at Ryujin. "Don't call me that."

"Suck it up, Princess."

"Don't call me that either!"

"There's no winning with you, ugh~ " Ryujin wrapped Yeji's arm around her shoulder forcefully, not taking no for an answer. She didn't want a prolonged conversation. It was already getting late, and now they had to wake up earlier. Ryujin was almost positive the girl was okay, but she figured a pit stop at the hospital to be sure Yeji didn't too much damage was needed. "You need to go to bed. Now."

"I don't want your help."

"I'd sure like to see you get there by yourself."

"Watch me."




"On a scale of one to ten, how dumb do you feel?"

Yeji lightly rubbed her temple, not wanting to reminisce what happened mere minutes ago. "I'm not in the mood."

"You've said that a lot lately." Ryujin laughed as she threw the blanket over her co-star. She reckoned the latter could tuck herself in. "Get some rest. We'll figure out what to do with your ankle later."

Yeji wondered if she had been in some outrageously long dream. The entire ordeal with Ryujin felt so out of place, hardly made any sense. She couldn't fathom what the other woman's justification was for her behavior.

She sighed, still drunk but more aware than she'd thought she'd be. However, despite being conscious, she was sure that some details of what's happening and fragments of her thoughts would be missing in the morning.

"I'm cold." The oldest admitted as soon as Ryujin wandered back into the room to hand her a glass of water with some pain relief pills. She'd get up to get herself one if she knew she wouldn't fall flat on her face like she did roughly ten minutes ago.

"I literally just gave you your blanket."

"It's not enough."

"Well, you're not getting the blanket I have. I need it. You're stuck with just one."

"But that's technically still my blanket anyway— oh!" Yeji jumped up spontaneously. As mentioned, she was unpredictable, and that meant her anger would happily disappear within seconds if it ensured she didn't have to be cold. "Why don't we share?"

Ryujin shook her head in disbelief. "No. That's weird."

"Only if you make it weird." She scoffed. It's not like she suggested they cuddle up. There was plenty of room on the bed to leave enough space in between them. She figured they could even create a border of pillows if the latter deemed it necessary. "I'm cold, and I want an extra blanket. I usually sleep with two but your sister and Lisa have one. You're stealing my spare. Where are you going to sleep, anyway?"

"One, we're not even friends, and two, there's another couch, Yeddeong."

It left her mouth naturally, and Yeji felt the center of her chest constrict at the nickname, not understanding what incited its need to be said. "Could you seriously opt out of using that nickname for me?"

"Nope. It has a nice ring to it. Goodnight."

With that, Ryujin stepped out of the room, lights shut off in hopes it'd force the girl inside to sleep faster. Besides, she didn't want to risk Yeji getting up to turn it off herself, then feel compelled to come back and help her out when she knew she wasn't able.

When the morning hit, Yeji woke up to two blankets on her. It wasn't rocket science to pinpoint who the culprit was, but it sure did send her thoughts roaming wild again. Ryujin was being kind, too kind, and it bothered her immensely, so much it made her skin crawl with an uneasy feeling, causing her to be unsettled.

It was too much to handle, a scary reminder of what was and the individual responsible for those past emotions. This Ryujin she was experiencing, in a way, felt like the same Ryujin she grew highly fond of back then.

Long story short, this was bad. If the end result was what Yeji believed it could be, then it would be the worst-case scenario for her. She knew that before it could get that far, she'd have to put an end to it, no matter what it takes. Otherwise, it'd spell out more trouble for herself. But before that, Yeji needed to test her theory out as soon as she could, and what better time than tomorrow to do so?

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