~my sweet little believer~


10.1K 321 236

How did it happen? ~He met you by chance one night, and no matter how hard you try, you can't escape him. Ev... More

!attention all readers!
~the first sighting~
~meeting the darkness~
~closing in~
~got you now~
~sweetheart's bedroom~
~the gift~
~jack frost~
~getting home~
~do it pitch~
~please love me~

~welcome home~

824 24 24

_(Y/n)'s POV_

I recall a foggy memory. Being in a field. It was full of vibrant flowers that reached towards the clear sky, and the grass was so green that it almost looked fake. I remember the sun setting over a large hill, revealing a sky full of bright white stars. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. But then it changed. Storm clouds rolled into view, creating loud thundering blasts in the distance.

Lightning struck right next to me, causing me to scream and duck to the side. I ran away from the storm, but it followed me, striking bolts of bright lightning close to me every so often. As I reached the large hill, I turned and looked up, seeing that the lightning and thunder had suddenly stopped. Just as I was about to move, the light from the sky struck once again right above me. I had no time to react before it hit me...and then I wake up.

I am in a strangely unfamiliar room, laying in a bed that is also foreign to me. Everything around me is the same tint of black and grey, except for a large gold mirror placed on a dresser in the corner.

I quickly sit up and scan the room again, more thoroughly this time, and spot a door of the same color with two large, curved handle. I jump out of the soft bed and race to the door, hoping to make my way out of this place, but am stopped. Gee, I wonder who could have stopped me?

A smooth grey hand reaches out and grabs my wrist, pulling it away from the handle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, my dear."  I turn as I force myself to swallow a scream, facing the man that I recognize painfully well. It becomes clear to me now what is happening, as it comes back to me in scattered flashes of memories.

He kidnapped me. He scared me and (S/n) half to death, shoved me on some demented horse, and kidnapped me. And all without my parents having a clue what was going on. Now he's here, grabbing me and preventing me from leaving. Shit.

I stare with my mouth slightly open, taking in the image of his smirking face, and his hand wrapped around my shaky wrist. He slowly lets the smile fall from his face and stares at me for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"I assumed that you would be terrified right now, considering what is happening to you. I'm pleased to see that I was wrong. I can't sense any fear on you at all, and something tells me that it will be quite hard to scare you from now on." I am speechless for at least another minute of this one sided conversation, hardly able to keep eye contact with him.

He finally lets go of me, allowing me to pull my arm back and step away from him. "How very rude of me, I don't believe I've formally introduced myself. My name is Pitch, Pitch Black." He extends his slender hand towards me.

"And you are?" I hesitate, but decide it is best not to anger him. Shaking his hand, I reply slowly.
"(Y/n)... (Y/n) (L/n)." He seems to like my name, judging by the gentle smile that he gives right after I announce it. "(Y/n)...what a perfect name for such a lady as yourself."

He then grabs me again, more softly this time, and raises my hand to his lips, looking up at me before placing a small kiss on it. I shiver. The way that he said my name mixed with the kiss gave me a feeling I couldn't describe.

I can definitely tell that he knows what he wants from me, and that he won't stop until he gets it. I feel a little less nervous however, and so I decide to ask him a seemingly simple question. "Pitch...why am I here exactly?"

_Pitch's POV_

I'm so distracted by how my name sounds when she says it that I almost miss the question entirely. The question that she asks me should be extremely easy to respond to, and yet I can't really decide on a simple answer.

I would say that it is because she is a special case as far as believers go, but I can't help but think that maybe that isn't exactly the case. That there is another, more important reason. Not being able to just ignore her, I answer the question with an admittedly vague answer. "My dear... I have brought you here because you are very important."

It is the truth, but it does sound like I am dodging the question a bit. Despite that fact, my answer does seem to spark something in my lovely captive. She pulls her hand away, slightly to my disappointment, and looks at me with curious eyes.

"Important? What would make me so important?" She doesn't speak in anger or disgust, but instead speaks with small hints of interest and confusion. I must say that her voice is something that I could listen to every waking moment of my never ending existence. While she is willing to converse with me, I might as well draw it out.

For that reason, I decide to fuel her curiosity even more by answering, "Why yes, of course you are. You are a very special case, my sweet (Y/n). You say that you do not know who I am, correct? And yet you can see me... so I'll ask this only once. Who do you think I am?"

I await her answer with open ears, enjoying the look on her that screams "I'm thinking extremely hard right now." Finally, she moves her gaze back to my face and quietly answers, "I have no idea who you are."

I am not dissatisfied by this answer, seeing as it proves my earlier suspicions to be true. She doesn't believe in me, but she has no problem talking to and interacting with me. She can touch me. This is something that no law of the Guardians could ever explain.

I have to know why this is happening. But then again, why should I complain about being able to touch someone again after all this time? I step closer to her, taking a strand of her hair in between two of my fingers. I can very clearly hear her inhale sharply, but to my surprise, she doesn't try to pull away. She instead calms herself and tries with visible effort to stay still.

It is, in my opinion, extremely entertaining to watch her struggle. It's not like my main goal is to befriend her. So I decide to mess with her a bit. I reach down with my other hand and cradle her cheek, rubbing it slightly with my thumb.

I feel her tense up as she avoids my eyes, but she quickly gains her composure and focuses on keeping a straight face. How amusing. I lean closer to her, slowly taking a step forward as I do so. I wonder what else I can do.

At this point, she has her eyes closed, not being able to see what I am doing. I am now very close to her, with only about a few inches of room separating the both of us. I lean over and rest my chin on her shoulder, which allows her to realize how close I am.

I feel her heart rate spike dramatically, but still don't sense any fear. So what is she feeling? I turn my head towards her, pushing my face closer into her neck. She's so warm. I have no idea how this situation looks until I feel her try to back away from the position she is in. I'm wondering if I should stop.

At this point her heart rate is much higher than usual, but still no fear. I think about the many scenarios of what would happen if maybe I push a little more, but I know that making her uncomfortable isn't ideal.

I am about to pull away and leave her alone when two soft hands reach out and rest on my neck. It is my turn to stop breathing. I have no idea how I am supposed to react as she moves her hands to my hair, running her silky hands through it and brushing out small knots.

Why do I feel like this. This feeling...it's unbearable. I can't take it. And so, with much regret, I pull away suddenly and say rather vaguely. "I'll be back soon."

~See you soon~

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