By SonamDiwakar2

321K 8K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

23. He's My Son

5.8K 175 92
By SonamDiwakar2

I have no idea why I did this but that idea was soooo tampting to ignore.

I know it will give my story a three sixty degree turn but....I just did.
I know I'm gonna feel like instant regret after postin it but....let's do this.

Tony was sitting on a chair in his lab fidgeting with a screwdriver. He was deep in thoughts, and no matter how much he was trying he couldn't get one name out of his head. Claudia.

He remembered like a picture the day when he first saw Stiles. standing there with Phil and Clint, all nourves and scared. Everyone thought Tony softened his voice and changed his behaviour becouse he noticed something off with Stiles. But it wasn't truth in slightest, he was frozen after seeing those eyes that Stiles have. The eyes he tried his whole life but couldn't forget.

He was not able to think about his suspicious again since that day becouse in how much bad condition Stiles was. He was scared to even think about that matter, what if his suspicious is  true, what if that's why she left him and then just disappeared., What if that's what she meant in that letter., what if he was left in dark with biggest part of his life. What if, what if., what if. All these what if's are scaring him. Scaring Tony Stark to his core.

He grunts and kicked one of the spare part lying near his feet. Completely forgetting that Bruce was in same lab. Bruce's head snapped towerd him. He looked at Tony and then that part of metal Tony just hit, something was wrong for sure. He stopped everything he was doing and walked up to Tony and called his name. No response. He placed his hand on Tony's shoulder finally getting his attention. Tony lookes at him and putts his faced again in a second and gave him a questioning look.

"What's bothering you?" Bruce asks, staight getting at point. Tony gave him a confuced look.

"What do you mean?" Bruce sighs, at his response.

"Tony you can tell me anything, you know that right? I can see from last some weeks something is eating you. Since Stiles showed up to be spacific." Tony's faced broke for a moment but he gets it on place again.

"It just what we all discovered in last some days's getting to all of us. Nothing much." Tony tries to play dumb but Bruce wasn't buying it.

"I know that we just got to know about a whole new world Tony, and it shook us all. We all are protective over Stiles too. But there is something from day one since Stiles came here, since you met him. You have him access to your lab on his first didn't even does that with Peter. Please just tell me...I can help and keep it secret if you want." Bruce did his best try.

Tony didn't lookes at him, he keep his head to the side. Debating if he should tell Bruce or not when he wasn't sure himself. But he would need Bruce's help if he want to be sure about it. He decides to take the chance.

"I never made friends since childhood. I was just too caught up in that fake world and trying to keep up with my dad's busy schedule that I never got a chance.... but there was that girl, one of my dad's friend's doughter, she always used to come at our house since....I don't even remember the time, maybe I was a toddler then. She and I became good friends instantly, faking my personality in lime light and in school made me hard to get through. Only my mom...and her can do that. I always like to be my real self with her, like I am with you guys now." Tony looks at Bruce with his one of the most genuine smilies.

"When we were 19 we got engaged and..."

You were engaged!" Bruce nearly shouts. It is impossible that Tony was engaged once but no one knew about it. Tony looks at him and sighs.

"It was really private... only my perents and her dad knew about it. We were planning on getting married after completing our studies and dad got killed right after that. I was not in a good place at that time and I shut her out of my life completely. I wasn't meeting her or letting her contact me....I broke our engagement. I started drinking and all those things I was famous for. She tried to send me some letters but I never read them or replied. After some weeks she gave up and just disappeared.....when I finally tried to meet her, I got to know that her dad also passed away by heart attack just couple of days after my perents. I tried so much but couldn't find her...she was gone." Tony blinks rapidly to avoid tears from falling. Bruce was listing calmly.

"I read her letter after that....she mentioned about telling me something really important and that, I need to listen to her just once...last letter was a goodbye...she said she was taking something mine with her and that I should live my life like I want and she will never meet me again. I spent months... maybe years in her search. You know how I became after that...I was changing girlfriends after girlfriend and having hookups...I was a mess until I met Pepper."

"So why is that affecting you now?" Bruce asks. He got that Tony's first love left him becouse of him pushing her out, but why he's reacting like that now. Tony looks at him and rubs his face with his hands.

"Her name was Claudia Gajos." Tony says, like he just blow up a bomb. Bruce thinks for a moment before realising with horrer.

"You think Stiles mom was your girlfriend and fiance." Bruce asks, with wide eyes.

"I think much more then that."

"Like what?"

"She left me eighteen years ago.... saying she was taking something mine with her. Stiles is seventeen. Her mom died becouse of FTD and Stiles mom too. Name is also same, Claudia, and Stiles's eyes....thay are just like hers." Bruce felt like he was punched in face by Tony.

