Play With Me

By Miss_Hoodnificent

87.1K 2.2K 717

A "Thug Love Series" Short Story. Be Sure To Have Read My "Thug Love Series" First. The Order Is On My Profil... More

Bring That Ass Here Girl
Just Why
The Feels Though
A Shift In My Damn Priorities
I Don't Know What To Call This
Get That Ass Down The Damn Isle
I Love You- No, I Love You More
I'm Fucking Sorry

I Couldn't Ask For Anything More

6.4K 215 83
By Miss_Hoodnificent

9. I Couldn't Ask For Anything More

~King P.O.V.~
~A Few Days Later~

"How are you feeling Mami." I asked as I went into our room. Ever since we got back from our Honeymoon, she's been absolutely miserable and I felt bad for her. The only plus side to her being sick is that at least I know she's safe at home in bed and not out in the streets doing God-Knows-What to Lord-Knows-Who decided to mess with her.

"I feel so great today. I can actually breathe again." She said pulling the covers off of herself. Her hair up in the messiest of messy buns and in my wife beater which has probably been stretched out.

"You look better. Think you're healthy enough to go to dinner at Arlie and Amber's? Amber misses the hell out of you." I said as I was digging through my dresser for something to wear. I was still in my pj's and then I felt arms wrapped around me. "You're cuddly."

"Yes I am. I missed her too." I felt her start to burrow under my shirt and then her giggles filled my ears.

"What are you doing now?"

"Shhh, I'm trying to crawl up under your shirt and get a piggy back ride at the same time." This is why my sweats and shirts are always stretch out... She just wants to share with me instead of just wear her own clothes. "When are we leaving?"

"About two hours, so go get ready." She dropped herself and crawled out from under my shirt, trailing off to the bathroom. I did a double take and noticed she looked a little different. "Tilly Beans come back here real quick." I called out. She came back to the room and just stared at me blankly.


"You look a little different. I don't remember you ever that thick." She was never no size 0 but she sure as hell wasn't so voluptuous either.

"Oh. Well this is what happens when I have free range to the junk food and no access to the gym." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I have no problems with having more loveliness added to my ass-"

"I wasn't complainin' or nun'. I just had to do a double take. You were mainly in bed under the covers for about two weeks so I didn't see much of you but wow. I didn't think you'd look that different." She just laughed and went on about her business while I went and did mine.


"There are the newly weds." Amber said when she opened the door and gave us a hug. She stepped aside and I noticed just about everyone was already there.

Kids were running all around the house chasing each other, laughter was heard from every room in the house... Nothing better than family get togethers.

"Aye King." Lexis said as he dapped me. "You and Tilly Beans look like y'all had fun."

"It was fun but then she caught the flu so she's finally healthy enough to be out in the world."

"Surprised she doesn't have the coconuts." Arlie said as he walked up to us and handed me a coke. "I always expect to see them."

"She has to get new ones. The ones she has now are too small and her seashells are for formal occasions." I said with a laugh and shake of my head. "Only my wife, I swear."

"Which is what makes her bae." Ty said with a laugh of his own. "If she's too much for you, I'll gladly-"

"Take your ass out of the conversation." Lexis said pulling him by his collar away from our small group. The both of us laughing till Lexis came back to the group. "I don't miss him at home, I really don't."

"Leave him be Lexis. It's all just for fun and laughs." Arlie said. After a little while longer of just hanging out, we all went out to the backyard and took our seats at the table. Females were all on one side of the table sitting directly across from their significant other... Well aside from Trey and Breezy. They were across from each other since Breezy sacrificed himself to sitting with the females.

"Thank you everyone for coming and cheers to the newly weds." Amber said as we all clanked our glasses.

"That's one wedding down, and onto the next." Nelle said in her velvety sweet voice.

"Wait who's next?" Arlie asked.

"Theoretically it should be Varo and Sweets-" Varo let out a roaring laugh from his end of the table cutting off Lexis. "What?"

"Such dumbasses." Varo said under his breath. "Trust when I say Sweets and I are more married than y'all think." Everyone just kind of stared blankly. "Hop off, we don't wanna be married yet, go away and do y'all." Adverting from Varo, my eyes landed at Tilly Beans who in turn looked back up at me and smiled.

"You got that look like you know something." I said. She just looked down at her plate and started to tear at the chicken on her plate.

"Alright. Y'all I'm pregnant-" There was a loud gasp from Breezy who put his hands around his throat and was trying to cough up whatever the hell he choked on. Lolo screamed and Chariah was hitting the back of Breezy's back till he motioned that he was okay.

"What?" I said.

"Wow Lolo! You were right next to me and didn't even help! See! I knew you always wanted me to die! Fuck a damn bag, shit! My throat hurts, I'm shocked and starving all at the same time." He said taking his seat again.

