By taylorsversions

223K 6.5K 2.6K

"life was a willow and it bent right to your wind" pre season 2 - season 2 klaus hargreeves x female!oc More

1. The First Meeting
2. Shakespeare
3. Coffee
4. Cigarettes
5. Perfect
6. Put Your Head on my Shoulder
7. Feelings
8. Finally Happy
9. Shared Birthdays
10. The Truth
11. Girl on the Run
12. Scars
13. Do Too
15. Broken Glass
16. Soulmates
17. The Apocalypse of 2019
18. The Apocalylse of '63
19. Bonnie & Clyde
20. Home
21. Allison
22. Paint
23. Frogs are Bitches
24. Welcome to the Family
25. Hargreeves Women
26. Fraud
27. You're Family Now
28. A Light Supper
29. Mother
30. The Board
31. Posession
32. We Make a Good Team
33. Little One
34. Mirror
35. Seconds, Not Decades

36. Back to the Future

4.2K 131 68
By taylorsversions

||The world was on fire and no one could save me but you - Parra for Cuva||

"Yowza" Herb commented as him and Dot arrived at Sissy's ranch, noticing all the dead bodies of the Commission.

"I should've brought my parka" Dot said as she glanced around.

"Excuse me, pardon me" Herb said politely as he stepped over the bodies.

"Herb. Dot" Five greeted as he approached them.

"Hi" Dot replied.

"Sup Herbie" Diego greeted.

"Hey! My man" Herb replied as they started doing a hand shake.

"Good to see you guys" Willow told them, giving the two people who basically raised her, a smile.

"Always good to see you, dear" Dot replied.

"I can't believe it. Is she...?" Herb asked, referring to The Handler.

"Really dead this time? Yes thankfully" Willow replied as Herb and Dot both let out sighs of relief.

"Now that the Handler's gone, what happens at Commission?" Five asked.

"We need to elect a new board of directors. But until then, I've been voted in as acting chairperson" Herb said with pride as Dot smiled and made a clapping motion.

"That's great Herbie" Willow told him with a smile.

"Congrats, that's huge" Diego added.

"I'm so Goddamn nervous" Herb told them.

"You'll do fine" Five reassured.

"Oh, thank you" Herb replied with a smile.

"Herb, we need a favor" Willow told him.

"Oh, sure, anything for you guys" Herb replied.

"A briefcase" Five said. "To go home, where we belong"

"Well, take your pick" Herb responded as he motioned to the hundreds of briefcases that lay on the ground. Willow walked forward and took off the ground, handing it to Five.

"Make sure you keep in touch with us dear, we will need an update..." Dot started but trailed off. "Well, you know what I'm talking about"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell you guys about everything" Willow assured with a smile.


"Hey you" Willow greeted as she walked into the living room of Sissy's house, that was now destroyed. Her boyfriend sat in the middle of the room, clutching Dave's dog tags, closing his eyes and kissing them softly.

"Hello my love" Klaus replied as he looked up at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "And hello to you too" he added, putting a hand on her stomach as she sat down next to him.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I'm not pregnant one here" Klaus replied.

"Well it would be slightly concerning if you were" she said with a chuckle.

"Just slightly?" Klaus asked.

Willow smiled as she rested her head against his shoulder "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?" Klaus replied.

"In 2019. What happens to us?" Willow asked.

"Well of course we now have our little one on the way, and we're married so I guess we just start our family and hopefully be normal?" Klaus suggested.

"How normal can your family get though?" she asked lightheartedly.

"Hey, they're your family now too" Klaus replied, leaning down and kissing her forehead "You wanna go tell them about the baby?"


"Hey Vanny, hey Stabby" Willow greeted her brother and sister in laws as she walked out onto the porch of Sissy's house.

"Hey" they both replied simultaneously, looking up at her.

"Are you both okay after everything?" Willow asked, sitting down next to them.

"I'm tired but other than that I'm okay" Diego replied, giving his sister in law a small smile, appreciating that she cared enough about him to ask.

"Me too. I just want this whole thing to be over and for everything to go back to normal" Vanya said, lifting her head from Diego's shoulder.

"What is normal for your family though?" Willow asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know honestly, our family is kind of crazy" Vanya replied.

"Kind of?" Willow repeated.

"A lot crazy then" Vanya corrected.

"So, what's happening now? With you, I mean" Diego asked, leaning forward so he could look at her.

"I'm coming with you guys, technically I'm supposed to be in 2019 anyway" Willow replied.

"Hell yeah" Diego said, putting his fist out to her, which she responded to by giving him a fist bump.