"You think Stiles is your son!" Bruce shouts, in horrer. Tony puts his head in his head after nodding in yes.

"Fuck." Bruce swears. That make more sense now. Tony was super protective over Stiles, he made a mobile and put Jarvis in it by himself just after meeting him, witch he never done for anyone. He talked about his penic attacks without asking. He agreed to cook even after hating and not knowing about cooking, and so many things.

"Did you saw any picture of Stiles's mom?" Bruce asks. If Stiles mom and Tony's fiance are same person it's will be easiest way to find. Why Tony haven't done it yet.

"I tried to find but there was no pictures of Claudia stilinski in any records so I can match." Tony answers.

"Do you have any other way to check. Did you told Pepper about it?" Bruce asks again.

"Pepper knew about Claudia since start but maybe she haven't thought about it. To know that what I'm thinking is true...I have only one way and I need your help in that." Tony says looking at Bruce.

"You're thinking about DNA test." Bruce realised.

"Can you do that. I will tell everyone if results came positive and if not...I still consider Stiles as my son."

Bruce lets out a long exhale and nod.
"I can do that in ten minutes I just need some hair." Tony was about to stand and go when someone spoke from the doorway.

"I'll get them." Bucky spoke from door. Making both man jump.

"How long you've been here buck." Bruce yells, Tony is trying to look anywhere but Bucky.

"Since you both started talking." Bucky said, calmly. Tony and Bruce looked at him shocked. That means he heard everything.

"Please don't tell them now...let me know first if my suspicious is right." Tony requested.

"I won't. I'm getting some of his hair and you will check. If it's true them we're telling everyone spacially Stiles." Bucky said, and walked away leaving both of them frozen in their places. He can back after some minutes with a towel to find Tony and Bruce still standing at same spot. He walked inside the lab and handed Bruce the towel.

"This towel have some hair on it. Get this over with... fast." Bucky says, and Bruce disappeared in his lab in a second saying he need ten minutes.

"Are you ok?" Bucky asks, seeing how much Tony was sweating. Tony shook his head in no.

"That's just happening too fast. I was only thinking about it since last couple of weeks and as soon as I said it.....I'm getting my answer. It's just too fast." Tony admits.

"Everything heppens for good Tony." Bucky says, and room goes silent. Before Bruce can complete his tests, Bucky was able to convince Tony in calling everyone back at tower saying he wants to tell them something.

Bucky and Tony Parkes up when Bruce walks back in lab. His expressions were unreadable with didn't help the matter. Tony walk forward and put his hand on Bruce's shoulder.

"Is that true?"

Bruce looks at him. "I checked twice...your and Stiles DNA are match. He's your son Tony." Bruce said this with smiles, but Tony isn't sure if it's good news or bad. How the hell he's gonna tell everyone. How the hell he'll tell Stiles.

Finally he was able to realise what was happening.

He have a son.

He's a dad.

Stiles is his son.

And he never knew.

Holy shit.

Tony starts hyperventilating, feeling the walls close in on him, a sharp pain travelling up his arm and across his chest making it even more difficult to breathe. He keels onto the floor, arm reaching out to grip onto his chair or the table but rather than feeling a cool material, something warm and sweaty clasps his palm.

"-Tony breathe with me. In. Out. Come on Tony, just take a breath for me on the count of three," a voice pleads and desperate he clings to it. He does his best to follow the instructions and takes a small breath when he hears the number three. "That’s it, now exhale when I count to one. Three….two….one." Tony breathes out. "Okay good, let’s keep going. Just listen to me. I’m right here." With the voices help Tony manages to level out his breathing and blinking slowly he sees his own eyes reflected back at him, filled with relief. "You with me yet?"

"Y-Yes," Tony answers after letting out a deep breath. He averts his eyes away from Bruce, mortified that he’d broken down within the first few minutes of discovering about his son. No wonder he hadn’t done that in last two weeks, Tony clearly couldn’t handle this.

"Sir everyone have gethared on common floor, would you like to tell them now, if you're feeling fine." Jarvis spoke. Tony didn't answer, Bucky and Bruce let him take his time, clearly understanding how he's feeling and yet at same time having no idea about his condition.

Tony tries to stand successfully but with shacking lags and hands. He took several deep breaths befor answering.

"T -tell them to wait Jarvis....I'm coming." Tony says.

"You can tell them tomorrow or after some don't have to this now." Bucky advices, in conserne voice. Tony shook his head in no.

"I have to tell them now...or I will never be able to." Tony said and walked towerd elevator not giving them any chance to response.