"Yup. So surprise-"

"You gonna have your baby in a field of tall grass too or nahh?" Varo asked as he clanked his tea with Trey. Not him too.

"Really Varo? No I plan on fucking my wifey in a field of tall grass while her side bae is out on a drug run." Tilly Beans said as she twirled her hair staring dead at Varo. "It can happen at any time and you wouldn't even be aware of it."

"Awe congrats King and Tilly Beans. That's just too cute." Nelle said. "See we could have another daughter-"

"Let it go Nelle Bells." Lexis said. "But on some real talk, congrats. How far along are you and is Arlie the father?"

"I still want just one of Arlie's kids. Just one and that's it but I'll be 12 weeks along in two days. I found out when Sweets and I went to the doctors for my flu and decided to share the news at a family dinner." She said. "I know you're ecstatic by the fact you've had that smile on your face this whole time." She said to me.

"Hell yeah I am. I've been wanting kids since my late twenties and now look what we're finally having." I just don't even know what to say. Happy or excited aren't strong enough words to describe how I'm feeling about this. My ideal life is finally falling into place... All that patient waiting has paid off in more than just one way.

"You're never having one of my kids Tilly Beans. I'm done with kids. I got as many as I need, so I'm done-"

"You wouldn't even need to be apart of the child's life! You can just be Uncle Arlie but we'd lowkey know you're Daddy Arlie!" She protested back which made me laugh.

"Arlie's a party pooper, Tilly Beans." Varo said.

"Shut up Varo-"

"Can we just acknowledge the fact that Tilly Beans, yes Tilly Beans, is currently with child and will be giving birth in about six months?" Ginot said from the end of the table.

"I can imagine a mini Tilly Beans running around naked." Sweets said with a laugh. "If it's a boy, I could see him being such a polite little boy like King."

"Plot twist, it's actually Arlie's and has a terrible ass temper." Varo continued to chime in. "Just saying-"

"Unless it comes out with green eyes-"

"Arlie shut up! Green eyes are recessive-"

"Your Dad had green eyes. You got your green eyes from a grandparent so you carry the gene. We'll see when the baby's born-"

"How about the baby is King's because he's the only one I fucked in the last two or so years? Anyone ever think of that?" Tilly Beans cut in.

"I'm scared actually." Chewy said. "Chances are if it's a boy, it'll be around Varo and we all see how the twins are-"

"Don't do my twins like that. D1 and D2 are bomb ass assassins because I trained 'em accordingly." Varo interjected.

"There's too many kids to keep track of." Trey said. "This family needs to stop breeding."

"Nah we need more kids. They're cute." Breezy said. "Especially since they're all growing up so fast. Natalia's already in kindergarten, like that's crazy."

While everyone was off discussing the manor of what was going on, I reached across the table and grabbed Tilly Beans' hand.

My life was too perfect. There's nothing I would change.

~Tilly Beans P.O.V.~
~6 Months Later~

"King! Can you help me!" I called out from the bathroom after I got out of my shower. I wrapped my hair up in the towel and looked in the mirror... I looked so different but I had such nice skin, I was glowing.

"What'chu need?"

"Can you help lotion me down?" He nodded his head and grabbed my lotion from off the counter. It's been really hard these last couple of weeks to move around and do basic ever day things. I've been so tired, really sore, and just want to lay down... Which is boring for me but if I don't, I get a lot of back pain.

I miss drinking coffee and eating things like sushi. I fit into absolutely none of my clothes so I'm usually just in a pair of King's boxers and a bra because that's all that works for me at this point and I refuse to wear maternity clothes.

"Can you do your arms?" I nodded my head and got a dollop of lotion in my hand before rubbing it on my arms. I felt a kiss on my protruding tummy which made me chuckle. "Does that really tickle?"

"Yeah it does but I like when you rub my tummy, it feels nice." He rubbed the lotion right on my tummy and it put a smile on my face. "Are there stretch marks?"

"You have some but not a lot like I thought you'd have. They aren't pink either, they're that light tan color-"

"I now have tiger stripes on my tummy." I said so proudly. "Are they under my tummy where I can't see?" He nodded. "I need a mirror-"

"You'll see after the baby is born." He said working the lotion on my legs now. We have no idea what the gender is because I wanted to be surprised and King especially wanted to be surprised.

"I'm gonna miss being pregnant though." He looked up at me and cocked a brow. "I like balancing my bowls and plates when I'm eating-"

"Shhh, I don't wanna hear anymore." He said laughing. "Such an odd female."

"That you love regardless." He stood up and gave me a sweet kiss that left me needing much much more.

"That is very true. I'm gonna go drop something off at Varo's, then I'll be back and we can go to the beach, alright?" I nodded my head and turned back around to face the mirror.

What to do with this rats nest of hair? I'm scared to comb it but I guess I'll just use a gallon of detangler and work some magic.


