Love Drunk Into the Night Noi...

By oliviaclark143

8.9K 263 130

As you probably know Dmmd (Dramatical Murder) is a yaoi BL game. This story is Noiz X Aoba (cuz its my fav pa... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Three~

Chapter Two~

3.1K 94 66
By oliviaclark143

Where am I?

Aoba questioned himself. He feels exausted and can't move or see. He struggles and realizes his eys are heavily shut and his limp body is slightly moveable. With more strain, he manages to free his eyelids of their heavy and dark prison. The light blindingly enters his eye, unable to comprehend where he is. It seems like minutes until his weary eyes adjust to the piercing white flooding his eyes.

Tch! Where am I?

Aoba asks himself again, the light pouring in almost buring his retinas. It made him question how long he was asleep for.

How long was I out? And who was that man from before?

After what seems like ages, his eyes can finally look around unscathed. Besides his eyes, the rest of his body felt numb and couldn't move it much. He manages to look around to asses where he is. He is laying an a large bed, probably queen or king size, not common in Japan. To the wall to his left was a large window with a balcony, overlooking what seems to be Midorijima

Good, he thinks. Im still on the island.

The morning light peered through the window leaving streaks of yellow on the light grey bed sheets. To his right was a door, most likely a bathroom, due to what appears to be a sink and mirror. Straight infron of Aoba was a large door, most likely leading to the rest of the house. The room itself had olive green colored walls and nice carpets. However, thats not what Aoba was worried about right now. He needed to find out where he was and get out of here.

It wasn't until mid-day until Aoba heard the loss of silence, broken by human voice. They seemed to be aproaching the larger door. Fear and adrenaline filled Aoba, anxious to meet his captors.

Who are they? What do they want from me? Did they do anything to me?

Aoba started to think of horrid things when the men burst noisly into the room. Aoba could jsut about make out what they looked like. There were two men, one was smaller, skinnier that the other but more handsome. He wore classy glasses and had bleached blonde hair. He wore a suit with accents of green and blackand hsi eyes were a strange piercing metallic blue. He wore a sly smile and held up his hand for the other man to stop talking. The othe rman was much more muscluar and taller. H ehad no classes and wore no suit but wore a stange green and black plaid vest which didn't suit his masculinity. His face turned sour when his compainion told him to stop talking. They almost look like twins, or at least brothers.

"Hello", the smaller one said wryly. Aoba didn't know what to make of him. He was sure this was the man he saw that night.

"Tch how silly of me! I nearly forgot to introduce myself! My names Virus. This is Trip. And you are? Oh wait, you can't talk. Sorry about that. We may have drugged you a bit too much. Kinda stong on the smaller people y' know?"

Drugged me?! What who are these strange men?!

"You may be wondering where you are. Don't worry you are still in Midorijima. Just you are at our place. Nice isn't it? Haha nevermind. If want to know, you have been out for three and a half weeks.

THREE AND A HALF WEEKS? What are these stangers talking about? Thats not possible. What about Grams? I can't have possibly been out for three and a half weeks?

Aoba's blood begins to boil. He hates thses men. What have they done to him? What about Grams? He's just about ready to explode.

"WAIT JUST ONE SECOND!", suddenly screams Aoba.

Obviously taken aback by the fact he had yelled at them the men stare blankly at the blue-haird man for several seconds. Virus' stare turned into a sly remark and he muttered, "Go on. Ask away."

"First of all, how the fuck did I get here? I don't remember anything."

"Thats a side effect of the drugs. You'll remember in a few days, maybe hours.", he said monotonely. "If you wanna know you got here, it happend when you bumped into me on the street. You seemed distracted and sprinted straight into me. You fell and hit your head on the sidewalk, you've been knoked out completely since. We thought you may never wake up."

"Oh", It sall he could mutter after hearing that. He jumps to the next priority. "Wheres Grams? Does she know where I am and if I am okay?"

"She thinks you are in the hospital. She's fine."

Aoba started to get concerned. "Um.. What about the drugs, what where those for even though I was completely asleep?"

Virus's smile turned bigger. "They were used to keep you imobilized. Just in case."

"I-Imobilized? W-why would you need that?"

Trip finally chimes in, "We fucked your brains out thats why."

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