That walked inside the common floor to find Sam, Steve and Natasha talking among themselves. Clint and Phil also doing same, Thor is eating pop tarts on one of the chair and Pepper walking in with a mug of coffee for herself.

All heads turn in Tony, Bruce and Bucky's direction, and if they were not worried about sudden calls thay got before, thay are now after looking at face of three men. Thay stopped talking and pepper walks up to Tony.

"Are you ok Tony." She asks, holding his hands in her. Tony know there's no way he could pretend now, so he said what's true.

"No...I'm not fine." Everyone exchange worried glances becouse Tony will never admit that.

"What's wrong Tony? Just tell us." Sam asks. Tony didn't answer but walks up to a sofa and sat on it. Everyone also sits on other places giving him good distance.

"I had a suspicious about something but I was not sure if I want to know about that or not. Today I told Bruce about it and all happened just too fast." Tony is irritated by loss of words. Pepper sits beside him rubbing a hand on his back. Thay all looks at Bruce for some answers but he avoids everyone's eyes. Tony gets an idea and he looks at phil.

"Phil. I want to ask you something....and you have to tell me everything you know about that. Okay?" Tony asks, in serious voice. Phil just nods in answer, slightly freaked out about what Tony's going to ask him.

"What you know about Stiles's mom and how she met your brother."

"Why are you asking about her?" Phil is completely and absolutely confuced by change of the topic. Everyone else looks same minus Bruce and Bucky.

"Just answer phil." Phil looks at him shocked becouse of how desperate he sounds and decides to tell the truth.

"I never knew much about her. Just her name Claudia Gajos." Pepper pales at mention of the name. "She was starting a new life and left everything she had. Noah knew her from before. She used to travel alot and thay met on a beach....thay were good friends, when she came at his door one day Noah let her in....after only one month thay got married. She was two months pregnent with Stiles at that time...Noah was willing to marry her even after knowing that, so I was no one to object." Phil says, in a small voice. Whole room goes deadly silent.

"It means your brother is not real father of little one." Thor asks, after a long agonising time. Phil just nods in yes.

"Is Stiles aware of that?" This time it was Steve.


Everyone shucks a sharp breath at that. Thay were just thinking anong themselves and taking that in, when Clint's remember why thay started that conversation.

"Why are you asking this Tony." He asks, Tony scared to get the answer. Tony who looks close to tears looks at Pepper, awere of the fact that she knew what's going on.

"Tony is Stiles's.... biological Father." If room can go anymore quite it heppens.

"Was that some one night stand." Natasha asks, her voice threatening and she looks slightly red from anger. But Tony is more angrier then her, he looks at her with fury in her eyes.

"She was my fiance. Don't you dere say that. I loved her and then I was so caught up in my guilt that she left me and took my baby with her!" Tony screams standing from his seat. Startling everyone in the room. Pepper and Bucky calms him and guides him at his previous place.

"Tony. Calm down I will tell them everything you just breath okay." Pepper tries to calm a heavily breathing Tony. He just nods for her to tell them.

"You all just took a seat first. I will tell you everything."

After half and hour pepper was done explaining everything to everyone. Thay all just sat there with their heads in there hands. Thay all were shaken by the discovery but most of all thay were worried about one thing. How thay will tell Stiles and who. Stiles was already mentally exhausted by thing he faces in last some months. This is something witch will change his whole identity. Thay all knew how much he loves his dad even after what he did to him. Thay were scared what will be the outcome of this.

"What are you thinking Phil?" Tony asks. Phil was completely silent since Pepper said Tony was Stiles father. If anyone was ifacted most by this after Tony and Pepper in this room, it was him.

"I'm actually happy by this." Phil said, calmly. Making everyone frown.

"What! How can you be happy?" Tony asks.

"I know it seems terrible now that Noah is not Stiles dad....but he was never a good father. He cared for Stiles until Claudia died, but after that he abandoned him. Only Stiles was keeping there relationship standing. He attacked him when he was only ten years old in his drunk state. Noah never trusted Stiles, we all heard that. He neglected him and never gave a damn about how Stiles was keeping that house going. He never noticed that he was in depression after nogitsune and was blaming himself. He had no idea what Theo was doing to him. He was dating another woman and didn't think that it was necessary to tell Stiles. Stiles tried to kill himself when he was in same fucking house and he still have no idea about that night. He can't keep his financial status hidden from Stiles and put him through that stress. And still Stiles killed himself that night without single thought just to save him from that darach. I'm feeling ashamed by calling him my brother Tony." Phil's voice was murderous for his brother. Everyone just stared at him reflecting his feelings.

