Team Sonic & Pokémon Racing

By Lendsey2004

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Sonic and his friends (Along with Ash and Co) receive mysterious invitations to a Team Car Racing Grand Prix... More

Chapter 2: Time to Race
Chapter 3: Guess Who's Back!?
Chapter 4: Cheats Never Prosper!
Chapter 5: The Race Continues
Chapter 6: The Kidnapping
Final Chapter: The Final Showdown

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Invite

326 2 0
By Lendsey2004

Ash: It sure is a nice day today!

Iris: The world is at peace again!

Clemont: It sure is!

Sonic: You said it, Clemont!

Amy: Hi, Sonic! Omochao, Big, Serena, May, Max, Dawn, and I are having a picnic.

Max: Want to join us?

Big: 🤨 What was that small noise?

Ash: Hearing the word "picnic" has gotten me hungry.

Iris: Nothing fills your stomach, Ash. You're such a little kid.

Sonic: Anyway. Knuckles, Tails, Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Iris, and I got these weird invitations to meet somebody at the beach for some kind of race, but I've always got time for a chili dog!

Bonnie: Wow! You got invitations for a race?

Amy: A race? Hmm. We didn't get any invitations.

Dodon Pa: Ho ho ho ho. Hello to you all. I am Dodon Pa. I'm glad to see you accepted the honor of my invitation. Are you ready to prove to me that you're the fastest?

Clemont: "Fastest" is Sonic's middle name!

Tails: But what's this race all about? Your invitation was skinny on details.

Dodon Pa: Oh, details are quite unimportant, especially to those of limited intellectual capacities. All you need to know is that you'll race as teams in the most advanced cars that my super science can create, testing your limits on my punishing track.

Serena: That's a bit vague.

Amy: And, ignoring that "limited intellectual capacities" crack, all this "super science" and "punishing track" talk sounds suspiciously Team Egg Rocket-esque.

Iris: You may be right, Amy.

Knuckles: I just met this guy and I already don't trust him.

Pikachu: I wanna see this race and super cars.

Sonic: Pikachu's right! You guys will be safe as long as I'm around!

Dodon Pa: A wise choice, fellas. Join me in my spaceship and we'll go to Planet Wisp, where the first race awaits.

Ash: Planet Wisp!

Clemont: Me, Ash, Serena, and Bonnie haven't been there since when we went to Eggman and Team Rocket's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park.

Bonnie: Can we go back there? Pretty please!

Sonic: Sure!

Big: That sounds like fun! Can I go in your spaceship?

Dodon Pa: Why not? A large feline such as yourself would be an asset in any race.

Omochao: If you're going, Big, then Amy, Serena, May, Max, Dawn, and I will go with you too.

Dawn: Yeah! Once we start the race, we'll have no need to worry!

Big: I'm feeling a little bit worried.

Tails: Don't worry, Big! Team Sonic will have Team Rose to race against.

Ash: Let's get going! I call shotgun!

Pikachu: Let's go!

Serena: Here we are again!

Iris: This must be Planet Wisp. It's a bit... Team Egg Rocket-ish.

Dawn: Some of it looks so... modernized.

Ash: Team Egg Rocket was renovating it to make it part of their theme park.

Bonnie: But we saved that planet!

Serena: And PS, Sonic, Ash, and Pikachu were talking to a broken robot.

Max: 😒 Talking to a broken robot...

May: 😒 That's a bit lame...

Sonic, Ash, and Pikachu: 😔 We're ashamed...

Dodon Pa: Welcome to Wisp Circuit, the first in a series of team races.

Max: Me and Bonnie will watch from the stands.

Iris: So the winner of the tournament gets to keep their car.

Knuckles: Sweet!

Tails: A little too sweet! There's something about this Tanuki I just don't trust!

Iris: What's that?

Pikachu: Another Wisp!

The Jade Wisp made Sonic's car disappear.

Dawn: Where'd Sonic go?!

Sonic: I'm right here!

Tails: The Jade Wisp makes our cars disappear and reappear.

Ash: Let's call it Ghost!

Wisp Circuit (Team Race)

Dodon Pa: Kiddies. You can help your team members by throwing hazards on the track.

Ash: I'll help Sonic.

Clemont: I'll help Tails.

Iris: I'll help Knuckles.

Serena: I'll help Amy.

May: I'll help Omochao, Chao, Hero Chao, and Dark Chao.

Dawn: I'm going to help Big.

Sonic: We're all set!

3, 2, 1, Go!

Team Sonic and Team Rose raced each other to the finish line.

Ash: This is amazing!

Sonic: Item Box up ahead!

Sonic, Ash, and Pikachu grabbed the Item Box.

Pikachu: Rhythm!

Pikachu used Rhythm on May and the Chao.

Max: What's up with those music notes on May and the Chao?

Bonnie: That's from the Magenta Rhythm.

Omochao: Rhythm obscured our view.

Iris: Our team's gonna beat you down!

Clemont: I'm feeling some strange power.

Dodon Pa: That's your Team Ultimate!

Knuckles: Ultimate Team action is ON!

Team Sonic used their Team Ultimate.

Dodon Pa: The winner is Team Sonic and Team Ash!

Sonic: We won, team!

End of Race

Dodon Pa: Well done, one and all. Of course, some of you did better than others. Some of you might not survive at all. Ho ho ho ho.

Amy: Y'know, that creepy chuckle is one "O" away from an Eggman laugh.

Dodon Pa: Team Sonic had no trouble on the track, with a little bit of help from Team Ash, they've made that race a double.