"I wanna lay on my stomach but I can't." I said as I looked at Sweets who was laying right on her stomach. King and Varo were with the kids down by the water while we were in the sand.

"Want me to dig a hole for your stomach so you can lay in the sand?" She asked with a small laugh.

"You're gonna need to make a pretty big hole." She nodded her head and I scooted over so she could start digging my tummy hole. "I wish everyone else could be out here today too."

"Well when the baby is born, you already know we're gonna all be at your house to see the baby." That is very true and I can't wait- wait. Yes I can, I like my tummy table and the glowing skin.

"I'm gonna go to snack bar to get an ice cream, do you want anything?" I had an instant kick for ice cream, and a kick in general from my over active little parasite- by definition -buddy.

"Yes. I want chocolate please." I nodded my head and made the ultimate struggle to get up. Shaking off as much sand as I could, I walked along the small sand dunes and up to the snack bar.

I had to stand on my tippy toes. God damn, more like pull myself up- why was this so high up?

"What can I get you Ma?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"Two chocolate sundae cone shit things." I said putting a ten dollar bill up on the counter. "I need napkins too-"

"You can have anythin' you want."

"I want a bullet through your throat too." I said grabbing the ice cream and napkins. "Toodles and thank you!" I called out as I took my pregnant-self back over to Sweets-

I dropped the ice cream and held my tummy when the sharpest pain I have ever felt ripped right through me. Oh good God no.

"Tilly Beans?" Varo called out with concern. "Tilly Beans!" He yelled when I got down to my knees and just sat there in the sand for a minute. I felt hands on me and then I was lifted up and walked over to our towel.

"What happened?" Sweets asked as she pulled out her gun and cocked it. "Point to who-" I shook my head and she just stared at me. "Are you having contractions?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't know... this happened a few months back but it was nothing so maybe that was what was happening right now?

"When King gets back with 'Talia, I think we should take you to the hospital. I'm not about to help you give birth on a beach, uh uh. I felt sick when Sweets went through it." I gave him the 'nigga whet' look. "Okay I wasn't sick, but I don't wanna be responsible for delivering a child." I literally just blacked out. I guess it was time for me to reboot myself, because my ass was out like a light.


To save everyone's time, let's just summarize this. I went through with birth and me being that boss ass Lady G that I am, I didn't even have an epidural. Fuck that needle, heroin needles alone scare me, so seeing that long ass little shit made me loose all the color in my skin.

There was a huge surprise... I had twins. I've always hated surprises unless it was some kind of sex related surprise but the twin surprise was the best surprise I ever had. I was actually crying when I heard both of them cry.

"Congratulations on your little boy and little girl, Tilly Beans." The nurse said as she placed them both on my chest. They were so small but so cute and their cries didn't even bother me. I just wanted to snuggle them forever and never let them go.

"They're your new coconuts." King said as he stood by me, kissing my cheek. "They're precious." He picked up the little girl and held her while I clung to the little boy. "Son is automatically named Prince." King said with a small laugh.

"Then what are we gonna name her?" I asked looking up at him through eyes that had tears still seeping through. Prince stopped his crying and just laid there looking right at me with innocent eyes.

"Name her after your Mom." He suggested. "What was your Mom's middle name?"

" Cali, but do you really think that would be a good name? I get she would be named after my Mom but I don't know." It would be nice to name her after Mom but I don't know about that name so much.

"Prince and Cali. I like that and they're our kids anyways Tilly Beans. Look at your little nickname. Unless you wanna name her Jillian and then you can call her Jilly Beans." He took a seat in the chair next to me and kissed little Cali on her forehead. That doesn't sound right to me.

"I don't like that name for her, unless it's just her middle name or nickname. We need a name that goes with Prince."

"Victoria is a cute name." He suggested. "Prince and Victoria. Reminds me of King and Mariah." He smiled. "Except without the thuggish ties of course." Very true King.

"Then her name is Victoria, but you understand she's getting a nickname right?"

"I already knew. So what did you have in mind?" Both children were actually taken away from us and I wanted to shank the nurse with the IV bag because she took Prince away from me. That was my son, where are you going with him? He needs to be in my arms where I know he's happy and safe. Bring him back! I may have just given birth but I will beat her ass if she does anything to make him or Victoria cry.

"You're the one who's good at nicknames, not me."

"Wait till she's older. I'll come up with a nickname when she's established herself and who her identity is." I scooted over in my bed and motioned for him to come lay next to me, which he gladly did. "You ready for twins?"


"You'll be fine. If Varo handled D1 and D2 when they were new borns, I'm sure we can handle our own twins." He wrapped an arm around me and held me close. Laying my head on his chest like always, I smiled to myself.



"When we get home do you promise you'll Play With Me?" He nodded his head and reached down to give me another kiss.

The End.

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