"Hey guys" Klaus greeted as he walked out onto the porch.

"Hey" Diego and Vanya replied simultaneously again.

"Love me" Klaus said dramatically as he draped himself across his wife, his arm going around her neck as he lay across her lap.

"Klaus!" Willow scolded as he did so.

"Lola, as my wife and the mother of my baby you're going to have to get used to this" Klaus informed, his hand resting on her stomach, smiling as he did so.

Diego took a double take "What did you just say?"

"Oh yeah, Lola's pregnant, surprise!" Klaus revealed.

"What?" Vanya shrieked, her smile growing even wider at the news. She never wanted her own kids but she always wanted to have a baby in the family, she wanted to be the cool aunt.

"Holy shit congrats guys" Diego replied, his face curling into a widen grin, reaching forward and placing his hand on his brother's shoulder, shaking it slightly.

"I can't wait to be an aunt, I'm going to be the coolest aunt!" Vanya said happily.

"You can be the cool gay aunt" Willow told her, appreciating her excitement about the news.

"I love that for me" Vanya replied with a huge smile, happy to have her family back along with the two new additions of her sister in law and her niece or nephew. Also happy and grateful to be accepted for who she was.

"I'm going to be the cool uncle, because we all know that Luther isn't cool" Diego said with a chuckle.

"I think you're all going to be the coolest aunts and uncles" Willow assured, placing her hand over Klaus's on her stomach before he kissed her, unable to stop himself from smiling as he did so.

"Do you two ever stop?" Five asked lightheartedly as he walked out onto the porch.

"You're acting as if you didn't scream that you were the daddy in the middle of a street just a day ago?" Willow asked, pushing Klaus off of her as she stood up with the other Hargreeves.

"Yeah, that was embarrassing" Luther agreed as they all formed a circle.

Five rolled his eyes "Everyone ready?" he asked as he began fiddling with the briefcase.

"Let's do it, yeah" Luther replied as they all joined hands.

"Wait!" Klaus interrupted, causing them all to give him looks of concern, thinking something was wrong.

Klaus then walked away from the group to grab a cowboy hat that sat on Sissy's porch. He smiled as he returned to the group, placing it on his head.

"Fifty bucks if we leave him here" Diego mumbled to Five.

Klaus then grabbed onto his brother and his fiancé's hands as they all stood in a circle. Five clutched the briefcase and opened it.


The seven Hargreeves were all sucked into the time jump and landed back in the Academy, all standing around the table in the hallway.

"Oh good God" Luther groaned as he felt the side effects of time travel beginning to affect him. "What day is it?"

Five picked up a newspaper off the table" April 2nd 2019" Five replied in shock "The day after the apocalypse"

"Wait so you actually did it?" Willow asked in shock, looking at the smaller boy.

"Oh my God, it's over?" Vanya added.

"Did we actually succeed at something?" Klaus asked " That's incredible! And I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink" Klaus added, leaning down and hugging his wife.

"Yes!" Luther answered.

"Actually I need several" Klaus finished, before he hugged Luther.

"I'm in" Vanya replied.

"I should go find Claire" Allison said as she looked towards the door.

"Oh come on, one drink" Luther told her, grabbing her by the arm.

Willow smiled as she looked over at Five, pulling the boy in for a hug, something he hadn't had in a really long time "I'm proud of you bud"

"Thanks" he replied as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back.

"Come in, I think you need a drink after everything that's happened in the past two weeks for you" she said as she pulled away.

They then walked into the living room, examining it as Willow noticed the painting "Hey, I thought there was a portrait of Five over the mantelpiece?" she asked.

"I knew you'd show up eventually" a familiar voice rang from the other side of the room, and the figure stood up to reveal Reginald Hargreeves, still very alive and breathing.

"Dad" Luther breathed out in shock "You're alive?"

"Of course, why should I be?" the alien asked.

"Y-Yeah, you're right, I'm just happy we're home and together again" Luther explained.

"Home?" Reginald repeated "This isn't your home"

"What are you talking about?" Allison asked "This is the Umbrella Academy"

Reginald shook his head "Wrong again. "This is the Sparrow Academy"

They then all turned to look behind them, seeing five figures stand there, along with a floating cube. There was them footsteps and a familiar voice "Dad who the hell are these assholes?"



A/N: and that's the end of 'Willow' ! I'll see y'all again here when season 3 comes out :) thank you so much for reading !!

I have three other Umbrella Academy books if you want to check them out!

- illicit - five hargeeeves (my personal fav)

- reputation - diego hargreeves

- two ghosts - ben hargeeeves

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