Iris: That was Team Rocket's line.

Axew: You don't think that...

Amy: I'm telling you guys, something about this whole setup smells rotten to me!

Serena: Who would appear out of nowhere and has a bunch of strangers compete in a crazy, dangerous race?

Clemont: This has all the makings of a Team Egg Rocket plot!

Tails: These super sophisticated vehicles, this mysterious competition...

Bonnie: You think that Dodon Pa is in cahoots with Team Egg Rocket?

Big: I think he's nice. Just look at this pretty car he's letting me drive.

Dodon Pa: If you think your car is pretty now, my fine feline, just wait until you unlock the Cosmetic Mods.

I'm not including the Cosmetic Mods in this fanfiction.

Whale Lagoon (Team Race)

Tails: Let's do this!

3, 2, 1, Go!

Team Heroes and Team Rose raced each other to the finish line.

Clemont: An Item Box!

Tails and Clemont grabbed the Item Box.

Clemont: Rocket!

Clemont threw Rocket at Dawn and Big.

Big: Huh? What was that?

Tails: It's Ultimate time!

Team Sonic used their Team Ultimate.

Dodon Pa: Team Sonic wins again!

Tails: Excellent job!

End of Race

Ash: That was awesome!

Sonic: As much as I like to run, it was really fun to drive this thing!

Big: It was almost as fun as fishing.

Iris: There's something off about Dodon Pa.

Tails: I agree!

Bonnie: This level of technology is advanced, even for Clemont or Tails.

Clemont: Maybe he's testing the limits of his cars.

Knuckles: Or maybe he's testing our limits.

Dodon Pa: Either? Neither? Both? Who can say? Ho ho ho ho. Win or fail, it's up to your teams and your teamwork. Now, are you ready for the next match?

Ash: Sure! Let's do this! To the next track!

Team Grand Prix

Serena: Dodon's tech is amazing!

Amy: I've never seen anything like my car! It's so fast it's scary!

Clemont: Hey guys! Omochao told me about these cars. There are three types of cars.

Serena: What are those three types?

Clemont: The ones you, Amy, Sonic, Ash, and Pikachu are using are Speed Cars, they can go very fast. The ones Big, Dawn, Knuckles, and Iris are using are Power Cars, they can smash through obstacles.

Omochao: And the ones me, my Chao friends, May, Tails, and Clemont are using are Technique Cars, they have improved handling and can attract Rings for collection.

Max: Wow, Omochao, you're the master of exposition!

Omochao: Heh heh, yeah. It's kinda my deal, isn't it?

Dodon Pa: Prepare yourselves for the Grand Prix race! Your team competes against others, and cooperation is key!

Timeskip to after the Grand Prix

Iris: Wow! That Grand Prix was really tense!

Clemont: OK, get back to us as soon as you find anything out.

Big: Who are you talking to, Clemont?

Clemont: No one, Big.

Big: I understand. I talk to Froggy sometimes when he's not around and I miss him.

Dodon Pa: All right, racers, the easy part is over.

Omochao and May: That was easy?

Doctor's Mine (Survival Race)

Dodon Pa: Compared to what comes next that was child's play. Prepare yourselves for the punishing Survival Race!

Clemont: Survival Race?

Dodon Pa: The last racers in every lap will be eliminated until only the fastest remain.

Tails: "Punishing"? "Eliminated"? You use a lot of disturbing words!

Ash: I for one am intrigued!

Pikachu: Me too!

Sonic: Same here! Let's do this! Nothing's gonna stop us from surviving this race!

3, 2, 1, Go!

Team Sonic and Team Rose raced each other to survive the race.

Knuckles: Another Item Box!

Knuckles and Iris grabbed the Item Box.

Iris: What does this Wisp do?

Iris used Laser on Amy and Serena.

Serena: That came from Laser!

Lap 2

Tails: No! Me and Clemont have been eliminated!

Clemont: Go on without us!

Knuckles: Another Item Box!

Knuckles and Iris grabbed the Item Box.

Ash: That's Cube!

Iris threw Cube behind them.

Chao: Chao chao!

May: Wha?!

May and the Chao were hit by the cube.

Final Lap

Dawn: Oh no! Me and Big are eliminated!

Big: Oh...

Iris: Item Box!

Knuckles and Iris grabbed the Item Box.

Knuckles: What's this?

Iris used the Violet Wisp to suck up the Rings.

Axew: It sucked up those Rings.

Iris: We'll call it, Void!

Knuckles: Team Ultimate is ready to go!

Team Sonic used their Team Ultimate.

Dodon Pa: The winner is Team Sonic!

Knuckles: Awesome!

End of Race

Serena: That was a bit brutal, Dodon Pa.

Amy: Why are you putting us through all of this?

Dodon Pa: Don't worry your pretty little head about it, you two. It's technical.

Amy: That's the most condescending thing I've heard all day.

Ash: The day is still young!

Pikachu: You said it, Ash!

Amy: Hey, Sonic, Ash, Pikachu! Can you try to pass through the checkpoints?

Pikachu: Let's do that!

Timeskip to after Sonic, Ash, and Pikachu passed the checkpoints

Serena: That was amazing!

May: Tails, Clemont, your Technique Car can attract Rings, right?

Tails: Yeah.

Max: Let's put it to the test!

Timeskip to after Tails and Clemont collected the Rings

Max: You collected a lot of Rings!

Ash: To the next race!

To be continued...

Next time Team Rose will do the next races. See ya soon folks!

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