"But how can you say I can be a better dad then him." Tony was scared....he don't think he can took care of a child. Spacially someone so brave, selfless and so spacial like Stiles.

"You can be me on this. You will be a awesome dad." Steve says, with no doubt in his voice.

"I'm the one who don't even knew he existed only a hour ago. I was sceptical about it since I saw him but I was so coward that I just kept my mouth shut, and when I finally told Bruce he did everything just in hour. I drink, I party I'm just amazed that Pepper is still with me. If I told Stiles that I'm his dad....he will not accept me."

"So you actually trust wath some news reporters says about you even if you said that you don't." Papper comments, not fazed by Tony's doubts in himself. Tony looks at him asking her to elaborate.

"Tony....I love you. No matter what other's say I'm with you becouse you're an amazing and loving Person and we all can agree with that. Stiles will maybe feel conflicted when you'll tell him but he will love you as his dad and he will be proud of you. Trust me."

Tony looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Will he?"

"Yes. Tony don't be an iron head and be proud that Stiles. Is. Your. Son." Clint says, making everyone chuckle.

Tony nods with a slight smile and rubs his face with his hands.

"How will I tell him that?" He asks, looking at Phil.

"You can't tell him right now....we have to wait for some days to let him settle with new school and friends. Then I will call Noah to come here and then you both have to do this togather." Phil said Noah's name with bitterness. Everyone understands why Noah should be the one to tell Stiles tha with Tony. Stiles still loves Noah and it was important to hear that from his mouth, otherwise Stiles will not believe them.... maybe.

They all set there convincing Tony and preparing themselves to adjust with that new reality. Tony is still nourves about whole thing. Phil and Clint are relieved and happy by news. Pepper seems estatic by the fact of her being Stiles mom....she doesn't care about step in front. Natasha said she was going to ask Stiles and Issac to call her aunt but now she can officially be his aunt. Steve, Bruce and Sam said they'll be Stiles and Issac's uncles now. Bucky was silent the whole time...but he was most of the time so no one noticed much. Thor started pointing similarities in Stiles and Tony. Biggest of them are thier smartness and sarcasm, witch thay all agreed to. Thor's words made them more relaxed by all that.

"Sir Stiles and Issac are back from school and thay are with Peter, MJ and Ned. Thay aked me to tell you that they are coming togather." Jarvis informed them. Everyone feels a smile growing on their faces by the fact that stiles and Issac are friends with Peter and his friends.

"OH MY GOD. WHY IS HE BACK SO SOON!" Tony panicks slightly. Everyone chuckle at his reaction.

"Tony. Be normal as much as you can. Stiles is a smart kid....he will notice something is odd, if you'll act like this, and don't whisper anything...Issac and Peter can listen from distance." Bucky says, slowly making Tony breath with him.

"Ask them to stop by Jarvis." Pepper tells, Jarvis. Everyone breaths and prepare themsel to meet Stiles.


Happy dropped them in tower's parking area from behind to avoid any media person. That area is highly secured so no one from outside can enter this place and everyone in building have sworn privacy, so thay will never gave any information about Stiles, Issac and Peter and his friends to anyone.

All of them said goodbye to Happy and made their way towerd elevator. Stiles scanned his hand to enter and Jarvis spoke.

"Welcome home Stiles. Issac. How was your day." Jarvis asks in a cheerful voice, even if he was with him whole day, witch made Stiles smile.

"Thanks Jarvis, we had a great day." Stiles says, as he and Issac entered the elevator. Jarvis scanned Peter, MJ and Ned as thay entered.

"Welcome back Peter, Ned, MJ."

"Hi Jarvis." Peter greeted.

"Jarvis. Is everyone home right now?" Stiles asks, becouse he saw everyone's car in parking lot.

"Yes Stiles thay all are on commen floor right now. Should I inform them of your arrival."

"Yes Jarvis told them that we're home and we came with friends." Stiles said, making all of them smiles, even MJ.

Jarvis spoke after some time, witch gave Stiles chance to notice that how long and big tower actually is. Thay all live on highest fifteen floors, witch stars after one seventy floors. That's why it take them easily five to six minutes to reach common floor even on fastest Speed. Jarvis's voice beings Stiles out of his head.

"Mrs. Potts asked you to stop by."

Thay all murmurers ok's and hmm's.

"So Issac what are you. Superhuman or enhance?" Peter asks. Issac smirks at that, making Stiles roll his eyes with smiles at his childish behaviour.

"Have you seen twilight." Issac asks, with mischievous smirk on his face. Peter, MJ and Ned's eyes widens at that.

"Oh god Issac... really twilight." Stiles laughs.

I have nothing to say..... absolutely nothing.

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