Like those foreign stars

By fasallie

75 2 0

Y/N likes to dance her dad always wanted to get her into karate but she was never interested she didn't like... More

Chapter 1

74 2 0
By fasallie

Today was another day of online school ever since 6th grade i have had to do online because my dance coach wanted me to focus on dance and nothing else She did convince my parents to put me in online at first it was ok but now i kind of hate it i wanna go to school with sam and make friends but for now i can deal with it i don't have zoom calls i just have to do the assignments and turn them in whenever as ling as they get turned in on time i get ready for the day because who knows what we are gonna do today

I go downstairs and see my whole family i go up to the table and yell "happy Friday" extending the y
I see sam give me a weird look my dad chuckles and my mom laughs i give them a weird look too as i sit next to my little brother Anthony "y/n i hope you know it's Saturday" my mom says laughing

Well I thought it was Friday how embarrassing "here i made some eggs for you" my dad says pushing a plate to me "thank you dad" i say taking the fork and starting to eat i look at my brother who is on his tablet i lean my head on his shoulder and look down to see what he is playing "hey bro what are you playing" he doesn't look at me he just is focused on the screen "its a game where you race other people in cars" he says as i nod "now get off me" when he says that i put my head back up "me moon and Yasmine are going to the mall wanna come y/n" my sister sam asked me she is actually my twin sister she is older by 5 minutes but she likes to say she is "so much older" but she isn't "sam I don't think i want too" i say Yasmine wasn't the nicest to me "come on y/n just go it will be fun" my mom says
"Yeah you say that cause you never actually met Yasmine" i say back "look y/n i know you and y/n don't really get along but please come it will be fun"
Sam saying basically begging at this point
I give in "fine but if she starts something i might kill her" sam looks at me and rolls her eyes

Right now we are in the car going to meet moon and Yasmine at the mall we are in sam's white jeep if i was her i would pick a truck but shes sam

Once we get the mall we both get out if the car when we walk yo the front to go inside of the mall i see teenagers smoking in the back alleys and the beautiful birds flying above the light pole we make it inside and see moon and Yasmine right away
"Hey moon" i say as she gives me a hug
  I look at Yasmine she is giving me a death stare
"So should we go to forever 21" i ask 
They all nod and walk there i pick up some skirts and some tops the other girls are looking around
"Hey ima go to the book store" i say wanting to look at some comics

I reach the book store i just got into comics but I don't know what my first one should be that i reed
I go the the space that had the comics and pick one up while I'm looking at it i hear a boys voice "quick Eli its gonna be gone soon" i look there direction one boy is kind of short with dirty blonde hair with a scar on his lip the other had dark brown hair almost black with green eyes and was tall I quickly look away from them "well maybe next time she has it" the blonde boy says in a low tone "yeah" the other boy says as they walk away i knew they were talking about me so i run after them "hey here take it" i say handing the brown haired boy the book he looks down at me and smiles "are you sure" he asks "yeah i was just looking take it i insist" "well thank you" he says looking at me "i'm y/n" i say looking down
"Hey its okay no need to be nervous I'm Demetri"
The brown haired boy says "and this is Eli he doesn't
Talk much" i smile at Eli and then look back at Demetri "well i should get going before my friends start to worry" i say to them "i hope i see you around" i add as i walk out

When I'm outside of the doors if the book store i get a text in my phone i read it its from sam it says
"Hey i'm with kyler i told Yasmine to wait for you since i took the car shes at the food court"
Well she with that little boyfriend he's a jerk i have met him i go the the food court and surprise surprise
Yasmine is not there i get out my phone and text sam

Y/N: hey sam Yasmine is not here ima call dad maybe he can pick me up
SAM: oh I'm so sorry y/n i should have known she wouldn't have waited for you do you want me to pick up i can cancel things with kyler
Y/N: no its ok enjoy your time with kyler
SAM: ok thank you again I'm so sorry i love you
Y/N: its ok sam you wouldn't know i love you too

I then go to my dads contact and text him

Y/N: hey dad can you pick me up from the mall
DAD: what why I thought sam was with you where is she why cant she take you home
Y/N: she had to do something she said she can take me but I didn't want to bother her so i just said i will text you to pick me up
DAD: ok sweetheart I'm coming

I wait outside the mall for my dad but then i see the two boys from before walk out i turn around and smile "hey Demetri" i say walking fast up to him
"Wow you remember my name" i laugh at what he says "why are you talking to us no one talks to us unless it a dare" he adds i give him a confused look
"What do you mean" i ask i see Eli looking at me
"What school do you go too" Eli says softly and shyly
"Im in online" " that explains why she doesn't know"
Demetri says i see my dad pull up "well i gotta go bye" i say walking off i get in the car "who are those boys" my dad asks "no one dad no one"

When we get home i go to the studio to practice my dance i turn on the music and start to dance:

When i finish the dance i heard clapping from someone i turn around to see my mom who has a smile on her face and i give her a smile back

I walk over two her "hey mom whats up"
"I was gonna tell you that sam was stealing your clothes" she says "but really did you make that dance yourself" she says with a smile

I laugh "no my coach told me to practice it i just need to get more emotion in it" my moms looks at me and smiles "don't get your hopes down your a very talented dancer" she says "thanks mom also whats for dinner" i ask turning off the music
"Your dad is making chicken tonight"
I nod and she walks out

We just finished dinner but i did want to ask sam something she might find me weird wait might?
No defiantly she will find me weird  i go to her room
And knock on the door i hear her say come in so i do
"Hey sam can i ask you something" she looks up at me "of course what is it y/n" i take a long breath
"Do you know anybody named Demetri or Eli at your school i met these two boys at the mall at the book store and they seem nice" she smirks at me "does Eli have a scar on his lip" she asks i nod "yes he does"
"Then yes I know them do you like one of them" she asks

I laugh "no like i said they just seem cool i just want friends" i say as she just laughs "i can give them your number" i blush "no thats weird"
"Well thats your choice now out" she says calmly
I walk out and go to my room i grab my pjs and go to bed

Note from allie: hey first chapter of my new book sorry that I deleted the other ones I promise that I will not again and a robby one will come soon I just need to get ideas

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